#/Legit am the worst time keeper my god.
The Clone Wars         Voyage of Temptation
        (Season 2 Episode 13)
...... ^^            Any     way...    Episode          Opens           Up            With            .        Guard
  Ah      yes
       “ Obi-Wan apparently fucks things up,”
[Why the focus on the       guard’s blue eyes?]
The       Sequel;
Old        Friend
  [With no        familiarity-
 This     is really focusing on all the wrong scenes     . ....   Whelp
*Gets       glass*
‘pparently       I’m      ready       for      some     nonsense
.  .
 How      deep    does       this       go?
 (Almost         all the      bad scenes]
  Even the narrator-         Seems           To        Struggle            -        Making           Sense-
   ‘Satine claimed neutrality
   Then there was an attack by        -Deathwatch
   So Satine
     Had to go pled her innocence            To the Senate?
     -See how that     doesn’t make any sense
    Involvement             in           the war
         She-                -               She           didn’t               do            anything                  -               You just said it was a     terrorist organization.
          Anyone who didn’t watch the last episode-                         Is going to be so lost                                  (Even those                            that did..)
[We’re not even    passed that recap]
   Why stick       bug?     (Skeleton         thing)
    As-sassinate her
Since     when?        I         mean        Okay...
       (For those of you that don’t know      the deathwatch,               Totally bitched                 out,                  When it had a           chance to kill her)
    After their    plan had been            revealed,
        Legit         “let her go”,           Ominous                  empty              Hook.
         Now     apparently giving            chase              . . .
       With more       bodyguards     and protection            . . .
One unaccompanied               ship..
       yeah they’re screwed
     [at least there’s no Ahsoka-]
      “Retnu”               ?
[Retinue; a group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person]                Oh
How to take the        clones
      Show          offs             “Anxiety,”
[can someone just say ‘feel’.      once?      Not everything has to be   “sensed”
              Stupid Jedi                  mind reading                     bullshit
Safer      Hand
The idiot   that got knocked out     by one of them
And   Anakin.
[also is there like a Padawan      babysitter?
  Don’t want to see them
  Just           Cur.]
  Any way
   He doesn’t seem     too anxious
     Oh observant one-
    [I know somethings can only be   feel-  But seriously,      ed
      You’d think             it’d show up in his body language
       No dreamy look.               ...   
        No wrist       ful          ness
        Just          rubbing              his          beard           You        need             to do           better than that
[Because           at this rate I’m starting to believe           they were just friends
    Which I don’t think the writers              were going for]
    Also, geez, was that sharp           And with no defensiveness        Just anger
Let’s try it     again, with a little     more- sadness                  Emotion-
   “Ah! No, it’s           It’s all the past,”           [Sadness]
      More intensity on the             hair grab
      Narrowed               Eyes                (Eyes              Only,               Eye                 Brows                   Taut)
        [Look                  Ing                   at                 Ground]
         Possibly                    Shift-               Ing                   -                   Hands                       -                     Into           Pockets                  —-                  Head                  tilted                upwards                   ——                       For                  absolute                  dejection                       - - -                      And                 Des                    -peration                   - - -                   Neat  
          ‘How                  Do                    I-’
[Like,       that’s not a typical reaction,        Shout          Ing-              No emotion-       I have just decided to       -shout,’
   ‘Okay,’         Anakin
  Why is everything          dark?
This is a very important Person,     yes?
  Why are there crates?
  Are you storing         Salt       Ine            with        the     luggage?
  (The Se-          nate’s gonna              kill-
   [Wait, was there a     perspective change?]
    Are-        Are we dealing with the other       clone troopers?
  That- was     very     badly   done-
You went from one area       with people in an enclosed space
 To people  who look exactly the same
  Coming out-     
[You-          You needed more      distinction      .there.]
 Investigating crates
 In the dark
 On a ship
Supposedly    escorting     a very important person         [you’re telling me the           Senate couldn’t     splurge,     On the       lights,         For their very important  person      escorting        plane?
  What happens if she wanted to get     something for herself?
She has to walk through the dark?
Probably trip     on a lot of            things,
   And      possibly-
   This         set       wasn’t thought out well,
    Gotta            Say,
  [Ah, the music is a little         blaring]
  It’s-     been going on for several      minutes-
 [nothing against     music        [or sound         effects]          Just...     This      one     doesn’t       really      match        the       tone        (Being       pretty        loud       bumbling         and       curious)         (Needing            less          Brass,            Or           to           be         played            at             a           lower         frequency)                For            Shorter            Periods                Of            Time)        As It’s         really fighting         with the other            effects,                ....     
      Worst transport vehicle     ever,]
     War is intolerable          Uh, did  I walk into a      philosophy       seminar?
Also;          SUBTLE!
  And       sorry to be a           complainer;
      The colors            clash-                  Horribly                (Which could be the point,        the red of blood     against     her blue                  Red                   Oni-
             But     it’s not-
  The red in this scene     is clearly        Displayed    as nobility  
  (But        that’s         gold.)    
     And this scene        - it clashes          (Sorry to        critique.)
    The nobility music is     drowning out her words
    Which are not ones;       you would speak with acquaintances or       court;         Far too uptight
   It just doesn’t work
 - Gives me a          -headache-
   (Not good)
   What is     dude doing here?
 Er,             Not        As         Bad        As         The          .     Abo     mina        tions.
   She’s         got             a          point             ...   Admittedly.             It              Is          Framing-         Her           As         Claiming            . . .             God? 
     . . .        Gathering         thoughts                 ...                 My          issue             with             the            scene-                (Besides-             the music) is how it presents Dutchess
         Here she’s calling     about the power of life               And this     could work;               There’s nothing wrong     with poking fun at   authority     assumers-
   The excessive           involved                 -               The            words             with            no           meaning               -           Extrava          gance-
    But it isn’t doing     that
    It’s presenting hi-     larious antics straight           (Like this is normal     behavior          Or        Just         Urgh-       Every-thing’s        off         And     everything’s          so    overwhelming         that I can’t pinpoint the       exact problems..         ...                   It’s not            Played             Up               ...           For           Humor
                 *Some                          Of                              It,                         But                        Could                          Be                          More
    That’s           The          Ish
    Small            fix;          Gold,         Extrav            agant           Music,           Lower             Tempo             (Volume)               Calling                Up             Obi-              Won                  To              Chat,              “The               Jedi”.       Jedis?               There’s                   Your                   Scene                     . . .             Neutral                   . . . .               Aight     Doing      The      Ey-
            She invited
           Yeah you    should’ve    knocked-
              And not come out swinging
         Confusing this is
   Also a lot       more people..
       Seriously          emotions                      .                ?
Yeah I don’t know what     kind of emotions are going on here either buddy
           Just                 that               the               writers                are           playing          defense               for          Obi-Wan            again
          2              In                 A              Row                 All               For            Obi-won
         The only     emotion     and responsibility being       when Duchess is talking
Author favoritism     isn’t cute            
          Let            them            argue             like               adults
Not     lowering      the   standard          -        ?
 Peace keepers
  There’s          a     difference
       They’re              both            authority              assumers.
      So is         enabling           for peace            .
     Okay, seriously
               Look                 effects                   can                      be                      used                           To               Accentuate                         What’s                    already                      there,
            Not             replace
Your     audience         will       know            who’s   right and wrong          Regardless of how many cheap tricks        You use
   All         it     does         is     make      you        look      bad              Have          faith         your       audience          can           tell            right          from       wrong
 And   don’t use cheap tricks    to try        and avoid     accountability
 (Equal         Accoun           tability                   In             The           Narra.            Tive)
   Any Way                 -
        No           such         thing
      Yeah, why are these fuckers     here?
      Last we saw they were getting on     Anakin’s ship and leaving
       Now this
It feels     a little       Ret-con   -y
And      the   story      isn’t    much    better        to    justify        it
              Also did you just call them up here so you could                                                                                      lambaste                                                                                      him                                                                                        in                                                                                      front                                                                                          of                                                                                        your friends?
                                                                                   Don’t                                                                                           get                                                                                         me                                                                                     wrong                                                                                       she’s                                                                                       being                                                                                         damn                                                                                         tox
                                                                             But                                                                              Obi-Wan                                                                                 is                                                                                an                                                                                 adult                                                                               and                                                                               can                                                                               get                                                                          himself                                                                             out                                                                                of                                                                              the                                                                           situation.
Now, moving on;      Did
  Even        they        looked        confused      ... Hide
She’s got a point
 Aight,      Stop,      How        is this        happening       .        Two         Sides
If only the     authors would let them argue as equals
  No avail
   [Also what even was the     argument?
    “A lot of people want to stay neutral because we don’t want to screw over our lives and that’s how I’ll be presenting our case”
     “ A lot of people like taking the initiative and being involved             in the action,”
      I don’t recall.. .
       [Public hum.]
       [Puppy Dog]
[You’re nice]
 [slightly guilty]  Yea,            I am
      [Here’s Anakin]
     [Puppy               Dog] 
      “Your couriers asked me to do it,”
          Couriers- no
      “You’re         hiding behind people,”
       Blue dude             steps in
 I know she was the only one       contributing any actual philosophy
  Obi-Wan getting one line in
  Before the writers went         full defense..      ...    
   That was like the junk food        (the potato chips)         Of         Arguments
  Something        happened        but         there          was          no        value              . . .
   There was more dead air      in the conversation than anything          else,
   That was junk food
   Stop padding yourself on the back         For writing      a void argument
  Also I really don’t trust the courier      guy...
  [Call it       old grudge]
   Why would Duchess    invite one of a her servants...
    To a high class          Senator         event..
   Look        at         this           guy           ...          Look at everyone else          . .        He    sticks       out           like      a sore      thumb         . . .          And        he’s      done       nothing         but         be   insubordinate        this          entire         time.
   Essentially           being           Obi-Wan’s            “Yes”             hype            man,
   (Are we sure     guy isn’t a court jester)
    I think       multitude makes discord and       not a good counsel
(Constant character     ization!)
Do it
[or hold them accountable to          hypocrisy!)
        So far this is neither mentally engaging or     funny,]
       And it’s ONLY to screw with Duchess
    Seriously,            Stop playing           defense for                Obi-won
    [I know it’s called Star Wars        but that doesn’t mean you have to glorify militarization]
    Outside of in universe characters
      Two            Sides
     (For            five seconds)
     Before you started hiding behind meat shields and puppy dog eyes
    As do you
  [That wasn’t funny,           Movie,          Save the soundtrack       for when      something funny         happens)
    Now,           Oof
   See, that was emotion
   Somethings the writers      Refuse to let Obi-      Wan do,
    It’s either a bad ass or         puppy dog eyes,
    - -
    You know what as   nonsensical as this is           It’s better than the      fake   arguing-
  Can’t see   anything in here
  And a high-class vehicle        meant to escort a very important      person
    Yeah I’m aware       thanks for rubbing it in my        face
    Doesn’t it make any sensical, or fix the problem          Or make it funny          ...
  “Not funny”
 Hey, my thoughts when watching this    episode
   [except that was actually funny and            slightly good foreshadowing]
  Guess we know where we disagree,
Prefer laughing at their own un-balanced narrative,
          Made by cheating...
Hey an actually argument         where they treated as equals!
You don’t get a star for that
Why did you bother with the other shit       instead of just skipping   to stuff like this?
This is     good
Also shut up     courier guy
                  [you have helped no one ever]
Hey this is actually good
That was almost a     facial expression
Who these guys ?
Where did they       come from?      -      Aight,          Neat-
  That’s unfortunate-
    ?       Ship?
(What is that design?)
See you look at all these lighted and gold..  Extended         Mission,
Okay,   that’s good to know.       - -        Would’ve been nice to be clued into that the   previous episode.
Bountry             Hunters
  That sounds really         traumatizing           (Aka. terrible)
  That actually does sound pretty     terrible for him
   Still an enabler
But nice     characterization.
Hand to mouth
Now realizing how terrible that sounds
 No     sounds     terrible
  Also they were children       likely,
   (Don’t think that’s cool,)
    That wasn’t really an emotion
   Whelp,         Crud
(Now     you’ve    scared     the          baby      droid)     /j
  Wait did we just miss      her whole backstory?
  Also whoa, whoa,       Whoa
   Did you just try to assume authority over a grown woman’s decision to not like violence?
   (People aren’t just buttons and numbers decided by the trauma of their childhood- or lack there of-             (If so)
   And tried to claim authority   over a grown woman‘s decision
    What the HELL           movie?
     (I want to believe     that’s a mistake and Obi-Wan is meant       to come across as the asshole        For saying that,)
     But all the writers   previous choices regarding      writing women          Leave that up to      concerning amounts         of doubt)
  Difficult task
    Which she seemingly manage      quite well until you showed up
   Yeah, jedi Masters don’t really do not being over involved      assholes
  Else where
  And your        master
   Hold up we saw one decent episode (instance) where they were characterized as being equals
   A) That doesn’t mean            necessarily romantic love
   B) we have seen         literally none of it
    No instance          where there actually seems to be any fondness
   Between, the both of them
     Just...           Toxic
   (If you need to pull that off you need some actual       emot        ional stimuli        Aka.         Emotions         Where are       they actually care about each other
  So far it’s been snipping with no     personal        (Romantic)              Attraction
  Example;       (Note         Romantic is not naturally       my field)
   “Satine - I,”
     “ I wish to keep this         strictly professional)
     (Under             “For both of our       Breath               sakes,”                     To            Her           self;
   “Well, I at least don’t          leave        the          people who require my assistance,”
                    “I’m a better peacekeeper                           than you,”
     And so forth;
   It’s about the      longing;
  These two;      nothing..
Seriously, why are we watching this,       passive tone. .
Which you haven’t felt this entire         episode,
 Also,        regret     and       longing are better     synonyms.
Aight  ...
Oh yeah and the other half of this “love” story is a horror story       (Completely unconnected,      No one’s going         T’sundre)        What ever
    . .
  The rest           is        pretty good              Also it was totally the courier guy,        I call it,
  That’s almost    charming.   . .
  Find          Out.
   Seriously no one   checked it?
   Worst security ever
    This security    sucks
 . . .
 Worst ship ever      ..
  He changes his opinion on a dime    and starts shit
  And not attacking   shit        Logic,
Everyone just got attacked
Surprised    everyone’s not jumpy
Or decided   to go to bed
On this nightmare   cruise
  (”The luggage compartment is       under-lit,         Senator,”
     “The - Security         is horrendous
      “Bugs in             All the             Food!”
     The HR department is        going to have a fecking fit          (As well as anyone         managing           quality)
   Again, what does the little things do?
    They just seem to be      basic annoyances
 That makes   some sense.
 I mean it is   logical
  But he is being a dick
(Also bold you to assume none of the   clones did it)
  Knew         It
I thought he was a courier, or some       kind of servant?
 Throw the table     will you?
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R.I.P one Senator dude          (Who I don’t think was        ever named)
Shall be missed       (The bug     Obi-Wan will definitely hit that       senator)
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WHERE THE           FU-
Worst.     Security.        Ever.
Tal       Merica
I have problems that     I haven’t found
 He’s learned     well from Obi-wan
 And will make the Jedi     Masters groan.
   Team        Command.
  Oh yeah   those guys got screwed over?
 But they’re totally dead      now right?
One nuisance         bug. .
Clone’s have bug      phobia     (Dis    like)
How do you know?
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S’up guys
Straight out       of a puppet show,
Saltine’s probably   gone       by now.
Are there     no escape       pods?
W-h       -elp
Aight     apparently     not
 Also         the     centerion      guard       are   bitches)         (Non       derog)
  That..     line
Also Satine,       Why did I bring the weakest         freaking guards
                 And                       everything involved                        in it.
You literally-
“Get used to it”           
  .. .
  Do you just took out the Centurion     Guard, Ain’t some   clones       gonna stop him
   Or deter,”
.. .
Dude you were just spilling your fecking   epilogue   a few seconds ago        (Also wrong     tone to make this work)
 Not reasonable     progression of emotions,
How does this help?
Aight,     Okay,
“Deathwatch command,        You’re listening to our talk tunes        at-”
 - -
They’re    not gonna be any help
They’re a    small moon   base     .
Possibly a   Gaztrillion miles away,
Not likely
 Aight-         -
Like if this is supposed to be a luxury ship design for the best of comfort and greatest of experience,  
No way dude’s   caught up in that quick a time
Especially   with the little support
It’s just went   downhill. .
Into   crazy nonsense.
That hasn’t       even been remotely established   enough
No gun
You        gonna..
(Please        Do)
 Did pretty good at getting    hostage        Chips         . . .
Four (five counting     her)
And I don’t know how many others in terms of clones
Point being, it seems to be a         mostly empty ship
Run by droids
  Anakin              Do            Thing?           - - -          Okay
    Guy already             dead.
  Hey, the centurion          guards actually did something,
 Who are those     guys-
  ? ?
  Whelp         . .            Okay
   .               “I don’t know how to say       this,”
   I swear if you say “I love you       in that tone of voice, With       ‘no emotion,
   The lack of understanding of     love       And any emotion in this scene,         Does it for             me,
  Neither do I      Gag me
It’s so       poorly       done       . .. Hardly
 (Screw the music     you didn’t earn that       and you know it)
  The       Episode           ...                 Was better than its predecessor,              Which isn’t        saying       much,           From             Me
The first bit is as dis-jointed a mess as it’s predecessor
 The middle        reaches good levels
    Then promptly       declines       back         into      (less-than)        mediocrity
    And      Nonsense
     The romance is     nonexistent..
      Only getting     to friendship            At around     beg      in        ni       ng        Of          The       Half        Way.
             The love confession so forced..
           (There’s a reason                        The- cheesy- in the                   middle- of battle
               Was                    Dis      Continued
                Note; cheesy as in badly     done
                 And ‘dude has     a point’ is the                        least                           I                          Can                           Say                        about                           the                          Snark                           To-ward   s                               It
  Fix         It;
   Episode-wise;          Separatist pre      -sence         causes             Obi-won             And          Anakin            To            Be           Inter-            rupt              ed
       Only            Anakin             Being         In-         Vited           Obi-           Won            Heart-              Broken             But            Return-           Relent
[i’m sorry     I just can’t    work     with       the, “have                  to              answer                     /              defend                before                       the                     Senate (For         no       Reason)         Nor        the      mystery      train          bit
  (With         The        Chara           C-ter          I-zat      ion)
     Anakin            Just        Chill            -ing there
  A cross        Un- requited          Love         (For-         Bidden-)         (Episode)     Mashing          This         Episode            And        “Hostage,”         Elements,           Specifically             the    professionalism         argument;         Obi- wan’s             Side            Show            -ing           The     Consequences             Of        Restriction          (Self       Restraint)          Gone             Too           Far               .          Anakin            (and         Padme’s)             Too            Little             ...           Possibly              a             Cross      where         they        both         lie         to         each         other         about       their     relationships          ....
   For     Symbolism           ...       And       Toxin         Is        Still       Toxin             ...
   Anakin             Takes           Obi-wan’s            Place             And      Learns           About           The           Hist     -ory
    Acc-      identally        Stumbles        Across       Death       Watch
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Heads up on why I'm taking so long. I pretty much haven't gotten hold of my laptop for five minutes without someone wishing to use it. So many apologies about late replies and starters.
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