#;; also the navia mention got me 'bestie...'
yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
He's still the biggest red flag of the current event, but I wanna know if you'd go "yeah, but he's hot so I'd try anyway" lol.
I mean for me, if you did make the boss dateable in some Alternate Universe (even if it's only for a short time), for funsies, I'd give it a shot.
I'd flame out and burn out hard, but I still think I'd give it a try. I'd be a falling fireball, and I'd hit the ground hard. But at the very least, it'd be entertaining.
Also for me, as aesthetically pleasing to the eye the boss is, I'm more intrigued by his story and what skeletons he has in the closet.
I mean, Navia-mun, you hint at his red flags and his treatment of Cupid and Eros, which means there's a story there. Whether or not he's sympathetic is another issue entirely, but I'd like to hear his story.
Also, given his very bright red flags (attire not withstanding), I also think he'd be super interesting to write as a yandere, if he isn't already one in your mind.
To what extent will he go to, if someone's caught his eye? What sort of things would cause him to be obsessed with someone? Which aspects of his personality would end up coming out more if he does end up being matched with someone?
I think these are all interesting questions the Boss character raises, and I would like to see what sort of character he is or would be, if he was datable.
This was a super long winded ask, but the short answer is yes. Yes, if you made him dateable, I'd shoot my shot and see if I end up his match. And then if not, at least my attempt will be an entertaining fail.
Hm... You know, this actually gave me an idea. Unrelated to the event, but as a what if scenario.
(utc for an imagines. tw for yan behavior and tendencies, obsession and possession, isolation, implied murder but not in a way you'd think, manipulation, heavy lean to unrequited love, toxic relationships... And other tws that can spoil him because its a yandere blog. I think that speaks for itself.)
Boss is a yandere that is a mix of possessive and obsessive. In his worklife, personal life, and even to his friends and family, people can just tell that he's distant. Distant and a bit of a cruel man to those who he sees to have some sort of vendetta against him.
He had people that wanted him. He actually had some that were so, so convinced that they were fated to be together. However, it only took one day spent with him to leave, yelling and crying about how he is so 'abusive' and how 'his workers shouldn't tolerate the bs they all go through because of him'.
How amusing, he thinks. Do they honestly think that they had a chance? A sliver of hope that, in some way, he'd love them like how they do? To him, he saw them as obsessive freaks. He was just dishing out who he is.
Now, him falling for someone is almost laughable. He'd probably be the one who'd question why he'd find some form of interest in a romantic relationship. After all, he sees it more as an inconvenience. He doesn't exactly... Get the appeal as others do.
If he were to, God forbid, fall for someone... That someone better be prepared for a man who is more than ready to simply find any means to get to talking with you. He won't plan on showing his hand that he's managing MixMatch and is associated with Celestia Inc. to some degree, since he hates mixing work life with personal life. He'll just... omit it.
Boss is twisted in his perception of who he enjoys being around with. Quite often, you saw how he simply treats his employees like they were just people who can't understand him. It's laughable, actually.
What isn't laughable is his power.
He's not vocal with what he enjoys, opting to simply let you be the judge. You hold the 'gavel', per say; and although he may be the defendant in your eyes, he aspires to be the prosecution.
He wants you to view him more favorably, so it would be convenient for him when things go awry.
He'll treat you better in dates if he had to. God forbid you tell him that he didn't, for he'd rectify it and say that work made him so, so busy to focus on his personal life. He'd be meticulous to what you like and don't like, what you don't tolerate and do...
... And while you're busy focusing on how nicer he became, he'll slowly taint your views, working and worming his way to someone that you can't push away anymore.
He'd slowly push you till you were unable to get your support system back. He'd make extra sure that you yourself will tell them that you can't be near them anymore. He wants you to do the work for him, since if you loved him so much... Wouldn't you do this for your relationship together?
He'd make sure that you understand your place, even if you aren't his worker at the company. He'd deny any sort of reward until he thinks you've 'straightened up'. He wants to see you squirm and struggle on doing just that, because he himself wants to see if you can be strong to withstand the eye of the storm itself.
He'd shower you with love on the first few years, making sure you're well fed-- no, spoiled without a single bat of an eye, and then he has you in the palms of his hands. He's quite well off, so it wouldn't be long to satisfy your greedy mind with things you wished you could afford.
Then... He'll stop.
If you ask him why he stopped, well... You clearly forgot who you're dealing with.
Bit by bit, your relationship will sour. You'll have to work your way into getting the basic necessities because you've been far, far spoiled for his liking. He'll make you writhe as you try to get his affections.
Then, the cycle repeats. Over, and over, and over, and over. He'll make you so spoiled, then he'll deprive you of it.
He doesn't care what violations he's breaking. He doesn't care if you sobbed and kept saying you can't. He does not care if you tell him you're going to die because of how hard he's been on you.
You wanted this life of luxury. You wanted him.
It's not his fault that you can't read the fine print, is it? That you're so busy obsessing over a man's appearance, riches, and even his manners that you forgot the basic decorum. You forgot to act like a proper individual cause you went 'gaga' over him.
And he hates it. He hates that behavior you have.
Really, he doesn't love you like how you love him. He doesn't give any fucks. All he wants is someone who's so dumb to like him just so he'd have a little toy.
What, you're getting mad because of it? Shocker! He doesn't care.
He's not afraid of getting his hands dirty if he was threatened. Unlike you, he had to work for everything he got. In his eyes, no one deserves the fame unless he permits it.
You're fun as a little toy he had, but he grew bored of you. He doesn't want you anymore.
Maybe he can tip those men off to deal with the mess he's faced with.
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maxzinn · 5 months
Hello, buddy (is it okay to call you that). I just got into an argument with someone and wanted some advice.
So, my former classmate (who's a gamer), my best friend, and I had an argument over how I felt towards the Fatui and the Tsaritsa. While me and my friend don't believe they're (all) evil, we do have mixed feelings about them and their way of doing things, especially regarding the orphanage since it feels like they're raising child soldiers in a sense. But, my former classmate (who's a die hard villain apologist) accuses us of downplaying the suffering of the Fatui (especially the Harbingers) in favor of characters who didn't suffer (enough) like Diluc or Navia. He then proceeds to call me and my friend every slur in the book. Me and my bestie had to get up and leave the room we were in as soon as he started raising his voice. My mom had to practically throw him out of the house because he was having a meltdown.
I was so baffled by his words. Especially his slurs and the things he said about Diluc and Navia. He called Diluc an emo teen that never grew up and wants to play hero while Navia got called a bratty, rich glutton who never cares about anything but sweets and cries a lot.
We blocked him after this and my mother had to phone his parents to tell them about the situation.
Are me and my friend in the wrong in any way? I kind of feel like a bitch for feeling suspicious about the Fatui and Tsaritsa.
HMM, the answer is simply no - I don't think you and your friend are in the wrong.
Your "friend" needs to know that you guys are entitled to your own opinion and that he didn't need to raise his voice and get all defensive. If he finds your opinion wrong in some way then he could have just told you his pov and calmly explained what he thinks is wrong bout what you said.
Also, he needs to know that the Fatui are basically villains/gray characters in Genshin and everything they do is not even morally right. THEY AIN'T SAINTS. Yeah sure, most of them have tragic back stories but that DOESN'T excuse all the crimes and evil that they made. The Fatui are doing heinous crimes on their own volition. Not to mention that they're also causing the SAME trauma and pain to their victims, using their tragic backstory to excuse their terrorizing is hypocrisy.
He accuses you of downplaying the Fatui's suffering... but he's also downplaying Diluc and Navia's suffering like what? It may not be as "tragic" as the Fatui's story but losing your family/relative is just as painful. No one gets to decide who is most deserving of sympathy and love based on their "tragic" story.
Not to mention, the House of Hearth is basically shady and sus man. Arlecchino seems to care for the children but it feels like she's forcing them to go down the path she wants them to take, it really does feel like they're raising child soldiers at that point. Dotore's actions just cannot be excused man, what he did to the people of tatarasuna and to scara was unforgivable - he basically ruined his life and killed the people he treated as family. Scara's crimes cannot be excused too despite his story. Childe, despite doing this for his family is also doing bad guy stuff - he doesn't act like a villain much, but he's a gray character. Signora cannot be excused too despite her story. All of them did crime on their own volition despite knowing it will hurt a lot of people.
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