#;; introduction -> bakkalcha THE KING
classiqals · 8 months
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{winston duke, 37, cisman, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, KING BAKKALCHA SOLOMAN of ETHIOPIA! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are THOUGHTFUL and PROTECTIVE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your BITTERNESS bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ARE WAVERING ON THE LINE BETWEEN LIGHT & DARK MOTIVES.
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nicknames:  chala.
sexuality:  heterosexual.
relationship: married to the queen of ethiopia for nearly two decades now.
date of birth:  july 10th.
zodiac sign:  cancer.
moral alignment: neutral good but becoming more lawful neutral...
hobbies: spending time with family, with animals, communing with nature, playing card games/games of chance.
dislikes: betrayal, people talking about him, animal cruelty, being interrupted, selfish natures.
languages spoken: tba!
politics/loyalty: loyal only to his home, his family. is growing suspicious and angry with other nations, and distrusting. is beginning to believe that the others are against them, is slow to offer alliances.
inspirations: the maverick, the leader, the vengeful, the crestfallen, the protector.
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known for once being generous, kind-hearted, and extremely compassionate (especially to animals), chala has becoming different in the last few weeks as he changes quickly following the loss of his mother. he is growing distrusting, moreso than he ever has in his 10 years of reign.
he is extremely careful with his kingdom - and will rarely accept outside help, funneling about 99% of everything directly back into his own realm, and has little trade business outside of ethiopia.
even so, he has aided other countries in the past, with funds or food, but never military.
he has left behind his pet cat, a blackmane lion that he rescued as a cub during a hunting trip, with a bad paw causing him to limp and go very slowly. he's a bit fat, so he wouldn't have made the journey... and the sharma staff said no, so, whatever.
he and his wife do have children!
to be filled out as i plot!
his wife, the queen of ethiopia: his dearest, true love queen malaika
eldest of four, chala took his role as the big brother very seriously, and was primed to be king from an early age. everything in life was planned and laid out for him - his bride selected, fortunate to have been already a close friend, chala was ready long before he got to take the throne. he trained in war, but he also trained in gentleness.
he regularly would stay in humble accommodations, traveling his country, and visiting every corner to get to know, understand, and affect the lives of his people. there was little chala would do that was not a direct act of service to his country, to his family, to his parents most of all.
maintaining this ideal world did not come easily. they were forced to maintain a harsh, brutal militia to defend their rich lands, and marriages were usually established early, and young, though chala hopes to be a little lenient on this now. his father, the reigning king, died 10 years ago in a battle that nearly took their home from them, but was ultimately won.
it was around this time that chala and his wife began to have their children, to watch their family grow... and he was even more prone to withdraw into his security, to close more doors, and tighten more roads to the essentials. they didn't need anyone else.
when chala took the throne, he promised to protect everyone... and he did, until now, when he was unable to protect his mother. he craves vengeance. it was not yet her time, and he is blinded by the grief.
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