#;; yes i made sure to go back to read Vivian's profile page to properly describe her attire haha
abrasife · 8 months
@unladielike * ✶ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Ah, he probably bothered her at a bad time. Still, there was really no way to make himself known without things getting a little awkward here or there. Yes, Reanne had told him to keep an eye out for her, but that didn't necessarily mean she told Vivian to keep an eye out for him in return. And it seemed that would be the case—this girl apparently knew nothing of him.
God, why was she like this? He almost wanted to death glare her nonexistent presence right now. She always told him to say 'hi' if he ran into her crowd but never bothered to let them know of his name or existence properly. Maybe it was her way of getting back at him for never bringing her up in conversation with his circle (not that he really had one as of late).
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❝ Well, she likes to introduce her friends to me, ❞ Keith explained as he subtly raised his eyebrows. Shifting the plastic bag he was holding by the arm to his working hand, the boy rerouted the conversation to introduce himself as it seemed Reanne really hadn't properly acquainted them (seriously, what was she doing?), ❝ and since she apparently didn't mention my name, I'm Keith. ❞
Note to self: refuse the next commission request that girl gives him even if she offers to pay double.
Tilting his head to the side, he briefly took in Vivian's appearance. She did carry a similar feel to Ophelia appearance-wise with a more simple and comfortable look, and Reanne got along with her as far as he knew, but—did she really get along with Vivian in the same way? Reanne was not the type to befriend many, but maybe the autopilot sounding talk of this girl was what helped her vibe so to speak? Honestly, why did he always have to question the people she somehow befriended? It was like some old habit that simply wouldn't die.
Partially folding his arms over each other as he committed her face to memory, he spoke a thought aloud, ❝ How did you two even meet anyway? For some reason, I doubt she would've approached you first. ❞
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