#;maria thread
tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
@dontcxckitup liked the thing and gets a starter
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"That, most certainly does not belong there." Maria's tone was frustrated as she looked down at the pile of messy papers on top of the box.
"Oh for goodness sake-" She shuffled the papers, all things she'd pulled out for Bond about a few days ago. She'd been wondering what he'd done with them and had hoped he'd returned them. "I'm going to murder him, very slowly and very painfully when he gets back from whatever island he's on." She muttered to herself before a noise at the end of the shelves caught her attention.
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A sheepish look crossed her face when she realised it was M and he might have seen her losing her temper.
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saturnpxtter · 2 months
Formas para donar / Ways to donate:
Información / Information (in Spanish, but you can translate
Hilos sobre famosos venezolanos que apoyan a la dictadura / Threads about famous venezuelan people who support the government (Report their acc!):
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Hilo sobre cuentas que están esparciendo información de los manifestantes para que sean capturados / torturados / asesinados // Thread about accounts who are spreading information about protesters to get them captured / tortured / murdered:
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¿Qué es “El Helicoide”? (Español)
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What is “El Helicoide”? (English)
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Famosos / influencers venezolanos que valen la pena seguir / Famous / influencers venezuelan people who are worth to follow:
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Esta chica está comprando productos para enviarlos a los hospitales para ayudar a los heridos / This woman is buying products to give them to hospitals to treat and help the wounded:
Hilo con tweets sobre varias cosas que están sucediendo / Thread with various tweets about everything that is happening:
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Cont. from @softdrabbles || Maria and Ash (x)
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"I'd certainly say more than ok, but I don't want to start gushing. I think that'd probably be embarrassing for both of us." she laughed, before feeling her cheeks flush at the sweet comment. "Ok, now i know you're messing with me because there's no way." But still, their words definitely made her falter. "I'd offer to buy you a drink, but since it's an open bar... Can I get you a drink instead?"
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fckher · 2 months
POSSIBLE KINKS: mommy, breast play, lactating, breeding/impregnation, age gap, taboo or up to you!
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Frustration crashes from her lips in a cacophony of expletives as she feels her shirt grow damp with a leak. Maria's never been more annoyed. It's not embarrassing, by any means. She's proud of her body and she knows it gives her child much needed sustenance. But fuck if this doesn't happen at the most inconvenient times. Thinking she has some privacy, the shirt is immediately pulled down over her shoulder, exposing her full breasts, still leaking rivulets of milk. It's a waste, she wishes she could pump it but there's no time and she has no equipment. "Oh god," it's a relief, her eyes closing briefly as she bows her head forward against the wall, only to open her eyes and realise the privacy she thought she'd had wasn't as private as she thought. "Shit, I-fuck. I'm so sorry."
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dk-thrive · 5 months
No experience has been too unimportant, and the smallest event unfolds like a fate, and fate itself is like a wonderful, wide fabric in which every thread is guided by an infinitely tender hand and laid alongside another thread and is held and supported by a hundred others.
— Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet. The Third Letter, Viareggio, near Pisa (Italy). April 23, 1903
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mercless · 21 days
🗡 dozing off writing replies but im curious how others go about writing out stuff/the order you write particular parts, and if you have a different way of writing depending on if it's a reply, ask, or a drabble 🤔 in most cases I find I write out any spoken words first, then the tones or actions done while talking, and then depending on the writing purpose add trains of thought, other actions or specific actions that convey emotions. stuff I looove getting lost in writing include describing scenes, settings, environments, food or the time of day! for drabbles I usually start with these descriptive elements to get into the mood of it.
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dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@tealeavesandthorns asked “Nope, sorry, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Theo withheld an exasperated sigh. Rarely was it that he and Maria butted heads. More often than not, he could recognize the signs and curb it before it happened, by either appeasing or just veering away from the subject. A method that worked exceptionally well most days. But on occasion, since nothing was ever perfect, it did happen that seeing eye to eye wasn't able to be achieved. Today was one of those days, and clearly, she wasn't going to let the subject lie. Time was lacking already, and the fact that she wanted to draw out the argument was more than a little irritating. Already lacking patience with the business he had to handle, Theo struggled to reign everything in so he didn't explode at her. Something that he hadn't done to date.
"Maria, we can continue this when I get back. But for now, it isn't up for discussion. You are staying here, with them watching you. It's about your safety, so I would really appreciate it if you could just listen and hold off an arguing until I get back. I'm not trying to outrun this. But if I don't leave now, there are going to be bigger problems." Frustration did leak into those final words.
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gloriousncss · 4 months
@flcralhaze ( maria & stefan ) location: the grand breakfast time: late morning
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"Stefan, my friend!" she chanted with a golden goblet in her hand, raising it slightly in the air, "Finally, I've have some decent company to talk to, for the time being." The nerves were beginning to get the better of her the longer the early-morning banquet went on. If she was to drag herself out in the morning to a gathering of royals, she may as well help herself to the selection of wine. "If they did not want us to drink all of their wine, then they shouldn't have made it so good," she quipped, holding out her goblet towards him, eyebrows raised as though to offer him a sip. Of all the royals in attendance, he was certainly the least intolerable of the bunch.
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Tag Drop
Squirrel Nurse; Tristan threads
Inuarashi Musketeer Squad; Wanda threads
Night Time Guardian; Milky threads
That's No Ordinary Rabbit; Carrot threads
East Army Commander; Ginny threads
Sun Pirate Revolutionist; Koala threads
Voice of Rebellion; Belo Betty threads
Milk Maiden; Moda threads
Jorōgumo Oiran; Black Maria threads
Hidden Histories; Toki threads
Lingering Snow; Kiku threads
Dango maker; O-Tama threads
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missrandomnomad0o · 1 year
There's this running theme over how the Collector keeps getting betrayed by the adults in his life: the Archivists, the Titan Trappers, Belos (especially Belos). The child of the stars has a long string of promises adults made with him that they broke.
The reason why I'm bringing this up is because the last character that I saw with that kind of theme was Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko, and in both cases, neither child learned how to trust people when the people in their lives could be trusted (not all of them, but they were basically non-existent in the Collector's case and in Maria's case the people that could help her were in no position to do so).
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bernwrd · 9 months
starter fechado com: @lunesoye
evento: noite do pinheiro
"foi o pessoal da cozinha que fez esse chocolate-quente?" se aproximou da outra, segurando o recipiente com cuidado, mas sem deixar mostrar sua opinião sobre a bebida. a pausa dramática foi proposital, obviamente. "porque tá bem zoado... vi o príncipe cuspindo de tão ruim que achou. foi bem nojento."
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
Maria & Declan | Refills
Maria stacked another short sack of coffee onto the counter and added a sticky note label to it. Rourke, she'd still yet to meet the mysterious buyer but she hoped maybe this morning she could. She liked to know her regular customers. Partly because she was nosy, mostly so she could suggests new flavours and varieties too them though. Most people still didn't realise just how much coffee and tea varied.
Maria knew it was a gentleman because Alice and Tony, who helped her run The Grasshopper had told her as much but they couldn't remember which one it was; the old guy with a bad comb-over or the 'rancher Alice blushed at' in Tony's words.
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"Oh, morning," Maria said as she turned to find a gentlemen stood at the counter. "-sorry I was just sorting some orders, some people like to buy in bulk so they can enjoy at home and I can't say I blame them. What can I get for you?"
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siiinfully · 1 year
continued from this with @ofdarkestdesires
In all fairness, Stark had never come here in the spring—sure, he’d hiked this trail pretty frequently in the past summers and especially in the falls when the leaves were changing, but he’d never come up this way in the spring. Not until he and Lexi had started seeing each other, and he thought it would be the perfect place for a nice outdoor getaway.
He didn’t really register the change in the air at first—just a faint sweet smell, and a growing heat washing over him. The pollen coming from the flowers was surprisingly dense, but he paid it little mind—in fact, he could barely pay attention to anything but the sight of Lexi’s shapely form walking ahead of him.
Gods, she wasn’t even trying, and he wanted to pin her down right now~
She wasn’t an outdoor girl.
Lexi had tried to be many times before, whether it was hiking and camping with her parents or with friends, but she couldn’t do it. However, Stark had promised her things would be different, and she wanted to see if maybe, the fifteenth time was the charm. Going along the trail was easier than the previous ones, but she was still ready to give up and head back down.
That is, until she passed by a patch of flowers and took in a deep breath of their scent, and, unwittingly, the pollen. It seemed to have affected her faster than him because she didn’t bother waiting to reach the end of the trail before turning around and waiting for him to get closer before pulling him into a heated kiss, her rucksack falling from her shoulders and down to the ground.
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etxrnaleclipse · 6 months
Closed starter for @ofginjxints || Alonso and Maria
The fact that the elevator in her apartment block was out really just added insult to injury. It had been a long day, twelve hours turning into almost fourteen due to a major incident on the highway at peak hour, and it had left Maria and her teammate exhausted. But she was finally making it home and her plans involved nothing but her pyjamas and a large glass of wine before falling into bed. She made her way up the last of the flights of stairs with a huff, backpack slung over her shoulder and jacket draped over her arm while she fumbled in her pocket for the key to her door.
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She was stepping inside the apartment before she knew it, tossing her keys onto the side table with little care. Realistically, had she not been so exhausted, she would have noticed the scrape marks around her door lock and not entered her home without calling the police, but not tonight. Tonight, sleep was the only thing on her mind.
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withbeasts · 2 months
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" sometimes i miss it. " she hates being this brutally honest, or what feels to be so. " i used to complain about the noise. i was sensitive to all of it, all the time, never stopping. but just me -- " a shrug. " -- it's a lot, too. "
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curreres · 3 months
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continued from: here. / @ambercast
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"well, i'm glad that you found your passion at the very least." luxanna muses. she wonders briefly why ana maria was sent to a convent; the phrasing leads her to believe that it wasn't something that she herself wanted. but it wasn't appropriate to bring up. "if it makes you feel better, i always personally liked the school secretary more than any of my teachers growing up. they were always easier to get along with, though maybe that's because they weren't the ones grading my papers."
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