#;journal (amuro)
peterrrei · 1 year
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visualandpublicart · 1 year
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Arte Sonído: Voz, Comunidad, and Performance
ARTE Sonido: Voz, Comunidad, and Performance is a community-based art exhibition that reflects on Covid-19 response and recovery efforts through regional community-based partnerships, art-making, installation, sound, and performance.  This exhibition features work by Tristan Bochum, Jesus Espinoza, Claudia Hernandez, Mana Kato, Juan Luna-Avin, Gazelle Parsons, Delia Saldivar, Melissa Smedley, and Olivia Wieker that examines Intersectional Communication & Covid-19 through the medium of sound as a form action, personal ritual, resilience, and survival linked to socio-cultural identity, protest, community building, and shared experiences within marginalized and disproportionality impacted communities.
Exhibition Title:  Arte Sonído: Voz, Comunidad, and Performance
Exhibition Dates:  April 20 – May 19, 2023
Opening Reception and Performance:  Thursday, April 20, 2023, 6-8pm
Performance/Sound Intervention from from The Department of Homeland Inspiration : Thursday, April 20, 2023, 6-6:30pm
Join us for the exhibition reception featuring an interactive sound performance by Melissa Smedley.
About Performance: The Ruckus | The Silence | The Synthesis is a collaborative sound intervention from The Department of Homeland Inspiration to accompany the "ARTE Sonido: Voz” exhibition. This group performance, led by Art Ranger a.k.a. Melissa Smedley will be both an invocation of the vigorous clanking of pots and pans to celebrate healthcare workers during the pandemic and a tribute to the “caceroladas” protests that have occurred throughout Latin America.
* A cacerolada or casserole is a form of protest that consists of a group of people making noise by banging pots, pans, and other utensils in order to call attention to social issues
All events are Free & Open to the Public! RSVP Link & Self-Attestation
Gallery Hours: 11-5pm, Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Tues./Thurs. by Appointment* Additional hours by appointment at [email protected] Student tours available upon request. About Covid-19 Recovery and Response Grant:  Arte Sonído: Voz, Comunidad, and Performance is the 3rd and final installment of a three-part interdisciplinary art project that examines Under-represented Identities: Community-Engaged Arts to Pan-Ethnic Studies through cross-campus and community collaborations that emphasize Covid-19 awareness and recovery within disproportionately impacted populations of color through a series of exhibitions, panels, workshops, 1/1 mentorship, community outreach events, and performance.From spring 2022 through spring 2023, a series of exhibitions explored the intersection of ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, and class through autobiographical stories about cultural identity, community-building practices, project-based learning, professional practices, and hands-on activities that included applied studio art practices and research focused on the importance of sustainable and accessible community art practices.  Workshops dedicated to art-making practices about post-pandemic meaning through 1/1 mentorship with emerging tri-county artists of color, regional community partners, and collaborative curricular art projects included engagement with CSUMB students in VPA 209: Day of the Dead Workshop, VPA 302: Visiting Artist Series, VPA 337: Community Infrastructure Practices, and HCOM 328: Latina Life Stories, HCOM 371, Community Journalism Studies, and HCOM 434: Creative Publishing and Critical Storytelling.
Acknowledgments: This project is a collaboration between the School of Humanities and Communication (HCOM) and the Visual and Public Art Department (VPA). Covid-19 Grant Principal Investigators, Associate Professor of Sculpture, Installation, and Community Engaged Practice, Hector Dionicio Mendoza (VPA), Associate Professor of Integrated Media, Photography and Community Engaged Practice, Angelica Muro (VPA), and Professor of Chicanx-Latinx Studies, Maria Villaseñor (HCOM).
The Visual & Public Art Gallery is located @:
3050 Divarty Street, Seaside, CA. 93955 (@ Engineer Lane & Divarty St.) College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 504 California State University, Monterey Bay
Gallery entry is Free & Open to the Public!
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The Magnus Archives and Gundam 0079 crossover because it's been eating my brain
okay so this is mostly what of the 14 fears the cast of the original gundam would be connected to because we've put too much thought into this to not write it down somewhere (skipping over getting marked by the slaughter because that's the fear of war so like,,, duh)
Amuro: just narrowly avoids becoming an Avatar of the Lonely, like just barely, like he gets stuck in the Lonely and someone has to find him and get him out type just barely. He's pretty isolated throughout the show tbh so he'd be pretty easy pickings, but at the very end he's like "no I have friends fuck you" Martin style
Char: my first thought was avatar of the slaughter but then I thought about it for like .2 seconds longer and this guy is an Avatar of the Desolation through and through, especially with the themes of revenge with some of that fears avatars. The guys plan is to systematically kill the entire family of the guy who wronged him like, c'mon. Could also have a fun bastardization arc of "well your revenge is complete, you have still sold your soul to an eldritch manifestation of humanities fear"
Kai: i feel like he'd just somehow manage to avoid all the eldritch fear bullshit by just going "I am not looking, I do not see it". Maybe later in life he could become an Eye Avatar with the whole journalism thing, but in the original show anytime some fear bullshit goes down he just walks the other direction
Sayla: I feel like she also wouldn't manage to get avatarized, but like in a Gerry Keay way, like she's been embroiled in this shit for awhile and she's going around making sure people don't get killed by the fears and destroying dangerous artifacts
Hayato: okay we said we wouldn't mention Slaughter marks, but I'll make an exception here because he gets very very close to becoming an Avatar of it, Melanie King style. Like he's upset/angry that he can't keep up with Amuro and the Slaughter uses that as a jumping off point to get into his psyche. I don't think he actually becomes an avatar but there's a point where he very easily could
Mirai: part of me really wants to make her an Avatar of the Vast for no reason other than she can fly a spaceship and the Vast is one of our favorite fears. Tbh we honestly can't think of anything else for her
Frau Bow: the corruption tries to get it's hooks worms in her and she just puts it in a jar and moves on with her life Joshua Gillespie style.
Bright Noa: okay so he's actually really difficult, in an AU where they're in the Magnus Archives he definitely takes Jon's place in the narrative and becomes an Avatar of the Eye, but in Gundam proper we honestly have no idea? First thought was Web but he's not manipulative enough for that, it feels like he should fall to one of the fears but idk which one? Maybe the Buried, like in a metaphorical buried by his responsibilities type way
Ryu: he's too mentally okay to fall to any of the fears tbh, i think his death is a catalyst to the others falling to the fears more though
Lalah: first thought was Eye but after thinking about it more she's definitely an Avatar of the End, especially with that scene where she predicts a swan dying right before it does. She just has End avatar vibes idk how to explain it
Garma: okay he was only in a couple of episodes but there's a really fun concept we have where Char fucks up killing him and he becomes an Avatar of the Lonely and he shows up periodically as a "ghost" to psychologically torment Char. realistically he'd be an avatar of the slaughter if he was one at all, but fuck being realistic this concept is more fun
Bonus: Kamille becomes and End Avatar at the end of Gundam Zeta
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dxnizensofspace · 5 years
“I still can’t really believe I’m a dad now.” 
Amuro still feels quite shocked that he is one. Nevertheless, it’s something that does bring him great joy in realizing that he is. 
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nihonkamoshika · 7 years
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#报纸 # #報紙 # #安室奈美恵 #桐生祥秀 #阪神タイガース #スポーツ新聞 #amuro #998 9月10日と9月21日の関西のスポーツ新聞。 9月10日桐生祥秀の9秒98を一面でなく、阪神タイガースだったサンスポとデイリー。 9月21日はニッカン、サンスポ、デイリーが安室奈美恵だった。 #newspaper #journal #Zeitung #giornale #periódico #jornal #krant #gazete #газета #신문 #หนังสือพิมพ์ #جريدة# #روزنامه# #עיתון# (コメダ珈琲店近江八幡店)
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dxnizensofspace · 5 years
Amuro sighs softly as he looks at some of the mementos of the past that were present in the work shop that he used as his own personal solitude. A home away from home - all the while ‘home’ was a constantly shifting and fluid construct. Whether it was the former Earth Federation uniform he wore in his first rodeo upon the White Base hanging in the closet, many a size too small for his body, or the bomber jacket that he wore when he was an instructor and a member of the AEUG, at least, for a short time. 
A lot had changed in that time, but yet the same demons still remained. Even with his love for Sayla, he still held enormous amounts of guilt for Lalah so many years ago, and how she was more or less a tension point in the eternal battle between him and Char. He still had many a nightmare and spells of regret over the many men that he more or less killed in cold blood - a side effect of having a trial by far in war, and in youth, and being told to kill, and kill extravagantly. 
There were some days where he never left this work shop - a warm cocoon that allowed him to do what he wanted to do from the very beginning, and leave him to his thoughts. He could sense that sometimes, Sayla was worried for his well being when he locked himself in his work shop, or spent the day in their bed room staring at the ceiling and remembering all that he had done. 
Nevertheless, he was here. Even with another year of his life done and dusted, he found himself, through all the trials and tribulations, the horrors and glories of war, he found himself a more complete man then he was when he hopped into the cockpit of the Gundam back on Side 7. Through every event in his life from then onward, he had learned to grow up. 
That had to count for something, as he proceeded to let his hand run against the leather arm of the bomber jacket hanging in the corner. He wondered where Sayla was at this moment, or whether he should go into town for a walk. 
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dxnizensofspace · 5 years
“There’s a few I could think of, to be honest. Being collateral in the war games of a small handful of men. The cruelty of fate. The misfortune of youth. Take your pick. They’re all equally miserable.”
And all of those were good options to pick. In fact, all three were pretty succinct to the situations that Amuro faced - both in the past, and now. 
But even with those thoughts of ‘why him?’ nagging in his mind to this very day, he had to keep on. Keep moving forward. 
“I guess you’re right. Maybe that’s why we can be miserable together.” Of course, the male meant that sarcastically, but still...
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