#::Deal Of A Lifetime~:: - Enigmavis
alastors-radioshow · 1 year
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//Oh, hey, since it’s pride month, and Alastor has two obsessions at the moment... We all know Mordecai is one... And then there’s Oswald.. The first human to get him all bothered and confused about emotions.. SO! Have this closeup of Alastor and the little bird he’s awfully obsessed with, but he just doesn’t know why yet~
I love them, your honor. Don’t @ me
@enigmavis​ look at them! The boys!
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
@enigmavis​ | Cont. from X
Had Alastor heard the call? Of course he had. Had he been able to leave when he heard it? No. Considering the fact that he had been in quite the situation himself prevented him from even leaving Hell. He had been defending not only himself, but also the inhabitants of Princess Charlotte’s hotel. He had an obligation there. Especially when the overlords, merely known as the three V’s, had decided to lead the attack. 
Oh, how he had listened as that voice became more and more desperate. His informants had let him know what was going on. And... Was that.. Worry, he felt? Equal desperation? Was that smile of his strained when he was finally able to leave? 
He would stand there, allowing the other to rage. To attack. It could hurt him. Ever so much. But kill him? No. So he allowed it. Odd for the demon to do so. Would the other man even notice the soot on his coat? The bruises forming on his face? The fact that one sleeve was hanging loose? He hadn’t even considered changing, or washing himself off before he left. Only to find out that he was too late. 
For once, he felt guilty. He should have been there. And he would have, if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was trying to fight off not one, but three overlords, along with the Princess of Hell herself.
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He eventually reached out to take hold of the wrist of the other, firmly, but not to the point of it hurting the man. He found it hard to even yell back. 
“Oswald..” He merely spoke, voice calm, but the way his brows furrowed, his eyes narrowed.. Easily gave away the fact that he himself was affected. Not only because he hadn’t been there on time.. But also because the other man was this.. Broken. He found that he didn’t like that. Odd.. He usually didn’t care about the anguish of others. Certainly not mortals. But this mortal?
Oh, he cared. Maybe too much..
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
The stag was.. In a mood, for certain. He rarely let anything bother him. Or anyone. And when someone did manage to, their life was usually cut rather short. Unfortunate. 
This evening, the overlord had decided to leave the city, retreating to his Louisiana-style mansion. The fireplace was crackling away, the tunes of smooth jazz sounding from an old radio. A glass of red wine between long fingers, as the demon was sat in his armchair, brows furrowed in annoyance.
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Moronic, ill-tempered, annoying little brat.. Getting him riled up like that. 
A long sip of his wine followed those thoughts, an annoyed hiss leaving him as crimson orbs narrowed, looking into the fire.
Then burn, if that is what you so badly desire. 
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
I want to see you confess to Oswald, honestly. C'mon, it's so obvious that he's more to you than an asset or whatever
I want to see you…. finish it in my ask
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He was silent for a good, few moments, crimson orbs narrowing at the suggestion.
Annoyance was evident. And that annoyance soon turned to venom in his veins.
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"Oh, you want me to confess, hmm? Now, allow me to educate you on what will happen if you keep pushing, you nuisance~ I will personally hunt you down and rid you of your eyeballs, so that you will not be able to see anything, ever again~ If I am to confess to anyone, regardless of who, regardless of reason, it will certainly not be to please the likes of you."
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"Confessions are from the heart, and if you keep this up, you will find yourself to be in severe lack of one~"
Was the masked one correct, though? Maybe. Who could tell, really?
(Ment. @enigmavis )
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
why did you make a deal with that guy? that human guy? your a demon, you could find so much better, but you seem to like him, even taking a bullet for him? why? he's pathetic! washed up, wannabe crime boss
Talk shit about someone my Muse knows.
Crimson orbs narrowed as the masked nuisance spoke, a slight twitch at the corner of his lips, threatening to turn his grin into a snarl.
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"I believe that I am perfectly capable of determining who is worth signing contracts with. And he just so happens to be worth my time and effort~ That might be incomprehensible for the onlooker. But I know a great deal more about him that you ever will."
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"I would think very carefully about my next words, if I was in your shoes, dear~ Oswald Cobblepot is destined to rule, and I shall happily assist him in reaching his goal~"
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
Alastor: *Gets shot*
Oswald: Oh my god, oh no, don't die!!
Alastor: *While definitely bleeding* 'Tis but a scratch!
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
@enigmavis | Cont. from X.
That gunshot echoed through the air, and in sheer surprise and force from the impact, the demon was down, the air having been knocked out of him for a moment. Now, being an unholy creature had its perks. Mortal weapons could not kill him. But it still hurt like Hell, no pun intended, to get shot. And in his human disguise? Even worse.
A shotgun? Really? Oh, terrific.
He hissed in pain, annoyance evident in his features as he looked up at the man by his side. He still had to get used to this.. Timid side of him. But perhaps that was for the best at the moment. "Mr. Cobblepot, that was not aimed at me.." He started, dark eyes darting towards the direction from where the shot was fired.
A touch of crimson glinted in those eyes as he pushed himself up, managing to get himself onto his knees. One hand moved to push Oswald behind him, shielding him from the assailant. He should be able to get them out of this rather quickly.
But oh, how he wanted to tear into that moron who had fired the shot.
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"So, either we hurry out of here, or I take that one on~" He'd muse, slowly turning that now completely crimson gaze towards the man behind him. "The choice is yours, but think fast, dear~"
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
Sooo..... There's this human you seem very hooked on... Oswald, was it? You like him? (For the yes or no thingie)
Let’s play “yes” or “no.” You ask me questions on anonymous or not, and I can only answer YES or NO.
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".. Yes."
Ment: @enigmavis
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
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The stag would glance down at his hand, a very self-satisfied smile on his face as he slowly curled those long, clawed fingers. 
He hadn’t been that thrilled about sealing a deal with a human in ages. Then again, said human seemed rather different than what he usually dealt with.
Oh, this would be an interesting run for certain~
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
//Who, me? Drawing a really obscure ship because @enigmavis​ has me absolutely obsessed with it? Yes. Yes, I am. 
Preview under the cut~
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