#I wish there was another way out/For you | Dark Gaia “Tenebrosity”
reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
[ @thehordemultimuse | Reblogged for a starter!]
She could feel it...taste it...the wavering fog that nearly seemed to permeate an entire continent...her stomach rumbled silently at the thought, tongue poking out of her mouth for a moment to wet her lips. Even if Ten wasn't her true self, the desire to be out amongst all that anxiety...all those nerves...
All that fear...
Was nearly overwhelming.
Tax season was upon this part of Mobius- and today, she intended to drink her fill of the fear suffusing the nation.
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"Hey, Hope!" She called- perhaps a little loudly- to her roommate. "I was going to go out into town for a bit- do you wanna come with?" May as well invite faer- even if Ten's motives were simply food...maybe she should pay for a meal for Hope while the two were out. Now, where was Mayo...? Ten wanted to get a few pats in for the not-quite-cat before she left.
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reflections-of-mobius · 3 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
‘ you’re being dramatic. ’ Hope when her totally normal roommate is concerned about her totally not a fever.
[Sickness Prompts. | Accepting!]
Ten huffed at that, a hand stirring a pot of soup while another tried to magically brew some tea. It had been centuries since she'd last used the spell- and even then, it had been for a dying man. He'd had no room to complain...and considering he'd been scared stiff, it made sense he hadn't bothered to tell her he didn't like it. But now, Hope's life was on the line. So- Ten was caught between forming the proper rune with her Chaos Energy, stirring a pot of chicken noodle soup (that was what mortals ate when sick, right?)- and typing rapidly away on Hope's laptop which she'd stolen. She was multitasking to the extreme- tail flicking nervously.
What if her roommate died?
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"I am not being dramatic!" There it was- Ten yelped as the tea spewed forth from the rune...and all over the floor. Her tail swished, growing more agitated. She reached for a cloth, dropping it to the floor and mopping up the magically-conceived concoction, even as the scent of peppermint filled the apartment. "M----many people die of sickness every year! And I am not risking the first roommate I've ever had getting killed off by something too small to even see!"
Why was she so worked up?--- It didn't matter. Hope's survival was all that mattered.
"---Now tell me, what do you usually do when you're sick, aside from the soup and whatnot? You're laying down, right?" Her head spun to check on the hedgehog.
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
[ @familylightfox | Liked for a Dark Gaia/Tenebrosity starter!]
Ten had been wandering through the desert. Ever since her conversation with Murk, she had been remaining within this expanse of sand and wind. It wasn't the most enjoyable- even if this wasn't her main vessel, it still felt strange to go so long without a sentient mind to feed off of- to channel the fear she embodied. She tilted her head, tail fluffing as a ring suddenly popped into the sky- spinning into existence.
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"Don't see that every day!" And she was circling around it- bright blue eyes flashing as the strange Chaos Energy swirled and twisted. The goddess hadn't seen anything quite like it- she could nearly swear it had the ingredients of a teleportation spell from one of those Chaos Gates- but she wasn't certain. Not certain, that is, until she had turned to face the front- spotting something entirely different on the other side. She blinked- staring at the strange sight.
"Woah..." She could sense it- the world had been cut, then temporarily sewn- stretching across the very edges of her reality and into another. On the other side, there was a mobian- she looked rather stocky, muscle-bound- with quills that ended in light blue puffs of fur, and a frame that reminded Ten of a rather familiar blue blur...but only in the nights when she had been lost in her rage. "...is this some kind of gate...? Hello, there!" She waved to the mobian on the other side with a grin.
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"...dang.." Ten murmured, light-blue eyes flicking across the shop window. She had shrunk her form down so that she could actually see in the window without bending over, the midday sun beating down on her back as she gazed at the clothing on display. Hot, dry dust blew by on the desert breeze as the deity in disguise turned away from the attire, the fin atop her head slowly seeming to go limp, falling against her head in dejection as her tail dragged.
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"....maybe I should try to find somewhere to stay..." Ten could sleep anywhere, that much was true- but she kind of hoped for an actual home- like those silly pictures she saw on the television, or blurred in the nightmares of Mobius. She could worry about clothing after- all she needed was the golden ring on her tail, glowing ever-so-gently, even in the midday light.
She would have to make a note of the store, and probably change her form a bit to fit into the outfits presented...
"....right. No use moping." She shook her head, taking in a breath. "Gotta find some place to live, I can worry about clothes some other day." As well as other things... But Ten wasn't sure what. While she was, to a degree, all-powerful... She was very much finite in her understanding outside of terror- and fear itself, while a decent teacher... Wasn't the best at helping her sort out how to live in this strange world.
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"...uh..." She looked around, eyebrows scrunching. Wait.-- How did one...? Find a place- Ten, not really thinking about it- tried to wave down one of the passers-by, a hedgehog that somehow made her feel the faintest fire, like a blaze in the hedgehog's soul- but she ignored it for now. There were more important things to think about than odd drawings. "...do you know how to find someplace to live?" Ten tilted her head- not at all realizing just how many social norms she'd smashed through, as well as the fact that asking such a question really wasn't normal.
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reflections-of-mobius · 6 months
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Type: Plot Progression Universe: Enlightened Darkness Location: The Rolling Sands (Shamar Desert)
He knew this feeling....sand drifted across the barren landscape, the sun beating down its impossible heat upon an unwilling, scorched earth. The clear blue sky was nearly mocking in its appearance- almost as if it were looking at any wandering, wayward souls with a smirk, whispering 'weakling'.
There were cities in this barren place, of course- some dared to be built out in the open, a testament to sentient life and the stubbornness of all of Mobius- while some were built in the darkness, in the mountainous rocks that cut up from the crust. But between these monuments of survival- of life- two sets of footprints came to a standstill.
Silence brewed in that moment- so loud that it seemed even the sands flowing on the wind quieted themselves.
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"....Dark...?" His voice nearly echoed, a single word- not the full name- spoken...and yet he could swear he felt the grains beneath his sandals tremble.
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"...and here I was, thinking you wouldn't recognize me, Mephiles..." He flinched. Tenebrosity's tail flicked, the pink tuft at the end somehow cutting a gash in the sand. Light splashed into Mephiles' eye, causing him to grunt and pull back...just before Ten moved a foot over the freshly-formed glass. "...I go by Tenebrosity these days, though...please, call me Ten."
Mephiles exhaled, his eyes slowly sliding from Tenebrosity's new appearance to her eyes. She had taken on distinctly lizard-esque qualities- with dark, nearly black, purple scales that faded into a distinct light blue at her hands and feet. She still sported those six arms she seemed to like so much in her true form, and her eyes...they faintly glowed with a hidden light. That ring on her tail...was it...?
He shook his head.
"...and I, Murk..." Tenebrosity couldn't help but chuckle.
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"Who would ever think..." The most powerful beings on all of Mobius...but they had both selected this path- as the two seemed to have a habit of doing, whether by choice or not.
She shifted a step closer- keeping a forever-eye on the pseudo-hedgehog. Murk looked vaguely like his true self, but...the mouth was pretty new- as were the pants and sandals...another small chuckle.
"What are you doing here, D----....Tenebrosity?" Well...that was a question she supposed made sense. Murk watched as his acquaintence's expression darkened- her tail going still, the light in her horns flickering.
"...making amends, though meeting you...was unexpected. Have you decided to attempt to destroy this world of mine?" She could feel it, the growing unease- flickering in the air, echoing out as fear echoed in the depths of Murk's heart. What did he have to fear? Surely he wasn't--- "...wait...you...?"
"𐌍𐌄ᕓ𐌄𐌓 𐌀Ᏽ𐌀𐌉𐌍…" Her head tilted. Something in the atmosphere shifted- a weight that had begun to press on the pseudo-hog instantly lifting. Tenebrosity donned a faint smile, lips curving upwards.
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"...I'm glad to hear it." And she was sure that Chip would be elated- if he could see this conversation. "But what changed?" Murk's foot shuffled. His eyes fell away from the goddess. The deity let out a breath he didn't need to copy. Once his eyes returned to Tenebrosity- she could see the true color- a glittering, demonic green- bathed in the blood of a million lives, the screaming of countless souls stitched into black markings at the edges...
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"That is for me to know, Tenebrosity." There was something off in those hues. The malice that Ten had seen in so many nightmares- that glint that sought the edge of a blade, that craved a world bathed in hellfire--- had it always been so full of pain? And in a blink, the eyes of his disguise were back in place.
"I wasn't going to press, don't worry~. That's for you to know." But- she would take his change with a grain of salt. His journey was very...very....long- and she had seen far too many nightmares over millennia to believe him outright. Still- the benefit of the doubt never hurt. "For now...I think we should both be on our own ways....though I do hope to run into you again, Murk."
Maybe he would say well-behaved-- but she didn't have high hopes. Though it was a little surprising to see the pseudo-hog bow his head.
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"...if you wish to...please, come find me in Sanden." He knew so little about Dark Gaia- but what he did know, from seeing her very creation, to the present...he couldn't help but hope to build a bridge where once there'd been none. Please.... "...I'd like you to meet my friends." I promise-
I've changed.
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"I'd love to meet them. But- I think I'll wander a little longer before I do." She wondered if the city would still be standing by the time she came by. It was highly unlikely. "Until then, Murk."
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"...Tenebrosity..." Murk watched as the other 'melted' into the sand- the Chaos Energy she emitted telling of her location as she drifted across the shadows- before suddenly darting away. His own eyes flickered around.
Everything would go well....
He turned, a shudder traveling down his spine for a moment as he reinforced his disguise. The crunch of sand underfoot was all that could be heard as the disguised deity began trekking back along his own path. New footsteps...replacing those he had made before.
"OhmyChaos, ohmyChaos...!" The disciple whimpered. They'd had a hand over their mouth, red eyes focused on the exchange below. Only once both parties were gone, did they dare to relax even the slightest bit.
Dark Gaia.
Mephiles the Dark.
They were lucky they weren't spotted- or worse, killed. The devils who sought the destruction of Mobius--- they'd been so close--! The frailty of their mortal shell was crashing down on them, their heart beating a few million miles per hour in their chest. They were just grateful they hadn't wet themself, to top off their immense panic.
Ears flicked rapidly- before they suddenly leapt from the sands. Dark Gaia and Mephiles the Dark, speaking? There was no way in Hell that it had been a casual conversation. They had to be plotting something- something horrific,- the end of Mobius? It had to be--- why else would those two interact????
They were just a lowly disciple-- they needed someone who knew what they were talking about- someone who could solve this- break the apparent bonds between the two devils of Mobius, the destroyers.
"Mother Gile--- needa--- Mother Gile--!" They bolted.
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reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
🍑[Hope is just. looking at faer roommate's tail. That's all.] [feel free to ignore this fdghjgfddsfghjg]
[Send an 🍑 for my muse to catch yours staring at their ass. | Accepting!]
Tenebrosity paused, having felt...the strangest thing. It wasn't quite like the hairs on the back of her neck standing up (not that she had any)...it was more like... Eyes. She turned, her own purple-and-blue hues flashing. Wh-.....what was Hope doing?
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"....Hope...is there a reason you're staring at my backside?" Her tail flicked- and she could see the mobian's eyes trail after it. "...are...you interested in my tail?" Confusion filtered into her eyes- then understanding. "...is it the ring?" She doubted it was the tuft of pink fur at the end.
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reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
"Would you kindly try this? I just want to be sure it's not too salty." -Hope @ Ten. (not for a starter or anything, if you don't want, just a little interaction)
[Send 'Would you kindly' and a command, and my muse has to obey. | Accepting!]
"Of course I will." Ten hummed lightly. She accepted the offered food, glancing over the strange dish. It wasn't like anything she had in the fears within her head, nor like anything she'd seen thus far...but she could see the granules of salt laced over top of the dish, cyan eyes glittering with curiosity. "You don't need to ask me twice!"
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The deity of terror and destruction took in a whole forkful of the recipe- chewing slowly but surely. Now, for most, this dish might have been a little on the salty side...but Ten was far from most.
Still. She had to make sure Hope didn't make the dish too salty- she'd feel bad if her friend took this anywhere and came home feeling sad about a rejected experiment!
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"I think it could stand a little less salt- but it's still pretty great! At least...it's great as far as I can tell, but- I'm not exactly the best person to ask." She giggled softly. "Is it okay if I have the rest of this, pretty miss?"
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Anonymous asked:
Resilience for Murk?
[Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme! | Accepting!]
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
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That mostly depends on the source of its failure. If Murk fails in a task that has no opposing force (i.e., a timed task or project for which he is not skilled), then he just accepts the loss and moves forward- with plans forming for how to better handle it in the future. However, if he's presented with a failure caused by another party (i.e., losing a competition, or the entirety of Sonic 06) then it hits him very hard. Think- willing to get revenge hard- but he's working on toning that down, especially now that he no longer has the goal of world-wide destruction/combining with Iblis to drive him forward.
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For Murk, the thing that helps it stand back up after a loss is simply 'I will try again- and next time, I will succeed'. It's driven by a need to do its best. The loss brought about from Sonic 06 brought him low, sure- but it was also a freedom for him, and an awakening. It freed him from the chains of craving being Solaris- and it showed him what it was like to be the loser- something he had refused to accept, initially, when it was captured years prior for research purposes.
There were several of these, the others will all be under a cut!
Wisdom for Bless! Or is it Bliss?
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
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It's Bless, you were right on the mark! And Bless is usually open to other's perspectives. While he won't deviate from his own unless he finds the new perspective to be better, Bless would never cut someone down for having a differing outlook compared to him. After all, that's part of what makes life interesting- and you aren't always going to meet people you agree with! It's more fun to learn where the differences lie, and continue forward regardless.
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Short of killing others, Bless doesn't look to others' past mistakes to judge them on. He knows that not everyone has a good life, and sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do- but he holds a line at taking a life. Unless it's for a damn good reason, i.e., because that person was intent on torture, murder, global domination, experimenting on sentient subjects, etc.,- he's against it. Of course, like anyone- Bless can also step over that line (try to kill his friends or his enbyfriend and you're fucked)... So he'd still be willing to hear someone out if they had a history of murder.
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As for his internal dialogue- it's pretty upbeat! Even in rough situations, he's usually looking for a way to cool everyone down and diffuse whatever's got everyone up-at-arms. However, if it's a fight... There's usually a few dozen quips just on the tip of his tongue, alongside a general battle plan (factoring in everyone who's on his side and their abilities vs. the enemies' abilities, of course).
Leadership for Node
LEADERSHIP– Do they have clear, set goals? Do they take the consideration of others, or do what they will? Would they go out of their way to meet the individual needs of people around them, or create a more standardized all-in-one solution?
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Node... Has no big, set goals with their life. Much like their boyfriend, Bless, they tend to just go with the flow.- With how many times Mobius has been threatened, and the amount of destruction that's unfolded, they worry about trying to set long-term plans, only for them to result in failure. However, in terms of little things, Node does hope someday to start selling their own homemade candles.
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Node always lends a helping hand to those around them- often to their own detriment, actually. Even if they're burnt out or on the edge of collapse, they'll still try to help others... Something that has had Bless quietly trying to gesture for whoever's been talking to Node to say no.
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As you can guess from the above, Node prefers to offer personalized solutions over generalized solutions. If they can, they'd rather make everyone happy by individualizing the solution as opposed to making something for the masses, that not all hands may enjoy.
Forgiveness for Tenebrosity?
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
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Me still with only the one icon for Ten, someone please get me off my ass-
Ten isn't one to linger on negativity, outside of being awoken from her naps early. She's the embodiment of everything dark- fear, death, destruction, violence, anger, you name it and she's got it.- Having to be the living embodiment of such things for Mobius means there isn't a lot of room for resentment, because (contrary to what one may think) Ten can understand the opposing party, usually quite easily. Just because she draws her power from the darker half of the coin doesn't mean she must enjoy it.
She allows change, but she's pretty slow at it- as much as Ten is decent with letting bygones be bygones (after having a massive blow-up, situation depending...). Change... Is not something Ten is highly accustomed to, having been locked in the same eternal cycle with her twin brother since the dawn of Mobius' first civilzation.
Ten acts as she does mostly out of guilt and regret for what she did when Dr. Eggman prematurely awoke her. Her rage spread all over the planet, literally ripped it apart- all because she got furious that she woke up early. The very idea that she nearly caused a planet-wide catastrophe many years too early... It makes her feel sick. She never meant to scare every citizen of Mobius so heavily, nor to give Dr. Eggman so much of her power- and she spends each day and night of her mobian life, at present, trying to make up for that enormous blunder.
Tenebrosity knows, being what she is, that she is beyond forgiveness- no matter what she tries to do to make up for this one event, she will (inevitably) be awoken one day to cause far more damage...
Meaning for Tempest?
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
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Tempest honestly isn't sure where she fits in the current world. Before she ever met Sonic, she was basically a shut-in- and she only grew to have friends because Sonic was the first person to reach out to her. She knows she is the living prison of both the Iblis Flame and Mephiles' Darkness- a living construct that has been reformed, in both body and soul, to keep the two entities forever separated, despite how close they may be.
In a way, Tempest views herself as merely an item- a place, and a monster. For all she has done for her Mobius, she failed in saving humanity. She failed in keeping Iblis in check- she nearly destroyed the world when she was Solaris, all because she was hungry. She is the prison. She is the jailor. She is Iblis and Mephiles' final resting place, and in a way, that is all she can bring herself to view herself as.
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Tempest finds comfort in exploring ancient ruins. In a way, it's a reminder that while she did fail humanity... They still lived. They were transported to Earth, lived out their lives... Eventually, they were forgotten to time- but their legacy gave birth to a new planet- a whole new world. It's also where Tempest feels most at home, in general. Ruins have had a cornerstone in her life for some time now, from being where she finally felt emotions for the first time, to being where she realized humanity had not been erased by her Mephiles- merely misplaced to another world, a single universe away.
She finds comfort in her friends, as well.- Because unlike most of the mobians, Sonic and his friends don't see Tempest as a weapon or a bomb waiting to explode- they see Tempest as Tempest. Someone who's been through as much as the rest of them- and has a hard time expressing herself because she's afraid of what Iblis will do if she does.
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Tempest thinks about her daily life and routine from time to time. It doesn't come across her thoughts all that often, since it's so normal to her... But it does show up, especially when she's wanting out of a situation.
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Tempest is not satisfied with how her life has gone.- But she wouldn't trade it for another chance. She's grateful for the friendships and memories she's made, though she feels... As if what she tried to do wasn't enough. As though she has failed. Sure- Mobius is still here... But it's in tattered ruins. Humanity lived.- But on another planet. She still has the scars on her upper arms/shoulders and shoulder blades to remind her that, for all the good she has done- she is the vessel of evil. She failed when it mattered most, and had to rely on others for her saving grace. She wasn't enough.
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Anonymous asked:
For Tenebrosity, how about drink for the hc meme?
[Send me hc + a word of your choosing and I’ll write a headcanon relating to that word! | Accepting!]
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Iiiiiiiiiiiiimpossible to intoxicate via regular means. It would take an entire temple of Chaos mages days of casting the same 'drunk stupor' spell over Ten before it would actually work- and even then it'd only work slightly. And since Ten has no clue about actual society, she...doesn't really get why everyone's constantly surprised by how much she can drink. If shown what being 'drunk' is like, and asked to, she could fake it- but she wouldn't be too happy with the result.
Overall: she has no drinking moderation, but thanks to being a goddess,...she doesn't really need moderation in that regard, either.
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reflections-of-mobius · 3 months
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Anonymous asked:
For the oc muse question meme. Murk, 1 & 19 & 22, and Tenebrosity, 8 & 12 & 52
[OC Question Meme. | Accepting!]
1.) What's a lie your character says the most often?
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I'm just a guard for Sanden.
19.) What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they've been avoiding?
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Honestly, remain silent and close in on himself as much as possible. If it's someone who may hold a grudge against him or want him dead (Silver, Sonic, Shadow, a random person he's wronged) he'll disappear into the shadows until he's released.
22.) What simple activity that most people do/can do scares your character?
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People watching. The moment he feels eyes on him...he becomes uneasy. While Sanden has forced him to grow accustomed to it- feeling himself being studied by a people-watcher makes his skin crawl. What if they notice something off about his disguise?
8.) How loose is their use of the phrase 'I love you'?
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She doesn't really use it at all. Not even with Chip/Light Gaia- though that's mostly because she and her brother are almost never awake at the same time, since Chip rebuilds civilization/puts Gaia back to sleep when her job is done, every few millennia. So I'd say- she doesn't quite understand the cultural significance of it, so unless specified, she'd be insanely loose about its use.
12.) What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
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"Power word: SCRUNCH."
In more serious terms, jumbling together something serious with something absolutely ridiculous and using it in a serious setting. The end of the clip I linked is a very good example of something that would make Tenebrosity laugh- or at least snicker.
Sadly, also.
Real-life slapstick, regardless of who it's done to. Doesn't matter if you're her lover or a stranger, if you suddenly get whacked in the face with a flying stick or walk into a pole...Tenebrosity will laugh. The closer you are to her, the more concerned she'll be- but she'll still laugh.
52.) Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
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Immediate emotions. Ten has never had to wait for something in the past- and she's never had to be judged for it, either. After all, she was just doing her part in Mobius' life cycle. The most she's ever had to deal with is Chip, and even that's on the edge of sleep every time. Ten's got no sense of waiting for facts- she'll act immediately based on emotion alone.
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reflections-of-mobius · 3 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
Hope: Omgee! It's my weird roommate! She's really tall and... pretty... AHEM. Anyway, she's probably part of some weird mafia. I don't know where she's getting all this money. I leave in the morning for classes, I come in the evening after work, and she's still chilling! Don't know why she's staying with me then but I don't really want her to leave. She's a sweetheart, really... [Hope @ Ten for the thought meme]
[What does your muse think of mine? | Accepting!]
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'I'm glad I met Hope...fae's been so kind to me since I first showed up at her doorstep a few months back. I really need to find a way to make it up to her, outside of rings... I know Mobius revolves around those (this civilization around), but I pay faer rings for rent, so I can't just....humph...maybe I can explore the nightmares of some fashion-backwards idiot...offer those ideas to Hope...? Would she even like them?...'
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
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Tenebrosity is so damn time-blind.
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This mate has been around since Mobius was first formed, and she usually only wakes up to destroy it, maybe to chat with her brother when he's at the peak of his end of the cycle. She knows every damn language on the planet, written and spoken- she knows it intrinsically as the embodiment of fear and terror.
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That mini-paragraph just to say- I fully believe she'd pick up an ancient tablet no modern archeologist of her world can decipher, read it flat-out, and then be confused on why she's being stared at. Isn't there a nation at present that writes with those glyphs???? No????????- Oh yeah she burned it down 900,000 years ago...fuck.
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reflections-of-mobius · 6 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
🖋 with... honestly any of my muses with yours
[Send 🖋 or ( ‘PLOTS’ ) for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas I have for our muses. | Accepting!]
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You already know my plans for Tenebrosity and Hope, but still, may as well write them down, yeye~?
Hope and Ten slowly developing into a romance, but feelings won't even be realized until during the event, if not after.
Ten trying to be fashionable since Hope is??? And failing miserably. Mate's got no clue-
Picking out outfits together. Like- please-
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To be honest I do wanna do the three meeting up at a bar somewhere (coincidental).
But what if that led into the first major event of Wielders of Chaos?
Like- they're all sitting there just talking (well. Rust is dying but same difference-) and Rust suddenly gets a notification from G. U. N., and then there's a bright fireball outside.
And it just launches the trio into their first event? Of course, that'd have to be after setting up which of the others have which Emeralds and whatnot.
Shark Bite and Rust each in a situation that's dangerous for them and having to receive help from the other? (Shark Bite drowning, Rust trying to fight despite his weakness being almost at max).
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Honestly I just crave a bit more of Hope and Tempest getting along as fellow fire-wielders it'd be fun-
The dynamic????? Mother and daughter?--- At least that's how it felt in the past, if not fellow angst-machines. XD
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Honestly why not throw CopyCat at Strawbeet it'd be funny.
Fellow transformers/disguise-wielders!
Strawbeet trying to keep Copycat away from their gang/away from the Chaos Temple, would happen.
Just let the disguise-wielders bond, all I ask-
Beyond that...who knows! You know I'm down for plenty with ya, mate.
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reflections-of-mobius · 6 months
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@fabulousflynn asked:
🖋 // for ten, or whoever you'd like~
[Send 🖋 or ( ‘PLOTS’ ) for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas I have for our muses. | Accepting!]
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At the very least, I assume these two will take on a friendly relationship style. Not quite sure what, might be mentor-mentee (in magic), might be just allies, might be that Ten becomes a helper in Phineas' inventions, who knows!
Traveling to Phineas' world and realizing that (by introducing the ring and using a certain rune first), electricity can behave like magic from Ten's world. LET CHAOS ENSUE,
Ten going rampant on Earth because let's be honest, she would.
Phineas finding out Ten's true nature/finding her true form, dunno how he'd react so stars only knows.
The confusion post-event of trying to find Ten only to be met with a far more subdued and cautious Tenebrosity. I doubt Phineas would be allowed to participate in the first event (if ever I get it written my stars-) simply b/c of the themes involved. So- meeting Ten post-event would be what'd be most likely to happen.
Literally anything with Phineas just going 'hey wanna try out this thing my brother and I are doing today' b/c let's be real, all of those days are fun chaos.
Phineas somehow winning over the Chaos Temple (or at least meeting a few of their converts/disciples).
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reflections-of-mobius · 8 months
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Anonymous asked:
😶🌄🏆 for Rust 🌇🧼🏠 for Tempest 😡 🎉💰 for Cinnamon 🌂👗 💼 for Tenebrosity
[Thematic Headcanons! | No Longer Accepting.]
Under a cut because there is-- a lot.
😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
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Rust has a few 'secrets' from Maria that she never told her father. While these aren't vital secrets, they are secrets Rust intends to keep. Even if she's dead...he views divulging these as a breaking of Maria's trust in xem.
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If we aren't counting how Tempest tries to keep that she's the container for Iblis/Mephiles under wraps...then another secret she keeps would probably be that Tails has an insane desire for mints. Like...bordering on manic.
🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
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Initially, Rust hated the outdoors- the wild- all of it. It drove him absolutely insane. The twittering birds, the flow of water-- he wanted nothing to do with it. But...it occurred to him, as this fledgling hate was developing...
The memory of Maria, aboard the Ark...looking down upon Mobius, a world she could never touch, and longing for these sites they now had.
So Rust takes it upon himself to record everywhere he visits- little photos to hide away in a secret file in his accommodations at home base. A small way of grieving his charge that he could never save- he hopes she can see all the photos he takes. Through her eyes...it's come around to see the beauty of nature.
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Despite how much Tempest is in the great outdoors, she's constantly afraid of either burning or freezing it all. Being in nature...it does calm her- it reminds her a lot of her younger days, when she was traveling with her Sonic all over Mobius to restore it from Dark Gaia's early awakening. Even if only subconsciously, she'll speed up a little while in the wild- and gain the slightest grin to her face.
This grin fades the moment she stumbles upon one of the abandoned human cities.
🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
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Aside from the major goal about hunting down the S. W. O. R. D. agent who killed Maria...he has none, save mourning Maria in his own way. To a degree, his goals have blinded xem- and xey don't know how to live life yet beyond vengeance and mourning. He doesn't have any goals after he takes revenge. He figures he doesn't need any. Xey'll figure that out, when they get there.
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Tempest no longer has any major goals. She has plenty of very temporary goals, such as exploring new ruins and translating the ancient words of the past...but nothing that's meant for the long-term. Her last major goal was finding out what happened to humanity- what Mephiles did to all humans save herself and Eggman...and that was teleporting them all to another world, where time ran so much faster. By the time Tempest visited Earth, her parents had been dead for many millions of years.
-- OKAY SO I ACCIDENTALLY REALIZED I WROTE THIS ALL FOR TEMPEST AND IT WAS FOR RUST. So, I've added segments for Rust as well- annnnd enjoy the extra hcs, I guess? XD
🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
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She always starts her day with a Monster. Always.- Alongside that, her nightly rituals are the same as anyone else's- brush her teeth and head to bed. Her mind is rather...loud when she's trying to sleep at night (note: Iblis is) so she tries to distract herself until she drifts off, if she does.
Sometimes, she'll give up on sleep entirely and just go back to her study to translate more until she becomes too exhausted to work anymore.
🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
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She is- or rather was- allergic to most soaps due to an unidentified chemical in the cleaning products. However, with the erasure of most of Mobius, Tempest doesn't have to worry about it anymore. She's also grown to be a bit less concerned with hygiene than most, due to her extended stays in the wild. So long as she doesn't stink, she's happy.
🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
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Her home is full of things she's stolen ('recovered') from various human cities. Things she liked or wanted to look at later...she stole. Since humanity is by-and-large gone, there's no one to stop her. There's nick-nacks from every major nation, from Chun-nan to Mazuri, to the United Federation.
😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
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It doesn't matter if something's a joke or not, unless you're someone Cinn knows very well (or they can detect the sarcasm in your voice which is a 75% chance at success), they're gonna get pissed. They hate being accused of things- regardless of if it's done in jest or not. This completely flips with people they've known for some time (when it's a joke). They have completely cut people out of their life in the past for such a misunderstanding, though.
Disproportionate anger!
🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
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Cinn loves setting up for a party- more than the party itself. They're known to decorate Apotos/Windmill Isle in streamers and the like a few days before any major celebrations. They'll have birthday parties and whatnot set up at least three hours before the party starts, and they'll be so damn happy--- until the party actually gets going and people arrive. XD Introvert at heart...
💰 for a money-themed
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While they do work on saving it, every now and again, Cinn will splurge...they mostly try to save rings for when they really need them, but Cinn can't help it! The market pricing for Smartfood Popcorn was three rings cheaper this week, so they bought three bags! Let them and their popcorn be---
🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
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Favorite weather by far is the deepest, darkest layer of clouds that blot out the sun. Ten may be the sibling of the entity of Light and Creation, but she is, by nature, Darkness and Destruction. While it doesn't harm her, bright weather is very much a nuisance and makes her uncomfortable. How most view a rainy day is about how Ten views a bright, sunny afternoon.
👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
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Honestly, she'll wear anything given to her- but she prefers some clothes over others. Anything that has an adventurous (like- 'gonna go explore' not 'sexy') vibe, anything with star patterns... I promise I'm not trying to make her like the lizard lady from Doctor Who, but I think (when she's trying to keep hidden) she'd wear something gothic in nature- not to this level (this is more of a lounge around the temple thing) but. Dark.
💼 for a job-themed headcanon
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Has no clue. Bombs every. Single. Interview. She doesn't really need a job either, due to her powers and how quickly her children can hunt down rings- but if she were to try for one...I'm half-tempted to say she'd want to be a florist. While 'demolitions expert' seems more in-line with what she does during the cycle, she'd still want to try growing and arranging flowers for others.
However, her version of a 'pretty flower' is a wilted/dead one, so..uh...that probably won't work out--
I know who you are, but seriously mate, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE ASKS HOLY SHITE-
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reflections-of-mobius · 9 months
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@thehordemultimuse asked:
"Tenebrosity! Ten! Ten, Ten, Ten!" With a maniac grin, Hope would burst into the living room, faer entire appearance in disarray. "I finished it! I finally finished it!" The smaller hedgehog grabs Tenebrosity by the hand, dragging her to the closet in the shared bedroom. There, on a heavily altered mannequin, was a set of clothes; a crop top with harem pants, with a crop top hoodie and a tear away skirt. They were all in a star theme, mostly blues and golds with a few stand out details of red. "You got me those wunderbar fabrics and, well, I thought I'd return the favor!" Hope beamed before flushing and looking bashful. "I, uh, may have gotten absorbed and overdone it. I tried my best with your measurements but..." (bestie I got a new notebook and am now possessed by demons)
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Ten had been idly guiding her children towards some rings- but her attention instantly flung back to her avatar as Hope's voice rang through her ears. Twin light-blues flicked towards the hedgehog, instantly gaining their own happy energy as Hope dragged her towards the shared bedroom.
Ten-- admittedly hadn't slept in there in a few days, she'd been a bit pre-occupied...and only now did it strike her that Hope was showing off something new- a heavily altered mannequin sporting an outfit she'd never seen before- she was stunned into silence for a few moments, just staring in awe at the new outfit. Six arms, each pretty in their own right- so many night themes, the barest hints of stars sparkling in the outfit, so many blues and golds...
Her eyes nearly seemed to sparkle as she took a step closer, cautiously trailing a claw along the edge of the fabric. It was so- pretty...
Ten turned her attention back to Hope, a wide beam on her features.
"You- made this? For me?" She took a few steps closer- before breaking into a sprint, rushing to pick the hedgehog up. Her laughter filled the bedroom as she held the other aloft, smiling from ear to ear. "I love it!!! Hope-- oh my Chaos, thank you!!!" She didn't realize her own cheeks had colored slightly, but she wasn't focused on that. No, she was focused on the sensation in her chest- like a strange flicker or a flutter, kicking up without prompting. This wasn't for some favor or to appease her as a goddess...it was just...
A friend's gift.
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Her tail was wagging from side to side, unwilling to put Hope down while she was so overcome with such a strange joy.
"I can't thank you enough!!!"
[You're possessed by demons, I look forward to your madness. XD May the new notebook suffer under your pen!!]
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