#;Character [Canon] - Balan
spiritxshackle · 4 months
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🌟 Updated commission sheet! 🌟
Sharing is appreciated!
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vincentask · 3 months
Hey Vincent! Have you ever met the human inhabitants before?
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neviagreatestart2003 · 7 months
Michael J X Box Fox (Pikachin Kit and Balan Wonderworld) (Valentine's Day)
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Katress X Wixen (Balan Wonderworld)
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Gift to @joneoyvilde03
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pinky-in-blankets · 10 months
Balan for the f/o bingo :3
Character opinion Bingo!
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《 Ehehe the MAGIC MAN ✨️ 》
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mikey12games · 1 year
(Day and Night versions)
Based on a song of the same name
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(everytime I played that song on Beat Saber, I thought of them)
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cyanityinsanity101 · 8 months
i've been getting a little bit back into balan wonderworld [ not completely but enough to where i can at least draw it again without breaking down ] and i decided the first recent thing i'd draw of it was some character redesigns of balan and lance.
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idk just looking back on the canon designs, they're kinda off to me even though they're pretty. so i wanted to draw them in a way i'd design them.
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wonderfultheatre · 2 months
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@crimsonsharked [Helluva Boss/Divergent] - Alessio
@chxrmingbilly [Zenless Zone Zero] - Billy Kid - (Heavy Wip)
@wrxthnlxughter [Helluva Boss] - Kaine Touthe - Hellborn Imp
@hxllishabbey [hazbin Hotel] - Abban Vincent - Fallen Angel/Overlord
@justsxymynxme [Hazbin Hotel] Beetle Ghest - Overlord OC
In Character RP
@magnificentmaestro [Balan WonderWorld] - Balan
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pawsometoons · 7 months
First time ever drawing the canon hatless Balan
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Drew this for a game crossover drawing rp
Explanation below
So the rp has this main focus of characters becoming self aware in their own games and finding a way to escape them. And I wanted to add Balan so I came up with this idea of how the self awareness affects him.
Making him suddenly get the feeling that the his world around him is flawed. And not just his world, but himself too.
More namely, his face.
I'm using the fact that Naoto Oshima originally intended Balan's face to look more like how it does with the hat on when it's off, But Square Enix declined this design choice because "it didnt fit with their style" So they made him an anime white boy instead as a stepping stone for the following dilemma followed by his sudden awareness of being in a game.
His face isnt his own.
He wasnt meant to look like this and he doesnt know how or why he knows this all of the sudden. But he knows that something isnt right anymore. And things arent what they were meant to be in his world that now feels a lot smaller and again, more flawed than he ever thought it was.
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joneoyvilde03 · 3 months
Claire love Cal moment (BWW canonXocships)
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カル・スレシュ & クレア・ラリ
hello everyone guess love this Canon X OC with this I like a new Shipping Cal suresh X Claire lari moment and thanks for made joneoyvilde03
Character from:
Balan wonderworld/OC/arzest
by joneoyvilde03
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innerchorus · 7 months
Chapter 127 of Arslan is ahead… Forgive me for the cruel thought, but… Will anyone from Arslan’s squad die? This is the denouement. It will be strange if they all survive.
Well, as I mentioned in my initial thoughts on the chapter, I'm not convinced this is the final confrontation against Zahhak (I feel like the purpose here is to establish that 'oh fuck the Snake King is back' and the final fight will happen at a later point).
So in terms of what we might see in Chapter 127, I'm not actually expecting any major character deaths there! Perhaps we might see some of the Zot get eaten? But the snakes are already pretty well-fed, and if as I've theorised Zahhak isn't fully resurrected and conscious yet, the snakes are what's in the driving seat. (Consider the fact that from the views we've had of the snakes alone, it strikes me that Zahhak's body might actually be lying down/underground? Which gives more support to the idea that Zahhak's actions right now are solely the instinctive ones of the shoulder snakes. Hopefully they're full for now, and hopefully they'll sense Rukhnabad and be repelled by it once more. Quick, everyone in Team Arslan group hug Don Ricardo right now!)
But to leave that aside for the moment, do I think anyone will die during the final fight against Zahhak, whenever that happens to be? Honestly, it's possible. Those of us who are familiar with novel spoilers will know that many characters met their end this way, but I do think Arakawa will go about things a little differently.
It could be that, having now had warning that the Snake King is free, Team Arslan manage to disrupt whatever ritual the Master is brewing with those head jars that are probably beneath Ecbatana (my current working theory as that this is something necessary for Zahhak's true resurrection) and they kill Zahhak off at that moment. Or even though I don't think it's likely, because to me a resolution right now would feel rushed, perhaps they really will kill Zahhak now and get to throw that fact in the Master's face whenever they encounter him (because he surely has to die before the end, too). But if there is a dramatic battle against Zahhak at a later point, how will that go down? Who will face him in combat? Who, if anyone, will fall, and who will survive?
I keep wondering whether any of the other characters will be on the scene at that point. If it's post-whatever happens with Andragoras and Hilmes, maybe all of Team Arslan will be united once more. My main hope is that Kubard is around to tell them that the notion of fighting the Snake King one on one in an honourable duel is a really fucking stupid idea.
As should be obvious by now, this post covers some novel spoilers, and these are about to get more graphic because I want to talk about the characters who canonically died against Zahhak in the novels and what I think might happen to them in the manga. As such, I'll place this and some other thoughts about who else might die under a Read More.
Okay, I'll go through these in chronological order.
Don Ricardo (okay, known as Parahuda in the novels whereas in the manga he's not exactly a member of Team Arslan) — it feels a bit mean to kill him off now? He's so traumatised there's no way he'd be able to bring himself to fight against Zahhak in the near future anyway so I feel he's going to live, and maybe he'll go back to Lusitania with Estelle.
Merlaine — I don't think so. If he dies right now then there's more pressure on Alfarid to become Zot chieftain, and actually what I think we might see is a begrudging agreement by Merlaine at the end of the series that he'll shoulder this role, leaving things open for a relationship to develop between Narsus and Alfarid.
Kishward — slightly more likely than the previous two but again I really don't get that feeling like he's going to die? Arakawa's shown us his family, I think he'll get to live to see stability restored to the country where he can have an easier time of things and continue balancing his roles as Marzban and family man.
Daryun — it's hard to imagine him not fighting Zahhak, isn't it? He's Pars's strongest fighter, after all. I want him to do it while wielding a ji like he does in the novels! But I don't want him to die. I think he's more likely to receive a grave injury, and we've all seen how Arslan reacts when he thinks Daryun might die...
Arslan — I just don't think he's going to die. It doesn't seem like a possibility in my mind. As I mentioned I think in many ways Arakawa is steering us towards a brighter future than Tanaka, in terms of Pars becoming stable under Arslan's rule rather than falling into a dark age after his death, plus I really do believe she'll allow Hilmes and Irina to live happily in Maryam. (Maybe Daryun will even be able to visit Serica again!) Arslan dying at this point will not allow for a fitting resolution to the plot or his character arc, in my opinion. So I'm going to say he's safe!
Okay, those are the characters who were killed off in combat against Zahhak in the novels. Now let's look at some of the other casualties of Team Arslan and what I think their fates might be in the manga if they are involved in a fight against the Snake King.
Jaswant — this would be devastating but I could see him giving his life to protect Arslan. If it happens, I'll cry buckets. He's possible the most likely member of Team Arslan to die in Chapter 127 because he doesn't have the innate cultural fear of Zahhak that the Parsians do, so if they are paralysed for an instant he might react faster and do what it takes to save Arslan's life.
Kubard — before Book 16 was released I thought he was likely to die in it, and sure enough he did, but not against Zahhak. But honestly, I could see him dying here in a reversal of his point of view at Atropatene; rather than leaving a chaotic battlefield after an unworthy king has fled, he'll stand and fight alongside Arslan, someone he views as worthy. Kubard is undeniably brave but also not foolish so if someone does choose to fight Zahhak alone maybe he'll give them a helping hand. If he does die it had better be badass. His death in the novels was one that Tanaka got right, in my opinion.
Isfan — I don't think this is going to happen but if it did I'd never get over it, it's too unfair. I do worry about his reaction if he sees those head jars because if Zahhak or the Master happens to be there, he's not going to stop and think, he's just going to attack. (Please keep on looking out for him, Kubard. I say this because the thought of it is something I love, we've seen it in the manga already, and in the novels Kubard does intervene when he's going up against 'demon general' Ilterish in a highly emotional state after one of his wolves was killed). Again it's a situation where it just doesn't feel fair to think of him dying here. His death really fucked me up in the novels.
Hm, thinking about the others who died before Book 16 now.
Tus — not getting any strong feelings but how neat would it be to see him immobilise a shoulder snake with his chains?
Zaravant — honestly, if I had to pick one member of Team Arslan who didn't die fighting Zahhak in the novels but who might in the manga, it's Zaravant. Sorry to say it but I'm pinning the 'most likely to die' sticker on him. Especially because his death in the novels was Team Zahhak-related.
Jimsa — maybe, if he's around for the final fight then he might go for glory/reward, but I don't have a strong feeling that he'll die.
Narsus — now, if any of the 'main/central' members of Team Arslan were to die, I think it'd be Narsus. Yes, this would be devastating, and it would come with the shadow of Pars having lost its best tactician who has made so much possible for Team Arslan, but what final battle is without cost? If Elam were older and more experienced he'd be in a place to become his successor and it would be a pupil replacing teacher moment where the torch is handed to him, but realistically we're not at that point yet. My gut feeling is that Narsus will survive.
Alfarid — just can't see her dying, to be honest. Her and Narsus both get to live, maybe we'll get teased with the possibility of something developing between them when she's older, but I'm not sure it'll be confirmed in the manga.
Estelle — as I said, I think she'll return to Lusitania in the end. I'd love to see her grab a bow and shoot a snake, though. (Her snatching a petrified Parizad's bow to shoot a winged ape despite her horrible leg injury is my favourite Estelle moment in the novels!)
Now for the characters who survived the final battle and died later of unrelated causes.
Farangis — she'll live, I just feel it.
Gieve — yeah I don't think he'll die either.
Elam — also going to survive.
This post is super long but it was actually pretty fun to write! We'll see how wrong I am in the next few months, I guess. And if anyone else has thoughts of their own on whether we'll see any of Team Arslan meet their end in the manga, please share!
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
1k || t || canonical character death || ao3
Emeldir sits and sews, watching her daughter wake in the crib across the room. Hiril screws up her eyes for a moment before she opens them, inhales deeply as though she is about to scream. Emeldir sets down her sewing, ready to stand and take her child in her arms, but the scream does not come.
Instead Hiril reaches for the crib decoration hanging over her. She traces the woven pattern with a pudgy hand, transfixed by the way it catches the light and holds it long after the sun has fallen over the horizon. It is of very fine make, golden thread pulled taut to form the shape of the sun. Barahir had cut it free from where it had once been sewn into his own crib, so old every seam of the wood had come undone. But the thread looks new, still, hanging over the new oak crib for their babes to grasp at. Shines bright despite their grubby hands, despite the countless times, now, that it has been gnawed on.
Beren climbs up on the side of his sister’s crib, his feet on the lower rail. He is four, tall for his age but bony as a bird, with a pointed little chin and big brown eyes. He reaches, too, to touch his the little sun, but does not pull it from his sister’s hand. He is kind, her Beren — thoughtful of the little one. She wishes soft times on him each time she bends to kiss the mop of his dark hair, praying to gods that no longer visit this earth. 
“What’s the sewing on it, Mama?” he asks, holding his fingers up to the little golden circle, so that its faint light dances over his fingernails, “looks like there’s sunlight caught up in it.”
Emeldir does not know.
“Maybe there is,” she says, her hands returning to her work, “if you can catch river-water in a bucket, and fire in the fireplace, why not sunlight in thread?”
Beren hums, satisfied. The little sun glints.
In truth it is something much older and stranger than that.
Nóm comes to visit him as the sun rises over the horizon, fresh-faced and cheerful, his long blond hair newly done. It cascades around him in gorgeous golden waves, the top layers twisted up in circular braids that much resemble stars, decorated with flowers from the meadows and green leaves.
Balan greets him on the porch of his cabin, exhausted and rather under-groomed himself.
“Ever thou brings me more reason for admiration!” He cries, standing to embrace his friend, and gestures to the sparkling cascade of gold, finely done. “Whenever could thou have done all this, before even the sun has woken?”
“It is simple,” Nóm laughs, kissing each of his cheeks in turn, “my kind do not sleep so often as thy folk, and some not at all. I sat by the firelight to clear my head and comb my hair, and I got quite carried away with it. But I felt thy weariness even before I held thou in my arms, and I am even more certain of it now. What ails thee, my friend?”
“Naught ails me,” Balan says, “I watch Boron, my son’s son, for he is colicky and gives his parents no rest. He does not calm for me. Why, I think all this night he must have been quiet ten minutes put all together!”
It is only then he realizes the baby, cradled yet in his arms, is not crying any longer. He has caught one of Nóm’s braids in his hands when they had embraced, and he stares, wide-eyed and mesmerized, at its looping pattern.
“Forgive me!” Balan cries, reaching to pull it free, “I meant not to let him take thee by thy hair.”
But Nóm only laughs and takes out the hunting-knife on his belt. Balan watches, horrified, as he pulls the braid taut and cuts it. He ties it off at the end with a ribbon, and turns to smile at Balan as though he had not just desecrated a work of art.
“Let him take it, if it calms him,�� he says, “it is only hair; more shall grow, and I would do all my power to bring thee some measure of peace.”
“What madness!” Balan cries, and there is something of a hysterical laugh to it. “What gifts, my friend! What value they hold I do not know, and yet I know I shall never have wealth enough to repay it!”
“It is hair,” Nóm repeats, “it shall grow.”
Boron is captivated. Slowly, with the clumsily, he reaches up with his other hand and grabs the other side of the cut braid. Golden light dances in his wide brown eyes, falls upon his cheeks.
“I never asked thee about the light,” Balan realizes, “do all of thy people glow so?”
“Some,” Nóm says, “before any could even imagine the sun, before your people were awake upon this earth, I danced in the first light; the light of Laurelin, the great golden tree of Aman. It is a little of that light I carry, still.”
“Treelight,” Balan says, “before the sun! Sometimes I think thou art quite fond of fairytales, or else of the gullibility of your younger friends!”
Nóm smiles, but his green eyes are distant and old as mountains. Somehow he is only fairer with the braid cut, the tuft of hair sticking up from his head at an odd angle; only more darling for the little imperfection. Balan knows, then, that he shall follow him to the ends of the earth; that should Nóm leave their people Balan shall too.
Finrod’s hair tickles his foot.
“Can you hear me?” Beren asks. There is no answer; no breath, no twitch of the hand, only the smell of blood in the air and the drip of it into the grate by the iron bars.
(Sauron is practical. His dungeons are well-equipped with draining systems.)
“Hear me,” Beren says, command in place of question, “hear me! My friend, do not leave me.”
(Drip. Drip. Drip.)
There is no light in the room, nothing for him to see his friend’s injuries by. Almost nothing; Finrod’s hair glows faintly even in the darkness, casting pale golden light upon his fair, pale face, upon his wide green eyes and the drops of blood on his long, arrow-straight blond eyelashes. It looks as a ray of sunshine caught in the most horrible darkness.
It looks familiar. Comfortable. Beren’s wrists ache where they are bound, and his chest hurts as though his heart has been ripped free from it. His head spins. Finrod’s hair tickles his foot, as though trying to provide one last comfort. Sunlight caught up in thread, he thinks.
He cannot remember where he had heard it.
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sminny-wew · 1 year
Why people are excited over Princess Elise’s (brief) return
Short answer: the new design/art style that Sonic Channel gave her looks nice and she’s being treated with as much dignity as the rest of the Sonic cast for the first time since Sonic 06′s release nearly 17 years ago
Long answer:
Every year, Sonic Channel (the official Japanese website for Sonic the Hedgehog) puts out character illustrations for each month. Sometimes it’s just art of the character posing, sometimes they’re actually doing something (Sonic celebrating his birthday, Amy walking in the rain, Cream going trick-or-treating, etc.). For 2023, Sonic Channel is posting a specific themed series of artwork called “Isekai Ogiri” that depicts two characters in silly, non-canon scenarios; part of the appeal of these illustrations is that one of the two characters in each artwork is voted for by fans. So far we’ve seen Gadget (AKA Buddy AKA the custom character from Sonic Forces) confessing his love to an Egg Pawn in a scene straight out of a slice-of-life anime, Shadow and Infinite as rival idol musicians, a cutely-dressed Blaze visiting fortune teller Amy, Tikal and Chaos running their own pizza place, and most recently as of this post, Silver the figure-skating coach and his student Elise. (I’m linking back to the original SC pages b/c they put out a message on their official Twitter urging people to link back to the original SC pages/tweets, otherwise they might be inclined to stop making this art; if you want to understand the little stories that come with each illustration, I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with janky Google Translate translations.)
So, yeah, Princess Elise of notorious Sonic 06 infamy, the one video game journalists always seem eager to remind you kissed a dead anthropomorphic hedgehog, recently appeared in one of these illustrations. And people lost their minds, but this time, with excitement.
But if Princess Elise was/is so despised, why do people seem genuinely excited to see her now?
Well there’s 2 reasons for that: 1) the way in which she was drawn, and 2) the fact that she was even a contender to appear in this art series in the first place
1) Human characters appearing in the Sonic series has always been a source of discourse among fans. Some, like myself, enjoy seeing humans coexist alongside a cast of furries, robots, and other assorted beings; others believe there shouldn’t be any humans (except Eggman) in Sonic at all. They’ve been variously depicted as realistic people (Sonic 06) and with more cartoonish Pixar-esque proportions (Sonic Unleashed). From my perspective, what seemed to make people dislike Elise’s original design was that in addition to looking out-of-place next to the cartoony Sonic (people often say that she looks like she belongs in Final Fantasy), her facial expressions were quite bland and difficult to read. While I would argue that Sonic and his friends also had very little facial expression in 06, it’s much easier to notice with Elise (and to a lesser degree, 06 Eggman) due to her more realistic face. It evokes a feeling in some people known as the Uncanny Valley. In the Isekai Ogiri’s April illustration, Elise is depicted in a new style that leans more towards cartoony; some have compared it to Puyo Puyo, others have said she resembles the humans from Balan Wonderworld. Either way, most fans, at least those on Twitter and Tumblr, have praised Elise’s new “look” because her new proportions (large head and hands, big eyes that are easier to read) make her more closely fit in with other Sonic characters. She feels less like a Final Fantasy character and more like a Sonic character.
(With that said, not everyone was automatically bothered by Elise’s realistic 06 design because human beings do not perceive everything in the exact same way b/c art is subjective)
2) Part of how Elise even wound up in this illustration is not just because people wanted to see her again, but because Sonic Team themselves decided to treat her with dignity by making her an option to vote for. And she was up against Merlina from Sonic and the Black Knight, a well-regarded character among fans and one of the few female villains in the entire series!! The poll they were in for the April pic was very close!!
During the late 2000s following Sonic 06′s release, Silver had his fanbase, but a lot of people still viewed him as annoying, and it took several years of game reappearances for him to become a less divisive character (my source: I’ve been a Sonic fan with internet access since ~2003, the way he’s depicted in the Sonic Paradox shorts is actually what a lot of people thought of him at the time). Also, he was still an anthropomorphic Sonic animal, so naturally people would be quicker to accept him as part of the cast.
But Elise? The human? While I doubt she was originally intended to be a recurring character, even if 06 WAS supposed to be a reboot, her portrayal in that game was so widely despised by critics and fans alike that she was thereafter relegated to rare cameos (like being on a collectible card in Sonic Rivals 2) and jokes at her expense (in LEGO Dimensions, when Sonic interacts with Lumpy Space Princess, he says, “Last time I met a princess, I...we...you know, I don't quite remember, never mind!” in a hurried and embarrassed voice). Elise is hardly the only notoriously-disliked Sonic character, but because she only appeared in one game in a non-playable role (I’m not counting the stages where Sonic carries her), her biggest positive accomplishments--unlocking her cell herself instead of waiting for Sonic to save her, jumping from Eggman’s ship with zero hesitation, and reviving Sonic--are often overshadowed by the moments where she just stands there praying, gets kidnapped, and kisses a dead hedgehog just in case you forgot for the 17th year in a row, leading people to view her as an inherently bad character. Because she is also a girl, and video games were and still are a largely male-dominated culture loaded with toxic masculinity, it’d be ignorant to say the vitriol towards Elise wasn’t charged with sexism and misogyny on some level.
But as an aspiring writer and someone who hates wasted character potential, my personal opinion is that characters, SPECIFICALLY in ongoing franchises like Sonic, are not inherently bad, it’s the ways in which they’re USED that can make them LOOK good or bad, and they don’t deserve to be locked away forever all because of one bad interpretation. But unlike Silver who has been in multiple games since 06 (or even Mephiles, who was added to the Sonic Forces mobile game last year as an unlockable character), Elise has only ever had 06. Thus, people only have that one interpretation of her to go off of, because not everyone obsessively rewrites her in their headcanons or hunts down fan fiction where Elise is characterized with actual effort.
And like I said, I don’t think Elise was created with longevity in mind, but it’s specifically because critics and fans alike continue to beat this dead horse that you have people like me saying “What if she came back tho”
Compare the hate Elise gets to the Deadly Six, characters whose debut game was not seen as quite a colossal failure as 06 but still had a story that was almost universally panned, particularly in regards to its character writing. While the Deadly Six (or just Zavok) have yet to appear in a game written by Ian Flynn, they’ve been recurring characters in the IDW Sonic comics and, while still pretty universally disliked, have been regarded by some fans as being tolerable in the comics due to how Flynn utilizes them there. (I wrote a whole other post speculating about the Deadly Six’s characterization in IDW if you feel like reading that lol.) In this sense, the current Sonic writers are genuinely trying to make even the most undesired characters palatable for the audience. I think it’ll be a long while before most people fully warm up to the D6, but the intent is there.
Meaning that the same could hypothetically be done for Elise, if this illustration is any indication that SEGA is beginning to wholeheartedly embrace their past, even the ugly parts
I’m not expecting anything huge from this, and I don’t expect her to suddenly become a major recurring character, because this illustration is nothing more than Sonic Team testing the waters to see how people react to them unironically including Elise in non-canon material. But look at all the fan art people are drawing of Elise in her skating outfit. Look at how fans are reacting. If, sometime after this, Elise were to appear in even a minor role in the IDW comics, in this new art style, with Ian Flynn, Evan Stanley, or even a guest writer like Daniel Barnes at the helm, I would welcome it with open arms, because I trust them to handle Princess Elise’s character with genuine investment and care.
(But until then I have my own ideas that I’m a bit hesitant to share for.....reasons~)
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
oh yeah this week on "characters who have canon name pronunciations that I have been getting wrong this whole time bc i didn't know this", in the english version of the final song Wonderworld, Balan's name is in fact pronounced like the name Alan with a b. i have been saying as bah-lahn bc "Surely It Wouldn't Be 🅱️alan, that sounds stupid. and w his and Lance's names being a joke on 'balance' it's not like people pronounce Lance as lence" but well.
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entangledinthreads · 2 months
Welcome to The Blog!¡
This blog was made to show Thimble's story and au, The Maestros and The Seamstress.
Mostly acting as a general archive and way for me to share Thimble's story. If I ever show non canon or alternative cannon here I shall clarify as it will probably pop up here and there.
Everything regarding or relating to Thimble will be under the "Bww Thimble" tag and au relates things will be put under "The Maestros and The Seamstress." Just to keep things clean and organized for my own sanity.
Asks will be open on this Blog:
So feel free to ask questions to Thimble (and possibly other characters such as Balan and Lance.) This may be subject to change, please be respectful if your ask isn't answered.
The ask box will probably end up closed for long periods of time which I apologize for but this isn't intended to be an ask blog moreover one for Thimble's story. So Asks aren't a big priority but I will do my best to get to them.
This blog deals with some heavier topics Such as but not limited to Depression, grief, death, and identity issues.
There'll be some blood, self isolation, minor body horror but not an exorbitant Amount, and Just general heavy topics. While not always at the forefront or obvious.
While this Blog does deal with heavy topics they aren't shown in excess. Mostly implied things but nothing outwardly NSFW (As the gore / Blood is incredibly small.) so any questions, replies, or reblogs that are heavy NSFW or just make me uncomfortable will be ignored and or deleted.
Please be patient with the owner, blog updates, answers, and posts will most likely be incredibly slow.
Please be respectful of the character Thimble and me. To preference, Thimble goes by Any Pronouns and doesn't have a canon bio gender. head canons are cool, however you view Thimble Gender Wise is Valid just don't fight with anyone over your personal head canons. Or with me as this is my character and if you cannot respect each other or canon you will be blocked.
No hate Speech or Discriminatory language.
That should be everything! ¡ Enjoy your Time here! ¡
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mikey12games · 2 years
Some doodles of these two being a loving couple
(also tried my hand at a hatless Balan, I've seen people's designs for him and I wanted to try it because I don't really like True Form Balan's design)
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xl-vii-lx · 25 days
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Heya fellows, right here to finally define what I will do with this blog, I'm planning to do this my NiGHTS/Bww blog, I don't intend to be much active here, but if you want to know I'm open to questions and asks. I also intend to share my own headcanons here and my art, maybe even something more interesting, however... Still, this blog will have RULES and I will list them down below.
I will ask you guys to be respectful on my blog with characters and other artists
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Let's start with NSFW, I ask you not to make any asks related to this type of content or topic, that's something that makes me uncomfortable, and I want to keep this blog safe for anyone to visit and interact with!
I'm not comfortable with gore stuff too, maybe somes which are lighter but still. I don't want anything extremely detailed or explicit here, again I want to keep this blog comfortable and accessible to everyone, so please respect that
There will be OCxCANON and/or OCxOC!
Be it my shippers or ships from the fandom I like, so I ask that you be respectful to the artists and their ships and to me as well.
Adding the rules from above, I'm accepting ask about more intimate or personal things between my characters, but nothing explicit related.
I'm glad if people want to ask anything to the couples or to the characters, feel free for ask them anything!
I'm glad about people asking about my Bww/NiD/NJoD AU!
NilD (NiGHTS in lucid Dreams)
Bbw (Balan between wonders)
I'm okay with you guys asking the characters about their story or stuff about the world building, fell free to ask anything about it!
I'll have some posts explaing about the AU more clearly
Purple - Asks/World building
🌞edit sunshine🌞- bww/NiD
🌜moon art reblog🌛- bww/NiD
🌛invented moon writing reblog🌜- bww/nid
🌝light moon found a animation🌝- bww/nid
🌚dark moon found a comic🌚- bww/nid
🌕OC x OC🌕- bww/nid
🌑CANON x CANON🌑- bww/nid
💫ASK💫- bww/nid
✨AU STUFF✨- bww/nid
🌟PROMO🌟- bww/nid
😵‍💫non related stuff😵‍💫- not bww/nid relate ⚠️very important⚠️- not bww/nid relate
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