#;; bc she always tries to bring him into her friend group as she knows he struggles on the front of befriending people
abrasife · 8 months
@unladielike * ✶ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Ah, he probably bothered her at a bad time. Still, there was really no way to make himself known without things getting a little awkward here or there. Yes, Reanne had told him to keep an eye out for her, but that didn't necessarily mean she told Vivian to keep an eye out for him in return. And it seemed that would be the case—this girl apparently knew nothing of him.
God, why was she like this? He almost wanted to death glare her nonexistent presence right now. She always told him to say 'hi' if he ran into her crowd but never bothered to let them know of his name or existence properly. Maybe it was her way of getting back at him for never bringing her up in conversation with his circle (not that he really had one as of late).
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❝ Well, she likes to introduce her friends to me, ❞ Keith explained as he subtly raised his eyebrows. Shifting the plastic bag he was holding by the arm to his working hand, the boy rerouted the conversation to introduce himself as it seemed Reanne really hadn't properly acquainted them (seriously, what was she doing?), ❝ and since she apparently didn't mention my name, I'm Keith. ❞
Note to self: refuse the next commission request that girl gives him even if she offers to pay double.
Tilting his head to the side, he briefly took in Vivian's appearance. She did carry a similar feel to Ophelia appearance-wise with a more simple and comfortable look, and Reanne got along with her as far as he knew, but—did she really get along with Vivian in the same way? Reanne was not the type to befriend many, but maybe the autopilot sounding talk of this girl was what helped her vibe so to speak? Honestly, why did he always have to question the people she somehow befriended? It was like some old habit that simply wouldn't die.
Partially folding his arms over each other as he committed her face to memory, he spoke a thought aloud, ❝ How did you two even meet anyway? For some reason, I doubt she would've approached you first. ❞
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yuheartss · 3 months
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Summary - Saiki vs Teruhashi who wins? If im motivated enough I’ll probably do a pt 2
𖦹 wc - 1424
𖦹 warnings - mentions of death , sorta yonder behavior??
𖦹 a/n - Saiki and Teruhashi probably don’t seem like theirselves right? That’s bc I kinda based this off secret alliance ehehe I had no real idea what this one ws abt so..
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There were eyes staring at the back of your head boring into your very soul you shifted uncomfortably in your seat trying to tune into the teachers lesson you tapped on the beads that hung onto your braids your staring at me …again you thought as you stopped tapping on your beads you began to write whatever the teacher wrote on the board once you were done you looked behind your shoulder for a split second
From behind you you heard shifting “no I’m not” he responded a little defensively to which you chuckle softly to yes you are I can practically feel your eyes piercing my brain you exclaim in your mind while imagining lasers poke into your head you hear him huff then the teacher dismisses the class for lunch you turn around in your seat to face saiki “guess what I’ve got for ya” you said trying not tho think of what you got him
“You got me a coffee jelly?” His eyebrow raised as he guessed correctly “yes, as always your correct” you replied pulling out his jelly and your lunch “I was at the store this morning and thought of you so here we are” he nodded with the slightest faint of blush unnoticed by you “thanks” You both ate in a comfortable silence enjoying your respective meals occasionally you would ask him a question or two and he would respond with a simple answer or a sarcastic remark
Then from the corner of your eye you saw teruhashi staring at you two she looked like she was jealous but also hurt? her glow didn’t shine as brightly it made you wonder what was going through her head you gave here a small wave and her way too bright glow shines once again as she waves back with a smile now the two of you are stuck in this awkward wave across the room how did we get to this? you chuckled awkwardly reminiscing in your thoughts
“Put your hand down” Saiki told you with a hint of amusement almost finished with his jelly ‘s not that easy your arm is starting to hurt you groan softly and try to look anywhere but Teruhashi but no she kept staring at you and sometimes at Saiki speaking of Saiki he rolls his eyes and puts your and down himself “that wasn’t so hard was it?” You break away from Teruhashi’s stare to glare at him “easy for you to say, you don’t care if she likes you” Saiki frowns
“And you do?” He sounded a little hurt compared to his normal monotone it was only a small difference but you noticed it , that made you pause and think “well…no but.. ugh you know what I mean!” You tried to change the subject but that same frown resided on his face that was until Kaidou and Nendo came over loud as always Saiki’s frown deepened as he sighed then others, your friends, started piling up over you two theres no telling when Teruhashi was going to be in this bunch
“Hey guys i reallyy appreciate all of you being here but class is about to start and the teacher will be back soon” you told the group of friends there was a slight moments where they gave you skeptical looks but agreed “yeah your right” “yep” “talk to ya after class!” One by three they all went back to their seats and the teacher came in thank you god! You thought intertwining your fingers together and bowed your head
The teacher left once again to get more worksheets Teruhashi took the opportunity to walk over to your desk in the prettiest humanely possible her slow walk to your desk made you feel like you were in some kinda k drama she gave you a small smile “hey Y/n do you have and extra pencil?” You stare at her for a bit “yeah..yeah I do hold on” you turn around and dig into your bag and bring out a mechanical pencil with a green lollipop charm on the side
“It’s so cute! Where’d you get it?” Teruhashi beamed playing with the lollipop charm “the farmers market” you replied “it’s one of my favorites actually” the blue haired girl blinked in your direction “oh really?” She takes your hand and squeezes it “then I’ll take good care of it!” Your face heats up as you look away from her “yeah okay..” after those words leave your mouth a snapping sound came from next to you you and Teruhashi looked over at Saiki or what he was holding to be exact
He gripped onto a no.2 pencil so tight that it snapped in two he looked down at his hand and quickly hid the pencil away his gaze went up to your hand that was still in Teruhashi’s “my pencil broke” was all he said still giving the both of you and Teruhashi’s hands a hard stare “do you..want one of mine?” You asked slightly amused by his expression he nodded and you pulled your hand away from Teruhashi’s once again you reach into your bag to grab another mechanical pencil this time with a coffee jelly keychain
“I meant to give this to your earlier, had it commissioned justt for you” you smile as you hand him the pencil now it was his face that heated up but just barely “thanks..” you smiled a little brighter unnoticing Teruhashi’s frown “well! I’m gonna go now, thanks for the pencil! Byee~” she said in a sing song voice while she walked back to her desk you waved back and turned to Saiki laying your head on his desk
“Man I’m soo tired.. when’s the teacher coming back?” You asked him closing your eyes in the process “get your head off my desk” he replied with the most annoyed expression known to man “and he’s not coming back” your head went up abruptly almost smacking him in the chin “why what happened??” You asked almost concerned Saiki dismissed your worried look with a simple sentence “it’s almost the end of the day” your eyes widened “really? He nods once and you check your phone
“Then why are we still here..” your voice drifted furrowing your eyebrows in confusion your attempt fixed on the ruffles of his back as he packed his things and stood up “what are you waiting for? An invitation?” You sighed heavily packed your things as well and stood up “the treatment I get…” you shook your head and walked out with Saiki you both got too the stairs before Teruhashi came skipping over
You heard saiki audibly sigh “oh hey Teruhashi..what are you doing… ?” You greeted squeezing your bag hook nervously “you’re leaving right? I was on my way out too!” She clung onto your arm as you both walked down stairs almost completely ignoring Saikis presence behind the two of you she led you and Saiki mostly you towards the shoe boxes Teruhashi separated from you to go take off her uwabakis as you and saiki did the same
From a distance saiki gave Teruhashi the biggest side eye with furrowed brows if looks could kill she’d already be dead once he had his shoes back on he stood next to you “why is she with us? He asked a little irritated by her presence it was supposed to be the two of you together! Don’t get him wrong he knows the reason why she’s here but he needed to hear from you why she was here “well..she wanted to tag along so..o guess i couldn’t deny her? She’s Teruhashi!” You muttered
“I do really wish it was just us but you know..” you shrugged your shoulders making some of your beads roll off your shoulders and dangle from your back “I’m back~!” Teruhashi popped out of nowhere startling you she went right back to clinging onto your arm as you three walked outside the building “do you really want her here?” Saiki asked you his voice almost unsettling as he stared at the back of Teruhashi’s head
“Do you need her here?” He kept talking his voice echoing in your mind as you thought about Teruhashi’s place right now what are you gonna do to her? There was a slight pause Saiki thought an his words carefully as to not make you panic of worry knowing that once he and Teruhashi were alone he could get rid of her…using a new magic wand “I can make her leave..”
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itadorey · 7 months
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summary: would jjk characters win in a fight against the teletubbies? featuring: fushiguro megumi, itadori yuuji, kugisaki nobara, & gojo satoru genre: humor, hcs wc: ~750 notes: this is a repost
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↬ fuck. no. when have you ever seen this mf win a fight? he gets his shit wrecked every episode. selene, if you’re reading this, i’m sorry but no. not even his shikigami can save him from the terror that is a teletubby. he’s strong, no doubt about that, but he doesn’t stand a chance. you thought todo fucked his shit up? the state he left him in is nothing compared to what the teletubby did. nobara will not let him live it down, and neither will gojo. but can you blame him? teletubbies are tall and low key scarier than the curses he’s faced. he definitely underestimated his opponent, and that was his downfall. the fight was over before it began, and the teletubby had no mercy whatsoever. he cannot look any of the teletubbies in the eyes afterwards. he can't look you in the eye either bc you keep teasing him.
the teletubby he fought: dipsy. he made sure megumi’s losing streak continued. definitely smacked the sorcerer with his hat.
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↬ he wins. it’s a pretty steady fight without yuuji using his cursed energy. the teletubby is impressed with his speed and strength and even though the battle drags on, he graciously admits defeat (and no, it’s not bc he’s scared of what the pink-haired boy can really do). they become friends afterwards, because yuuji just has that talent, and they even go out for sushi together and bring you along. megumi is kind of jealous that yuuji was able to win so easily, and he hates the fact that the teletubby giggles every time it sees him bc it knows he lost his fight. yuuji somehow becomes friends with the rest of the teletubbies and honestly, they’re a pretty solid friend group. they don’t think he’s all that strong because he looks so sweet and innocent, but the original teletubby he fought shudders and tells them not to try their luck. he knows yuuji wasn’t at full strength and he fears his true power.
the teletubby he fought: laa-laa. they hit it off pretty well and sometimes sing together.
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↬ yes! and it’s probably the funniest fight out of the four. she trash talks her opponent, and she has the ability to understand the teletubby language so she gets offended when it responds in kind. she’s so close to using her hammer and nails to attack, but gojo and megumi hold her back and confiscate her weapons. the teletubby knows just what to say to rile her up. it’s a dirty fight. the teletubby pulls her hair but she’s a bad bitch so she doesn’t flinch. in return, she goes feral, pulls the teletubby’s antenna, and kicks it in the legs. she wins, no doubt. she feels kind of bad afterwards but it’s honestly the teletubby’s fault for starting the fight. whenever they bump into each other (bc remember yuuji is friends with them) a fight always breaks out and you have the teletubby and nobara trash talking as they’re dragged away from each other. not gonna lie, even you and gojo were a little unsettled by her raw anger in the fight. 
the teletubby she fought: po. she tried to defend herself with her scooter but nobara broke it :/
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↬ yes. he shows absolutely no mercy. gojo may be a cocky, arrogant bastard, but he has proven that he is indeed the most powerful sorcerer to exist. he’s giggling the entire fight, thinking about you and all the sweets that he can buy when he finishes his opponent off. this is the first time the teletubby feels fear, and he finds that he doesn’t stand a chance against the blindfolded man. remember how easily gojo defeated jogo? yeah the teletubby is a bit harder to deal with but it’s a piece of cake. he’s beaten up and exhausted by the end of the fight and gojo? he’s in pristine condition. in fact, he might even look better than he did at the beginning of it. there’s something wrong about beating up a well known children’s show character though, so gojo makes the effort to bring it along on his sweet-shopping adventure. the teletubby is wary of anything gojo gives him and wonders how this now-smiling dumbass is the same sorcerer that beat its ass. 
the teletubby he fought: tinky-winky. the oldest and tallest of the teletubbies got utterly wrecked by our smug little shit of a sorcerer.
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reblogs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 3 months
Shit at Feelings iv
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Bodhi Durran x fem!reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 6k 🫢
Warnings: swearing (ofc), drinking, angstttt, y/n lore, lmk if I missed anything, not proofread at the end lmaooo
A/n: the long awaited part 4!! Hope y’all aren’t disappointed, trying not to think so hardly on this part bc I scrapped and rewrote this so many times 😅
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You're unsure of when it started during the night, but as you sat at the booth with Violet, Rihannon, and Nadine; something stirred in your chest. You desperately tried to look interested in the conversation, trying to meet the eyes of Rihannon trying to focus on the way she animatedly told a story. Laugh when the women poked fun at Violet for something cheeky she’d bring up. Adding input to Nadine’s questions despite having to ask her to repeat herself without having your eyes dragging themselves to look at the other side of the bar.
Who was she?
She wore a dressed down pale blue healer uniform, her skin flawless free of relics and tattoos, glossy perfect red hair that cascaded down her back in waves. She radiated bubbliness from what you observed as she laughed at whatever Bodhi said or did a little dance when her friend sunk a billiard into a pocket. She always seemed to go right back to chatting with him. You couldn’t bear watching her cling to him, but you couldn’t drag your eyes away.
You were well aware you had no right to be sitting there, stomach churning with a bitterness of cold ire…but here you were doing just that.
Rihannon clicked her teeth, making you snap your attention back to the group. You didn’t even try to offer a coy look—this was the second time one of them caught you. You had tried the last two hours to hide your irritation, but it just kept beckoning to the surface. Slowly ticking away within you as if you were going to burst at the seams.
“Okay, what is going on between you two?” She laid her palms flat on the table.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You took a sip of your drink, acting as nonchalant as you could.
She gave you an incredulous look. “The fact you shied away from him all first year, then the first night of break whatever that was.” She waved her hand. “The other day during breakfast, when Dain came to grab him for the leadership meeting, and it was clear as day he was practically undressing you with his eyes when we first arrived.” she rattled off.
“It’s like I’m watching a romance novel unfold in real time.” Nadine said dramatically, a hand moving to her forehead feigning fainting.
You cringed, “it’s-it’s definitely not like that.”
“Not like what?” Quinn interrupted walking up to your own group. Bodhi and Imogen still had been at the table.
The mystery girl touching his built bicep. He had discarded his jacket an hour ago, his rebellion mark on display underneath his tight short sleeve t-shirt. “Ohhh,” she followed your gaze to Bodhi. “Immy told me all about this.” She said in delight to your dismay, taking a seat next to Nadine.
You brought your attention over to the curly haired blond girl. “Does everyone know about this ‘something’ except the two people this ‘something’ is about?” You snapped.
Everyone seemed to have an exciting interest in the nonexistent relationship between you and your childhood best friend.
Quinn merely raised her hands defensively, Rihannon and Nadine awkwardly sipping their drinks looking at the table interested in the wood grain.
“We’re all in the same wing, same section, Y/n it’s hard to ignore the hot and cold between the two of you.” Violet had a softened look in her eyes, being the most sympathetic toward you.
You flushed realizing your outburst, not meaning to aim it at your new found friends. The gnawing bitter feeling was just eating at you, and you couldn’t stop it from being all consuming.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, a scowl on your lips, staring into the clear fizzy liquid in your glass. Despite the tension you created, you looked at the bubbly girl across from you. “Quinn, who is that girl?”
She had a hesitant look on her face, her brown eyes swirled with trepidation. “Ariante, a third year healer.” She offered a short response, seeming to know more than she let on.
You only nodded, turning back to the other side of the bar watching the billiards tables. Ariante, the beautiful young woman, was lining up to shoot the shot, and shot Bodhi a wink before shooting. A small snarl left your lip unknowingly at the sight, leaving all the group to cast worried glances your way.
You grimaced at your behavior, not entirely sure why you had visibly been so riled up at the sight. “I’m gonna get some water.” You stood up, and left the group without another word.
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Ariante skimmed her dainty plain manicured hands over Bodhi’s biceps as she giggled over something he told the group he played with. Usually her advances didn’t bother him, last year he had given in to them as a distraction many times when Y/n avoided him like a disease. Tonight though, his chest hammered in annoyance—maybe not just with her in general, but everything tonight seemed to be so overstimulating.
The loud tavern, how he fought a flinch every time the que would knock against a billiard, the musty smell of alcohol and fried food permeating the space, and how fucking unbearably hot he was.
He knew it had nothing due to the summer weather, that the heat that festered deep within him was caused by something wholly different.
Usually he’d use churam to block Cuir out, but the effects of the few drinks he had made it harder to keep that mental shield up and his dragon’s emotions started to take over. Of course Cuir and Cleasaí chose tonight of all nights to fight.
He had spent a year being accustomed to this, but he worried about you.
You still had been clueless to everything, your dragon stubbornly kept you in the dark, which had frustrated both him and Cuir. You didn’t deserve any of that, and he couldn’t help the pang of guilt he felt when he thought about it. He watched how tense you were at the booth, the girl’s giggling at what seemed like your expense; a scowl on your pretty lips at the interaction.
Another wave of heat filled and irritation rippled through him, and he screwed his eyes shut trying to ground himself. He had ripped his jacket off an hour ago, but to no avail aided any relief to his skin. It seemed it only made the pretty third year healer cling to him more. And the only aid that was brought, was to the disdain that rose with the proximity of her.
“Damn it Henrick!” Quinn stomped her foot frustratedly, making him open his eyes again. “I thought I was playing with an amateur?”
Sawyer had a broad grin as he nabbed the gold coins on the corner of the parallel table across from the one him and Imogen played at. “Beginners luck?” He shrugged casually.
The curly haired blond furrowed her eyebrows at the redhead. “Mhm, sure. Beginner’s luck my ass.”
Imogen cackled at her friend. “You’re the one that suggests putting coins down.”
Quinn mimicked Imogen, before a playful glare settled on her features. “Shove it Cardulo, I’m gonna go wallow in pity now if you need me.” She handed the cue to Sawyer before flouncing off to the rest of the group they came with.
Bodhi’s brown eyes not paying any mind to the feisty third year rider as she joined the booth, he instead had been focused on you again. Watching how your tongue darted in between your soft looking lips licking them, the same scowl still lingering on your face.
He had longed to get a feeling of what your lips felt like since he was barely an adult. Doing anything at this point to have a taste of you, knowing he shouldn’t have felt that way. You had always been just barely out of his reach, but he would have risked anything to have that moment as selfish as it sounded.
You were his best friend.
It was more than the idea of blurring the lines of your friendship that stopped him in the past; you were never meant to be anyone else’s, but who was chosen for you. Your parents had made you a lady of the Aretian aristocracy. The intent to secure a cushy life to make sure you would never have to experience war and hardship like they had—even if it wasn’t a love match. You were forced to take the decision they made for you with poise and grace. Exposed to the corrupt society of the aristocracy that lurked behind the violence since a preteen, never supposed to know war and violence like he had. But by the time the peak of the rebellion happened, and Execution Day arrived—it had been too late for the first hand you had been dealt with. Another decision instead handed to you from a choice that hadn’t been yours to ever make.
It was self indulgent thought, but the moment he knew you safely crossed the parapet—there was a hope that ignited in Bodhi’s chest he hadn’t felt in a long while. Despite the blatant act of avoidance on your part, he quietly watched your every move the first year.
Made sure Imogen spent extra time training with you so you’d be ready for your next challenge, telling her what she needed to critique you on from sparring lessons. Insisting Garrick to convince you to eat more than what you usually did so you could bulk muscle to help ease through the gauntlet. Pleading with Xaden to rearrange squads in the flame section so he could keep a better eye on you. Every action in efforts to aid you from the help of your mutual found family was a coercion from him; so he would know you’d have a shot at surviving this hellscape.
For only a measly chance of you to finally acknowledge him.
It had only been a coincidence (or was it? Cleasaí was known to be petty) you had bonded with Cuir’s other half. The mated dragons hadn’t talked since the end of his first year. The first half of being bonded to the notorious green filled with tumultuous arguments that he didn’t know what started from. They had only been recently mated in the last decade from what Cuir told him.
Bodhi swore he did more supply runs for churam than weapons by the end of the year before they went no contact, and just coexisted in the Vale with one another.
He would have preferred that over feeling the wavering aggression through the bond at this very moment.
“Handsome boy,” Ariante cooed, snapping her fingers to get his attention from across the table. Realizing he had zoned out again staring at you, Ridoc clapped him on the back.
“Yeah handsome boy...” he purred mockingly. Bodhi shrugged his hand off quite hastily. He was not in the mood for the second year’s comedic relief…and the overly inebriated physical touch of the counterpart.
Imogen sensed his discomfort by how tense he had looked, his posture usually more lax, or a boyish grin that had been replaced with a grimace. “Gamlyn, go get us some water.” She barked, face set to a hard grimace.
Ridoc with wide eyes in the fear of the short woman, saluted the group before walking off to the bar.
Bodhi reminded himself to thank her later once he was in a better mood. Instead he twisted his face into something that barely showed interest, not like it mattered, the healer was two shits to the wind at this point. Just caring his eyes were on her. Smiling brightly once he turned back to her, even if it was a stoic look he had on.
“I need you to watch as you lose this round.” She giggled, grabbing the cue from her friend’s hand.
The tawny skinned man watched disinterestedly as she made a show of setting her shot up. She swayed her hips to the table, making sure to press her chest down into the polished wood edges so her low cut tank top showed her cleavage as she lined up her shot. She made eye contact with him, offering a seductive wink, before clumsily shooting and completely missing the pocket. If he wasn’t so aggravated, he could have laughed at the scene.
It was Imogen’s turn now, and he subconsciously let his attention wander back to the booth again, noting you were now absent from the table.
It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but his heart skipped a beat in panic. He scanned the tavern looking for a glimpse of where you could have gone. He could spot you out of a crowd anywhere—from the way you wore your hair to the way you carried yourself.
His brown eyes searched the makeshift dance floor in between tables, the line for the bathroom, the exits of the tavern. The sense of relief when he finally found you should have eased his heart, instead it pounded louder and louder as his vision tunneled. Bodhi’s stomach churned with a burning green feeling, watching you sit at an empty side of the bar with Ridoc, smiling at him as the pair of you talked.
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“So yeah, then Imogen told me to grab some water for them, and now I’m here doing that.” Ridoc rambled on about his night. Unbeknownst to him, you had spent the majority of the night meticulously eyeing the group from the booth. But you nodded along, idling swirling your finger along the lip of your cup, letting his word vomit become a white noise in your brain. “Imogen has a scary way of demanding things.”
A smirk had crept onto your face, replacing the frown you wore. Ridoc was always honest, but it was amusing to hear him drunkenly bare his soul at the bar over the silliest details. It had almost been enough to forget the prying animosity that filled your veins.
“Who are you telling? I have known her my whole life.” You reminded him rather distractedly.
Despite talking to him, your attention was still flicking towards the quieter side of the tavern—still invested in the man you’ve been stubbornly hiding your feelings from poorly and the pretty girl that clung to him. The game of billiards was dying down, only her friend and Imogen still playing one another.
Bodhi sat backwards in a chair off to the side, his chest pressed against the back, arms casually draped across the wooden top rail, and head hung low as he sipped from the bottle of ale he had been nursing. Ariante perched in a chair beside him, leaning over into his ear to talk. Her lips mere centimeters from him had your heart thumping so hard that you could hear it in your ears.
“Yeah, but you’re not like her or them in fact.” He shrugged.
That made you turn back to Ridoc, who didn’t realize you were only half heartedly invested in the conversation. Or if he did, he didn’t make it known.
“Like they’re all scary broody motherfuckers, and you're just you. Intimidating sure, but not all broody and aggressive.”
You let out a dry chuckle, “language please, they are my friends.”
He raised his full hands defensively, ignoring the fact he sloshed water all over him. “Sorry. You know what I mean though.”
You leaned your head to the side, a quizzical expression on your features. “Elaborate Gamlyn.”
You might have been aware of what he meant, just for the sake of your entertainment you didn’t mind hearing the inebriated man’s ramble of what he thought. It was the only thing that was keeping the pent up emotions beneath the surface.
“Well, you’re kind of lady-like?” He tested the word then nodding. “Yeah, lady like. Not that they don’t have manners—they have better manners than me, but you’re like a refined woman.” His eyes got big and arms were flailing as he animatedly spoke, water sloshing on him.
“Would you be surprised if I said I had been a lady?” You interrupted his spiel.
“No shit, like tea and biscuits, go for a promenade around the garden kind of lady?” He slurred in disbelief with an attempt of an accent.
The way he had said it made it hard to stifle your laugh. “Dowry to my name and all.” You mocked using a posh accent as well.
He made a strangled noise, as he puffed his cheeks out to prevent laughing. “Shit that was the worst accent I’ve ever heard.”
You tilted your back, laughing loudly as he snorted, unable to contain himself. “Thanks for your honesty, yours was just as awful.” You tried to compose yourself.
“I’m not the one that comes from the Aretian aristocracy though.” He said through a fit of giggles. You scoffed, shoving him slightly, giggling more when you had to grab his arm to keep him from stumbling over.
Once the laughter died down, Ridoc had started to talk your ear off again, but of course your focus went elsewhere. Your breath caught in your throat, the amusement on your face slipping.
Bodhi was shamelessly staring at you when you looked over this time. His eyes dark, and stone faced watching the side you resided on. He tilted his head back, draining the remainder of his drink. You couldn’t help to watch the expanse of his throat as he drank the rest of his drink, watching how his Adam’s Apple bobbed as he did so.
You gulped quietly, suddenly imagining how it would be to nip at the column of his thick neck. If he would squirm under your touch or make any soft noises if you kissed up his jaw…you were just torturing yourself at this point.
He the. swung his leg over his seat, muttering something to the pretty redhead, not waiting for a response as he made his way towards you.
You panicked drifting back to the drunk man in front of you.
“So did you have—like—a betrothed before this?” Ridoc asked, rubbing the back of his neck, still oblivious you hadn’t been listening. “Is that why we’ve never seen you hook up with someone?!” He gasped as if he solved the biggest mystery, connecting non existent dots.
You could throttle him, trying not to watch the towering figure approach you.
“No, no, no!” You covered your face in your hands, cheeks flushing. “It never got that far, well there were a few arrangements that never went through.”
“Damn, your parents were slacking.” He scoffed jokingly.
“Ridoc,” you glared at him. Any amusement or relief from Ridoc now gone, hitting a nerve within you. The thought of your late parents always causing an ache in your chest and a knot in your stomach.
“Shut up,” Bodhi finished for you, coming up right behind him. He jumped, obviously startled by the new presence, and that it was Bodhi nonetheless. But he quickly recovered, turning to the taller man.
“You always jump right in at the most convenient times, handsome boy?” He questioned in a teasing tone. Handsome boy?
Bodhi glowered, stepping closer to your squad mate. “Call me that again—”
“Bo!” A high pitched shrill voice cut him off. It resembled nails on a chalkboard causing you to wince. Ariante appeared from behind Bodhi, a bright bubbly smile as she stumbled around him, grabbing his arm for support. “You didn’t wait for me.” She pouted playfully.
You had to fight the noise of disgust that wanted to escape your lips, but your facial expression gladly showed what you couldn’t verbally. The rational side of you knew you shouldn’t be reacting this way to a girl you’ve never met. You were past the point of rational though.
She then acknowledged you, her eyes a bright teal that sparkled sticking out her manicured hand. “I’m Ariante.”
You subtly glanced at your hands that were unkempt, nails nearly to the nubs with hangnails.
Gods, she really was everything you weren’t even down to the fingers.
You politely stuck your hand out, limply clasping hers. You hoped she wouldn’t feel your calloused fingers or notice how unladylike your hands were compared to hers as you introduced yourself.
“You know Bo?” She mused. Her hold still on him, despite her being perfectly stable. And the way his nickname came out of her mouth, you think you could regurgitate everything you’ve consumed today.
You offered a strained smile. “We grew up together actually.”
“How sweet!” She practically squealed. “I think it’s great how close knit all of you are!”
The tone deaf statement snipped the final straw of your patience and self control. No, you couldn’t let the feelings lay idly underneath any longer.
“I would say we all are,” you nodded. “I guess that’s what happens when all your parents are murdered in front of you.” You said it as if it was the most casual thing to leave your lips. The smile she wore faltered, and you could see Ridoc shove his hands in his pockets, whistling.
“Y/n…” Bodhi warned.
It could be treason speaking so freely of this, you hadn’t cared at the moment.
“What?” You said innocently, brushing off the warning look you know so well. She had started to sputter an apology, but you cut her off. “But how does such a sweet thing like you know Bodhi?” You asked, a smile growing sinisterly.
In your peripheral vision, you see Bodhi’s face pale.
“We’re acquainted.” He quickly answered, getting out of her grip as he reached over and grabbed the water out of Ridoc hands that were nearly empty from him constantly spilling. He gulped the water like a fish needing water, clearly uncomfortable.
“Very acquainted.” She fluttered her lashes towards him, tone suggestive. Brushing off your awkward interaction.
You made a noise of understanding. Everything you thought was confirmed by two words. Your thoughts lingering and spiraling. The idea of Bodhi intertwined with someone else was nauseating…even infuriating. Everything had drowned out by your heartbeat in your ears, Ridocs words were now inaudible, but assuming he was making a joke. Ariante shrilled giggles didn’t even affect you.
Why were you so mad? You had no right, you’ve been so awful to him the last couple of years—there was never a chance for you. Every interaction you two have had was just rekindling your friendship the past week not meaning anything more. Every poke and prod from your group of friends was something they misinterpreted between the two of you. You knew you shouldn’t have thought too hard on their words and jests, but deep down you only felt crushed of the hope there could have been.
Crack. You looked down at your glass that had been in your hand, the glass in between your knuckles nearly crushed.
The group flitted to you and the cup, even some of the surrounding patrons looked towards you warily.
“Are you alright?” Bodhi was the first to speak up.
“Just absolutely peachy.” You murmured, sliding the object towards the other side of the bar.
“Wow, all you riders are so strong.” Ariante laughed nervously. If this could have been any worse, you weren’t sure if you wanted to punch something or cry now.
“Excuse me,” fighting the lump in your throat. Standing up quickly walking towards the nearest exit without a word.
You walked outside, not quite being able to comprehend what just happened in the matter of seconds. Clenching and unclenching your fists, your chest heaving as everything felt as if it was closing in, pacing on the cobblestone outside the tavern. The smell of incoming rain permeating the humid air that blanketed over the quaint town. Usually a smell that eased your mind, was an overbearing semblance to the internal storm inside you.
“Y/n!” Bodhi called out your name, walking out the door you walked out of moments prior. The bass in his voice stoked the fire that formed in the pit of your stomach, ready to burn you from the inside out. Turning on your heel you faced the 6’3 man, brows already furrowed in glaring daggers towards him, chest still heaving erratically unable to control your breaths.
“You need to breathe.” He didn’t let your behavior deter him. His tone smooth and even, several feet away, not meeting your gaze like if he did he would combust into flames from your glare.
You scoffed, “shouldn’t you be inside with Ariante?” Her name dripped off your tongue with venom.
He opened and closed his full lips, setting his hands on his hips; absolutely dumbfounded. “Y/n…” he said through staggered breath. “I came here with you tonight.” He took a few steps towards you cautiously. “I came up to talk to you at the bar, trying to leave her with her friend.” His focus seemed to be on the wall behind you, and not your own eyes as he still walked towards you. “I followed you out here, leaving her in there.” His words slow, as he stepped right in front of you. “Does it look like I give a fuck about her?” He didn’t let you answer.
“Has everything this past year made it look like I give fuck about anyone else, but you?”
Despite the tug in your heart you felt at his words, pulling you out of your blind rage and jealousy for a split second—it was frustrating how he refused to look you in the eyes.
“You were letting her hang all over you tonight, how can I believe that?!” You held your chest with one arm, the other outstretched to the door.
He gave an aggravated shout, lunging and grabbing your arms. You stiffened at his touch, his hands were just as hot as you felt. He seemed to notice as well, flinching at the realization, but his hold stayed secure on you. He leaned down, his breath warm against the shell of your ear.
“If you watched my every move, you would have noticed I wasn’t interested in her. I was only watching you the whole night.” That Gods forsaken deadly calm tone sent a shiver down your spine despite the heat you felt. “Now lift your arms up.” He ordered, the sentence barely above a whisper.
His usual honeyed brown eyes finally locked with yours, dangerously darkened. A silent gasp leaving your mouth agape, unable to pull away from his dark orbs submitting to his quiet demand, your arms rising up slowly.
His rough calloused skin brushing your arms ignited a solely different fire within you as he slid the sweater off your frame. “Fuck, you’re burning up.” He muttered, throwing the sweater on the cobblestone leaving you in the corseted tank top you had on underneath. Lightning flashed in the skyline, thunder following a moment later, and rain started to pour from the clouds moments later. The droplets are warm from the summertime, but still cooler than both your skin, creating a steam that ghosts around the both of you.
“So are you,” you said breathlessly. “Do you have any idea why?” You two were so close your chests brushed together, every time one of you breathed. You anticipated what he would say next, but Bodhi kept quiet, tugging on his lip, seeming to be fighting a battle with himself. He turned away from you, rubbing a hand over his face, looking up at the rain stricken sky.
“You do know don’t you?” You rasped.
“I just want to preface I wanted to tell you—”
‘Don’t. You. Dare. Tawny. One.’ Cleasaí dangerously seethed through your head.
It had been silent on the other side of the bond all night, you tugged the invisible string to her countless times, but no answer. Now she wanted her presence known? Known to someone that couldn’t hear her nonetheless.
‘She deserves to know what you’ve been hiding.’ Bodhi glowered. You were still watching him, and he hadn’t opened his mouth…and he heard your dragon?
A new deep sophisticated tone entered your mind, ‘Cleasaí the inevitable is going to happen—‘ Cuir?
‘That I’ll find out?’ You stood in that mental art studio you were taught to use as your source for grounding. The door wide open letting in the thoughts and voices that freely flew through your mental guards. That one invisible string that led to the door seemed to have an added two now.
“Shit,” Bodhi hissed.
“How long?” You gritted your teeth, focusing on the man in front of you. He stayed quiet. “How long did you know?” You repeated louder.
He looked at the ground, “since my threshing.”
You tensed, how come he knew, but you had been clueless this whole time?
‘It’s not ideal to have one rider running from the other while their supposed mated dragons aren’t even on speaking terms.’ Cuir explained.
You fought the tears that lined your eyes, ‘he gets to know, while I’m left in the dark?!’
‘That was for Cleasaí to tell you, my rider had no choice to listen to us dragonkind.’ Cuir explained with a steeliness.
‘And I told her I would tell her in due time.’ Cleasaí chuffed in the corners of your mind.
It felt crowded in your brain, two additional voices, on top of your grappling emotions. You inhaled deeply, blinking tears away furiously.
“Y/n,” Bodhi came towards you. “I wanted to tell you.”
“When was I going to be told?” You snapped. “When you graduate?!” A couple tears now silently slip down your cheeks.
You didn’t know where to point the frustration at. Cleasaí should have told you it was her responsibility, but if Bodhi wanted to talk to you so badly that would have been the topic to start with.
“Our luck would be they would stick you in Samara like Xaden!” You shouted.
“When was I supposed to tell you? When you were running the other direction?! Or would you have preferred a note during Battle Brief only for you to go into a volatile meltdown?” He argued.
You laughed harshly, “I would have not—”
“Oh yes you would have.” Bodhi rolled his eyes. “That’s why Xaden warned me not to.”
Your eyes widened, “Xaden knew?”
‘Why wouldn’t the Wingleader know?’ Cleasaí snorted humorlessly.
‘I don’t want to hear it from you.’ You growled shutting the mental shield up from her and hopefully Cuir. You didn’t know how this all worked.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “He’s known since before you even crossed the parapet.”
“Does anyone else know?” You crossed your arms.
“Assumedly Violet, but no one else.”
Your eyes narrowed, she seemed to know everything didn’t she?
You grew quiet, mulling over everything as the rain was the only sound that filled the streets. You felt betrayed, not only by the creature that put their faith into you and vice versa, but by the man you had grown to love. Was that why you had felt like your irritation was an out of body experience earlier?
“Why do you think I have a churam dependency?” Bodhi bit the corner of his thumb, looking at you.
“Can you get out of my mind?” You frowned, picking the soggy sweater up off the cobblestone. You sniffled, wiping your face, before proceeding to walk towards Basgiath, wanting to get out of the vicinity of him. To think you could have died without even knowing… what would have happened to the dragons—yet worse—him? You didn’t even want to ponder over the details that entailed that yet.
“Trust me I’m not trying, but your thoughts are so fucking loud.” He muttered, following you.
“Then can you not follow me?” You turned, walking backwards wiping wet hair out of your face. The sting in your eyes is almost blinding from fighting the glaze of tears.
“It’s not safe to walk by yourself this time at night.” He said as if it was obvious.
“I’ll be fine,” you tried to reassure as you slipped the dagger out of your top, you tucked between your breasts when getting ready.
“You’ve been drinking, Y/n. That’s not going to do shit.” He tried to catch up to you, but you were a step ahead, even walking backwards.
“I feel stone cold sober at this moment.” You half lied, quickly turning back around, putting the dagger back where you kept it. You didn’t want him to see how your lip trembled, and you were ready to break. That was the last thing you needed was to have a ‘volatile meltdown’ in front of him. Though that’s what this whole night felt like, a tantrum of a fever dream.
You two came to a fork in the path that led to Basgiath from Chantara. You may have forgotten which path you took earlier in the night. So you hoped as you veered left, you would be going the right way, anything to just get away.
But his hand caught your arm, pulling you around to face him.
“I just got you back, I’m not letting you just be barely out of my reach again.” He seethed, his grip firm, but gentle. His touch was still blistering against your own skin.
“I’m not doing it, Y/n. I’ve already spent years running for you when you just kept running backwards for whatever reason!”
The tears had silently begun to fall again down your cheeks, this time unable to stop. “Do you want the reason, Bodhi?” You could feel yourself start to shake as the words left your mouth. “Because I love you!” You finally admitted, the confession a hushed whisper.
You watched with tears flowing freely as he staggered back a couple steps at what you said. He remained quiet as you continued. “I was never meant to love someone freely. And everyone I loved left—”
Your declaration is cut off by his lips smashing to yours. A primal fiery heat as your lips connected, his hands cupping your jaw, your lips melted with his realizing he was kissing you. The taste of the saltiness from your tears mixed with the essence of alcohol on both your lips was dizzying.
This was everything you could have imagined and more since you were a young woman. Everything you wanted the past five years. You felt his thumbs brush underneath your chin as you relished the feeling as you continued to kiss him with a fervor you never experienced. Your hands sliding up his chest around the back of his neck, gripping on his wet dark curls you’ve always admired. A soft sigh left his lips, and it was a noise you could listen to forever, but of course your thoughts spiraled.
A much more important secret was withheld from you, not only by him, but Cleasaí. A petty love confession that you withheld as a way to protect yourself and what you thought would protect him, when the secret of bonded dragons affected four beings outweighed it all. Whether it was his choice or not.
You pulled away abruptly. “I-I can’t.” You said, feeling your own heart break.
“What do you mean you can’t?” He sputtered, confused.
“Me professing my love doesn’t change any of the circumstances.” You shook your head, letting go of him reluctantly. “If anything it only adds to the risk of this whole situation.”
You needed to think about everything thoroughly, and away from him. If not, you might not think straight. You had to go.
“Y/n,” Bodhi pleaded desperately. He watched you turn and make your way back to the war college. You ignored him, even when your bones itched to turn and run back into his arms. “Do my feelings mean nothing to you?!” He shouted, standing where you left him.
Your steps faltered, and that break you felt in your chest worsened. You turned, with a strained smile on your face through your tears.
“They do, more than you could ever realize.”
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Y/n is definitely Violet coded I’m sorry 😅 and the y/n lore will thicken in part 5 hehe
Thank you sm for the comments and support, it means a lot to have people that actually enjoy what I put out and try to have patience for my posting inconsistency!! I love talking with you all about it and hearing your conspiracies through out the whole series. I think there will be 2-3 more part before I finish and move on to my next ventures, but as always like, reblogs, and comments are appreciated 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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scarletttries · 1 year
Forever Mine (Kendall Roy Succession Request)
Pairing: Kendall Roy (Succession) x F! Reader
Rating: Explicit (Breeding Kink/ Jealous Kendall)
Word Count: 2.1k
Request: "Hiii Scarlett!!! I LOVE to read your kendall roy writings💜 can you write something about kendall trying to get you pregnant( bc I LOVED breeding kink) ?? Or having rough sex bc getting jealous of one of his friends' attention to u??"
Author's note: Thank you so much for this excellent request, I kind of combined the two ideas into the below fic for you 🥰💕
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Forever Mine
"How can a company that makes more money than really exists in the world still need more investors?" You sighed into your fizzing glass of champagne as you continued to circulate through the crowd, Gerri stifling a laugh at your side.
"How'd you think the rich stay rich? They never use their own money for anything." She feigned a smile as a group of men shuffled past, their metaphorical wallets straining against the fabric of their designer suits as they moved. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go make them all feel important, so I can keep my job." You could see her eyes roll as she plastered on a fake smile and left you stood by the bar, hoping that Kendall would get bored soon enough and call it a night for the both of you. You never minded being his plus one to events like this, the chance to see him in his charming element not one you'd pass up, Ken stealing glances your way all night with a smile on his face that he only wore for you. But after a few hours the conversations always wore a little thin, and you usually found one of the old guard hovering beside you to make sure you weren't doing anything that might get people commenting.
"Are you waiting for a drink?" An strangely familiar voice snapped you back to reality, spinning on your heels to find a tall, well-built man in his fifties smiling at you like a lion spying a gazelle.
"No, I'm all set thank you, just pausing here for a moment." You replied with a courteous smile, taking a small step backwards as if you were blocking the bar that spanned the length of the decadent hall.
"Would you mind if I 'pause' with you for a moment?" It was then that you placed his suave voice in your mind, the man an up-and-coming congressman that couldn't stop appearing on ATN news shows, repeating whatever lines Logan's team had written from him that day. As he leaned over the bar to ask for a whiskey you took the opportunity to glance around for an exit plan, but with groups of investors all deep in conversation on every side of you, you swallowed the acid in your throat and resigned yourself to an uncomfortable conversation with the awful man in front of you.
"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you congressman." Kendall would've been able to tell your polite tone was entirely fake, but the man in front of you smirked proudly at the title, pleased you knew who he was and hoping to score more than financial backing from you this evening.
"The pleasure's all mine." He stretched out the hand that wasn't holding an ornate crystal glass, taking what should have been a courteous handshake way too far as he leant forward to bring his lips to the top of your hand, still curled in a stomach curdling smirk as they pressed against your skin. "Now tell me, exactly how much would I have to invest in Waystar for you to leave this shindig with me tonight?"
"You might have better luck if you don't hit on the date of the richest man in here." Before you could spit out your own retort, you heard the dark drawl of Kendall appearing beside you, face twisted in stoney discontent as the political pawn tried to save face a little.
"Fair enough, I know when I'm beat." He raised his hands in fake surrender as he backed away, but not before throwing a final uncomfortable wink your way, "You know who I am, if you change your mind." You could feel Kendall's hand fall to your lower back in response, trying to keep you in the palm of his hand, as if this disgusting character could actually pull you away from him. Hoping to lighten the tension between the two men before Kendall pulled some strings and ended this man's career, you let out an uneasy laugh,
"Well you've got my vote." You cringed at the hollow chuckle from Kendall beside you as your politician smiled again and stepped off into the crowd, looking for easier prey, leaving you to try and reassure the embodiment of jealousy beside you.
"Kendall, you know-"
"You ready to get out of here?" He cut you off before you could start, the unsettling smile on his face difficult to read as he threaded his fingers through yours and scouted out the nearest lift to take you out of the events hall and up to the hotel suites the Roy family had booked out for the night.
"Yeah, of course, let's go love." You said the final word extra softly, watching the corners of his mouth twitch slightly, unable to contain his warmth at the affectionate pet name, your love the truest thing he'd known in his complex life.
You felt his hand squeeze yours as he led you through the crowd until finally the two of you were alone, the chirpy elevator music cutting through an otherwise tense silence.
"You know I was trying to be polite Ken." You offered reassuringly, Kendall keeping his gaze fixed to the floor numbers illuminating on the touch screen beside you.
"I know honey, it's not your fault men can't fucking stay away from you." His tone was almost vindicative as the doors finally opened on your floor, a sprawling penthouse for just the two of you, another exquisite home away from home for the night.
The moment the doors behind you slid shut, Kendall was on top of you, his teeth clashing against yours with the sheer force of his passion. The crash of his lips took your breath away as his hands found your hips, gripping them tight enough that the silky fabric of your dress bunched in handfuls as he guided your back to the chaise longue that stood at the opening of the suite, the bedroom far too great a distance to travel.
As your lower back met the antique fabric, Kendall's hands skimmed up your the length of your spine, sending shivers through your body as his lips moved hungrily to your neck, a devouring the soft flesh there enough to leave a trail of deep purple lovebites,
"Why is it so fucking hard for everyone to see that you're mine?" Kendall panted into your neck as he pulled the straps of your dress down your shoulders, handling you with rough, frantic movements, his chest heaving against yours as he worked to free you from the satin that came between you.
"I'm all yours Kendall." You breathed out as your dress hit the floor, relishing in the guttural growl the words drew from the still fully-dressed man, drinking in the sight of you as he cupped your cheek in his hand and drew you in for another hungry kiss.
"I know love, I just think we need to make that more obvious." His tongue danced against yours as his eye fluttered shut, shrugging off his jacket as you pushed it from his shoulders. His lips trailed over your chin and down your throat as he sunk to his knees. He sucked and nipped at your exposed skin, his hands running along your sides as his head sank between your breasts before settling at your stomach, peppering the soft curves with kisses as his fingers tugged your panties down your thighs, helping you step out of them so nothing obstructed his perfect view of your body.
"How are we gonna do that?" You questioned absentmindedly as you let the sensation flooding from his sinking kisses run through your veins, his lips inching closer and closer to your tingling centre. You didn't miss the devilish glint in his eye as he paused and looked up at you, face hovering so close to your entrance you could feel his hot breath against your sensitive skin.
"I can think of two ways." He nuzzled his nose softly against your clit and watched the way your body reacted so desperately to his touch, your hips twitching forward and your chest rising as you gasped at the contact. His tongue darted forward to add to the sensation, lapping at the bundle of nerves while one hand snaked up your inner thigh. The moan you let out as he hummed against you only made him happier as his fingers toyed with your slit, now wet with your slick from the way he'd manhandled you. "It's so easy for me to tell you're all mine when you get this wet for me." His fingers dipped inside your entrance as he spoke, you knees all but buckling at the relief in your throbbing core at the contact, the arm of the sofa behind you the only thing keeping you upright.
"All for you Kendall." His name came out entirely in moan as he plunged two of his fingers into you with a frantic rhythm, wanting to get you more than ready to feel the rest of him deep inside you.
"Maybe I should let everyone know just how much you like my fingers inside you by putting a fucking enormous diamond on yours." He watched, enamoured by the way you eyes shot open at his words before clenching shut as his lips found your clit again, bringing you so close to the edge of your pleasure that all you could do was smile and hum in agreement at his words. As he started to feel the familiar tremble of your thighs he pulled his hand away, groaning at the needy whimper that left your lips as he did.
"Ken?" Your eyes were as pleading as your words as you watched him unbuckle his belt, rubbing your thighs together to try and ease some of the frustration that was pulsing in your centre.
"I think the second way is much more fun though." His eyes were dark with desire as he kicked off his dress pants, letting you see his hard length leaking excitedly as he grabbed your hips and helped you fall backwards onto the long loveseat behind you, quickly following suit, kneeling in between your thighs to keep your legs spread for him. He ran his tip through your dripping folds, watching you whine and flinch at the sensation, trying to drive him into action,
"What's the second way to let people know I'm all yours?" Kendall watched your chest rise and fall as you panted out the words, so sensitive from being brought to the edge that his teasing had you writhing around underneath him. Grinning like a devil he finally lined himself up with your entrance, waiting until he spoke to buck his hips harshly into you.
"To get you pregnant. Fuck!" He cried out as slammed his hips against yours, hitting the spot deep inside you that had you arching your back and crying out in agreement. "You'd like that wouldn't you. For everyone to know how well you take my dick. How full I get you."
"Yes daddy," You moaned, overwhelmed by his relentless pace as he fucked hard and fast into you, his hands running over your stomach until they reach your bouncing chest. His hands cupped your breasts, fingertips teasing your nipples as he stared down at you, completely dominating your body.
"Everyone would be able to see these get bigger, and I bet they'd get so sensitive I could have you in tears just playing with your nipples. We can practice you having my lips on them all day until you've soaked through every set of fucking lingerie I've ever bought you." He could see the wide desperation in your eyes as your pleasure climbed again, every pinch and thrust setting every cell in your body alight.
"I'm so close, please." You cried out, volume almost a scream as you begged for your release, Kendall's own thrusts losing rhythm as he fought to make this moment last forever.
"You want me to cum in you? You want me to fill you up and make you lie here until your carrying my seed? Until it's clear to everyone that you're mine forever?" His questions were all but drowned out by the chanting yeses that spill from your lips as your walls clenched around him and your body started to shake with your release.
"Yes Ken, I'm yours forever." You managed to breathe out as the waves of pleasure washed over you, amplified by the incredibly feeling of him spilling inside you, the warmth deep in your abdomen somehow more intense than usual knowing that Kendall's breeding kink had been fully awakened, and he wouldn't satisfied until he'd filled you with as much of him as you could take.
Leaning forward his elbows settled either side of your head, lips meeting yours for a sweet kiss as he repeated the words, "Mine. Forever."
"All yours love." You echoed softly, the devotion in his eye clear as his lips returned to yours again and again, drinking in the sweet taste of your affections.
"You know we're not leaving this room until you're so full of my cum, it's dripping out of you, right?"
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drdemonprince · 3 days
I went to visit my friend from high school for spring break in college one year. I'd had a crush on him in hs, it was not reciprocated but we remained close. I was also a late bloomer sexuality wise so it wasn't until college that I even would have been up for anything physical. ANYWAY. Decided to visit, figured this was my shot to try and act on that crush again. On the drive from the airport he came out to me as gay so, I figured, that's that. Explains why he wasn't into me in hs and why he didnt really have a reason back then.
I'm determined to hook up w someone on this trip though, so that's always simmering. We hang out with his local friend who is having a will-they-wont-they thing with a guy in their grad program. She is desperate to hook up but he's hot and cold.
We concot a plan to bait him with a possible threesome, spend an evening texting and sending him pics of us making out in a pool. (It's Miami, it just seemed like the thing to do lol) This guy is into it but he's busy that night and nothing comes of it.
A few days pass then it's my last day in Miami, my flight leaves at 6 am the next morning. She calls my friend after dinner like, holy shit it worked, he's coming over now, can you guys get here?
I'm like, fuck it, let's go. I'll bring my luggage and you can just drop me at the airport at 4 am or whatever. Forgot to mention, my friend from hs also has a crush on this other guy, so he's been down to help however he can haha
We arrive, the other guy isn't there yet, the three of us are drinking that whipped cream vodka that was popular at the time while we wait. Dude finally shows up AND HE BROUGHT A FRIEND. Unclear if he warned her ahead of time. Friend is... less cute but whatever, they brought weed. We smoke and dance some bachata and flirt etc...
Tbh my memory gets a little hazy here but somehow she ended up taking grad school guy and his buddy up to her bedroom, and I'm alone w my hs friend, we are smasheddd. I ask him, hey I know you're into guys but do you wanna fool around anyway? And we ended up making out in the bathroom, I tried going down on him but he was too drunk to keep it up so we petered off, then decided to go check on the others bc we realized we left this girl alone w two dude we barely knew.
Well they we having a merry little threesome upstairs and when we came to the door they invited us to join in!
That is how I ended up with my ass in the air getting railed by two strangers while I ate this girl out like a starving person. Grad school guy actually did us a solid w his friend bc that guys cock was huge. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to suck that guy off ;(
Eventually, they headed home and my hs friend and his friend stayed up w me until 3 am when I called a cab to the airport (idk why I ever thought we'd be sober enough to drive). Again, this was Miami but I'm fairly sure I won skankiest person in the supershuttle, which the exhibitionist in me loved. Slept it off on the plane home!
No regrets, best spring break of my life, opened my eyes to group sex and I still got to hook up w my hs crush :) and we stayed great friends!
ANON this is the most late 2000's story fucking ever. pinnacle whipped cream vodka. messily negotiated threesomes. people showing up to the sex party with surprise extra guests. gay guys fucking women. everybody being notionally bi but also not really. near drunk driving. i've been at parties exactly like these. my first apartment in college in 2007 had a pool and we were skanking it up in there miami style all the time. cheers dude
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spacecowboyhotch · 3 months
The Dead Horse
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summary: santi brings you back to reality.
pairing: fem!black!reader x santi garcia
contents: angst & fluff— happy ending, canon typical violence, blood, gore, ptsd, depression, feelings of hopelessness, friends to lovers, kissing
wc: 2,419
an: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now bc of nerves, but always wanted to write Santi with a black love interest. planning to dip my toe into that pool more in the future 🥰
oscar issac characters masterlist
You don’t know how long you’ve been sitting here like this. It could be minutes, hours, even days. In these four walls beneath the shower’s spray, there is nothing that matters. Not even you, not anymore. And while you’re usually the first to be cheery, to tell each of the guys that the work they do— the work you all do together— doesn’t compromise the goodness you see in their hearts, you’re having a hard time believing that right now.
Not with what you’d done. It was to survive, and while you’ve come to terms with how scary you could be in the past you thought it stayed there.
In the past.
Tonight had proven to you that you could always access that piece of you. That terrifying piece that was a killing machine. The emphasis doesn’t lie in efficiency, but in ruthlessness. You had shown no mercy, the switch for empathy and compassion turned off as soon as your hindbrain decided that it was fight or flight. Dormantly thirsty, lurking in the shadows waiting for its time, it chose to fight. But you had gone a step too far—like always— because of your lack of control.
You were messy, enjoying the cutting of thick flesh, the warmth of the blood as it sprayed you. The copper smell, so familiar and embarrassingly comforting, though you didn’t have the mind to think that now, not when you were exposing the pink underbelly of a corpse.
Santi’s been pacing the hallway since you all made it back to the safe house. He’d tried to chat you up on the way home with no success. You wouldn’t meet his eye, and when he drew nearer to catch your gaze it was empty. It chilled his blood. He wasn’t sure of what exactly happened in that room you’d gotten ambushed in but he’d seen the aftermath. Recalling the image of standing over one too many dead bodies, a gleam in your eye had made his stomach curl. He’d smoothed his hand over your knee and left it at that, trying his best to banish all the red and pink and white.
It’s been an hour since you’d stumbled into the bathroom. He can hear the shower still going when he puts his ear to the door and sighs, a mix of frustrated and concerned. He’s not sure what to do– he’s never had to take care of you before. He’s always been grateful for that given all the fondness he has for you bubbling just beneath. Any acknowledgement could jeopardize too much– missions, the dynamic of the team, and most importantly your friendship.
“You alright in there?” He calls softly through the door.
He’s met with silence. He rolls his neck, cursing beneath his breath as his mind goes back and forth, trying to decide what to do.
“Just go in there and check on her,” Frankie says from behind him, causing the other man to flinch. “Didn’t mean to scare you. You alright?”
“I’m fine,” Santi assures Frankie, leaning against the wall to face the man. He nods at the door. “She could be naked.”
Frankie snorts, shrugging. “She’s seen all of us at least half naked and well, Benny—“
Santi quickly cuts him off, trying to keep the sour jealousy out of his voice. He knows that there’s nothing going on between you and Benny, that Benny is as much of a flirt as he is but sillier and less concerned with his image. “But we haven’t seen her. I don’t— I’m a dog but I’m a respectful one.”
“If she’s gonna get help from anybody on this it’d be you. She trusts you man.”
Santi looks at him like he’s grown two heads but feels a little warm, “She trusts all of us, kind of a prerequisite of living and working with a group of men.”
“It's different with you. You should hear the way she talks about you when you’re not around.”
Santi almost lets himself think about it. Almost lets himself dream a little. Almost.
“Or see the way she looks at you when you’re not looking. Like a lost fucking puppy,” Benny pipes in, breezing down through the hallway between the two of them.
“Don’t sound so concerned, Benjamin,” Santi calls after the man, mouth quirking into a grin.
“Don’t look so smug, Santiago,” Frankie teases.
“I’m not smug,” He denies. He decides to go in, okay with being kicked out by you if it means that Frankie will be gone, done poking and prodding at what the man must know is his heart.
“Good luck.”
Santi murmurs a quiet thanks before slowly entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He stands, frozen in place for several moments as he digests the sight of you. It's heartbreaking. His chest goes tight, and he curses softly again. What could he do for you? He’d do anything, but he’s just not sure what. He feels helpless seeing you like this. He could burn this entire city, burn anyone who would look at you wrong. Hell, he’d burn the entire world if it meant some warmth would come back into your eyes.
You’re curled up, your arms resting atop your knees, head resting to stare forward. Your curly hair that usually frames your face is completely soaked like the rest of you, flat and sticking to your face in various places. He knows that your eyes are unseeing, that you’re so incredibly removed from yourself because you make no indication that he’s stepped into the room.
“I’m gonna come sit beside you, okay? That’s it. No words,” Despite his words he stays where he is for a handful of seconds, hoping to get some sort of answer from you. You don’t speak a word, don’t utter or sound or so much as look in his direction. But you do shift slowly, making more room for him underneath the water.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” He grits out, drawing close enough to you that your shoulders rest flush against each other.
He gazes over at you, noticing the way the water glimmers on your brown skin. The way its collected on your dark eyelashes. If these were different circumstances maybe for just a handful of seconds he’d let himself get lost in your beauty. But then you acknowledge him– sort of. You hum softly and the leaning of your head on his shoulder. It's a good sign and he relaxes beside you.
“Do you want me to shut it off?” He asks gently, reaching out to take your hands into his. Your fingers are cold as ice, and he rubs at them in a futile attempt to generate some heat.
“No, please. No,” You beg hoarsely, suddenly springing to life. You grip at his hands desperately, eyes wide with panic as you finally meet his gaze.
“Alright, hush, cariño, I’ve got you. C’mere, baby,” He shushes you, pulling you into his arms and flush against him.
At little more present in the moment, you feel the chill registering. You curl up, tucking your face into the crook of his neck. There’s still some warmth in his skin and you press into it, letting the sound of his steady breath lull you back into a dissociative state.
Santi holds you for an undetermined amount of time. He runs his hands up your back, over the crown of your hair, feeling the difference of how your curls feel when wet. His hand drifts to your chin, and he leans away, tipping your head up.
“Honey, you’ve gotta talk to me,” He whispers.
Your dark eyes have a little more life to them, but that’s only amplified the sadness they hold. “Santi, I can’t. I can’t. Don’t make me, please.”
“I have to, you can’t stay like this. We’ve got to get it out in the open.”
“Like you do?” You challenge– your voice distinctly unkind, harder than he’s ever heard it before. His brow furrows and guilt blossoms inside of you. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. This just fucking sucks, Santiago. Its all wrong again.”
“Tell me what’s wrong and we’ll fix it.”
“There’s no way we can fix it. I’m just broken. I’ll always be haunted by her. She’ll always be here, waiting for an opportunity for that.”
“You preach that shit to me and the guys. Day in and day out. Every mission, and you don’t believe it?”
“I do— I did. I believe it for you. For them. You’re good people, Santi. Good men, all of you. You take care of me.”
“You take care of us, honey. Fish hangs on your every word. Will too. Benny is well— Benjamin.”
“And you?”
He shrugs, “You know I gave into this a long time ago. Before we even met. No other way for me to be.”
“Do you believe me?”
“I try to. I want to. There are parts of me too that I don’t like. I want them gone. I rip them up and bury them but they always come back to haunt me. I don’t think that means I’m not trying to be better, but it means I’ll never be the man I want to be.”
You frown at him, concerned, “Santi—“
“It’s okay. I accepted that after the first tour. Sometimes you gotta let the horse be dead.”
“Do you think my horse is dead?”
There’s no room for his ego, no room for hiding when he hears the blatant fear in your question.
He rests his head back against the wall, murmuring, “I think you’re the sweetest thing this earth has to offer.”
“You think so?”
“Bouncing around with your curls, and your sweet little smile. Kicking Benny’s ass with grace while you’ve got a cake in the oven. You should see yourself with Frankie’s little girl.”
“Seems like you watch me a lot,” You suggest softly.
“I watch you all the time,” He admits, but there’s no shame in his voice. In fact you can see resolve in his eyes, and possessiveness. A chill runs down your spine and it’s not from the water. Santi mistakes it for that anyway. “Let me turn this off for us?”
He’s still asking. Still checking in with you though there’s much more light in your eyes.
“Yeah, okay.”
Santi leans up and turns off the shower, letting out a sigh of relief. He runs his hands over your wet curls, pushing them away from your forehead. His thumbs swipe your cold cheeks, brushing away some of the water droplets.
Without that steady sound of the shower, sheets cascading down on you, you both are feeling a little more exposed.
“I came in here to make sure you were alright, not spill my fucking guts. I just had to take care of you,” He says, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant.
“You can always take it back,” You say teasingly, though most of you expect him to bite at your offer.
He’s said much more in these last few minutes than he ever has to you— Santi’s a sweet guy under all his charm, but he never lets you see below the surface. Not until now, when letting you in seemed like the only way to get you out.
It takes more effort than he expects to pull himself away from you. He leans back against the shower wall, nimble fingers lacing together in his lap. “And lose you?”
“You could never lose me, Santi,” You murmur, reaching out to grab one of his hands.
Your eyes roam him, a little in disbelief at what’s happening right now. But yes, it is Santiago Garcia sitting next to you. With his dark brown eyes, his sharp jaw dappled with stubble, his salt and pepper hair looking much darker and curlier than usual due to the water.
“Yeah?” Santi asks, eyes glued to where yours sits atop his. He traces slowly over the sight of you two linked together, admiring how soft and rich your skin looks even after sitting in a shower for so long.
He’s a goner isn’t he?
There are butterflies in his stomach. Butterflies, sweat slicking his palms despite the fact that he’s soaked through his clothes and down to the bone. He realizes in this moment that he’s not just a goner. No— he loves you. He knew that he was harboring some kind of feelings for you, but when your eyes meet his— earnest and tender— he can only think one thing: I love you.
His eyes hungrily drop to your full mouth, and another shiver runs down your spine. “Let me kiss you.”
You nod, squeezing his hand that’s still in yours.
“I need to hear you say it. You have to say it for me, so I can believe it.”
“I want you to kiss me, Santiago. Please.”
He’s on you then. All over you. His hands move quickly, guiding you back into his lap before one loops around your torso and holds you close. The other cups your jaw, angling it back so that he can press his mouth to yours. You’re breathless before the space between you is closed, chest heaving at how sure and firm his hands are. He kisses you. Kisses and kisses you, like his life depends on it. Like you’re lost and the only thing that will guide you home is his insistent tongue.
Your hands slip and slide against the fabric of his wet shirt before you give up, raising them to tentatively cup his face so that you can have leverage.
“That’s it honey, kiss me back. Take what you want to. Whatever you need,” He encourages between kisses.
Take you do. You squirm in his lap until he lets you shift and straddle him. It had started with him leading you, consuming you but now it’s your turn to surround him. Santi gives in, sighing into your mouth as your tongue goes on the hunt for his. You kiss him. Kiss him and kiss him until your mouth aches. When you pull away his is flushed pink, newly wet. You run your thumb over his lips before wiping your own mouth.
He looks up at you like hang the moon. His eyes are soft and hazy, pink mouth pulling up into a smirk. There’s the Santi you know. The Santi you love. But even now, he’s softer and sweeter, gathering you close again.
“What do you need now, sweetheart? What can I do to make it better?”
“I’m yours.”
santi taglist: @jitterbugs927, @theconsultingdoctor10, @tanzthompson, @clairevoyanceee, @moonmalice, @tiffanypooh, @dearvirtualdiary-blog1, @marc-spectorr, @xbellaxcarolinax, @toracainz, @mccn-bcys, @missdictatorme, @whatthefishh
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flygutzz · 16 days
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Me n @nortsauce 's characters!
nort: Davy & Chime Mine (Fly): Wivie & Blink
more about them under the cut!
Name: Wisteria-Vineyard "Wivie/Wivy/YV/Wist/Vinny" Rose Age: 15-16 Pronouns: he/him Basic Description Wivie is an empathetic and upbeat hedgehog created by the master emeralds as a counter weight to a great evil that was spawned in the world. he was found by knuckles and adopted by Amy. Hes obsessed with legends and becoming a hero. unfortunately he kinda sucks at everything and has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a high emotional intelligence and wishes to help people any way he can. After discovering his special abilities he trains under sonic to become control his powers and protect his world and the ones he loves
at first he looked nothing like a mobian when he was first found but as he grew he seemed to to take a more hedgehog like appearance
Mama’s boy!! Always suspicious abt any of Amy’s girlfriends
Loves skirts and dresses.
can read tarot cards thanks to his mom aswell as palm readings
can skate/hoverboard
Name: Davy “Jokes” Leavian Age: 15-16 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description An aggressive and headstrong girl. She's tough and a skilled fighter and is always ready to show off her talents. She doesn’t talk about her past due to her not trusting who’s in the Codfather’s mafia gang that she is in deep trouble with. She’s obviously connected with the forbidden parts of the deep sea in mobius but never questioned why. She lives on her own, and has trouble keeping friends, but wants to prove herself. Can be blunt but means well.
Leviathan child
Glows when powered up
can shoot her back “petals” to poison or grab things
Name: Chime (Chee-Mei OR just Chime either works) Age: 15 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description Chime is an excitable girl of few words who is an apprentice of Espio. She’s not always silent but prefers to be as quiet as possible, hard to do when she’s got 100 pound weights on her hair and a bell she never takes off. She’s loyal and loves making friends, but she also is very skilled and deft with any sharp object. She’s precise and cunning, but her lack of any sort of magical or enhanced physical abilities make her a little insecure. She’s said to be a part of a group protecting… something.
Very Fast and Agile
Skilled in “cutting” weapons (knives, swords, any bladed thing)
Very quiet
likes tea parties
due to her being very quiet and skilled many people feel threatened by her but she's a sweetie
She’s also forced to wear the bell bcs she kept sneaking up and scaring people
Name: Blink the Hedgehog Age: young??? Pronouns: Gender fluid, changes any chance they get Basic Description: Blink an eccentric kid who wants to become as strong as they possible can be. They love to run around and mess with people with pranks, especially at Team Dark. Blink has some violent tendencies because of how they were raised by mercenaries and a war machine, so Shadow tries to keep them away from a lot of people. They have a close but complicated relationship with shadow and a distant relationship with sonic, with either of them barely even knowing that each other existed for the first few years of Blinks life.
slower than sonic but higher endurance
calls his parents "pops" or by their names interchangeably (great relationship guys 👍)
has a clock on their right glove and a compass on their left glove: this helps blink control and reorient themself after "blinking*" through time and space
Blink*: can bring them in and out of existence as a form of "teleportation"
Speed break: bursts of speed that allow them reach point A to point B in less than a second (tracer from OW)
No-Clip (lol) : can phase through objects (generally used during speed breaks)
Time Control (Only With a Chaos Emerald)
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every character in animorphs is actually fascinating and fucked up in their own, realistic way
Jake: a confident kid who is put into a leadership position. He constantly has to make choices that determine whether he and his friends live or die. So he matures faster and loses his childhood. Then he experiences a loss and just completely breaks down.
Marco: a kid who always used humor to deflect bad situations, slowly driving himself insane because those bad situations are now near constant. Worried he’s going to snap one day and he probably already has. Convincing himself hes “ruthless” to cover up that he’s so scared about what he’s doing.
Rachel: a fun fashionista who was always kinda competitive and anger-prone who now finds herself addicted to the war she’s been forced to fight in. Someone who’s worried, not because killing is too hard, but because it’s too easy. She knows what she brings to the group, she brings an ability to kill that the others take advantage of her for. It’s a two way relationship; they need her when they want someone to die but it not to weigh on their consciousness, and she needs them to assure her that she’s still human, still sane.
Cassie: a pacifist until she’s not. An animal activist who has to choose between her morals and her species near constantly. Who still tries to cling onto her moral code because if she lets go she might lose herself.
Tobias: an already messed up guy who never felt wanted, now trapped in a body that is not his. He’s slowly losing elements of his humanity. He constantly feels like he’s not enough and that he can’t turn to his friends for help bc he thinks they’ll leave him.
Ax: a kid in a strange land who just lost his brother and is honor-bound to avenge him. He has such high opinions of his species and has to continuously have that worldview shattered. All his friends turn to him for knowledge and he doesn’t know enough to satisfy them. He has to choose between his loyalty to his culture and his loyalty to his new friends.
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c0smoshit · 9 months
Hello angel, here's my silly little angsty prompt:
"Cloud gets home after a mission. He's exhausted, but reader is happy to see him noneless. She knows he isn't a touch person, but she finds fun into teasing him a little, hoping it would make his day better... However, she senses that something is of; and Cloud, unsure if it's a mako flare-up or something else, prefers to let it go. Later that night, he's surprised (yet shattered) when his mom visits him, telling her son she is happy he found "the one" and how proud she is of her son.. When reader awakes to see a puzzled Cloud, she wonders what's the right move to make, only to follow her instinct."
Enjoy wrecking me 🤍
The one ミ★
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Cloud/fem!reader
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ angst!, minor spoilers, past trauma, not proofread!
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ reqs are closed bc I'm going to be busy next week and I wanna write some stuff by my own too so yeah, sorry 😭
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 2.236 ( so many short fics omg )
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It started off with your voice.
And then your hand would find his own, bringing him into your little world.
But as the hours passed by, you noticed that something was off, really off.
Maybe it was how lifeless his eyes seemed to be under your cold lighting, despite the beautiful contrast of mako green and natural blue.
Your hands helped him get his sword off him, your ears turning deaf as he told you it wasn't necessary.
He always tried to do everything on his own, he felt as if he was a burden to others. Ever since he was a kid, he thought that maybe it was better if he stayed quiet.
Maybe that was what life had been awaiting him for.
He loved silence, he loved quiet walks into the mountains by himself, whenever his mother would let him.
However, you were quite the opposite of quiet.
. . .
"Yeah, it's that weird guy I told you about"
"Why is he here?"
"Why is he wearing that in public?"
"I heard he was involved with that terrorist group"
Over and over again.
At this point he couldn't distinguish between his mind and the world that was surrounding him.
Cruising through the city, he tried not to interact with anyone as always. But no matter how hard he wanted to focus on his task, there were always some burning eyes on his skull.
At first he didn't mind, he wasn't really used to this kind of attention but he shrugged it off.
Maybe it was his sword or maybe it was the curse in his eyes.
However, as the weeks passed by, he felt more and more out of place. The pollution brought an itch inside his head, but those whispered comments brought headaches.
"Mind your own bussiness, freak"
Turning his head around, he looked over to where you hissed. It was almost comical to see you scolding a pretty big guy, his friends already about to either insult or laugh at you.
However, he stepped behind you before any of that.
He liked the way you always tried to defend him, always beefing with people whenever you heard those awful comments.
He felt somewhat protected
. . .
"You're taking a bath"
He had dissociated from the conversation to the point that he was now aware of your hands prying off his armour.
At first he didn't enjoy those "cute little baths". He felt bad you were cleaning him up and he felt like a little child under your fingertips once again.
But the more your hands laid themselves on his bare body, cleaning him up, the more he leant into your touch.
So he let you handle him around
"Alright, let's start"
After that, your fingers started spreading soap around his scalp, his whole body submerged inside your hot tub.
He found it kind of silly that he had to lay down with his knees outside the water when you could spread them so they rested under it.
He loved those small details
With you he didn't feel naked and vulnerable, he felt finally at peace. He didn't know how much he actually needed your hands on him, but his body surely craved them.
Speaking of, they were currently rubbing soap on his chest, tracing a path until they latched themselves on his arms.
Curiosity spread around his mind whenever you would praise them, tell him how strong he had became over the years. Curiosity because he didn't see that much of a change, he was always like that, right?
But he didn't mind them, hell, he secretly flexed under your gaze so you could gawk at them.
Summer days whenever it was hot outside, glistening skin under the warm hues of the punishing sun. He was always weirdly lifting something heavy whenever you were around, a wooden box or some metal bar.
A secret attention whore
He let you play around with his fingers, eyes closed as he relaxed into the tub behind him. He liked the way your hand fit so perfectly with his own one.
Whenever you would drag him around the city, latching your fingers around his wrist as he followed close behind you.
Ever since the day he had met you, you seemed different.
He could crack a smile with you without the need of feeling embarrassed about it, let alone laugh at your stupid puns. He felt light-headed, and he really needed you after a long day.
That's why he always tried to get home as soon as possible when you weren't working too, he wanted ( needed ) to see you. The way his aching legs dragged themselves without any pain into your house.
But on days like this, his legs ached x2 times harder.
Why was he still alive after all that had happened?
Why did the Planet need him so badly?
Couldn't others replace his job?
Those questions flooded his mind again and again, like a snake that bit it's own tail.
He was become more and more confused about his surroundings, the past traumatic events still flashing lively through his tired eyes.
God he was tired.
And after all the times he had already told you that he was fine, just tired, that adjective seemed to have lost it's initial weight.
So tired.
The past, the nostalgia mixed with the sour taste of regret and bad decisions.
The present that still haunted him on lonely, endless nights.
The future he didn't even want to know that was awaiting for him.
As bad as it sounded, he had lost interest in the things he adored doing. He felt better when he was just breathing, sinking in your arms.
SOLDIER? he wasn't good enough to be one of them
Sep%#/<*@? It was better if he slowly forgot his name
However, it wasn't that easy.
No matter how far his legs had managed to take him, a long trail into some tall, enigmatic woods without a visible exit.
He was always following right behind him
And he didn't know how much time he had left until his face would be pushed into the dirt, a much stronger hand keeping him down.
. . .
White hair was replaced by your h/c locks, a warm waterfall of relief washed all over his body at your sight.
"Were you even listening to me?"
His body felt fuzzy and when he looked down he saw a towel wrapped around him, his legs sitting on the cold wc.
He looked back into your face, a cute pout resting on top of your brows as you waited for him to answer. Only to see that disgusting look of worry paint all over your pout instead.
He hated and despised that look in your face
He always blamed himself for making you feel like that, maybe he shouldn't have opened up as much as he did. Maybe he was being such a baby about all this.
He wanted to make you happy with him, cheerish him for the things he had done that day, admire him. Anything that didn't involve your pretty face coming down.
But, of course, he didn't know how to brighten it up.
His pupils remained connected with yours until he looked away, confused about what to do or to say.
But your hands suddendly wrapping his head in a warm cage of softness, kept him from thinking. A towel was ruffling his hair up, and he didn't mind anymore if it ended up messed.
He liked the feeling of someone finally taking care of him
And when you both finally winded down from the day, ready to rest on the comfortable bedding you had chosen, he felt as if someone was dragging him down into a puddle of confusion once again.
The worst part is that he didn't know how to swim back
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She paused for a brief moment, her hands slowly lulling him back into an awake state.
"That's right, sweetie"
His eyes opened up, finally seeing the woman behind that familar voice.
"I missed you"
He couldn't believe he was back home, looking down he still saw his adult body. Well, and adult body that only hid childish maners.
He wanted to say that he missed her too, a lot actually. But no words seemed to seep out of his mouth, it felt like a nightmare.
Part of his childhood and teenage years passed by without her, a warmth he seemed to seek on cold nights, sneaking a hand around your waist. Whenever he saw other children with their mothers, teenagers that got angry at them, he wanted to feel that too.
Hell, he wanted to feel everything that he was deprived of. From the softness of her arms as she tucked him to sleep, to her honeyed voice as she sung making dinner.
His head still laid on his pillows and he could recall the coziness of it, it was the only thing about his past that he was sure was real.
"You've grown to be a good man huh?"
She kept talking, and he wanted nothing more to do other than hearing her voice for the last time.
"You've gotten really handsome too. . ."
Her hands took his arm, his mind now being aware of her presence as she sat on the bed, sinking a bit the mattress. Her fingertips dancing along the skin, trying to memorize all his muscles.
". . . and strong too"
A big smile was plastered on her face, looking at him as if he was a newborn again, getting ready to sleep for the first time after she had given birth to him.
"The ladies must be crazy for you"
And she wasn't wrong, they really were.
He got compliments almost every day in Midgar, from the honeygirls to some random ladies on the street. But it wasn't until his mother told him how pretty he actually was that he started believing it.
"I saw that girl, you're a lucky one"
Did she mean... you?
You were one of the few persons he knew he could trust, that could lend him a hand whenever he was feeling down.
He couldn't describe what he felt for you, but he definitely knew that if you happened to fall off a cliff, he would be there to catch you.
You had done so much already for him and yet without expecting the same amount of love and care for him. And he felt so bad about it, he wanted to return all of your hugs, cuddles, kisses and praises.
"She's the one"
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And there you were, laying like a lonesome princess by his side. He could see your pacified breathing, it would always calm him down.
How had he gotten so lucky?
You seemed like a goddess under his gaze, and it was on nights like this he finally got to appreciate your beauty.
You could be sweating, with your hair all ruffled up after a workout that he still would've found you the prettiest woman alive.
You always told him how handsome he was, how his face was absolutely perfect as you forced him into wearing some kind of mask you would apply into your face shortly after too.
He loved you, he loved you, he loved you
His mind was racing at this point, he didn't even know where to look anymore. At your pretty eyes closed shut? At the way you were cutely laying on the bed with your arms hugging your chest? At your body under the mattress?
If he were to write down his favourite part about you, he wouldn't even know where to start.
However, when your eyes opened themselves slowly, he panicked.
Did he wake you up?
But he stayed still on spot, the warm blanket he didn't want to leave when he got up in the morning pooling bellow his stomach.
He wished he had an audio recorded of your voice and listen to it whenever he had to sleep without you.
"What's wrong?"
Your eyelashes batted themselves, trying to wake your brain up as you searched his body under the dark light.
He soon felt your hand on his bare chest, finally able to look at him in the eyes. Which wasn't a complicated task as they were bright as the sun.
Your moon in dark nights
"Go back to sleep"
That was the fourth time you had heard him speak this afternoon, and it concerned you so much. He always listened to your stories and when he was in a good mood, he would never shut up.
He was a pleasant person to speak to, really, he had such beautiful words to say whenever he got philosophical. And he actually made you cry when he bashed out about his trauma.
But you just looked at him and without any words, your arms enveloped him like his mother. You knew he was comfortable like this, silence as your heartbeat slowly matched his own one perfectly.
And soon both of your bodies were laying on the mattress, your hands holding his head, pressing him further into your chest as he clinged to your back.
You told him the most sugary praises you could had ever thought about, lulling him back to sleep as his mind began clouding with sleep.
You could've sworn you felt something wet on your chest, but you didn't care, you were more than happy to finally see him express his feelings with you.
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olinblogin · 4 months
Can you write clown!child!reader that plays silly innocent pranks and honks whenever they're really happy? I prefer if you made some headcanons/one shot with Kaufmo or Jax, if you want to add more characters then be my guest! Believe me, I don't mind at all lol
Ohhh I’ve been waiting for a clown reader tbf!
In the long run I don’t know to much abt Kaufmo bc duh he literally abstracted in the pilot— so please take my limited info about him with a pinch of salt
This one is gonna be relatively short because I don’t have much to work on plot wise since only the pilot of the show is out
(Theres no normal Kaufmo gifs so here 💀)
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When you’d first arrived, a lot were shocked to see you didn’t freak out like most would when first entering the Amazing Digital Circus.
In fact, you were quite ecstatic.
They were all shocked to see a child of all to be transported into the Circus. But you adapted quickly to your surroundings, even becoming comfortable with everyone, especially Kaufmo.
You spent most your time with Kaufmo, actually. You both took the form of clowns in a way, so it was bound that you two would get along.
To you he was almost like an older brother, always scolding you when you’d play little pranks on your friends. Some harmless, some a little less harmless.
Like the time you glued Caine’s staff to the floor.
Usually when you wanted to play pranks you’d go to Jax for help carrying them out, seeing as you’re the smallest of the group you had a hard time doing things as easily as the others did.
It was so fun all the time, every time you’d get caught doing your pranks you’d squeeze your little nose and make a honking sound as you dashed away.
Then, there was a new member, Pomni.
She was a jester of sorts… but oh, so jumpy. You tried greeting her with Ragatha, only for her to break out into a string of curses—which despite censored by Caine—Ragatha still covered your ears.
Eventually Ragatha was down on your level, “hey, sweetie? Can you do me a small favor?” She asked softly, to which you tilted your head in response, as you didn’t often talk so you used body language instead. “Please don’t play any pranks on Pomni, okay? She’s really jumpy and she might get hurt if you do.” You put a finger on your mouth in consideration, nodding happily.
“Thanks, sweetie. Go have fun, Caine is making us play capture the Gloinks again, I know that’s your favorite.” With that you zipped off and chased around the little shapes, while Ragatha took Pomni on a little tour with Jax.
You played the game for a while until you stumbled across the hallway of rooms, where some faces were crossed off with a big red ‘X’ for a reason you didn’t know, nor would you understand.
You were searching high and low for those little Gloinks but.. you soon came across Kaufmo’s door, it was wide open with signs of struggle being visible.
You peered into his room, he was no where to be found. You now had a new objective from the game, to find Kaufmo.
You searched everywhere, you even managed to get out of the circus to look for him.
But no matter your efforts you just couldn’t find him at all… soon, Caine caught you outside of the circus and brought you back, all of the group together, save for Kaufmo.
You made your way over to Ragatha, tugging her skirt, “Ragatha, where’s Kaufmo?” You asked in your quiet voice. Ragatha couldn’t bring herself to say it, only looking away in a guilty manner.
“What happened to him.. where’s Kaufmo?”
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ghostfacd · 6 months
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PROFILES: lee yn n friends 🤗
SUMMARY. While you were busy crushing on Sunghoon throughout high school, he had always viewed you as Lee Heeseung’s annoying little sister, especially since the three of you grew up together. That all changes when you end up going to the same university together and wound up being partners in one of your courses. Although Lee Heeseung has made it clear Sunghoon wouldn’t make a good boyfriend, you can’t help but be tempted by him, especially when he was begging you to tutor him with the prettiest look on his face.
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freshman in college, younger sister to lee heeseung, who is very popular at the uni
has had a crush on her brother’s close friend, park sunghoon, since freshman year of high school
her best friends consist of jungwon, hueningkai, hanni, and armand!
likes to be delulu sometimes (most of the time)
her favorite pastime thing to do is to stalk sunghoon’s instagram and cry when she discovers what she was looking for
freshman in college; best friend to lee yn, has known her since sophomore year of high school
graduated at the top of his class and has a very high ego (although he never goes too far with it)
thinks lee heeseung is lowkey a joke but won’t say it out loud
had a crush on hanni when she first joined the friend group but won’t ever admit it bc it’s too awkward to bring up
favorite thing to do is make fun of his friends and watch horror movies
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freshman in college, applied to seoul university as a joke and got in (surprisingly??)
was first best friends with armand before joining the group because they traveled to europe together during summer before their freshman year of college
didn’t know what he wanted to major in so he took random classes and somehow minored in french with armand ?!
lwk be in his feels most of the tine
freshman in college, first met jungwon in their calculus class and they instantly clicked cause they really disliked their professor
joined the friend group soon afterwards and is very protective over her friends
heeseung tried hitting her up but she was like hell no because of girl code
her and kai love sitting in the corner slumped together while listening to the smiths and taylor swift
freshman in college. was actually supposed to go to oxford but decided to give korea a try after discovering how much he liked the culture
instantly became super close with kai after they went on their europe trip together and survived through food poisoning 😭
minors in french and told kai to do it as well so now they both suffer in the class
“it’s not BONJOR it’s bonjour.”
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jben073 · 6 months
Grace Chasity headcanon rambles!
Some silly Grace hcs for @nighthaterfrfr!! I tried to mostly avoid any of mine that you mentioned something similar to in yours bc we had a good deal of overlap! :D
(Just to preface, one of my biggest headcanons is that Grace is autistic so there’s a good chance that some of these may be influenced by that! I did try to pick ones that are more applicable to canon though! [But if anyone wants any of those, I have about a million :3])
When Grace was a young child in elementary school (or Sunday school), she very innocently kissed Alice Woodward and felt something™. (She entirely represses this memory for YEARS.)
^ During her eventual sexuality crisis, despite not having talked to Alice for years outside of polite conversation if they ran into one another, Grace reaches out to her for support/to ask questions because she was the only out queer person that Grace knew and trusted enough not to out her. (Alice big sister mode activated.) 
^ (They’re so silly, they’ve literally never interacted outside of a throwaway line about them knowing and possibly disliking each other but to me they're friends who fell apart and eventually find each other again when they're both more grown as people.)
^ Also, ignore me indulging my other biggest hc which is that Grace is a lesbian.
Grace took piano lessons as a child and is actually quite good because she wanted to be the pianist for her church’s masses when she got older! She stopped taking lessons in high school, but she keeps up with playing in her free time to maintain the skill and occasionally help out with music at her church.
^ Richie constantly tries to convince her to learn anime openings and music from games that he plays for him (he begged her to learn Megalovania for weeks until she finally gave in).
She has never celebrated Halloween because her parents think it’s satanic so Ruth and Richie (who definitely still go trick-or-treating in high school) make a point to bring her some of their candy on the following school day.
^ She definitely doesn’t cry about this gesture later when she goes home!!
She is an absolute monster while playing board games, like she gets REALLY aggressive about them.
^ (definitely influenced by Angela's chaos on smosh games, especially the “be a little more gentle!! >:(” clip)
She can’t go to sleep (intentionally) without getting a kiss goodnight. At home, her parents kiss her on the forehead before bed and if she’s at camp, she has to get a kiss on the head from Girl Jeri if she wants to sleep well.
^ It disrupts her routine which makes it harder for her to wind down!!
^ I like to think that before the events of Abstinence Camp, she thought of Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri as older sibling figures.
She has never been to a sleepover because she’s never had good enough friends to be invited to one :(
^ The nerds + Steph very quickly remedy this!!
^ (quick ramble related to the last hc) During the first group sleepover, Steph wakes up in the middle of the night to get a drink, realizes Grace is still up, and after Grace sheepishly admits her dilemma following Steph’s prompting for an explanation, Steph very casually plants a kiss on her forehead and then goes back to sleep. Grace’s face is beet red after this and now she can’t sleep for an entirely different reason.
^ They're in love to me!!!
LIB related
(Based almost entirely on Blinky’s line about watching Grace and the nightmare about Max/Richie that implies she has the gift.) 
^ Grace has been connected to the Lords in Black since long before we see her, Steph, and Pete summon them in NPMD.
^ Much like Lex was friends with Webby as a child and forgot, Grace was friends with the LIB when she was young but grew out of it.
^ (I have a whole little overanalysis/hc set of things for this hc if anyone wants to hear :3)
After she starts using the Black Book, her appearance starts to very slightly change so that she always looks just a tiny bit off.
^ Her teeth are just a touch too sharp, her ears have the slightest point to them, and her eyes almost seem to shift in colour (depending on which LIB is influencing her).
^ But hey, it must just be a trick of the light!! She's so normal!! Dw about it!!!
She will occasionally feel the sudden compulsion to bite others (Nibbly is feeling silly!!)
^ She does not act on this… most of the time :3
One more silly one to end on
She once owned a Tamagotchi and became so deeply stressed over the state of this virtual creature that she made herself sick from anxiety. 
^ Karen and Mark confiscated the toy very shortly after this.
Anyway ramble's over now but my 45 page google doc of Grace hcs continues to grow every day bc I am fixated hard on this silly little show :3
edit: had to add the '^' thing because the bullets didn't indent properly for some reason!! every one that has that is attached to the previous one without it!
also idk why on mobile the sleepover hc and the Alice hc got cut short?? The sleepover one is supposed to say that now she can't sleep for an entirely different reason and the end of the second bullet says (Alice big sister mode activated).
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babiebom · 4 months
Heyy it's me again, lol. Ur criminal minds hcs for Reid were so good!! Thank u for blessing me. 🙌🏻 I was wondering if ud be down to write maybe a one-shot or a drabble of Reid comforting a reader (I almost wrote reider bc I spaced out and like akjsldj) who just had friends leave them when they thought they were really close? I hope that's not too specific!! Thank you sm for blessing the world with ur writing. It literally makes my day so much brighter whenever you post. 🥰
A/N: CUTE!! Reider would be a really cute fandom name for him ngl. Also I’ve fallen out of contact with friends that I thought were gonna be in it for the long run with me but unfortunately it just didn’t work out that way even if we didn’t fall out. ALSO specifics are great with me because then it’s clear what I need to write and what you want me to write so don’t apologize!! Can you tell I don’t know how to comfort anyone?
Tw: some cursing, some abandonment issues, mentions of bullying within the friend group. Isolation, ghosting. Lmk if there’s something I should tag!
Genre: angst, one shot, some fluff
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (can be read platonically or romantically in think. Also can be read as gender neutral maybe?) if I added pronouns or descriptors let me know!!
Criminal Minds Masterlist
It’s strange when you break up with a friend, even more so when the reason that you breakup is something stupid, something avoidable. It hurts even more when you get abandoned, ghosted by someone you thought would be in your life for the rest of it. No one ever prepares you for friendships ending. You get prepared for romantic relationships, death, and maybe sometimes you drift apart from friends but even then you’re prepared.
You stare at the group chat that had defined your childhood and teenage years. Stare at the names followed by “has left the chat” with a feeling in your heart that is only rivaled by death of a loved one if you remembered correctly. It had been a while.
It was a petty argument that only lasted a day, something about how everyone treated you. You regretted bringing it up on the first day that you had been ignored after sending a message. That day turned into a week which turned into them all leaving the group chat without telling you which hurt more than being kicked out of it. Did you really mean that little that they would ghost you that easily?
You never started arguments usually. You never even participated in them, trying to stay neutral in order to keep everyone happy. Always passive and agreeable and everyone liked you that way. The one time you have something to get off your chest…maybe you shouldn’t have said anything.
You tried to message one of your friends first, you hadn’t known her as long as some of the others in the group, but she was always sweet and didn’t seem like the type to ghost.
You 5:43 pm: Irene what happened? I saw you all left the group chat. Is something wrong?
You don’t get an answer back for an hour. And it makes your heart squeeze in your chest. It isn’t really an answer, but at the same time it answered both of your questions. To her you didn’t really matter all that much and something was really wrong.
Irene 7:01 pm: just leave me alone. You said what you needed to say, if you message me again I’ll block you.
You try again with a different friend. One you have known a little longer. One who had complained to you and confided in you and one that you thought you were close to than this.
He doesn’t answer at all, and neither do the other two that you message. Eventually you figure out that your messages never sent because you had been blocked. Going to their instagrams and twitters, everything is gone as soon as you click on them. Even their TikTok’s have nothing for you to look at.
Soon enough you’re fighting off tears, your chest tight and your stomach swirling. Was speaking up for yourself really worth this? Your head spins and your vision becomes blurry as you click on the last contact that’s available to you.
Your best friend. Having known her for the longest time out of all of them, you’d think she’d say something before doing something like this. You two met in elementary school, and were friends before the group got together. If you think about it more your friendship reminded you of the one in Jennifer’s Body. Except instead of saving everyone, you were being ignored and abandoned by the person you thought was going to be there even if everyone else wouldn’t. The person that you thought you could rely on.
But before you could message her, one came straight to you. The bubbles popping up as she’s typing something else. You can’t really understand the first paragraph, your mind to overwhelmed by the weeks events to be able to read.
Emilie 7:42 pm: I just wanted to message you before you tried anything with me. I’m honestly not interested in talking to you anymore after how you talked to me and my friends. None of us want you in the group anymore, and honestly it’s fucking pathetic that you’re reaching out and asking if anything is wrong when you’re the reason everyone was upset in the first place. Like you said we were shit friends, and now you wanna act like everything confuses you? If we were so shitty to you, why do you want us to still talk to you? I told Jacob, Josh, Irene, and Paisley to block you if you message them because honestly they don’t need you to try to beg and plead with them. You’re toxic and we’re done with you. Honestly, you look pathetic and desperate for attention messaging all of us like this. I’m not even gonna bother blocking you because it doesn’t really matter that much to me and maybe in the future I could be open to being friends again but for right now, I’m over it. Bye. You should do better.
Now the tears fall down your face, hot and burning as they trail down your cheeks and onto the screen of your phone. Going onto instagram to doom scroll your feelings away, you are immediately met with a photo of your friend group hanging out without you. Taken aback, you try to bring yourself to unfollow Emilie, to block her and effectively cut her out of your life while your wounds are fresh and your friendship is newly ended so you don��t have to torture yourself. But that’s exactly what you do, torture yourself. Instead of unfollowing her, deleting all of the pictures of her and your friend group from your feed, you scroll through them, the tears falling faster the longer you sit there and reminisce. You don’t even hear the front door open and close, and the only reason you know it did is because of the weight that causes you to lean towards the new person in the bed. Warmth blankets around you, the feeling of arms wrapped around your body brings you out of your mind.
Turning to look at the man next to you, you see that Spencer is looking at you as if you’re a wounded animal and it makes you burst out into tears. Maybe you really did look pathetic. “Oh no…what happened?”
You tried to explain, but couldn’t properly while you were blubbering. Instead you just throw your phone to him and let your head fall into your hands. He takes a literal second to read, then lets out a gust of air that usually meant he was surprised and didn’t know what to say.
He moves to hug you again, resting his head on top of yours. “You know…they say that it takes 200 hours to form a close friendship with someone. And when that friendship ends unexpectedly, it can cause a multitude of issues in the future with how you trust and open up to people…”
His ramblings weren’t all that comforting, but just hearing him speak made you start to feel better. Of course he would attempt to make things better by spouting facts that one hundred percent would make anyone else annoyed at him. You snuggle into his arms, nodding your head to show that you’re listening in between sobs. “S-so how long until I s-stop feeling like my h-heart is broken?” You ask. It did somehow feel like being broken up with, or having someone die.
“Well, most grief experts think that a year is a good estimate on how long it takes to get used to the loss of someone major in your life…”
“A year?” You whine, letting your head tilt backwards dramatically. “That’s too long!” It’s kind of a joke, the way you say it. But the way he looks at you lets you know that he knows you’re being somewhat serious.
“She was your best friend…of course it’s going to take some time to get used to not talking to her…however long you take to grieve is how long it’s going to take. It’s not a complete science.”
You nod, and hide your face in his chest. While you still felt like the Earth was ending, maybe it’s not ending right this second anymore.
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crazystargirl · 9 months
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overheated ☆
pairing ☆ - ethan landry x reader
word count ☆ - 0.7k !
a/n ☆ - my sister chose the song for this one and it took forever to come up with an idea for it but finally figured it out, plz send ideas for the songs tho bc i literally have no clue what i'm doing more than half the time 💀
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"i don't really know why you went there"
your roommate, anika, had dragged you to some lame frat party since her friends were going and she saw you moping around in the dorm
you were only really close to her and ethan who was in your econ class
you made a beeline towards ethan after a bit since anika left you to go hang out with her girlfriend which you didn't mind since you didn't expect her to stay with you the whole time
you see ethan standing with chad who was probably trying to get ethan to go and date someone
"hey ethan!" you say, coming over to the boys
ethan sees you stumble and a bit and holds onto your waist to make sure you don't fall over
"hey y/n" chad looks at ethan with a shocked expression since he knew ethan wasn't the type to just touch a girl randomly
after a while, chad had ran off, probably to find himself someone while you and ethan were sitting on a chair together, you on the chair and him on the arm of it
you see him check a text and look annoyed, quickly wiping the expression off his face when he sees you staring
"what happened?" you ask looking up at ethan, somewhat drunk at this point
"nothing…i have to go now, go home with anika ok?" ethan says, getting up and giving you a hug and leaving quickly
you're confused since you didn't know where ethan went and why he went alone since he usually always left with a party with the friend group or chad
"i kinda don't care, you wanna kill me"
you decided to go home about 10 minutes after ethan left, quickly letting anika know so she wouldn't worry
you didn't really care at this point why ethan had left early and were more concerned about getting home quickly
unknown to you, ethan was watching you walk home, didn't you know not to walk alone while intoxicated?
as much as he wanted to go over there and walk you home, that wouldn't match his personality right now
he was in his ghostface costume and had quickly fled the alley he was in after killing a group of kids there
he did feel the urge to kill someone else tonight and you certainly were playing the part of a victim right now but he couldn't bring himself to do it since he would ruin the plan
"you wanna hurt me"
after that night, ethan had been brainstorming different ways to kill the victims and unfortunately whenever he thought of a victim, you were always the first person who came to mind
sweet little y/n was just so vulnerable that night and would've probably been the perfect victim to kill if he didn't love you so damn much
his dad had told him not to get attached to anyone and when quinn had found out he was somewhat obsessed with y/n, saying she was shocked was an understatement 
quinn knew ethan loved her and was chill with it since y/n was going to have to die eventually but she never expected her dorky nerdy brother wanting to hurt y/n so badly
honestly ethan knew his ideas were fucked up but wouldn't it be fun to have someone to just hurt? and then after he could take care of her wounds and cuddle with her
ethan had tried to convince his dad before to let him keep y/n but he said no everytime. wayne knew of ethan's attachment and once he found out he immediately told quinn that she would be the one to kill y/n because god knows what ethan would do
"stop bein' flirty"
ethan often flirted with you in order to get your attention but you seemed oblivious to his attempts until Tara pointed it out to you
ever since she told you, you would always get flustered whenever he flirted or sent you a sweet text
"it's kinda workin'"
more and more everyday, you fell for ethan landry's flirty remarks
mindy had told you to be careful around since he seemed like the person most likely to be ghostface
you didn't really listen to her, brushing off her remarks everytime as just her suspicions nature
and poor you, quinn knew that you were falling for her psycho brother and there was absolutely nothing she could do. she knew that you'd have to go eventually but she didn't think ethan torturing you before your death would do any good
after all she was still your best friend
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taglist ☆ - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound
lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
©insidethepalemoonlight || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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bylerisendgame105 · 3 months
Reasons Byler will be endgame
So first of all let’s start on Season 1
Season 1:
We all know that Will Byers went missing in the first episode! yes that’s sad. anyway, Mike was the first one to CARE about that. (in the party) Yes, Lucas and Dustin obviously cared but Mike cared more. he said “i’m the only one who cares about will!” and repeatedly said they need to go find him. also he stood up for Will when he got bullied when not even being there. Fast forward to when Mike hides El. When El points at Will in the photo mike gets excited and decides to use El as a way to find Will. this shows, maybe Mike never actually loved el? maybe he just liked how she helped. but missed her as a friend in season two. ANYWAY he uses her and when we found out that “Wills body” was in the lake, Mike got angry… too angry. he yells at El for lying and then when gets home he cries to his mum. showing he really cared about will. (yes i know he is his best friend, but what if it was just more, and he didn’t notice?) Anyway, they finally find will and bring him to a hospital. The gang is waiting in the waiting room and when the nurse says that will is awake, mike is the fastest to get in the room and instantly hugs will. ❤️
Season 2:
in season two we notice that will is getting visions and who is the one who always snaps him out of it, or makes sure he is okay? Mike. at the arcade will gets a vision and then when he sees the mind flayer mike snaps him out and puts his arm around will and brings him to everyone. fast forward to halloween, Will gets left behind of the group and bullies start to pick on him. he gets another vision after falling and then runs away and when he wakes up he finds mike there trying to snap him out of it again. then he tells the party that they’re going HOME. Mike decides that home is his basement. they’re talking about how they are both going crazy so mike makes will feel better and says “if we’re both going crazy, we can go crazy together right?” and ofc our buddy, will, agrees. fast forward to when they lost dart at the school. Will finds him and tells dustin through the walkie talkie then senses he’s from the upside down so he gets scared and runs away. when everyone gets there the only one who notices that will is gone is MIKE. he suddenly goes to look for him and finds him in a field and tries to wake him out of it again then eventually the gang finds them too. later they find out he got over taken by the mind flayer blah blah blah and then mike decides to go to the byers house to COMFORT will and they have a cute little sleepover. they have a talk about how will feels when the mind flayer is inside of him. then when they go to the lab hospital thing mike is beside him the entire time. Will eventually loses his memory when he wakes up and everybody is around him. also mike ofc. when they ask will who mike is will says “that’s.. my friend.. mike :)” mike is so happy that. will remembers lol. fast really forward bc id remember much lol. they are locking will in the shed and when mike tells Will the cute little story, how they met, and how it was the best idea of mikes life meeting him on the swing. THAT is what triggers will to do the Morse code. (it was then if you pay attention like me, you would notice.) but it takes Hopper a way longer time to notice. eventually, they found out that Will is saying “close gate.” I don’t remember much lol. that’s all I remember right now if there’s more, comment.
This was part one. I will post part two one day that has season three and four in it because this one has season one and two, of course. ❤️❤️❤️
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