#//why do I see H0pe like- purposefully causing fear/anxiety and just waving to T3n's lil monsters when they pop up
reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
[ @thehordemultimuse | Reblogged for a starter!]
She could feel it...taste it...the wavering fog that nearly seemed to permeate an entire continent...her stomach rumbled silently at the thought, tongue poking out of her mouth for a moment to wet her lips. Even if Ten wasn't her true self, the desire to be out amongst all that anxiety...all those nerves...
All that fear...
Was nearly overwhelming.
Tax season was upon this part of Mobius- and today, she intended to drink her fill of the fear suffusing the nation.
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"Hey, Hope!" She called- perhaps a little loudly- to her roommate. "I was going to go out into town for a bit- do you wanna come with?" May as well invite faer- even if Ten's motives were simply food...maybe she should pay for a meal for Hope while the two were out. Now, where was Mayo...? Ten wanted to get a few pats in for the not-quite-cat before she left.
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