boldestgreen · 3 years
@tenkoseiensei​ replied ; -leaves my heart around unattended- ohhh noo haha look what's in broad open daylight for a handsome, dashing moss man to steal
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           God... How embarrassing he is... Now what in the world was THAT doing in there ?? A sigh slips past his lips as he takes a seat and stares for a moment at the comically smooth shaped red heart that was politely resting on top of the table. He taps his fingers impatiently as he avoids making further eye contact with it- In a way, he is grateful Yan Qing didn´t take the chance to put a real heart on the table, yet he still can’t help but think of how corny the whole situation is. He finally gets up, and as he is making his way out of the cafeteria, he comes to a stop.
No, no... he can’t just leave that thing in there- someone else could take it... and that is something he would never allow to be taken so easily. He comes back and quickly looks around, and with cheeks still slightly colored in pink, he quickly snatches the little heart and tucks it inside his coat- It is safe now, warm even. 
Now he can only hope that the bastard didn't get to witness that embarrassing act of weakness...
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