#<- not a cry for help i'm working on getting therapy just being real xD
wyrmskulls · 1 year
I havnt recovered from the Caz fight yet. BUT
here are some genuine thoughts on Astarion from my- knew nothing of baldurs gate before playing run: (from me the Ace with no sense of self preservation)
"Oh great a sexy vamp man- bet friend XYX is all over that, they are romanceable, right? like dragon age?"🧛‍♂️
".... that 'don't touch me' sounded too real.... hope im wrong"
" I mean if we are cool with Shar worshippers and devil pacts why not a vamp, join the club buddy."
"he is a cagey little fuck I think I'll go after him this play through love his little faces"
"I'm not into pain, thinking this was a bad choice" chains and whips to not excite Tav XD
"I mean maybe it's the years of slavery and not sexual trauma???" 🙏
"noooo, I mean of course the sexy vamp wants to fuck, I probly have to- to get more of his story...." proceed to worry stupidly about unskippable sex scenes and noises for no reason (you can press x any time to get to the next thing / dialog)
get propositioned again at party.... "maybe this relationship won't work out, he's way to thirsty least there wasn't another sex scene lol dun worry buddy, I'll help you murder that guy that hurt you, just can't keep up with the horny XD"
"so I just feed him bad guys and tell him he is pretty? yup that checks out"
act 2
Start working on wyll, he seems like a cool guy... "whoa bud, is this you first romance scene.... by saying yes to a dance... feels icky cause I know sex happens at some point, like some entitled jerk at a bar, least astarion was real upfront about it" ( in hind sight this was unfair to wyll, but everyone was being so horny and the only scene I had was astarions so I drew some incorrect conclusions with wyll being a 'good guy' asshole)
"I mean we has evidence that deals with devils are bad.... or is it demons... anyways I support you in a friend way, getting raphel to Facebook stalk your abuser to make sure he not still pineing after you is OK with me."
Got his Act 2 scene "OHNooooooo I was right it was a sexual trauma 'don't touch me....' ohhhh noooooo. he didn't wanna fuck either????? baby boy, you never gotta sex again if you dun wanna, we can hug forever!" cried a while ngl
"look here blood witch- no means no, if your house wasn't destroyed, I'd destroy it myself."😈
"i mean he said he kills kids, so it's ok to kill him, then raphy boy will tell us if you back is bad news or really bad news <3"
"It's really bad news..... so no big astarion lover of cuddles l, will help you kill the guy who ruined your life. that's what romantic partners do. we kiss and nothing else and I will murder people to keep doing that <3" pondering an evil play through honesly
"he was so upset when Tav died in battle.... like doesn't he know rez scrolls are a thing? it's ok Tavs gonna live forever.... not sure how we will figuer that out" researches dnd lore to find several solutions XD
"Gale bud. friend. pal. I care about you and your life. your ex is shitty for asking you to do this, but also if you do blow up you'll take us all with you.... and even if you don't, #1 priority over there will be back under vamp thrall so this is a no go, put your shirt back on."🙃
act 3
found a cliff in the camp before act 3 with a song that made me cry again it is for sure astarions "wtf dude I was emotionally stable now what have you done"
"circus lady, here are all my loves deepest secrets- oh no she's a shapeshifter???? oops, it's ok love we will kill her too why not" No one can know how hurt you are but meeeeeee 😋
"a statue of my boyfriend in camp don't mind if I do~☆ aww now he has a halo so everyone can see he is a good boy who totally doesn't cause me to murder people and would never murder anyone himself" 😇
"Astarion NO, we are not gonna kill a bunch of other spawn just cause you are scared. I get it, and you don't have time for therapy but trust me that not gonna feel great in a few hundred years"
"ooooo blood bitch is back and you fucked up. look at this boy standing up for himself - yes that's right take us to your private house so we can kill you at our leisure.... man oh man I used to have morals now I got Astarion."
and now I'm tired XD
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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samshogwarts · 4 years
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My review of 2020
Or: I say thank you.
First of all, sorry for the long post 😅. You guys know I don'tike long posts without a "read more under the line". But I nade the post with my mobile phone.... Aaaaaaaanyway. Also sorry for all the tags. I hope I don't annoyed someone with it <~<. So let's continue:
I think this year has been a particularly difficult year for everyone. As 2020 is drawing to a close, I mentally let the year pass again.
The bottom line is that I have to say that 2020 was turbulent for me, but not necessarily bad. Much good, but also bad, has happened. And I want to start with the bad things right away.
At the beginning of the year, my depression and eating disorder relapsed. I've always had trouble talking about it because I know my friends can't handle this issue. I felt pressured because they wanted to do things with me, but I couldn't. So I withdrew completely, hiding my emotions and wearing a mask.
At that time I created this blog. At first I didn't want to create my own content, just follow the content of @ladycibia, @hogwartsmystory and @kyril-hphm. Incidentally, that is also the reason why I call these 3 blogs the Big Three. So it's their fault that I'm here. Lol.
And then the first Hyops message came at the end of March. A very good friend of mine got Corvid-19 and lost the battle against the disease a few days later. I still remember how the news pulled the floor from under my feet. It feels like I completely lost faith in everything and I started to realize how dangerous this year could be. 
But life goes on and so I visited a friend and her family in early July. It was the anniversary of her husband's death, who was also a very good friend of mine. He died of cancer last year and I couldn't go to his funeral. So I wanted to stop by on the day he died. I actually thought I could do it. But when you read a friend's name on a tombstone for the first time.. Guys, that's a punch in the stomach like no other and I can't really describe how it feels. I had made up my mind not to cry in front of his wife or children because it was hard enough for them. Didn't work.
And of course this year meant to go one better.
Another friend of mine died of the virus in mid-August, leaving behind a wife and a child. Again, I was unable to attend the funeral. And to be honest, it still bothers me way more I want to admit. In two years I lost three wonderful people who meant a lot to me and I couldn't say goodbye to any of them. When I see the three of them again after my death, you can be sure I'll kick their butts for it.
But August was the worst month for me in many ways. In addition to the death of my buddy, my father's family also volunteered. And that means only one thing - trouble.  And properly. I haven't had contact with this family for over 12 years for good reason. Now one person from this family has passed away. And first of all, I don't really care if anyone of them would die. I don't even know the person who passed away. But I wasn't told either by my grandmother or my father. So my deadline to cancel the inheritance has expired. Of course it was debts. You have to know that the inheritance rights of my country are very complicated. The reason my father or grandmother didn't tell me about it was because they didn't want to bother with the paperwork. They always had the opportunity to contact me via Facebook or my half-sister. But that would mean work for them. And while I was walking from lawyer to lawyer to court to court, I was allowed to hear sayings from my grandmother that I apparently have achieved nothing in my life. Nice to know that some people never change. I'm still struggling with this matter to this day and will probably not be able to fully clarify this until the beginning of 2021.
At the end of October everything seemed to be taking its revenge and I passed out at a friend's house. Nobody knows exactly what happened until today, but my friend took me to the hospital where I had to stay one night. That was Halloween. And I'm such a big fan of hospitals hahahaha hahahaha. After that I was allowed to wear an ECG for 2 weeks and it turned out that my heart values ​​had deteriorated. Why not. Let's just take everything with us this year!
Rounding out the negatives this year was my (as a teenager) best friend's suicide. I have to say that I haven't had any contact with this person for 9 years. However, it is the one who cut herself in her youth and then called me afterwards because she didn't know what to do. It was also the one I tried to get into therapy for 2 years. But her mother was always against it. And it was exactly this mother who was standing in my mother's shop, telling her about her daughter's suicide and that I was probably in the farewell letter. I don't know exactly what it said, but the mother now blames me for her daughter's suicide. And do you know what's craziest about the whole thing? I agreed with her! I really thought it was my fault because I knew how sick my former friend was. Yet I was the one who ended the friendship (for many reasons that had nothing to do with her depression). And I still wonder what would have happened if I had acted differently.
But enough of the negative things! A lot of nice things happened this year too. Among other things, I have found a new job within my group, earn more money and have pleasant working hours. I've renovated my apartment and I've started saving money on a new one. My two nieces are now going to school and I am a proud aunt. My male best friend and his girlfriend (my best harry potter friend) are pregnant and are expecting their first child soon and my mother's health is better.
But one of the best things that happened to me this year is this blog.
I already mentioned that I actually only created this blog to stalk the Big Three. I didn't want my own content at all. But I discovered more and more blogs and these incredibly great MCs that I thought I wanted to do whole too. And so Samantha O'Connell was born.
I received so much great support and encouragement on this platform. I don't think many people even realize how much that means to me. Especially this year.
I have also found great and lovable people here, some of whom I also call my friends. Even if we come from other countries, speak other languages ​​and may never see each other in real life, you are my friends and I am grateful to know you.
@annabelle-tanaka-official : I'll start with you of course! XD on tumblr you are just my best friend. I don't write as much with anyone as I do with you. You are such an incredibly talented person and so warm hearted! Over the year we have invented so many insiders that soon nobody will know what we mean.  Be it the monster hug, or that my cats are your spies or our many RP scenarios, which I really enjoy and which always make me laugh. I thank you for that!! I love you so much and I am so glad that we are friends! *minster hug*
@lunasilvermorny / @lunasilvermore : you are next to you !!! XD the next person I write to almost every day. What started with a little conversation about among us has turned into a friendship. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to streaming with you next year (and this year)!!! You are such a good listener that strengthens me. Your support is so nice of you too! Just the fact that you have subscribed to my YouTube channel xD (because of the language I even have an idea). I'm looking forward to the next year with you! Thank you so much for dealing with my craziness and still likes me! 
@kyril-hphm : muahahahaha. You can't escape me !!! Yes, what should I say? One of my big three even made friends with me. One of my Senpais noticed me! And then it's a lovely fluffy marshmallow! I still think it's funny  that we have such similar circuits and hearts! Nevertheless you are an incredibly honest, loving and talented person. I've never told you before, but sometimes I stare (for 20 minutes +) at your drawings to improve my style (just not working so far). You are an honest person and I am happy every time we talk, or when you react to my content. I would like to say thank you for that too! You are great and you can trust yourself more.
@carewyncromwell : my Chinese fireball, my Disney princess. Yes, for me you exude the aura of a Disney princess and nothing can change my mind. So! You were one of the first friends I made here on tumblr and one of the first to write with me! I still remember how proud and nervous I was back then! Just when I was in the hospital on Halloween and couldn't sleep that night, you kept texting me and distracting me from my fear. That means a lot to me. You are such a creative and lovable person too. Ah, that's just amazing. Your comments or hashtags always make me grin or laugh. Thank you for all your support and help!
@catohphm : my fluffier Ravenclaw brother!!! Of course you can't be missing either. I also write with you almost every day and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and your support. I just love the energy between Samantha and Cato. And it's always fun to write RP with you!  Thank you for being such a lovely and kind person!
@mira-shard : MIRAAAAAAA! It's kind of funny how long we've basically walked next to each other without talking to each other. And now I don't want to miss you anymore! You are such a fun and happy person. Writing with you is just fun! I also love your cosplay photos. Someday I'll come to visit you, and then we'll do cosplay shootings together until the camera bleeds! I would also like to thank you for your support and your kindness. 
@sirfluffig : ha. I hope you didn't think you were escaping me! Where should I start with you? Maybe that you were one of the first to give me such lovely feedback on Samantha? Or this super funny stream and that you helped me to stream in English? Or just like that, when we talk about our MCs or pen and paper. It's definitely always fun. I want to thank you for that and I'm looking forward to playing together again soon (get Among us)
@nightrhea-hphm : * run into you in slowmotion * Night! My wonderful supportive Gremlin! I've grown very fond of them over the years. And your support and feedback are just amazing. I also love the friendship between Night and Samantha. I think it's very similar to ours, right? You are also such an incredibly creative and lovable person. You make you feel like it's ok to be who you are. Thank you!
Of course there are many, many more like @rosievixen, @wangxianforever000 , @mollydarling-hphm , @morningstarinwinter , @hogwarts9, @hphm-brooke , @raymondhope-writer , @nikyiscreepy , @immagrosscandy , @mizutoyama , @ariparri-hphm and many many more.
I want to thank you all for your encouragement, support and feedback. You are the reasons why I am adding more and more details to this blog, why I dared to start with the fan comic and many more. 
It's still so amazing for me to meet so many talented, creative, kind and funny people. 
This year showed me again that life isn't just black or white. Life is Grey. Good things and bad things happen. Sometimes one side more than the other side. But as long we are taking the next step, life wl continues. Just keep in mind, as like you support me, I want to support you. So if you ever wanna talk, no matter what, remember you guys can always contact me. 
I'm really looking forward to next year and already have so many plans. I can not wait any longer. Enjoy the last days of the year, stay safe and most important: they the way you are guys! 
Love you all so much. 
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omglr · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like socialism, feminism, and feminist.
You: hi
Stranger: Abortion is the literal definition of the slippery slope. First they say aborting a fetus is okay and them they move onto late term abortions and everyone is accepting it! Soon they’ll say aborting babies is okay and then say that a mother has the right to abort her teenage sons. Soon, they’ll be aborting all adult men because the end goal of feminism is genocide. That’s why I call them feminazis, because they literally advocate for eugenics and the murder of an oppressed group that gets blamed for everything (men)
You: ha
You: hey dude
Stranger: feminazis are cancer
Stranger: hi
Stranger: the war on masculinity is also a slippery slope
You: ha
Stranger: first destroy gender norms and patriarchy
Stranger: then they want to destroy men
You: dang you need some better boots boy
Stranger: feminists are our oppressors
You: like, these ideas aren't getting much traction with me
Stranger: are you a feminazi?
You: maybe you just live in a rainy hilly area
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: im a man
You: yeah dude, it seems like you've got it rough
Stranger: why are feminists so mean?
Stranger: what did i ever do to them?
You: like, those are some wacky problems that aren't really hurting you
Stranger: yeah they are its a slippery slope
Stranger: they’re going to kill all of us
You: sliperry slopes are logical falacies boy
Stranger: no
Stranger: its the truth
Stranger: birth control is a gateway drug to murdering all men
You: dude, the world is collapsing cause of capitalism
You: not ladies
Stranger: lol are you a commie
You: yeah dude
You: and i hate nazis
Stranger: good for you. you should hate feminists
Stranger: they are literally fascists
You: ha
You: na dude, i'm like more into hating actual facists
Stranger: they are fascist, they want to take away our free speech
You: lol
Stranger: and they dont want our men to just be men
Stranger: feminazis are misandrists
You: you must be trollin boy
You: you sound histarical
Stranger: im not a troll
You: well that's just sad then
Stranger: and lol im hysterical?
Stranger: well you’re a woman
Stranger: so you’re even more hysterical
Stranger: are you on your period?
You: lol
You: yeah bro
Stranger: lol!
You: and you're the one raggin' on me
Stranger: you’re a man hater, all feminazis are
You: lol
Stranger: im just defending masculinity
You: its pretty offputing look honestly
You: you ever get head?
Stranger: no because i am a mgtow who doesnt need females in my life!
You: have you considered going your way into oncoming traffic?
Stranger: lol real men commit suicide the right way only girls attention whore like that
You: or joining the navy ?
Stranger: i once shot myself in the head
Stranger: twice
Stranger: didnt even die
You: tyler durden was gay
Stranger: lol @ all the girls who overdose or walk into traffic
Stranger: just looking for attention
Stranger: whos tyler durden?
You: yeah attentions seakers are pathetic
You: you're tyler durden
Stranger: no?
Stranger: im a real man
You: fight me then
Stranger: lol i dont hit women
Stranger: despite me being a mgtow i still care about chivalry
You: i'm not a woman
You: i'm you
Stranger: the f??
You: yeah b
You: i'm just a projection
You: of your inner desires
You: baby fight me
You: fight me
Stranger: no dude thats pretty gay
You: c'mon
You: just suck my tit then
You: c'mon baby
Stranger: wtf i thought you were a dude??
Stranger: are you a trap?
You: no b
You: i'm your mom
Stranger: because sometimes i want a trap to go my own way with
Stranger: just two bros except she looks kinda femme
You: be the trap you want to see in the world
Stranger: but she wont divorce rape me or get pregnant
You: i'll accept you my child
Stranger: no, im a masculine manly alpha as fuck dude!
You: yeah
You: bet you couldn't drink rubbing alcohol
You: you sound like a pussy my child
Stranger: bet you i can
Stranger: i’ll drink a bunch of rubbing alcohol right now
Stranger: prove it to you that im a real man
You: ok baby
You: then you'll fuck me?
Stranger: no, thats gay
You: its not gay i'm you mom
Stranger: you sound like a pussy fag
You: you speak to your mom with those fingers?
Stranger: beta white knight
Stranger: i fucked your mom
You: you finger bang your mom with that mouth?
You: c'mon girl
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: i am not a girl!
You: do you believe in love?
Stranger: love is for incels, im a chad
You: cause i got something to say about it
Stranger: i pump and dump traps everyday
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsVcUzP_O_8
Stranger: whats that
You: its a hot song
You: to fuck too
You: yeah
Stranger: i heard that song before
You: yeah
You: on the radio?
Stranger: idk where
You: when you were a baby?
Stranger: maybe
You: maybe baby
Stranger: i have a fucking awesome manly memory
You: but you were a kid once
Stranger: nah i was a man when i was 6
Stranger: alpha as fuckkk
You: and isn't that where it all started?
You: where did they touch you?
Stranger: i fucked my teacher when i was 11 lol
You: oh boy
Stranger: yeahhh
You: that was rape
Stranger: no
Stranger: she let me
You: yeah, no
You: she raped you
Stranger: lol a woman cant rape a man
You: that's rape of a minor
Stranger: and besides i liked it xd
You: stilll... she should go to jail
Stranger: men always love sex
You: and you should go to therapy
Stranger: lol its every dudes fantasy bro
You: you sound all fucked up my dude
Stranger: dude wtf??
You: yeah man
Stranger: im not fucked up you are
You: i'm not your mom
Stranger: why tf you support feminism?
You: i'm your friend
You: and i think you need helpo
You: like
You: professional help
You: this is serious
Stranger: i think we chatted before
You: oh probably
Stranger: you’re the really gullible guy who believed everything i said
You: oh totally
You: i must be
You: i believe it
You: i am just real gullable
Stranger: yes totally
You: cool
Stranger: so bro
Stranger: wanna have a barbecue
You: yeah boy
Stranger: hang out, do some bro stuff
You: i'll bring a six pack
Stranger: thanks bro
You: and give you the number of a therapist
Stranger: lol dudes dont need therapists
Stranger: we dont talk about our emotions like girls do!
You: we gotta work on your approach with the ladies man
Stranger: naaah im mgtow now
You: like, that was rough
You: dude, if this is your way
You: its not a good way
Stranger: yeah its a good way
You: it's not to late to deescelate
Stranger: independent free of women
Stranger: m g t o w
You: no man, you are a slave to women
You: you've given them all the power
Stranger: lol says the beta cuck on the plantation
Stranger: no bitch i dont give them power
You: man, you have
Stranger: i just ignore them bitches and gold diggers
Stranger: i fuck traps instead haha xd
You: to come off so hostile at every moment of your life
You: to deny yourself love
Stranger: im a fucking dude bro
Stranger: i aint denying myself love
Stranger: love is for pussy beta fags
You: its cause you dont wanna get hurt
Stranger: real men pump and dump
Stranger: redpilled as fuckkk
Stranger: men dont get hurt
Stranger: men dont cry
You: yeah dude
Stranger: we’re fucking amazing
You: i'm glad you are just trolling bro
Stranger: not a troll bro
You: cause this otherwise would be unhealthy
You: no you must be
You: cause otherwise it would be so so so sad
Stranger: but really its so fun to pretend to be a sensitive fragile dude
You: like what a sad creature
Stranger: i know right!
You: like god-damn gollem
You: with no ring
Stranger: i love doing this its like literally they get offended by everything
You: yeah
Stranger: men are really dumb
You: i'm surprised you didnt mention venezula
Stranger: oh righttt
Stranger: well the character im playing isnt a capitalist anyways
You: oh yeah?
You: what is he?
Stranger: feudalist :p
You: ha ha
Stranger: anyways i think im manlier than you and i finished my rubbing alcohol
You: that legit made me laugh
You: ok dude
Stranger: well you think im kidding
You: the feudalist part
Stranger: oh
You: ok, maybe call 911?
Stranger: well i wasnt going to admit to being a fascist after i told you feminazis are the real fascists
You: yeah, i mean, it wouldn't stop a nazi
You: probalby
You: "like, feminists are nazis, but also like... i support the kkk"
You: anyway, you ever listen to riot girl music?
Stranger: no not really
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAtmRhsF30
You: oh wait
You: this isn't it
You: ....
Stranger: true tho
Stranger: what even??
You: https://krecs.bandcamp.com/track/all-women-are-bitches
You: there we are
You: i don't know what was up with that first one
You: anyway, Fifth Column was pretty cool
Stranger: oh
Stranger: not really my type of music tbh
You: fair enough
You: what kind of music you like?
Stranger: idk honestly
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3V1SKM0uVo
You: here's a weird scifi mashup album
You: with a robot socialist agenda i think
Stranger: im not a socialist haha
Stranger: or even anti-capitalist at all
You: i mean, its hard not to buy in
You: in for a penny, in for a pound
Stranger: nice try but im not going to become a commie
You: idk, i mean you say that now
You: but someday you might have to renounce your ways
Stranger: im pretty content being a class traitor, thanks tho
You: lol
Stranger: i love licking the boots of female ceos just as much as male ones :)
You: good for you
You: i mean, after the revolution we'll all have boots
You: and we can take turns
Stranger: no thx boots are oppressive
You: no dude they got good grips
You: to prevent slippery slopes
Stranger: literally foot binding and patriarchy in disguise
Stranger: lol
You: oh, i see what your into now
Stranger: boots are just heels under a different name
You: bondage and heals
Stranger: ?
You: they'll have bdsm after the revolution
Stranger: im not into bdsm haha
You: why not?
Stranger: because bdsm is inherently oppressive to women
You: you're so normy
Stranger: reinforces misogynistic stereotypes
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: patriarchy literally
You: women on top
Stranger: no, thats still misogyny
You: matriarchy
Stranger: but honestly
Stranger: men who have that fetish are honestly sooo misogynistic
You: yeah
Stranger: puttig women on a pedestal isnt any better
Stranger: bdsm is misogynistic
You: and like often into cops and normy shit
Stranger: no revolution
Stranger: i love cops
You: ha
Stranger: they protect and serve us 💕
Stranger: buuuutt
Stranger: 50% of cops should be female
You: thats what your sub should be doing
Stranger: sub?
You: your submissive man servant
Stranger: i dont have one
You: never too late
Stranger: thats pretty gay tbh
You: he give good head
You: and does the dishes
You: and he's there by choice
Stranger: lol matriarchy and gynocentricity
Stranger: feminazis r oppressin men
You: in your case its a gaytriarchy
Stranger: im a girl
You: oh yeah?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im not like other girls
You: you a swerf?
Stranger: yeah i think sex workers rights are dumb
You: gross
Stranger: they should be sex slaves
You: double gross
Stranger: swerf and terf
You: gross x infinity
Stranger: grossssss
You: so what brought you to these terrible opinions?
Stranger: well i watch fox news
You: no further info required
Stranger: :)
You: you watch the OA?
Stranger: whats that
You: netflix show
Stranger: nope
You: its pretty good
Stranger: ehhh not my type of show
You: there are men in it
Stranger: gross
You: they go there own way
Stranger: that sounds nice actually
You: yeah
Stranger: i wish all men would go their own way
You: wish they would leave faster
Stranger: is it wrong to want all men dead?
You: if you are pulling the trigger probably
You: but if its like an accident
Stranger: no, i mean like i want them to just conveniently disappear
You: yeah
You: that sounds normal
You: but also, don't we all have little secret prayers
You: for a goddess to strike our enemies down
Stranger: its pretty late
Stranger: i should probably get going
You: yeah
You: ok, have a good sleep
Stranger: good night!
You: :)
Stranger has disconnected.
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