#;; also she thinks that it's bc of mobius that loki now sees her as weak and not the all-powerful enchantress he fell in love with
lamiaviridis · 8 months
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💚     ⸺     ​ @liecrafted 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬. ┆𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 - always accepting !
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you have no idea what i'd do to keep you safe.
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The plan of action in pursuing this particular He Who Remains Variant was simple: Amora would pose as a distraction, Loki surveyed the establishment for any of this particular Variant's henchmen and dispose of them and Mobius waited for him to cue an ambush of said Variant with an appropriate amount of Minutemen. Posing as an exotic dancer to gain the attention of a mob-affiliated millionaire was mere child's play for The Enchantress. And all was going swimmingly well, until the Variant called a few more of his men over to gawk at Amora.
Shifting a bit on his lap, she forced a smile and held out a hand in greeting, fighting back a gag when the opposing man bestowed a kiss upon the back of it. These men were armed with weaponry, though bullets barely phased Asgardian deities such as she and Loki, whom she couldn't help but take note of his ever-building envy as more men crowded around her. The multitude of hands on her bothered her more than she'd ever admit; she was used to men flaunting after her prowess and her beauty for eons, though not being touched by two at once. She merely played the part and waited until the Variant had his guard down so she could enchant him with a kiss Loki hopefully wouldn't see.
Though, that moment never came due to the onslaught of bodies hitting the brothel floors as the group of men, the Variant included, slumped over and Loki was the only one left standing, hurrying over to her and grabbing her arm. With a tug, she was off the Variant's lap and walking alongside Loki towards the exit of the establishment. She barely had time to process all of what had happened, though she yanked her arm from his grasp and demanded to know the absurdity of his actions. He claimed they were getting "too insistent" and could tell she'd been afraid. This, for some reason, angered her.
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❛  Afraid ? The Enchantress holds no fear, especially not towards Midgardian fools such as these. I had the situation under control, and I was more than nearing my opportunity to strike my target. I am no weakling, Loki. I am more than capable of saving myself.  ❜
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fugitivestogether · 3 years
okay like no real spoilers for the new Loki series but oh my god
I know Loki likes to listen to himself talk but does he ever actually realize what he’s saying? this is pre-dark world/ragarok/infinity war Loki, btw so ofc he hasn’t gone through that development yet but STILL my god Loki you lil dumbass i love your dumb guts but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EDITING THIS BECAUSE I’M LIVECAST COMMENTING BUT-- oh my gosh, it’s incredible the amount of influence Thor has on Loki - take it away on this Loki variant and maaaan it’s a different story but it’s kinda cool to see he’s uncomfortable when faced with the shit he’s done??? He was also under the control of the mind(?) stone or tesseract so...hm. We’ll see how this Loki develops. OKAYFJSDA KLFJDSKLFJDSLKAF LOKI AS DB COOPER IS SO FUCKING HILARIOUS AND STUPID wtfffffff it fits him so well. dumbass of the century oh god WHAT DID HE MEAN BY HEIMDALL AND BROTHER AT THAT LAST BIT WTF WERE THEY DOING??? DID THEY LET LOKI OUT OF SIGHT FOR LIKE A MINUTE??? the idea that Loki’s just been...fucking around on Earth out of sheer boredom for a good part of his life is...oh god you problem child you. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i’m so sad that they included that REALLY HEARTBREAKING moment with him and Frigga because WTF  that’s the last thing he said to her before she died and skdfl;asdkfl;dkfl;dklfdk l I super hope that Loki gets good development again where he realizes he’s stuck in a cycle. I JUST WANT HIM TO GROOOOOWWW I can see now that SEEING his mom getting killed is gonna lead to some changes...but will it be the same as hearing about her death and realizing that conclusion himself? That in his anger and little temper tantrum that he threw and cycle of self and outward hatred, he killed one of the only people who actually ever loved him??? NOOOOOOOOOO this is hard to watch GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I’M GETTING ANXIOUS HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO MAKE MY BOI FEEL EVEN WORSE ABOUT HIMSELF I MEAN LIKE I KNOW IT’S NEEDED AND EVERYONE NEEDS THAT SWIFT AND HARSH KICK IN THE ASS BUT DAMN HEARING THAT ALL YOU’RE GOOD FOR IS TO BRING OTHERS SUFFERING AND TO NEVER ACHIEVE IT YOURSELF AND THAT OTHERS WILL SUCCEED FROM YOUR LOSS IS SO HEARTBREAKING???? I just wanna hug my boi and tell him that yeah it fucking sucks  AAAAAANNNNND he’s back to being a dumbass OH LOKI Thor really was right about the cycle thing I mean I know they gotta develop him all throughout the series but still. Mobius was onto something there. I really hope that they become friends...Loki could use some actual ones ; __ ; ALSO POOR CASEY WTF WHAT’S A FISH YOU LITTLE PRECIOUS BAGEL YOU Omg the tons of infinity stones as PAPER WEIGHTS lmaoooooo also is that fucking lightsaber in the drawer oml mmmyeah you know you see they PLAY that music that has Loki in awe like he’s questioning everything and gonna do a change in himself but in reality I think we all know that one he says ‘is this the greatest power in the universe’ with that tiny shaky little voice he actually means ‘IS THIS MY NEXT CONQUEST!??!’  BIG SIGH OH FUCKING GOD I’M CRYING BECAUSE LOKI IS CRYING WHEN HE GOES BACK TO SEE FRIGGA DEAD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HE LOVES HER SO MUCH AND NOW HE KNOWS HE PLAYED A PART IN HER DEATH BC HE CAN’T BREAK FREE OF THAT LOOP AND WILL HE LEARN!!?!?!? OH MY GFUCKING GOD!!!!!!! HE SAW THE PART WHERE ODIN SAID HE LOVED HIM AND HE SEES HIS FACE WHEN HE SAYS THAT AND NOW LOKI IS AUDIBLY CRYING AND I CAN’T TAKE THIS SOMEONE HUG HIM PLEASE ahHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKING CHRIST HE SEES THE PART WHERE THOR SAYS HE LOVES LOKI BUT HE JUST DOESN’T SEE LOKI CHANGING OH GOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING MY HEART CAN’T TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SEES HIMSELF BREAKING FREE AND HE SEES HIMSELF MAKING A DIFFERENCE TO HELP THOR BUT HE SEES HIS OWN DEATH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dude, he doesn’t see Thor crying over his body.... you can see him get angry again. he’s scared but angry. and does he think Thor died with him!?!????!?!?!? Oh god.... yeah he’s pissed off. but also like...if that time variant’s Thanos went into the future...doesn’t that mean that technically, this time variant Loki...and anyone that died at Thanos’ hand after he took the tesseract...wont they now NOT die? since that Thanos was killed in the future, and the original timeline variant Thanos was also killed? Unless that’s supposed to happen. So how was Loki escaping not part of the plan if the Avengers going back into time was hunky dory?????? dude Loki straight up admits he has no control and he’s so afraid of that and just wants control and he points to HIMSELF when he says ‘weak’....wow. Loki’s had a pretty rough day. very needed...but rough. I was like half expecting it to be the case but also not to be the case. I knew it was gonna be him that they had to hunt down. I freakin knew it. 
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