#//where the guy sadly usually walks in on soulmate couples being lovey-dovey and by God he wants this weird streak he has to STOP
truly-quirkless · 4 months
Twenty Day Challenge 2024 - Day Two
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Type: Fluff Piece Timeline: Post-Yakuza Raid Location: One of U. A.'s Gyms
Sometimes, sparring sessions....end in a horrible way.
WARNINGS: A lil suggestive towards the end. Also very short, but fight.
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They were silent as light reflected off the metal in their hand. Fin was brandishing a dull version of their personal blade, head slightly downturned as they took in a small breath. It wasn't even their weapon... But if it were their actual knife, they feared what they might do. How they'd FEEL.
Their gloves felt almost constrictive despite how long they'd had them, worried about the wires giving out. They shuffled, silver paint catching the sun.
They were already breathing a bit hard, a thin sheen of sweat on their exposed skin. Their clothes stuck to them in odd places, only making their overheating worse as they prepared to attack.
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"..come at me." He was standing as he would any other day...but there was something more menacing in the air- nearly an aura that poured off of him, toxifying the atmosphere. Yagi's eyes flashed as Fin dashed to the left. He didn't move- keeping an eye eternally on them.
They back-stepped at the last second. A hand thrown back. Pitch-black, needle-thin threads snapped towards the opposing side of the gym. Yagi barely had to move to dodge. Fin was already twisting. The wire was retracting, pulling them along at breakneck speed- barely discernable.
Yagi snapped back. He raised a hand, feeling the metal rod Fin was using as a weapon smack against his palm. He was already turning. Another wire had snapped towards another section of the gym- the first detaching and evaporating, black mist flowing back towards Fin.
The wire disconnected as Fin spun. Their leg met with a block from Yagi, shoving them backwards- and into a roll.
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He already had another metal 'knife' out. He slammed it into Fin's own weapon, feeling the vibration echo up his arm. The sting of the hit burst in his fingers, but he didn't let go.
"You're getting faster."
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"No." Fin vaulted back. Their shoes activated, kicking them slightly up into the air- hovering just barely off of the ground. I don't improve. They pulled their pipe back.
Yagi was on them in a moment- his own weapon smashing downwards. They just barely blocked it with theirs. Fin shoved- Yagi was sent flying backward. He righted himself, landing on his feet as one hand dragged.
"You are." He pulled the pipe close. The two knew too much about each other's fighting style- he could see the last of the 'mist' vanishing back into the small barrels on Fin's gloves. "But..." They were readying their next attack.
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"I'm faster." In a blink, he was in front of them again- forcibly knocking them to the floor from the surprise and sudden change of weight. Fin's back smacked into the concrete with a dull oomph--- the air escaping their lungs in a wheeze.
"What do you say, love?" The 'razor edge' of his weapon was pressed to Fin's neck. "....do you surrender?" One of their hands was raised, less than an inch from ripping his own away- but they'd gone still. Their chest rose and fell as they gasped for air.
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"When-- Hell freezes- over." The wire shot out of their hand, knocking the pipe from Yagi's grip. Just as fast as their other, Fin had flipped the two over. However...their own pipe was also across the floor. They were less than an inch apart, breath coming in small gasps. Hazel and sky blue refused to look away from one another. "What-- about you,...give up?"
There was a twinkle to the Hero's eye as he smirked. What the Hell was he--
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"..Make me." One of Fin's hands had slid to the upper part of Yagi's chest, fingers pressing into the fabric. He could see the tell-tale whispers of pink starting to burn at their cheeks. Those hues flashed with embarrassment- and he took that moment to flip the two back over, slamming Fin once more into the floor. There was another huff of air, leaving Fin gasping for it.
The two were both breathing hard, every pant echoing into the steaming air. A small bit of blood was attempting to escape Yagi’s mouth. His tongue swiped over his lips, watching Fin’s eyes catch on the action. He gulped. They were underneath him,- sweaty and gasping- his mind fell down the possibilities. Memories of the two’s past ‘spars’ flickered behind his eyes.
"Or better yet..." He leaned in close, his smirk growing slightly wider. He could feel their heart, thudding just under his hand. "How about I make you, Hazelnut?" Brown hair slightly wild, their face slowly getting redder, their breath speeding up-- he was leaning in, slowly getting closer-
"For the love of..." A third voice broke the moment. Both heads immediately shot towards the source- a certain raven-haired Hero, looking as dead-tired as always, glaring at the duo. Yagi felt his own face slowly beginning to heat up as he scrambled off of Fin, trying to help them to their feet- how much had Aizawa seen---
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"H-hey, Aizawa--- didja-- need somethin'-"
"Nezu wants to speak with All Might." Fin could just about feel their soul shriveling up in their chest. Aizawa's one seeable eye flicked between the two. "...you can finish up whatever this is later." The raw annoyance in his voice just about knocked Fin flat.
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"Alright." He wasn't about to argue- but damnit. Aizawa was already turning around to leave, leaving the couple momentarily stunned on the floor.... "....see you later?" His voice was quiet- leaning over to give Fin a small peck on the forehead. Their silent nod made him smile as he got to his feet- brushing himself off before helping Fin up as well. "Until then."
"Yep." Fin gave a wave as Yagi walked out of the gym with Aizawa- before slumping to the floor, their face red.
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"....okay...Earth,...y'can go ahead n' kill me now, please..."
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