silvanils · 2 years
Shelter from the Storm
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This fic can also be found on Ao3 here!
Kieran has always loved stormy weather. A gentle mist on a spring morning, a warm summer rain… but there is nothing quite like being caught in a fierce, sudden downpour. The roar and the rush... it feels exhilarating.
This rain has some extra bite to it: an early herald of autumn’s steady march.
If he’d been in the castle’s gardens, he might have enjoyed it more — but he’d taken the long way home this afternoon, cutting through a back alley by the alienage where he often meets up with Minna.
He ducks under some scaffolding for a little shelter, creeps his way along the wall toward the house where the Tabris family lives. And as he draws close, he catches sight of Minna herself sitting by an open window, her eyes half closed in a dreamy expression as she listens to the rain.
Just as he second-guesses disturbing her, her eyes open wide and she spots him, too, across the yard. “Kieran! Shit, you’re soaking wet!”
“Storm caught me,” he says, shrugging a little. “Would you mind if I…”
Before he can even finish the question, she darts away from the window. A few seconds later, the nearest door swings open, and she beckons him in as she holds a woolen shawl around her shoulders.
“Come in, quick! This rain’s so cold! How are you not shivering?”
Kieran laughs as he slips inside and shakes the water from his hair. He takes off his wet cloak and boots and leaves them by the door. “Tis not so bad,” he says, grinning broadly. “Have you seen what winters are like, here?”
Minna scoffs quietly, setting a chair up by the fire. Kieran feels a little bad about all the drips of water he’s left on the floor — but Minna smoothly tosses down a little scrap of cloth and dries them up quickly with a swipe of her foot. “No, not yet. I’m not sure I want to — Papi, we’ll be in Antiva again this year, won’t we?”
Zevran clicks his tongue, sliding a few more freshly-sliced vegetables into a pot of stew he’s making. “Perhaps. Things may be a little awkward there, right now. But — ah, I don’t think it will be too bad if we stay here! Ferelden winters do have some perks. Right, Dirk?”
“Yeah,” Dirk says, his cheeks turning red. “Like… snow?”
“Oh yes, snow! And ice… and more snow. Actually, I am forgetting what the perks of winters are again, already.”
“Taking shelter from the cold?” Dirk offers, raising his eyebrows. Minna shares a look with Kieran and rolls her eyes, and he laughs aloud as she returns to her seat by the window. “Warm and cozy drinks? Oh, and Satinalia!”
“Satinalia is nice,” Kieran agrees, finally stifling his laughter. “It was my favorite holiday in Val Royeaux. Oh, Minna, you must see the lights all the elves put up in Halamshiral one day! It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
“Perhaps I would like that,” she concedes, smoothing her skirt as she tucks her knees up. “And it might not be so bad here, either.”
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godshippies · 6 months
List of the Living
Sister Arianna Abdul
Sister Tiara Alysse
Sister Courtney Antalek
Sister Diana Avel
Sister Loren Beech
Sister Madison Beer
Sister Renee Bellerive
Brother Andre Benjamin
Sister Luciana Beraj
Sister Hailey Bieber
Brother Justin Bieber
Sister Rowan Blanchard
Sister Lindsay Brewer
Sister Phoebe Broadhead
Sister Victoria Brono
Sister Alla Bruletova
Sister Alissa Butler
Sister Deva Cassel
Sister Frida Chiabra
Sister Zendaya Coleman
Sister Paola Cossentino
Sister Heather Crockett
Sister Lily Crosland
Sister Miley Cyrus
Sister Ash Daniels
Sister Angelina Dimova
Sister Amala Dlamini
Sister Olivia Dunne
Sister Calystabelle Erickson
Sister Robyn Fenty
Sister Megan Fox
Sister Madelyn Francesca
Sister Kaia Gerber
Sister Neelam Gill
Sister Selena Gomez
Sister Ariana Grande
Sister Kristina Gulina
Sister Bella Hadid
Sister Melanie Hamrick
Sister Morgan Hart
Sister Eve Helling
Sister Paris Hilton
Sister Sarah Holden
Sister Davika Hoorne
Brother Tyler Hubbard
Sister Olivia Jade
Brother Deveraux Jagger
Brother Michael Jagger
Sister Shyla Jah
Sister Kendall Jenner
Brother Joe Jonas
Brother Nick Jonas
Sister Maria Kalinina
Sister Than Kambridge
Sister Elizabeth Kapran
Sister Kimberly Kardashian
Brother Brian Kelley
Brother Khaled Khaled
Sister Cindy Kimberly
Sister Beyonce Knowles-Carter
Sister Veronika Kostei
Sister Bec Lauder
Sister Avril Lavigne
Sister Sophia Levi
Sister Alisa Levina
Sister Margaret Lindemann
Sister Dua Lipa
Sister Jennifer Lopez
Sister Nazanin Mandi
Sister Carolina Marie
Sister Karina Marikova
Sister Lucy Markovic
Sister Julia Mas
Sister Stella Maxwell
Sister Clarissa May
Brother Rakim Mayers
Sister Gracie McKenna
Sister Jessie Mesa
Sister Kang Min
Sister Eva Mosevich
Sister Jasmin Murabet
Sister Inna Nord
Sister Billie O’Connell
Sister Gabby O’Reilly
Sister Jenna Ortega
Sister Avery Ovard
Sister Hannah Palmer
Sister Ananya Panday
Brother Antwan Patton
Sister Anastasia Pellegrino
Brother Miguel Pimentel
Sister Lani Pliopa
Brother Chris Pratt
Sister Mailani Romo
Sister Valeria Shashenok
Sister Kieran Shipka
Sister Emilia Silberg
Sister Blanca Soler
Sister Amanda Steele
Sister Taylor Swift
Sister Tabitha Templer
Brother Abel Tesfaye
Sister Bella Thorne
Sister Carrie Underwood
Brother Keith Urban
Sister Olivia Wardlow
Brother Brian Warner
Sister Daniela Washington
Sister Minna Weber
Sister Asya Yavuzecetin
Sister Sab Zada
Sister Madison Ziegler
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silvanils · 2 years
A Candle in the Wind
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This fic can also be found on Ao3 here! 
One morning, Kieran lingers outside the castle’s chantry, listening to the quiet prayers and chanting echo from within. His eyes are drawn to the flicker of a candle, sputtering as it’s brushed by a sudden gust of wind. He feels a pang of empathy for that little flame.
Tis rather difficult sometimes, he thinks, to stay alight.
When he hears the steady approach of footsteps, however, he turns to move on. He’s in no mood to speak with a lay-sister or, gods forbid, the chantry’s Mother — she’s not fond of him, claims he keeps asking the wrong questions.
“Kieran?” The voice that calls after him is Arl Teagan’s, however, which gives him pause. He turns back around. “You’re welcome to come in, you know. You don’t have to stay outside.”
He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then slowly shakes his head. “Thank you, Arl,” he says, leaving again. “But I think not.”
The offer was meant to be kind, he’s sure of that, but... it leaves an ash-bitter taste in his mouth. He’s not just bucking against traditions, after all, as many youths his age do.
They were never his traditions to begin with.
Later, when the bells from Denerim’s chantry ring out to signal the hour, Kieran finds himself thinking about that candle again. Minna notices, frowning slightly in concern. “Something on your mind?”
“Are you Andrastian?” he blurts out. “I just realized, all this time... I’ve just assumed you are.”
She laughs aloud, then attempts to stifle it, but is unable to contain her fit of giggles. Kieran feels his cheeks heat up — perhaps he does always ask the wrong questions.
“Sorry, sorry,” she says, tucking a stray strand of crimson hair behind one of her pointed ears. “You just caught me by surprise. Truly? I’m not sure. My family is, mostly — but Dirk sometimes speaks of the Dalish gods, too. His favorite is Fen’Harel.”
“Ah, yes,” Kieran sighs, smiling a little. “The rebel? I can see that.”
“You remind me of him, too,” Minna says, grinning. “He who walks alone. It can’t be easy, following the Old Ways like you do. I know it isn’t.”
“Ha!” his laugh is a bit dry, but he’s genuinely amused. After all, he still has crisp memories of conversations he had with Solas during his stay in Skyhold. He’d often visited the elf on his way up to see Leliana and the crows in her rookery. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
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silvanils · 2 years
The Roots and the Leaves
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This fic can also be found on Ao3 here!  
Early in the morning, Kieran slips out of his quarters wearing commoner’s clothes and a worn cloak to hide his nice satchel. He wants nothing more than to sneak out through the servant’s quarters and be gone before anyone can even miss him, with the little note he left on his bed explaining his intentions.
‘I just don’t want to be stuck in the Palace today. I hope you understand.’
But just before he left the royal wing, he hears a door creak open.
“Kieran? Is that you?” Alistair asks, his voice hoarse. “What’s going on?”
Kieran turns to face him, grimacing at just how tired the King actually looks. Had he even been asleep? Belatedly, Kieran realizes how this must look to Alistair. “I’m not running away, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he says, sighing as he grips the edge of his cloak. “I just… don’t want to stay here today. It’s too stuffy. No offense.”
Alistair huffs quietly, his lips turning up in amusement. “Understandable. It’s… quite a change, isn’t it? Being stuck here, when you’re used to wandering about wherever you please?” He shifts a little, leaning against the door’s frame as he studies Kieran. “As long as you promise to be back by nightfall, I won’t stop you from leaving.”
“Thank you,” Kieran says, giving the King a quick bow before he darts off.
As the sunlight began to turn golden in the late afternoon, and the other children dispersed to go eat dinner, Kieran and Minna wandered over to the Vhenadahl, where Zevran sat in the shade strumming a playful melody on his guitar… and something tickled at Kieran’s mind, some bit of of old knowledge he could no longer quite recall.
The roots of a tree are very different from the leaves, but they both still belong to it.
He frowns as he looks up at it, but when Zevran begins to play another verse it pulls Kieran back to where he stands, who he stands beside.
“I know this song!” Kieran says, grinning.
Zevran chuckles and sings the next line as he strums the notes. “Why change the past when you can own the day?” His fingers stumble over one of the notes, though, and he laughs. “I’ve been trying to pick this one up. Dirk is rather fond of it.”
“I like it, too,” Kieran says, leaning against the bench. “I used to go listen to Maryden sing in the Herald’s Rest all the time. Her voice was… nice. Soothing.” And one of the songs had sounded a lot like one his Papae used to sing to him, though the words had always felt off to Kieran in a way he couldn’t explain.
But as Zevran begins the verse again, Minna reaches out for Kieran’s hands and tugs him into a playful dance… and for now, at least, he decides to go with the flow. It’s rare enough for it to sweep him up like this.
She walks with him later, too, as he begins to make his way back to the Palace, his cloak drawn tight against the swift-descending chill of evening. “I hope you had fun today, Kieran,” she says, in a quiet tone. “Still boggles my mind that you’d choose to spend it with us instead of… I don’t know, having some kind of party at the palace?”
Kieran snorts. “Who would I invite to such a party?” he asks, grinning at her. “You’re my truest friend in the whole damn city. Besides, I prefer playing hoop on a stick and sparring with you over being stuck in some stuffy room with a bunch of noble brats any day, nevermind... a special one.”
Minna laughs at that, and it’s almost too dark to see but Kieran’s sure she’s blushing. “I’m just sorry I don’t have a proper gift for you just yet.”
“A gift?” Kieran asks, shocked. “Minna, I don’t need anything…!”
“I know,” Minna says, reaching out to take his hands again, and he’s surprised by how warm hers are. “But I want to give you something, anyway. You’re my truest friend, too.”
“Right,” he says, his voice barely a squeak. “As you wish, then. But only if — ”
He’s cut off when she tugs him closer and stands on her tip-toes to plant a kiss against his cheek. Her lips are soft and warm, too, and… his face is probably as rosy as her hair, now.
“Hush, you,” she whispers. “You know I meant it.”
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silvanils · 2 years
Victory (At Last)
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This fic can also be found on Ao3 here!   
For a couple weeks now, Kieran’s been returning from his visits to the alienage all dusty and roughed up, but he always managed to sneak in and clean up in the store-room before anyone noticed. This time, however, he’s still applying an elfroot salve to his bruised ribs when a shadow darkens the door.
He looks up and sees Alistair studying him in concern.
“You needn’t worry,” Kieran says, quickly, reaching for a fresh shirt to tug on. “Nothing’s broken, only…”
“Who did this to you?” Alistair asks, frowning at the way Kieran winces when his hands brush his side while he’s tucking in his shirt. “Do you need any help...?”
“No, I’m not in trouble,” Kieran promises. “Minna offered to teach me a few tricks, and… I’ll learn nothing if I’m always coddled, so I told her not to hold back. It’s not her fault I was no good at any of it. I’ve never… studied this.”
Alistair takes a seat, still frowning — but his eyes have softened a bit. “Learning how to fight is part of being able to defend yourself,” he agrees. “I’m surprised you haven’t…”
“Mother disallowed that sort of training,” Kieran sighs, looking at his feet. “She and Papae taught me a little, but she did not want me to be tutored by templars or chevaliers, which… I understood, but it limited my options in Orlais.”
“I could find you a tutor who is neither of those things,” Alistair offers. “A knight, perhaps? And, also…” he laughs quietly, shaking his head, “I can talk to Dirk and Zevran, let them know you wish to train with Minna? That way, you no longer have to sneak about.”
Kieran feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. It feels silly, now, but… he’d never thought this might be allowed.
“I would like that,” he says. “Very much.”
A few days later, Alistair leads Kieran down the the wards for the first time, to meet his new combat tutor. “Kieran, this is Ser Bevin of Redcliffe. When I told him about you, he said he’d be absolutely delighted to teach you a few things.”
“Aye,” Bevin says, grinning broadly at Kieran. “You remind me a bit of myself, actually. I got a late start, too, but… as you can see, it all worked out for me.” Kieran nods, and Bevin points out a rack of practice arms nearby.
“Start with a light sword and shield. We’ll take it easy today, lad, I just want to see where you’re at.”
The next time he spars Minna, he tries to remember what Ser Bevin taught him: keeps his sword and shield poised and ready to block, waits for an opening to appear. But she’s far too quick, and Kieran finds himself disarmed before he even knows what hit him.
He frowns as he slides backwards, rooting himself, and she grins.
“That’s some fancy footwork,” Minna teases, darting in close. Kieran gasps in surprise as she sweeps out his leg with one smooth flick of her foot. He lands hard on his back, feels the wind rush right out of him, sees stars swirl overhead in the clear blue sky.
He lies there, stunned, for a while. Then Minna leans in over him, holding out her hand, and he lets her help him up as he groans. “Remember to slap your hand against the ground next time you hit it,” Dirk instructs, laughing. “Hurts less, that way.”
“Right,” Kieran sighs, still winded. “Next time.”
It’s slow, hard work, but Kieran knows that patience will pay off.
He learns tricks to lure his opponent in, how to dodge and slip aside or stand his ground... and the first time he disarms Bevin with a flick of his hand against his forearm, Bevin’s eyes go wide in surprise.
Kieran grins as he takes a step back and wipes a trickle of sweat from his brow.
Bevin chuckles as he retrieves his weapon. “Not bad,” he concedes, “but it’s not wise to dart in close like that in a real fight unless you become a very skilled rogue. It’s smarter to keep your distance, and… remember to stay agile when you parry.”
“Of course,” Kieran says, but he’s still beaming.
Even a small victory feels good after a long struggle.
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silvanils · 2 years
Their Calling
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This fic can also be found on Ao3 here!   
Kieran feels Cyrion watching as he washed his hands and face off, cleaning up the dirt and dust from his latest sparring match with Minna, but he’s still surprised when the old elf speaks up.
“You’re starting to get calluses,” he says, his voice quiet and… almost sad. “That’s good. It gets easier, with time.”
“Minna’s still a lot better than me,” Kieran says, smiling. “I’m not much of a fighter, really.”
“It doesn’t hurt to have a few tricks up your sleeve,” Cyrion says. “You never know when you might need them. Maker knows they’ve helped keep Darian alive, all this time,” He gives a single, dry laugh.
It dawns on Kieran, then: the reason for his sadness. “You are worried about him? Why?”
“He’s my son. I’ll always worry,” Cyrion says, and that’s answer enough. But Kieran senses there’s more to this, so he patiently waits to hear the rest of it.
Cyrion takes a seat with a heavy sigh, and the rest spills out. “I overheard him talking with Zevran last night. I wasn’t meant to hear it, I’m sure of that, but… the way they talk about the future frightens me. They sound so uncertain, so unsure of how much time they have left.”
Kieran feels a weight settle over him. This fear is familiar to him, at least. His father — both of his fathers — bear the same burden, after all.
The same sacrifice.
“Tis a parent’s job to worry, I suppose,” Kieran sighs. “My mother told me that often enough. And how can it not be? Everyone just wants to protect that which they love.”
Cyrion’s eyes flicker as he smiles again, just a little. “Yes, that’s true.”
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silvanils · 2 years
what's some of this oc lore you've never shared?
Oh man, well, a lot of it's just... silly little details I think are Neat? Like Passion being an OLD spirit, maybe even one that survived the day the Veil was put up. Or Kieran being able to vaguely recall things, but not really (I love the "once upon a December" sequence in Anastasia, aaah!) And... I've been thinking about how Ash could have a kid he doesn't know about, and different ways he could find out about her.
And a lot is still up in the air until we know more about DA4, because some of my lore and ideas deal with trying to move characters into positions where they could be involved in future stuff. Like Minna Tabris and Isa Lavellan. Or even Ithelan...!
And of course, it's not something I've NEVER shared, but I want to do more with my Mahariel's mother, Tiralin, who is an ancient elf. Playing Nature of the Beast has made me want to figure out exactly WHICH clan she stayed with for a while before, because I think it'd be cool if it was semi-relevant. (Possibly even Zathrian's clan...?)
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silvanils · 3 years
How about King Alistair & Kieran: “ someone had to pay. ” from the Six of Crows prompt list? :) Bonus for them being steeped in some sort of political intrigue!
This one kind of took on a mind of it's own, so it's not quite as political as I INTENDED it to be. (I will certainly be giving that another shot another time!)
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It wasn’t unusual for Kieran to disappear for long periods of time in the day — and while Alistair did worry any time he noticed the boy was absent, he would always quickly remind himself that his son was capable of minding himself. He took after his mother (perhaps a bit too much) and… Alistair knew how it felt to be uprooted and cast into a new (if still far-too-familiar) set of problems.
But it was unusual for Kieran to miss dinner without giving Alistair forewarning that he would be eating with his friends. Teagan, of course, just let out a sigh and then chuckled quietly. “He’s probably still with that elf girl. I’m sure they just… lost track of time.”
Alistair frowned. While it was possible, of course, it was also unlikely. Teagan saw his frown, though, and shook his head — somehow managing to convey feelings of concern and amusement at the same time. “Oh, Alistair… You could send the guards out to look for him, but I doubt he’d appreciate that.”
Teagan wasn’t wrong. Kieran was a stranger in this court, still, and most of the guards were distrustful of him. And why wouldn’t they be? Any one of the things the boy was was reason enough, and the boy was a lot of things.
“No. If he’s not back by sunset, I’ll go look for him myself,” Alistair said.
And so, after dinner, he dug his old traveling clothes out of a drawer and changed into them, then threw an old cloak over them. Old habits die hard. He was still always prepared to go back to what was familiar, what he knew —
No one looked twice at him as he slipped out through the servant’s quarters and wandered through Denerim’s alleys. He knew the way to the alienage by heart, of course. He’d paid many secret visits to his friends there over the years, and had been the one to show Kieran the safest paths to take when he went there himself.
As he slipped through one last gate, he could see a light in the window of the Tabris family home, could smell the baked bread, butter, the spices they’d used with their meal… and the sharp scent of fresh blood. He urged himself not to panic — after all, two of the people living here were assassins — but he couldn’t squelch his anxiety completely.
When Soris opened the door, his face was composed of all the feelings Alistair was trying not to feel and they all came rushing to the surface at once. “Is Kieran…?”
“He’s here,” Soris said, swinging the door open a little further so Alistair could follow him in. Shianni was cleaning up a cut Minna had on her arm while Kieran stood at the sink, washing blood off his face.
“Maker’s breath,” Alistair said, rushing forward to get a closer look. “What happened?”
“Some arl's son was being an ass,” Kieran sighed, pressing a cloth against a cut on his lip. “I tried to make him stop, but… it didn’t work out. I ended up having to spook him a bit.”
Before Alistair could even ask what that meant, Minna cut in. “More than a bit! When he ran off, he was crying and screaming like a baby! ‘Get it off me! Get it off me!’ But there wasn’t anything on him!”
Kieran glanced over his shoulder and flashed a smile at her before he locked eyes with Alistair — rosy-cheeked and smug. “A harmless trick,” he promised. “He deserved it.”
“And what if he comes back?” Soris asked, frowning. “What if he brings his friends? Things like this never end cleanly.”
Alistair caught the uneasy look Soris shared with Shianni, and he cleared his throat once before speaking. “I might be able to help? That is, if they tell me who this ‘noble brat’ was…”
Later, as they walked home together, a long silence stretched between them. Kieran finally broke it with a little sigh. “I know you were worried. I missed dinner, and it’s late, and… I’m…”
“Yes,” Alistair said, sighing. “I was worried. I’m still worried,” he added, thinking about the young noble that would certainly be bitter about Kieran now, “but I’m also proud. You did the right thing. Someone had to pay, and…” he leaned in, smiling, "...I'm glad it was the asshole."
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silvanils · 2 years
Writing Circle Prompt List
Prompt List #5
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Prompts
Hozier Lyric Prompts
Florence and the Machine Prompts
Six of Crows Prompts
101 Ways to say “I love you”
Cute Shippy Starters
Dragon Age Inspired Dialogue Prompts
Physical Contact Starters
Intimacy Prompts
Love Confessions
Soft Starters
All my main ships and oc tags can be found on my nav page: (link)
You can find more prompts in my prompts tag: (link)
Right now, I would especially like to recieve prompts for:
Serault and The Last Court in general!
The Scholar x The Wayward Bard
Morrigan, Mahariel, and Kieran
Solas x Passion x Varlas
Ithelan Lavellan (x Ash Lavellan)
Zevran x Dirk Tabris
Nathaniel Howe x Fergus Cousland (x Anders)
Kieran & King Alistair
Kieran + Minna Tabris
Serault (The Last Court)
courtly drama, family drama
the weirdness of the woods
The Horned Knight (aka... Reflection?)
the Shame casts a long shadow
(my Marquis is a mage, himself)
Kieran & King Alistair
Kieran having to deal with the Ferelden nobles
(but the Ferelden nobles also have to deal with HIM)
Dad!Alistair is just doing his best
Kieran + Minna Tabris
(bffs, here to cause absolute chaos)
Solas x Passion x Varlas (aka Felassan)
there is so much tension and drama here
Passion just wants to have fun
together, can they make a stubborn elf change his mind?
Ithelan “Hemlock” Lavellan
Clan Lavellan’s Second, an entropy mage
(also my Inquisitor’s ex)
he’s especially prickly after things settle in Wycome
does NOT get along with the elves from Clan Sabrae
Mutual Pining
Established Relationships
Poly Relationships (open or closed)
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Found Family
I’m also a big fan of court intrigue, politics, and noble house dynamics --- similar to what you see in Downton Abbey, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Masked Empire, etc. And rogues doing roguish things! Infiltration, heists, assassinations, etc.
I also adore putting two characters with divergent viewpoints into a situation where they need to talk about stuff!
While this list is primarily for the DA Drunk Writing Circle, I’m open to receiving prompts from anyone, and it doesn’t have to be limited to Dragon Age! I also take prompts for my Elders Scrolls characters.
More about them can be found here: (link)
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silvanils · 4 years
4. Does you character like children? How do they behave around children? Would they ever want any of their own?
BTV OC Question Time (May/June)
Lyanna Cousland: She didn’t have strong feelings one way or another about children, though she was always kind and careful with the few she was around - the castle’s squires and her nephew, Oren. She always assumed she would eventually have children of her own, but she never spent a lot of time thinking about what her family would be like.
She only learned the Joining made Grey Wardens (mostly?) sterile when she began seriously discussing marriage with Alistair, which is also the moment she realized just how much she HAD assumed that would be part of her future.
They could adopt, of course, but wanting to have at least one child and heir is a big factor in why Lyanna becomes so keen on finding a cure for the Taint.
Dirk Tabris: He thinks kids are fine and has no issue interacting with them. He definitely has some “big brother instinct” towards children in general and a lot of the younger kids in the alienage looked up to him. He tries to give them hope and a little “spark” of rebelliousness because he’s tired of watching that spark die in so many of his peers.
He never thought he’d want a child of his own, though, especially since he’s not interested in women. That feeling didn’t change until he and Zevran rescued a young girl named Minna ten years after the Blight. He definitely loves her as if she were his own kid.
Fahren Mahariel: He likes children, and treats them with respect. Their antics amuse him. He wasn’t really put in the ‘caretaker’ role very often, though, since he and Tamlen also had a tendency to incite mischief.
Children are cherished by their clans and cared for by the community, so they would have been part of his life no matter what. Like Lyanna, Mahariel took that part of his future for granted before the whole mess with the mirror happened.
If he had any doubts about wanting a child of his own before meeting Kieran, though... well, the boy made them all vanish. Mahariel loves that kid.
Mari Hawke: She’s not overly fond of little kids, partly because Carver and Bethany were INSUFFERABLE when they were little. She loved them, of course, but seeing tiny kids still makes her shudder a bit. That said, she’s not mean to children when she HAS to be around them, she’s just always very eager to get them back to their caretakers and out of her hair.
She doesn’t think she’d be a good mother, so she never really imagined herself having a child. It’s a very messy business. From time to time, though, she does find herself thinking Fenris would be a great father and his babies would be cuter than MOST babies...
They do end up having a kid a couple months post-Inquisition: a girl who takes after Hawke. They name her Aleda, but she ends up getting called Lita instead.
Ash Lavellan: He adores children and has always been sweet and kind to the young ones in his clan, especially his younger siblings (but really, he considers them all his charges.) He dotes on them and tries to make sure they’re cared for.
He always figured that caring for children would be part of his life, regardless of who he wound up with. Dalish clans raise children together, after all, and the people who are patient and gentle with the little ones get given the caretaker role more frequently than others.
He’s sure Dorian will be up for adopting a child someday, or at least allowing him to be a mentor to any apprentices Dorian takes on. Plus, there’s still his own little siblings to care for.
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