#<- a new tag for compliments and things to look at for rainy days hehe
tawaifeddiediaz · 2 months
Hey I’m a little self-conscious of this so I’m coming to you on anon, but I have to tell you that your story in the dark (with the stars) was beautiful. I’m someone in the fandom who relates to eddie diaz a lot and has had eating issues myself. The way you wrote the thought process and memories was top notch and I have to say I cried—a lot. Thank you for sharing your talents with us
this is the sweetest thing that a writer can hear! thank you so much; this ask made my whole night! that fic is so near and dear to me for personal reasons too, and it took me so long to finish because of how personal it is. i hope the tears were cathartic and not too painful <3
and it's absolutely okay to stay on anon!! i understand completely, but my dm's are always open if you want to talk <3
thank you for reading it and thinking to leave me such a kind ask, nonnie! i hope you're doing well!
in the dark (with the stars)
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