#//y'did like the st@rter c@ll so I doth hand ye this
truly-quirkless-a · 8 months
[@eraseur | Liked for a starter!]
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"Aizawa?- Dude, y'know this site's off limits unless you warn me firs..." Fin trailed off, seeing the doorway just beyond where the male stood- and the completely fixed site behind him. It looked...untouched. They jumped from their seat, running for the door.- Even at a dead-sprint, the human wasn't able to get there in time- and it slammed shut. "Damnit--!"
"Fin, is something wrong?" Toshinori had been walking down the road, two bento boxes in hand. He paused as his eyes landed on the other male, blinking for a moment. He'd run into Aizawa as he'd been grabbing the two boxes from the teacher's lounge (much to a disapproving glare)...and there was no way Aizawa (at least, his version) could've beaten him here, so...
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"....that was your door, wasn't it...?"
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