#;; Mara Goransson
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Please explain...?
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julienkzlv · 3 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @maragoransson​ anytime, anywhere!
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“You know that’s really bad for your lungs, right?” he says at the sight of the cigarette between Mara’s fingers, his index finger unabashedly directed at it as he approaches. With the backpack he’s hauling and a pile of books in his hands, he does not simply walk - he waddles. 
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dagnylarsson · 4 years
If you leave me leaving in the morning Could you just pretend that it was only wind? ‘cause I can't love you even if I want to Got a lot to work through You don't know where I've been It’s been a long time coming
You said love was painted gold Like all things growing old The paint peels and slowly falls You already know
Wherever you will ever be You're never getting rid of me You own me There's nothing you can do You own me
I know now you gave your best That is all I ever really asked And how it all went down I'm all through putting all of that on you And how I threw myself around Trying to find the man outside of you And how it goes is like this All that I am and have these days can all be traced Back to you
I remember the drive with and without you One road I took to catch you The other road I took to leave you where I found you And I remember that day We sat in some strange bar With nothing much to say Nothing at all I loved you And I still do You know I loved you And I still do
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theonotdora · 4 years
closed for: @maragoransson​ location: spotlight cinema time: shortly after dark
“I used to work in a movie theater, you know,” Theo started, holding the door to the cinema open for Mara. “My parents wanted me to get a job in high school. To build character, I suppose. Not sure how well it worked,” they joked, following closely behind. The warmth of the movie theater was welcome after the brisk chill of outside - December was pulling no punches when it came to the weather. Theo delicately unwrapped the handknit scarf from around her neck, undoing the buttons on her coat and staring around the lobby with a faint hint of cheer. Everything was well-decorated, in that Alby way Theo had come to expect - glittering garlands of tinsel reflected the lights from a detailed display near the front door. It smelled of fake butter and sugar and something else, an intangible sort of smell that seemed to linger in all movie theaters, even the ones back home. “Did you have any bad high school jobs?”
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lynnpaper · 3 years
3, 13, 23!
thank you for the ask, love :)
EOY asks
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
i wish i could say it was something deep and poignant and poetic but it's actually this:
Din woke in the middle of the night (as he so often did) to find Luke had slid an arm over his side and a leg between his calves. When he attempted to escape, in a vain mission to retrieve a glass of water from the kitchen, Luke curled his arm tighter around his waist and mumbled, “they’ll poke your fucking knees.”
He did not sleep after that.
(from the 60k post-mando-S2E16 monster that ate at me until i could not look at it without feeling misery)
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
i could write an essay on this question but
bro..... when that final strings passage hits tell me you start vibrating too
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
• leia organa character-study esque sort of thing (mara jade was in this; i was enabled and excited. unfortunately leia organa is cool and i am not)
• pre-bobf fennec + boba wlw/mlm solidarity backstory (involved way too much worldbuilding for my pea sized brain. anyway jon favreau has done god's work for this one; everybody countdown until 29/12)
• 5k-ish mando s3 hypothesis (also too much worldbuilding for my pea sized brain. furthermore i learned i was incapable of not making everything a sex joke)
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