#;send me more werepup preg please??? 🥺
wannabepapa · 1 year
What if your poor belly had a litter of werepups in it, and the full moon caused them all to shift--growing in size and really riled up...
i don't know what i would do!
i know having werepups comes with a lot of trials and tribulations, especially with how the full moon causes intrauterine shifts. the early months weren't difficult, not much of a size difference in the first few months since they were so small. now that i'm full term with these pups coming close to the full moon? i'm a bit nervous if i'm honest. my skin has been itchy all day, the pups have been restless, and i can't keep my heart from pounding in nervous excitement at the evening's events.
the movement is absolutely insane as the moon rises to it's highest peak. i barely get to the bed to sit down when my middle is jutting forward in fitful bursts with the pup's shifting into their lycanesque forms. i can't think clearly as i watch with bated breath at how enormous my bump is getting. the babies are absolutely feral in their movements as they basically use my insides as punching bags. my triplets are now nearly doubled in size, my stomach the size of a full term sextuplet pregnancy with the angriest red stretch marks that litter my flesh. i am breathing heavily with my hands desperately kneading around my tender orb as these pups work out their shift energy spike and whimper in need for someone to come help me calm them down
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