daenerys-targaryen · 3 months
I would like there to be one (1) person who I can be vulnerable around I won’t lie
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revui · 11 months
i'm writing a story where the character who props up love as what "defines" humanity is explicitly wrong and is the antagonist because she's so obsessed with proving her own humanity that she never realized she was human the whole time because it's not something you own or something you have to earn or a special and exclusive club separate from other living creatures, you're born as something and if you're born as a human then you're a human and whatever that entails is whatever the fuck you want
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kalorphic · 2 years
Wait a second there's a SECRET RO?💀💀💀 Ma'am how do you manage all these chaotic af children (characters) of yours??? I'm amazed!!!
Could you please give us, humble followers, some crumbs about them? 🤲🤲🤲
Ahh lol the secret ro is from my other wip Zephite, there are no secret ros in nova ! (And honestly I don’t manage any of these children very well 🥴🥴 they just run off, causing chaos as they go…)
Some facts about secret:
They are only romanceable on one specific route
They will always be “in love” the mc
They’re the only gender selectable ro (m/f/nb)
Secret is a bastard plain and simple - absolutely nothing redeemable about them
Would set the world on fire and gift mc the ashes
Possessive. Jealous. Obsessive.
It’s not a healthy relationship and will not be romanticised - which is why I’ve limited it to one route
Would also gift mc the [redacted] of those they kill
Secret is hot and they know it
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