#/- a nightmare so plot convenience because bungie + scifi is anything goes KGSJSB
eggsmuses-a · 2 years
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WAS IT BETTER TO BE HAUNTED BY THE GHOST OF YOUR PAST OR THE GHOST OF THE PAST ? Crow had begun wondering the question following the previous severance . The failed ritual left him vulnerable , emotional , a state he hated . Uldren had taken every chance to take him down for it , too .
How weak he was , how he should give up where he stands because his sins won’t lift from his back . They claw him , they ground into his flesh and became part of him when he’d first risen as The Crow . He knew this . He heard the voice of those sins . The one that followed him , that only he could see ( but after the sever , &&. the Young Wolf perching cautiously by him , he thought maybe Eris’ ritual had revealed his burden for everyone else to see ) .
This time he had sat in complete silence , sniping Scorn from afar as the fireteam bounced between containment areas , Eris howling maniacally into the comms as he’d watched . Crow had let his nightmare berate him , enduring the insults &&. truths &&. lies spat at him like a defensive snake . A spitting image , the both were , of the demeanours they took .
Crow , a backstabbing black bird that was paranoid of it’s comrades all the time . He fit the role . Uldren , a snake in disguise that had the fangs of venom soaked lies . The very first indicator of Crow’s life as a Hunter . He fit the role .
But through this self - inflicted pain came another voice , the one of his sins , that argued against his nightmare .
-- ❝ Oh please , ❞ Uldren leans closer to the phantasmic Cayde - 6 before him , gesturing to Crow underneath . ❝ Surely you aren’t so caught in your “ friendship is magic ” ruse to forgive your murderer &&. defend him ? You speak on behalf of both of us , Vanguard . ❞ The nightmare inches closer to it’s vessel with a slyness as his hand cups Crow’s chin . The Guardian winces at the touch , even if not physical as Uldren continues . ❝ Look at him ... so small . So defenceless . So ... pathetic . He’s not worth your time , why not leave him to rot ? ❞
❝ ... Or do you see something in him , like lost family , to want to protect him from the world ... father ? ❞
@threads-of-light has also ALSO signed a death warrant for SotH Crow !
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