#<<< just for the Nine foreshadowing but if y'all were looking for more music that fit him it's right there have fun
mortar-canyon · 8 months
I'm sure a dozen other people have pointed this out but I haven't seen it come up in conversation much so I'll reiterate: each of the boss themes in Frontiers apply to Sonic, the boss, and the other ally on that island simultaneously.
I'm Here works for both Sonic and Sage, as well as the pressure that Supreme's pilot was going through before they died, both playing up Sonic's determination and foreshadowing how Sage will step up as the new pilot but ultimately die to protect the others.
I rambled about the rest on Discord a while ago so here's that mess:
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Break Through It All
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Find Your Flame
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These are very disorganized bc I was just kinda talking about something I liked about the game but oh well. Anyway Find Your Flame warned us about Nine
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