#:softsmile: ships been discussed w neffi. even wo though edward admires leonardo a lot
justices-blade · 1 year
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
ask meme - emoji asks
// hee hoo... he's head over heels for leonardo and he has no idea. he's been that way for a while and he has no idea. it's not even that easy to pick out because edward's openly affectionate with anyone he considers a friend and whose boundaries permit it; even people who are familiar with him could look at how he acts and just find it to be a natural extension of how long the two have known eachother and how much they've been through, while people less familiar will just clock leonardo as his obvious bestie.
// he does do an Amount of stealing glances and little touches and affectionate grinning, though. he visibly perks up when he spots leonardo across the courtyard, he lets his guard down around him, tries to impress him and do him proud, his internal monologue is evidently smitten and yet noone can hear it and the fool boy doesn't fucking realise. but the second you let him start talking about leonardo at length? it's obvious.
// it needs some digging, just because of how he is as a person; full of affection and admiration off the bat towards most anyone willing to accept it. but once you start digging, it's impossible not to notice. it's cute.
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