#/gen when they're actually joking but they think it's Funny to play around like that i hate that they don't Get how awful it is when you
echotunes · 1 year
ohp another ask sorry lol
(cw for mention of suicide jokes further down in this ask ^^)
grian also calls jevin "jev" i think?
jimmy says "bro" a lot, and "tha" ("that" without the last t)
for martyn! you said "kinda pronouncing the g in words like lon, strong, Renchanting" - i think i would word this more like, when he makes a "ng" sound, he ends it with a k. so like "ngk" (except "ng" is one sound. so ŋ, so "ŋk" is more accurate, i just dont know how well known ŋ is as a letter)
martyn also is good at just going with the flow of things. he's good at fake confidence and therefore intimidation. he's good at threats (this clip comes to mind)
martyn also knows some japanese, he has to take a second to think about it but he can say things in it
sometimes martyn does a "hehehe" laugh and there's a little "sh"ing to it? like his tongue is brushing up against his teeth like how it does with a sh sound but everything else is doing the laugh (like at the very end of this video)
martyn and jimmy have "the game's the game" as an inside joke, once the old sherrif is introduced in empires season 2. i know joel is unaware of it but thats about it, i assume its between just martyn and jimmy
martyn and grian call jimmy timmy, grian calls him tim, joel calls him jim
scott is very observant, as is martyn but scott especially
martyn swears when not around pg people, does so more when alone with chat than he does around others in general
scott swears a bit less than martyn and also can easily stay pg
and when i say "not around pg people" i mean literally that. like martyn will swear around some people on an smp but not others, scott's sworn around cleo on double life, etc
skizz swears sometimes—not enough that its a problem, he doesnt tone it down that much in pg spheres i think? but he does. for example in limited life "ive been a real dick to you" to scott, and in 3rd life he mentioned on the imp & skizz podcast, that after the first session they had a meeting and skizz said something about scar and grian telling skizz and [whoever he was with] to essentially go fuck themselves, and everyone in the call just exploded laughing because they did Not expect it lol. basically when skizz swears its funny and unexpected
something ive also noticed: jimmy tends to be more cautious of suicide jokes, like when he encounters one he usually goes "ohp" or "oh, jeez-" or something like that. cleo and martyn aren't so much, they're pretty comfortable with them i think (cleo in double life ghost pov: "suicide! thats what we want here" and martyn mentioning a thing he saw of stampy playing something and it suddenly cutting to him saying "and now im just gonna kill myself" and martyn found that hard cut funny)
jimmy is just generally more cautious of things that'd get him demonetized i think. he picked up really quickly on scott implying he wanted to call himself a "[f slur] guy" but couldnt because of TOS whereas it took martyn a good 10 or so seconds
martyn switches between zed and zee. he'll say xyz with zed but colin z with zee, for example
martyn ends verbal paragraphs with "so, there you go" quite a bit
martyn and all his characters are really gender inclusive, the old sherriff saying "good morning ma'am, good morning sir, good morning they, good morning them", for example (martyn's really good about this in general actually :D)
ren tries to be as well, "ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between" but he forgets sometimes
owen uses tone tags in speech, "slash gen" "slash s r s" "slash neg" "slash pos" "slash jay"
people like bek and tubbo do so as well sometimes but owen does it the most
oh, scar safe as a phrase :D scar uses it the most, grian uses it sometimes, idk about others
tubbo can get very loud. especially on rats. "RRRRRRRRATS??"
tubbo also constantly jokes about being homophobic while saying he's serious. tubbo himself is gay. this is such a thing that the emote tubFoe is a thing
it is 4am i should sleep
hi! I got all three of your asks but I won't post them all for spam reasons LOL but thank you so much for the notes and chat screenshots I'll be adding those tidbits when I get to it!
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For the Pokemon ask do Exp. Share, Master Ball, and then whichever gen is your favorite and whichever type is your favorite!
Exp. Share: Your first Pokémon game & when you played it
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Ruby version for the gba (actually played on my DS lite tho). I did some math and iirc I was like 12/13 at the time. There's actually a funny anecdote about how I got into pokemon in the first place – I was at summer camp and there was this kid one or two years older than me who had brought his gameboy and spent every lunch break playing pokemon Ruby. He was kind of the “cool kid” so everyone naturally gravitated around him. One day me and a couple others went up to him and asked him if he could show us what he was playing. Fast forward two days later and I was pestering my parents for a pokemon game. One of the best decisions I've ever made, honestly asdfghjk
Hoenn still has a very special place in my heart for that very reason and some of my all-time favourite 'mons are from gen III!
Master ball: favourite legendary
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Ho-oh, Latias and Latios
I don't have much to say about Ho-oh, other than I've always really liked how it it looked and, since I was too young to play Gold when it came out, when I finally got my hands on HG I literally rushed it until I could finally get my hands on it.
Latias and Latios, on the other hand, I like both the design, their unique typing, and the lore around them (they're twins, how cute is that??). I think that, despite blue being my favourite colour, I like Latias a little bit more? But they're so similar that picking just one didn't feel right, so yeah.
Favourite pokemon of my favorite gen (gen III)
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My boy. My son. Absolute peak design. Jokes aside, this is very much a case of "I don't know why I like this specific 'mon so much, but I do". I guess I just find its design very unique for a dragon type and very pleasant to look at, not to mention the fact that I've grown even more attached to it ever since having it on my main team last time I re-played B2W2, a couple years ago. It looks friendly and I want to be its friend :)
Favourite pokemon of my favourite type (flying)
You know, up until a few months ago I would have said fire was my favourite type without a doubt. But lately I just sort of realised that in terms of sheer numbers there are actually more flying type 'mons I like using than fire types, so flying it is! I narrowed it down to these three:
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Talonflame, Altaria, Wattrel
Using talonflame a lot is legit one of the few memories I have retained of my pokemon X playthrough (the other is a random shiny Sylveon I got from wonder trade that basically became my ace). The design is simple, but imo it works well for what it's trying to represent. Then again, I might be biased because I've always liked 'mons that are basically "what if this real-life animal had a cool elemental power?" 😂
Altaria is one of those nostalgic faves that bring me back to my early days as a pokemon fan. I vividly remember seeing the Altaria in Winona's team and being like "WHAT IS THAT I WANT THAT". Except it was my very first pokemon game, kid me had no concept of how evolution worked just yet and also had very limited access to the internet. I don't know how it dawned on me that I had to catch a Swablu and train it in order to get one, but I do know that I was ecstatic when I finally did!
Another new entry from SV, I was so excited to see this little guy leaked. I've seen a lot of people online complain that Wattrel is just some bird, which I guess it's true, but I happen to like just some bird. Plus, flying-electric is a very cool type combination that makes it and its evolution a lot of fun to battle with too. I went with Wattrel instead of Kilowattrel simply because, visually, I like the small guy a little bit more.
Thank you for the ask, this was lots of fun!
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spacedykez · 2 years
why can’t people just accept tone indicators
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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I wouldn't call Rick and Morty a show about inclusivity and social justice (which is fine, it never claimed to be), but I feel like it actually has gotten more...inclusive? in its weird way. Most shows add diverse characters when they want to be inclusive, but the main cast hasn't changed, so that hasn't happened here.
I've rehashed the dudebro-iness of season 1 a billion times, so you don't need me to repeat it, but one thing I'll mention is that the season had "exclusive" vibes. I mean, "Raising Gazorpazorp" is a twenty-minute spew of "This show isn't for GIRLS! Rick doesn't go on adventures with CHICKS!" The episode does this with no sense of irony, meaning that we're clearly supposed to agree--and the episode assumes that 90% of the audience does already.
Then there's the "haha POC are so sensitive about racism amirite??" jokes, implying that this show is for white dudes only. For the record, I can take a joke once in a while--for example, I'm a feminist, but I thought Summer's "You have to like it or you're sexist!" line in season 5 was funny. But the season 1 jokes weren't playful; they were nasty and mean-spirited.
Aaaand then there's all the "anti-PC" crap that sometimes isn't even played as a joke, like Rick rambling about how he should be allowed to use the word "retarded." When you watch season 1, it takes about 30 seconds to figure out who Rick's target audience is.
The one exception is that Justin Roiland has been adamant about Rick being pansexual from the beginning, but "someone" clearly didn't (and still doesn't) the show to be too open about that one.
Anyway, it's not inherently bad to make entertainment for the Reddit crowd as long as they're the types who just mind their own business and don't spew bullshit everywhere. Unfortunately, Rick and Morty fed into their worst instincts and encouraged the whole "It's up to us STRAIGHT WHITE MEN to push back against political correctness and share our nihilistic genius with a world that's not ready to handle it!!" narrative.
I mean, there's a reason why this godawful "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right" T-shirt is still floating around (and I don't think Rick ever said this?)
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Seasons 2 and 3 toned it down, but with a few exceptions, the show still had the "Rick and Morty is for THESE people" vibe. And whatever, I'm not mad about it--every show has a target audience. But as the show changed, the narrative changed to make the show more inclusive and open-minded.
Like I said, the show still cracks jokes about "our" side, but it also takes shots at capitalism and police brutality and has LGBT characters (including background/one-off characters) running around everywhere to the point that "bisexual" is pretty much the default in the Rick and Morty universe.
People joke about Rick having blue hair and pronouns, and while I don't think he'll exactly say that in the show, I think the crew would be OK with those jokes and think it's funny. Like, I don't think they'd say "Oh my God, what? That's not what Rick stands for! Keep your Gen-Z social justice bullshit away from him!"
Then (as of season 5) Rick undergoes incredible character development and stops being "for" anyone. He's not a symbol, self-insert or writer's mouthpiece--he just does whatever feels good to him. Sometimes that means fantasizing about flying through the air with Bird Person; other times that means living out his anime witch dreams.
I realize that Rick and Morty has had female and LGBT fans from the beginning, but I think that was more because the show was so popular and less because the show was "welcoming" to us. Now, the show has a broader target audience--but not in a "Let's appeal to everyone by making this show as generic as possible!" way. Instead, it drops the narrative that Rick and Morty is for one specific group of people--and if you're not in that group, you're never going to truly "get" the show.
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gothhabiba · 3 years
adding onto the ironic use of 😂 I think it's also worth noting the generational divides in humor (mostly in online spaces because while this is also true for the "real" world we can't use emojis there......yet), and this is a bit more slippery to define because it can be the more immediate gen z/millenial and then just gen z and anyone older in general. when I was younger than I am now there was a more conscious mocking of older people who use the 😂 emoji because it was also associated with the things they would find funny. so it was considered uncool to use that emoji because that would be telling people around you that you subscribe to an "uncool" sense of humor as well by association. this plays into it's "ironic" use because a lot of gen z humor is very absurdist? nonsensical? using a random 😂 emoji in certain settings is ironic in an unspoken sense because it adds to the overall absurdity of the current discussion. another anon gave you the "teacher resigned! 😂" example and I wanted to point out in case you didn't know that the meme they're referencing draws from an original creation that was actually completely serious with the premise and punchline that it tells. an "old" person would look at it and think wow yes haha so funny but when it first went viral on here like 6? years ago it was mainly because there was a sense of wow...this is so stupid and unfunny but the way all these elements come together to convey the joke you can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness? birth of a meme format. so essentially you have gen z people who use 😂 ironically because they're already in spaces where they don't have to worry about their intentions being misinterpreted, and using 😂 becomes the joke itself rather than our usual ways of expressing laughter. and then you have gen z people who have basically recycled "uncool" humor for their own purposes and the 😂 emoji has it's own special place in all of that. these lines obviously aren't hard and they go in many different directions. you have gen z kids who were raised on tumblr/twitter and then gen z kids who were raised on tiktok and I find the latter are more militant about this lol. and like I said the online factor plays into it too because I have friends my age from like school who use the 😂 as, you know, a genuine laughing emoji! because they aren't online enough, or online in certain spaces, to be aware of this....etiquette? norm? but at the same time these friends would still look at the original meme I mentioned and find it unfunny or view it through a different humorous lens than the original creator of it intended. sorry for the long ask but I wanted to share my piece and I think these sorts of conversations are always fun!
I am unfortunately online enough to be aware of the "and that person's name? [famous person]" meme and its origin. I think that was my original confusion, actually, because if you're laughing at people who take this style of thing genuinely, then you're actually just... laughing at them. Which to me isn't quite "irony" in the strictest sense of "something is reversed from what you would expect to be the case" (which would be more like, using that emoji in response to something unamusing), you're just laughing at someone because you think it's funny that they liked or made this stupid post... Perhaps it's "irony" in the more general sense of "at one or more levels of remove from sincerity." So the emoji is not itself being used ironically but is instead a marker of irony or a marker of an ironic tone (and I do use that emoji in this way, but also in other ways). This distinction does not matter at all though and I may be foolish for caring 😂
As a point of clarification though: when you say "an 'old' person would look at it and think wow yes haha so funny but when it first went viral on here like 6? years ago it was mainly because there was a sense of wow...this is so stupid and unfunny but the way all these elements come together to convey the joke you can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness"--do you mean "old" as in the gen x / boomer internet users who originated and spread the "the young man's name--Albert Einstein" copypasta in earnestness? Because presumably the point is that they did not find it funny... or are the "old" people the millennials who originated the meme making fun of the boomers? And then gen z-ers are making fun of how millennials used the meme when it first went viral? Because the original usages of the meme were not devoid of irony themselves... Are boomers on facebook making fun of this chain email too? The layers.......
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sailolive93-blog · 5 years
The best Guide to Reddit Marketing around 2019
"Yep, i do all my modelling in C4D as I just know the tools so well there. I do minimal retopology in Zbrush on organic shapes but any hard surfaces I make in C4D. I'd recommend the "Introduction to Subdivision modelling in C4D" by Shane Benson on Vimeo (he goes by Sheppard O'Neill on YouTube if you prefer that) and it was his tuts that got me into box and subdiv modelling.
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I'm also releasing a modelling workshop in C4D and models from the kitchen scene that these belong to will be in there to learn. Just not these two as they belong to marketing for the workshop. very well "Brand new Reddit account with two extensive comments defending Boa Vista Orchards huh...? We joked earlier about spotting the Boa Vista account in here but it looks like we actually have lol! > I just talked to the dude who does the marketing for Apple Hill and he sent me this So you just randomly talked to the guy and he emailed over his entire statement...? " "I too wonder why they didn’t just create a new line and call it the mach-e instead of mustang, I believe it has something to do with the marketing department since they knew it’ll stir a lot of discussion" "Precedent suggests it depends on the marketing around the product being sold and the implied purpose. " "Wow, ha. The fact that you think that it’s ok for the government to strip away my personal health insurance so that I HAVE to be on the same shitty plan on everybody else is crazy. If healthcare is “free” and universal, the quality of healthcare is bound to decrease. I can choose to pay for whatever the fuck I want and whatever healthcare I want. I give to charity and I have plans on giving a lot more to charity as I get further in my career and start making more money. Believe it or not, you aren’t the only one that cares about people just because you want “free” healthcare for everybody. And there is also no such thing as free healthcare. It has to be paid somehow and middle class taxes will go up no matter how complicated you try to make the source of payment sound. And regarding free college, that will also raise middle class taxes. You keep bringing up this. 02% of financial transactions bullshit as if that’s going to cover all costs. Have you done studies on this yourself? Do you even know that? You act like all these things can be magically paid for without anybody in the middle class being negatively affected. I have a bachelor’s degree and I didn’t feel like college was very challenging. It was more like a series of annoying classes I didn’t need when all of college could have been boiled down into one year of the core classes of my major of marketing. College is a fuckin scam and it’s only truly necessary for a very limited amount of majors. You’re just another minion that kisses the feet of big-government Democrats that try to make us feel like horrible people for not allowing them to sucks insane amounts of money out of the economy and spend it how they would like to. inch "That's including the localization teams for every language though, as well as PR and marketing. >! Some of them might even be legacy accreditation for the Gen 6 models they're *still* using.! < " "Time is a cost and you should track where that cost is going. That said, if you are working on general administrative/nonbillable stuff within your own department, it's pretty easy to have that time automatically go to the right cost bucket, so generic entries for that sort of thing are fine imo. The stuff that really has to be tracked is anything for clients or for departments that are outside your default (e. g. engineer writes a blog post, that's marketing time etc). micron "I believe there are some lessons on Google Academy for Adss (now called Skillshop) but hands-on experience is tricky. Two ways are possible, 1) is for you to have your own website and use Google Ad Sense, but this is more from the advertiser side rather than publisher or technical side 2) ask a digital or marketing agency that is near you if you can shadow/assist/internship/work experience for a week or so. This may be difficult depending on where you live and agency people are always very busy, so if you do ask tell them how you could help THEM not the other way around. To be honest, start with Analytics and Paid Search as they are arguable more accessible and have more out there for you to learn" "We are in the same boat, but different industry. Here's my approach, starting this week: I'm joining business groups that my target clients are a part of, for example, manufacturer groups. Then I'm going to target that organization with our services. I'm then going to offer to speak about the service I offer and how it helps businesses. Not a marketing spiel, an educational talk. Good luck" "One might consider a lawsuit if a car or alcohol company advocated or implied the action of drinking and driving in their marketing" "This post has been removed for breaking Rule 1. No Spammy Titles. Do not mention anything about selling anything in the title. Absolutely ZERO marketing in the title. Do not even ask for people to contact you for more. Be enticing. Post quality pics with quality titles. Read the rules for info on how to market yourself here. If your posts keep getting removed then you will be banned. READ THE RULES! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Remember to[contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/? to=/r/feetpics) if you have any questions or concerns. *" "I came of grew up and came of age in Chicago during Jordan's time with the Bulls and the shortest answer is that it's almost incomparable because the level of fame basketball players before Michael Jordan was laughably lower than now. Even today MJ has a logo that might be more identifiable than the company that created it. I would argue no athlete in any sport has surpassed MJ's level of fame. MJ pioneered so many avenues of endorsements, its like comparing planes in the era of propeller planes with jet planes. Jordan like most greats, stood on the shoulders of giants, specifically Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Those two spent the better part of the late 70's and early to late 80's dominating the sport of basketball. Also add in Isiah Thomas of the Pistons and arguably "Dr. J" Julius Erving of the 76ers and those four were the superstars of the four teams that won EVERY NBA championship of the decade. Before Michael Jordan won his FIRST NBA Championship in 1991, he was arguably bigger than all of them. Before MJ, being a big name athlete meant getting your name on a breakfast cereal box called Wheaties, and doing the commercial saying the plug line "Gotta eat your Wheaties! " That's not a joke. Check 'em out on youtube, they're cringe worthy. MJ's meteoric rise in my opinion was helped by a few special advertising campaigns. I think first would have been his Nike commercials with Spike Lee, another pioneer. He just made "Do the right thing" at a time when black people making movies with black people in the movies wasn't really a thing. Spike Lee also happens to like playing characters in his own movies and Mars Blackmon was a character in that movie that Spike Lee chose to portray in a series of commericals with Michael Jordan. Again, pardon me for repeating, but I have to say it again for context. You have a supremely talented and charismatic young athlete being marketed by a young shoe company (Converse Chuck Taylors were still THE basketball shoe) hiring a visionary and ground breaking director to do something that had not been done before. And they crushed it. Again, at this time Michael Jordan wasn't winning NBA championships. He was having savant level performances, but get bounced out of the first round by the Celtics, or getting manhandled in the playoffs by the Pistons. By the time he did win it all in 91, MJ was doing things that no one had done in fields well outside basketball. Michael Jordan in Flight is one of the first videogames to have 3D. He had already supplanted Dr J in the one on one basketball video game with Larry Bird. Gatorade put out a marketing campaign with the song "Be Like Mike" and that song was the top song for the summer of 92 in Chicago on most radio stations regardless of genre. You're already familiar with Space Jam, but before Space Jam, the Looney Toons were relegated to afternoon after school syndicated (rerun) television stations. Michael Jordan made Bugs Bunny cool again to a whole new generation that knows of them only through MJ. I hope that helps. inches "Yeah I don't want to turn it around and criticize Musk over this or anything, but Tesla is great at PR and marketing while convincing people they don't actually try to be. inches "No, you dont need more parties, you need to ban all parties and establish government funded elections where everyone with a certain amount of support by the people can run using government money and marketing channels. Equal funding, equal marketing, equal candidacy, by the people, for the people. Sounds too good to be true? Well fuck you, because parties are corrupt barbaric cavemen shit. " " Funny Cartoon Images for website content - Family Funny Images and illustrations, Ultimate single panel funny cartoons used for websites, social media and emails https://www.freecartoonsdaily.com https://www.cartoons.cafe   www.cartoons.cafe www.acmeblanks.com sign up now! Funny Cartoons, Funny family cartoon images, Custom Cartoons, Niche Cartoons, Humorous Illustration Services, Business Cartoons, Medical Cartoons, Custom Comic Strips, Book Illustration Services, Political Cartoons, funny hospital cartoons, cartoons for marketing, corporate cartoons, work cartoons, business cartoons, Computer Cartoons, farmer cartoons, farm cartoons, tractor cartoons, Pig cartoons, pig farmer cartoons, cor farmer cartoons, wheat farmer cartoons, soybean farmer cartoons.... inch "That's including people associated with the marketing and promotion of Sword and Shield, which means people at Nintendo and the Pokemon Company rather than actual programmers at Game Freak working on the game itself. The same article you're looking at gives 200 at Game Freak - which is likely wrong since Game Freak had 143 employees, and Game Freak openly stated most were working on Town. You could include the modelers from Creatures Inc, but given that the models are the same as those developed for X and Y by Creatures Inc years ago, they are likely still being credited for "work" on this game that was actually done quite some time ago. " "Imagine what a lucky break JonTron was for FlexSeal. Their products are actually pretty decent, but their marketing was almost typical infomercial stuff that no-one over fifty would've seen. Next, out of nowhere, some YouTuber makes them famous amongst younger customers. People make "that's a lotta damage, " and "I sawed this boat in half, " memes. Everyone knows who they are. Chances are, when you need some stuff like this you'll at the very least know about their existence and you might buy their stuff because at least you know they're legit. Some people will buy it when they need something like that, literally for the meme. All they have to do is keep the ball rolling with tweets like these (because, of course, people actually follow them on Twitter now). " "That's my point. The pub you linked to is disney land. I'm looking for somewhere that recreates the  a more authentic historical experience. I think these places have got their marketing wrong which is why they are closing. They should be trying to recreate an experience closer to that in the Pathe news reel. If you just sold fresh baked bread, potted Hare, a variety of local ales you could heat with a poker while smoking a hilarious pipe you could capture a huge slice of the real ale / hipster / foodie market. " "No game in the genre had been competition for the Diablo franchise since it's inception. D3 no matter how you look at it was a huge commercial success being in the top 10 video games sold of all time at one point. Diablo now has become what WoW was before, tons of games saying they are a WoW killer and none of them doing it. So now we looming at Diablo killers but they all end up falling off somewhere because they don't get the same $$$ support / marketing. inch "8M opening weekend bad = bad marketing. Bad quality movie would be revealed in the multiplier (word of mouth and no rewatches). In this case I don’t think there was anything compelling from the movie they could focus the marketing around which led to the 8M OW. " "I’m in the same boat. I have to get 14 credits by may2020. In the last 2 weeks I did principle of marketing 3 credits score 66 and principal of management 3 credits score 62. This week I’ll take precalculas which is 5 credits and calculus which is 4 credits. I did not pay the $89 for the test because I did modernstates which pays the testing fee. It also reimburses me for the $20 testing fee" "Marketing. McAf€€ gets money from users, Micro$oft gets money from McAfee. They beget the green, motherfuckers that they are. Sometimes  http://tipofmytongue.topreddit.info  who install 3^^rd party stuff tho, it's not only Microsoft. Anyway, it's a motherfuckery of bloatware if not malware. "McAfee antivirus is one of the worst products on the planet" -John McAfee" "You're arguing entirely from marketing hype instead of actual quality, which is entirely stupid and comes down entirely to Sont having far greater of a userbase and them having less games to pump more money behind. Besides, let's not pretend Sony has an actual library of games here. Both Xbox and Sony have completely shit the bed this console generation in terms of exclusive libraries. Sony has had like, 8 good games this entire generation as exclusives. You have Death Stranding, Uncharted 4, Horizon, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, God of War, MLB The Show... That's about it? I guess you also have Detroit and Last Guardian depending on who you ask, but I defo don't wanna throw Days Gone on that list. But in any case, you could lump all of those games into loke 3-4 genres. Am I missing anything? But yeah, stop saying dumb shit like "Well its not a household name so its irrelevant" because you're entirely missing the point and reducing the entire industry to what can or can't be marketed. As well, its telling that Sony has stated their goal next-gen is to have less games release but have them be bigger, where Microsoft is going the opposite direction. Keep the the big titles, bur also have a little something for everyone. Diversity is important. Your Battletoads reboot might not sell as well, but its important to folks who like it. Games shouldn't be live or die based on how well they fit in established and marketable trends. Its absurdly reductive" "I actually never had injected one, whats the main difference? And is it really a big improvement or rather a marketing bait" "It’s all part of his NYC persona. Marketing. inches
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