#://  FILE : LOADING . . .    MAIN  /  RE : VERSE .
killthegene-blog · 6 years
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro
by Miguel Ang, Erika Mendoza and Jay Yaneza
First advertised as an information stealer and keylogger when it first appeared in underground forums, LokiBot has added various capabilities over the years. Recent activity has seen the malware family abusing Windows Installer for its installation and introducing a new delivery method that involves spam mails containing malicious ISO file attachments. Our analysis of a new LokiBot variant shows that it has improved its capabilities for staying undetected within a system via an updated persistence mechanism and the use of steganography to hide its code.
Background of the incident
We first became aware of this specific LokiBot variant (detected by Trend Micro as TrojanSpy.Win32.LOKI.TIOIBOGE) when we alerted a Southeast Asian company subscribed to Trend Micro’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service regarding a possible threat — an email with an attachment— allegedly from a confectionery company based in India. An alert from the Virtual Analyzer of the company’s Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector, along with the suspicious nature of the email, led us to notify the company regarding the potentially malicious threat, after which Trend Micro Research went further into investigation and analysis.
Figure 1. Screenshot of the actual email sample that contained a LokiBot attachment
The email sample
There were several elements in the email that raised red flags. The first and most obvious was that the sender name and the email signature didn’t match, immediately signifying that it was a potentially malicious message. The second was the sense of urgency: The email was sent on July 1, with the text notifying the receiver that the products that were allegedly ordered would be shipped in mid-July. This is meant to instill the recipient with a sense of urgency to open the attachment at the soonest possible time. Finally, the IP address of the email source (37[.]49[.]230[.]149) is known to be malicious and is blocked by Trend Micro’s Email Reputation Services (ERS).
The attachment itself, New Order July .DOC, (detected as Trojan.W97M.DLOADER.PUQ) had two embedded objects:
a Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet
a package labeled ‘package.json’
Upon execution, the document will immediately show a Microsoft Excel worksheet, which in turn would execute the VBS macro code embedded in the worksheet. The step-by-step process is shown below:
Figure 2. Lokibot’s infection chain
Based on the email header, the email seemed to be a newly created email, not a forwarded or reply message as the subject indicated. There was no indication that an existing email account was compromised. This means it is likely the sender spoofed a legitimate account since the IP address did not match the sender domain. Our Dynamic User List also showed that the email had most likely been sent from a botnet or a compromised machine infected with malware.
The Trend Micro Smart Protection Network infrastructure showed that the IP address used had also sent other spam mails that included the following email subjects:
PO #201 API documents attached (Dye and colour sample)
PO #2789 Approved documents
RE RE new ORDER #37789 (MT) 230KG
RE RE new ORDER #37789 249 CBM
This shows that the threat actors are using rather generic titles for their emails rather than any targeted form of social engineering.
The code hidden in an image file
After recognizing a possible attack, we decided to try finding samples with characteristics analogous to the email that was provided to us. By sifting through VirusTotal, we found that similar samples had been added between June 24 and July 5. Our analysis of the samples revealed some interesting additions to LokiBot’s capabilities.
The filenames of the malware samples varied, but in general, they were gibberish:
exe / bpxssh.jpg
exe / sittey.jpg
exe / jkcgjj.jpg
We determined, based on what we found, that the LokiBot variant may also arrive via a malicious spam email containing a malicious Rich Text Format (RTF) file attachment. The RTF file contains an embedded Excel OLE object that uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and PowerShell to download and execute the malware.
Figure 3. One of the VirusTotal email samples that contains a LokiBot attachment
For installation, this LokiBot variant initially installs itself as %Temp%[filename].exe along with %temp%[filename].jpg (the image file that it uses as part of its routine). One characteristic of the image file that we found interesting is that it can actually be opened as an image. However, it also contains data that LokiBot references in its unpacking routine.
Figure 4. The image file when opened
The image contains the encrypted binary that will be used throughout the different unpacking stages until the main LokiBot code is decrypted in memory.
Before loading the main code, it creates a directory in %appdatalocal% where the Loki binary and the image (same as those in %temp%) will be placed. At this point, it also drops a Visual Basic script (VBS) file that then runs the LokiBot file. During this stage, it also creates an autostart registry that points to the VBS file as a persistence mechanism. While LokiBot uses an autostart routine, there are variants, including this one, that use “broken” autostart registries created by the same autostart function, although it is currently unknown why these variants have these kinds of autostart registries. From analysis, one can see in memory that it tries to write the autostart registry but was overwritten, resulting in a broken registry. This may be a result of coding/modifying error on the threat actors’ part or of something that went wrong at the time of compilation.
In the latter stages of the unpacking routine, the main LokiBot code is finally loaded and executed. From this point, the actual LokiBot indicators can already be seen. By analyzing the main code of this specific variant and comparing it to previous variants, we found that there were minimal major updates aside from changes to the target applications for credential stealing, which vary according to the variant.
LokiBot’s use of steganography
A previous incident involving LokiBot was reported back in April in which the malware variant was seen using malicious Zipx file attachments hidden inside a PNG image file.
In this case, the LokiBot variant hides the encrypted binary inside the image file, first by looking for the “marker” that signifies the start of the encrypted file. The string appears to be “#$%^&*()__#@$#57$#!@”, which it searches for via a substring function.
Figure 5. The encrypted binary inside the image file
After locating the file, it then begins the decryption process. The resulting decrypted file is then loaded for the succeeding stages of unpacking. Based on the input and output, it does not use a block cipher such as AES to decrypt the contents of the file and uses its own method of decryption instead.
Figure 6. The decryption routine
Figures 7 and 8. Before and after decryption
One likely reason for this particular variant’s reliance on steganography is that it adds another layer of obfuscation — wscript (the VBS file interpreter) is used to execute the malware instead of the actual malware executing itself. Since the autostart mechanism uses a script, future variants can choose to change the persistence method by modifying the script file on the fly.
As one of the most active information stealers in the wild today, LokiBot shows no signs of slowing down. The updates to its persistence and obfuscation mechanisms show that LokiBot is still being updated and will likely remain a threat to be dealt with in the near future.
Fighting LokiBot with Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
In the specific case we handled, the LokiBot variant was proactively flagged by the internal sandbox and we were able to provide analysis within a day, allowing the sender’s email address to be blocked before any lasting damage could occur. However, we discovered that the same email had been sent to at least 55 targets in other organizations, which means that the attack was not a one-off incident. Given the prevalence of LokiBot, it wouldn’t be surprising either to see the threat actors launch similar attacks of greater scale.
As mentioned earlier, the malicious email used a very convincing email address. In fact, without the sandbox alert, it’s very probable that the message would have slipped through unnoticed. Although the targeted company had its own security team in place, detecting the threat, as well as analyzing it given its various evasion mechanisms, could have proven difficult without prior familiarity with LokiBot.
It is often the case that the most significant threats to an organization — and the ones that have the greatest impact — are not targeted attacks, but rather the smaller, more common incidents that are difficult to detect and constantly reoccur. This is one aspect where a security service like managed detection and response can help even organizations that have their own security teams. MDR provides the ability to investigate incidents, analyze threats, and perhaps most importantly, gain a clearer picture of what the organization is dealing with by correlating different and seemingly unrelated indicators. In this case, having previous familiarity and experience with LokiBot allowed our MDR and analysis teams to provide feedback and remediation recommendations within a day.
In addition to being well-versed in internal and external threat intelligence resources, the MDR team has experience in using advanced security solutions from the Trend Micro suite. One of these is the Deep Discovery Inspector, which allows the detection of a threat‘s lateral movement within the organization.
Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)
File name SHA-256 hashes Detection name New Order July .DOC 7812e7564a1e2480412b228daf4c53e9f5291bbdb06120ec778cf4ed0a6654d7 Trojan.W97M.DLOADER.PUQ fd908abce7885430fb344aedb21cee0aa73f2bd7b82ab118974674afdfe45fc2as TrojanSpy.Win32.LOKI.TIOIBOGE
  Troj.Win32.TRX.XXPE50FFF031 (TrendX)
84700ef750fa74f0837521037d4d5318274a5542b57e5ee92e27a168dd8938c4 0a6e59e1d01521e4b0eb19faafe221737120183847a0fd6bc5a43f6fbc05d81f Trojan.X97M.POWLOAD.THGOCAI
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Go to Source Author: Trend Micro LokiBot Gains New Persistence Mechanism, Uses Steganography to Hide Its Tracks Original Post from Trend Micro Author: Trend Micro by Miguel Ang, Erika Mendoza and Jay Yaneza…
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johnchiarello · 7 years
MONDAY [roll out]
 FBI investigation into Trump- [More videos below]
[I realize it is not an FBI investigation- but what is called a special prosecutor- but I think it sounds better- also- this might be the last one for today- I just got off my roof- and I’m loaded with roofing tar as I type- yes I’m doing the roof]
 I realize our country [USA] is divided- but I get mad when I see the media purposefully overlook some tragedies [examples on video] while joyfully covering others.
 It’s the game that many in the country see as ‘fake news’.
I talked about the current investigation into Trump- not that there are not some valid reasons for it- but the actual history of how we got here.
 Fake reports given to the FBI [Russian Dossier] how these fake reports- paid for by a political party [DNC] were used to illegally obtain warrants on U.S. citizens-
 And how the prosecutor in the present case- Mueller- had his own horrendous history while heading up the FBI
It was his agency- that had Intel that could have stopped 911- yet this info was not shared with the CIA.
 Mulleur was heading up The FBI when this happened- possibly one of the worst dereliction of duty examples in the history of this country-
Yet- this same man today- is on a so called righteous crusade- which was enabled by fake Russian documents- paid for by a political party-
 Then these fake documents were handed over to James Comey- former head of the FBI-
Then James Comey’s friend becomes the lead prosecutor [Mueller] and it was these fake documents that were used to get the warrants on private citizens illegally-
 And yet the main stream media will tell you none of this.
So- that's why I made the first [and only?] video for the day-
Just because the main stream media- aka fake news- will never tell you what I just did…
   North Beach- https://youtu.be/0EKx6Zu51eQ
   [Ok- I made one more]
 As I was checking the news- I read an article about Bob Mueller- I was not aware of his history.
He tried a case against the Hells Angels- and lost the first time around- the jury system obviously believed Mueller was not telling the truth about the defendants [which means they believed he was lying].
 He tried the case again- and got 5 convictions- all of which were later overturned-
The article stated that it was obvious the snitches Mueller used- were lying against the Hells Angels- a jury believed this mind you.
 Did Mr Mueller knowingly coerce these jail house snitches to lie?
If so- that is indeed a crime.
I also saw in the article that Mueller was the same FBI director who went after the wrong man- for 7 years- in the infamous Anthrax cases.
 The man he went after- Hatfill [I think I said Cahil on the video] said he was Innocent all along.
I remember the coverage of the case- and how Mueller ‘leaked’ Hatfill's name- to put pressure on him and his family- who were all innocent!
 Eventually Hatfill settled for around 6 million dollars because Mueller ruined his life-
Did Mueller go after his family too?
He has in other cases-
 Right now their are media reports that Gen. Flynn is cooperating because Mueller threatened to go after his son.
Sad indeed if true.
  The real Anthrax person of interest killed himself- because Mueller botched the entire investigation- http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/01/06/anthrax.ivins/
 I heard Trey Gowdy say that Mueller's investigation already violated the law by the illegal leaking of the grand jury indictment against Manafort-
Which is a crime- did Mueller have Knowledge of the leak?
 If so- this is a crime.
When I made the first video- I was not aware of this history.
 I will link the article from the L.A. Times below.
But these cases show a history of prosecutorial misconduct by Mr. Mueller-
It is illegal to coerce witnesses to lie on the stand- and the L.A. Times showed that this might have happened in the biker case.
 I have read reports that Mr. Manafort’s wife was frisked- in bed- by Mueller’s men when they made the arrest.
They entered Manafort's house by picking the lock at 2 in the morning and put their hands on his wife- while in bed.
 If this report is true- then we need to know if the agents were female-
Or if they were men doing this at 2 am- with the present atmosphere of sexual harassment claims- then the public has a right to know if these agents touched Manafort's wife in a sexual way.
 The history of Mueller is now highly questionable- a sitting senator has called into question his actions- and the L.A. Times has showed us a past record that hinges on crossing the barriers of law.
 I do believe it is time for Mueller to step down-
When a liberal news paper believes wrong has been done thru out the history of someone who has been in law enforcement- then it is time to find someone with integrity to take over the job.
 That time has come- we call on Robert Mueller to step down immediately in light of these new reports.
 Hopefully he will do the right thing this time around.
 [Also talked about Net Neutrality and a few other news topics]-
 I made the video’s below the other day-
  Here are some news links-
   [Below are the ones I made the other day]
 Homeless man- https://youtu.be/ndbyMHe20tw
 Brief talk- https://youtu.be/dtA56K3RmTQ
 Jerome- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IckgCiOiGxg  [I made this one a few years ago in NYC- thought it would fit here]
 I was on my way out of town- and as I stopped at a store I saw a homeless man out front. He was acting out a little- kind of showing the public that he was ‘nuts’?
But I walked up to him and started talking.
 You see him on the video [homeless man] but he didn’t want to talk much on camera.
He did ask me if I would by him lunch- I did.
I noticed that the man serving the meal seemed to resent me buying lunch for the homeless man.
 Both the homeless man- and the food server- were Black.
It just seemed strange that he resented serving him.
We went outside and hung out for a little while- you could see the brother open up- sort of like he has been treated badly- obviously people see him- and he gets a response of rejection- so I think he plays into it.
 We had a good talk- as we sat out side I noticed a cop car pulled up to the front of the store.
The store was empty for the most part- I got the feeling that the manager called the cops.
As I was thinking where to tag these brief videos- I remembered one of the first homeless men I met on the streets of New York City a few years ago-
 Sure enough- I found the video-
That's Jerome.
 I also found it strange that I was not feeling well this day- but as soon as I saw skip [that was his real name- he said Bruce Lee as a joke] I felt better.
I mean it was noticeable- even to me.
 Jesus said ‘if you do it to the least of these- you do it to me’- [Which just happened to be the verses from the Catholic Mass for this Sunday- I reviewed them Friday night- the day I ran into Skip]
 PAST POSTS- I just searched for Tower 7 in my past posts- the below links showed up- I guess I talked about 911 on these links- I talked about 911 on one of the video’s posted today- Monday 11-27-17-
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
https://ccoutreach87.com/ [Main site too]
    Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on-  Copy text- download video links [Wordpress- Vimeo] make complete copies of my books/studies and posts- everything is copyrighted by me- I give permission for all to copy and share as much as you like-  I just ask that nothing be sold. We live in an online world- yet- there is only one internet- meaning if it ever goes down- the only access to the teachings are what others have copied or downloaded- so feel free to copy and download as much as you want- it’s all free-
Thanks- John.
0 notes
g-a-b77-blog · 7 years
The Computer Analogy
By Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration Computers are made in the image of people, just as people are made in the image of God. Every creation is, in some respects, a self-portrait of its creator. So although we are not limited to the mechanical functions of computers, we work in similar ways. Of course, we humans are also our own programmers, as well as being the data, hardware and software that runs those programs. The three main components of a computer are hardware, software and information or data. Let's start with hardware... the components that make up the physical equipment: oThe hard drive is your bio-magnetic field, or the area of charged particles around the body. All your information is in the field, stored in digital form on rings that are read by light. oThe CPU is your brain. An astonishing range of problems are caused by glitches in the brain chemistry. For instance, dyslexia arises when communication is unable to cross the mid-line (top to bottom, side to side, or front to back). Each quadrant of the brain deals with different types of processing; when those are repaired or re-stored, many other physical disorders can also be rectified. oWiring has several equivalents in the human body: it's the nervous system, plus the meridians and a couple of other systems. The most significant type of wiring is the connection between the brain and the body, which operates on both physical and non-physical levels. oYour mouse, keyboard and other input devices correlate to the eyes, ears, and other senses, because those are what convey external information to the internal processors (CPU) and information storage devices (like the hard drive). oAn optional component is a printer, which creates physical output from the internal processes in your computer. In your human energy system, your output is your physical LIFE! So... just as with an electronic computer, information is scooped up and filtered through the CPU before being deposited in the hard drive, or field. From there, it is retrieved, sifted, manipulated using programs, and stored again - or sent to the printer or other output device. All of these components must be compatible; a PC mouse or keyboard won't work with a Mac computer, or vice versa. They cannot recognize each other or work together. The same thing happens when your components have glitches - they cannot do their work properly, separately or as a system. We looked at hardware, so now let's look at software, or the automated patterns we use to manipulate data and create output. oSoftware is the interface between hardware and output. Any computer program is an ordered series of steps in a programming language or code. These steps must be compiled in the precise order required for the program to work. In the human system, the equivalent of software is our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires - all the automatic patterns by which we find ourselves acting. oSystem architecture is the layout of the logic circuits, and it determines what kind of operating system will work in the overall system. oAn operating system provides the overall framework that allows the software to connect with the hardware and the operator. Examples of an operating system are Windows, OS/X for Mac, and Unix. Programs generally work in only one operating system at a time. Your operating system is your Immortal Soul. oFormatting is the exact way information must be aligned for a given program to act correctly. The data must be in the right kind of file or else the program can't read it. Other people's files tend not to be correctly formatted for your inner computers. oEvery program is susceptible to internal glitches and external attacks such as computer viruses. When you pick up a computer virus, there are three possible outcomes: you run a program that you don't want, or you use a lot of system re-sources getting past the incorrect programming, or your computer crashes. When you attempt to run other people's programs or automatic patterns that do not suit your operating system or some other aspect of your inner computers: eventually your whole system will crash, leading to exhaustion, illness or even death. Thus, as with electronic computers, software compatibility is just as important as hard-ware compatibility. Unless the operating system matches the system architecture... and the computer programs match the operating system... and the data is in files that match the computer programs... and the data is stored correctly in the hard drive... well, you get the picture! Even if all the parts are compatible, any or all of them can fall prey to both internal and external problems ranging from misunderstandings to deliberate attacks and general epidemics. And of course the results in your human bio-computers are about what you would expect: unreliability, brain fog, loss of memory, physical ailments, exhaustion, and all manner of other negative conditions. We looked at hardware and software, so now let's look at information or data in the human computers. Every computer needs information to work on, otherwise there is nothing to apply those programs to, right? So what creates or loads information in your system? The basis of all your data starts with sensory impressions. Every day, your eyes, ears, taste buds, nose and skin perceive gazillions of impressions, and they are ALL stored in your bio-magnetic field or hard drive. These impressions are filtered by your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and only the significant one make it into consciousness... but they are all there somewhere, and they form the basis of your Akashic records. The Get Social with Cloud Ninjas Akashic records 'ripen' and form the basis of your next 'lifetime' - and in every physical incarna-tion you have dozens of lifetimes. But that's another story... No matter what you know or remember consciously, everything that has ever happened to you is stored somewhere in your hard drive, plus everything you've ever thought, felt, believed, or done. This information exists forever as files in your hard drive - unless you change, clear or delete them. Your system cannot tell the difference between what actually happened, your memories, interpretations, or what you imagine. Thus we can shift and reorganize those files to allow or create what we actually want, rather than running or recycling earlier traumas. Your field is your memory. Left to their own devices, your inner files will run themselves from time to time and recreate earlier situations, both positive and negative. The more negative files you have, the more they will attract or create similar results. This is why some people have multiple accidents, or have the same relationship over and over again, just with different people. Their files keep them at that lower resonance. (Of course, there are other reasons bad things happen, too, but this attracts them.) From time to time you need to clean up your desktop or laptop computer, and the same is true for your inner bio-computers. You are constantly creating from your hard drive, for good or for ill, because whatever's in there is attracting similar results. So if you want to have a great life, start filling up your database with what you want to create: your happy life with great relationships, opulence and vibrant health. There's a lot to be said for reading a couple of verses of inspirational writing every day, just to fill your database with higher frequencies based on faith, hope, charity, higher love, patience and faith. Whatever's in your files will come out in your life. That's what Geotran human programming is for: to change your files, wiring, software, and all the rest. Once everything is compatible once more, you can start creating from a positive, conscious database... whatever that looks like to you! Author's Bio: Dr. Kyre Adept is a certified Geotran(TM) human programmer and integration coach. Her practice ART of Integration is based in Santa Barbara, and she works with clients all over the world via phone and skype. Ready to create your rich, delicious life? For details and your FREE consultation, contact Dr. Kyre at www.ART-of-Integration.com, or by email at [email protected]. http://www.selfgrowth.com/print/4081376
0 notes
sophiethelhasa-blog · 7 years
The Computer Analogy
By Dr. Kyre Adept, Director of ART of Integration Computers are made in the image of people, just as people are made in the image of God. Every creation is, in some respects, a self-portrait of its creator. So although we are not limited to the mechanical functions of computers, we work in similar ways. Of course, we humans are also our own programmers, as well as being the data, hardware and software that runs those programs. The three main components of a computer are hardware, software and information or data. Let's start with hardware... the components that make up the physical equipment: oThe hard drive is your bio-magnetic field, or the area of charged particles around the body. All your information is in the field, stored in digital form on rings that are read by light. oThe CPU is your brain. An astonishing range of problems are caused by glitches in the brain chemistry. For instance, dyslexia arises when communication is unable to cross the mid-line (top to bottom, side to side, or front to back). Each quadrant of the brain deals with different types of processing; when those are repaired or re-stored, many other physical disorders can also be rectified. oWiring has several equivalents in the human body: it's the nervous system, plus the meridians and a couple of other systems. The most significant type of wiring is the connection between the brain and the body, which operates on both physical and non-physical levels. oYour mouse, keyboard and other input devices correlate to the eyes, ears, and other senses, because those are what convey external information to the internal processors (CPU) and information storage devices (like the hard drive). oAn optional component is a printer, which creates physical output from the internal processes in your computer. In your human energy system, your output is your physical LIFE! So... just as with an electronic computer, information is scooped up and filtered through the CPU before being deposited in the hard drive, or field. From there, it is retrieved, sifted, manipulated using programs, and stored again - or sent to the printer or other output device. All of these components must be compatible; a PC mouse or keyboard won't work with a Mac computer, or vice versa. They cannot recognize each other or work together. The same thing happens when your components have glitches - they cannot do their work properly, separately or as a system. We looked at hardware, so now let's look at software, or the automated patterns we use to manipulate data and create output. oSoftware is the interface between hardware and output. Any computer program is an ordered series of steps in a programming language or code. These steps must be compiled in the precise order required for the program to work. In the human system, the equivalent of software is our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires - all the automatic patterns by which we find ourselves acting. oSystem architecture is the layout of the logic circuits, and it determines what kind of operating system will work in the overall system. oAn operating system provides the overall framework that allows the software to connect with the hardware and the operator. Examples of an operating system are Windows, OS/X for Mac, and Unix. Programs generally work in only one operating system at a time. Your operating system is your Immortal Soul. oFormatting is the exact way information must be aligned for a given program to act correctly. The data must be in the right kind of file or else the program can't read it. Other people's files tend not to be correctly formatted for your inner computers. oEvery program is susceptible to internal glitches and external attacks such as computer viruses. When you pick up a computer virus, there are three possible outcomes: you run a program that you don't want, or you use a lot of system re-sources getting past the incorrect programming, or your computer crashes. When Cloud Ninjas you attempt to run other people's programs or automatic patterns that do not suit your operating system or some other aspect of your inner computers: eventually your whole system will crash, leading to exhaustion, illness or even death. Thus, as with electronic computers, software compatibility is just as important as hard-ware compatibility. Unless the operating system matches the system architecture... and the computer programs match the operating system... and the data is in files that match the computer programs... and the data is stored correctly in the hard drive... well, you get the picture! Even if all the parts are compatible, any or all of them can fall prey to both internal and external problems ranging from misunderstandings to deliberate attacks and general epidemics. And of course the results in your human bio-computers are about what you would expect: unreliability, brain fog, loss of memory, physical ailments, exhaustion, and all manner of other negative conditions. We looked at hardware and software, so now let's look at information or data in the human computers. Every computer needs information to work on, otherwise there is nothing to apply those programs to, right? So what creates or loads information in your system? The basis of all your data starts with sensory impressions. Every day, your eyes, ears, taste buds, nose and skin perceive gazillions of impressions, and they are ALL stored in your bio-magnetic field or hard drive. These impressions are filtered by your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and only the significant one make it into consciousness... but they are all there somewhere, and they form the basis of your Akashic records. The Akashic records 'ripen' and form the basis of your next 'lifetime' - and in every physical incarna-tion you have dozens of lifetimes. But that's another story... No matter what you know or remember consciously, everything that has ever happened to you is stored somewhere in your hard drive, plus everything you've ever thought, felt, believed, or done. This information exists forever as files in your hard drive - unless you change, clear or delete them. Your system cannot tell the difference between what actually happened, your memories, interpretations, or what you imagine. Thus we can shift and reorganize those files to allow or create what we actually want, rather than running or recycling earlier traumas. Your field is your memory. Left to their own devices, your inner files will run themselves from time to time and recreate earlier situations, both positive and negative. The more negative files you have, the more they will attract or create similar results. This is why some people have multiple accidents, or have the same relationship over and over again, just with different people. Their files keep them at that lower resonance. (Of course, there are other reasons bad things happen, too, but this attracts them.) From time to time you need to clean up your desktop or laptop computer, and the same is true for your inner bio-computers. You are constantly creating from your hard drive, for good or for ill, because whatever's in there is attracting similar results. So if you want to have a great life, start filling up your database with what you want to create: your happy life with great relationships, opulence and vibrant health. There's a lot to be said for reading a couple of verses of inspirational writing every day, just to fill your database with higher frequencies based on faith, hope, charity, higher love, patience and faith. Whatever's in your files will come out in your life. That's what Geotran human programming is for: to change your files, wiring, software, and all the rest. Once everything is compatible once more, you can start creating from a positive, conscious database... whatever that looks like to you! Author's Bio: Dr. Kyre Adept is a certified Geotran(TM) human programmer and integration coach. Her practice ART of Integration is based in Santa Barbara, and she works with clients all over the world via phone and skype. Ready to create your rich, delicious life? For details and your FREE consultation, contact Dr. Kyre at www.ART-of-Integration.com, or by email at [email protected]. http://www.selfgrowth.com/print/4081376
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