#<- sick as a dog yet still thinking abt this guy
justjams2003 · 2 years
Kal’s sixth sense
A/N: Hello everyone! I have an extreme need to write like very short Henry drabbles about things like, how he talks abt you in interviews, those vogue 100 questions, getting ready for his premieres, how he would react to you (an influancer) doing those tiktok trends and other. Would you guys be interested??? Also this is inspired by a tiktok I saw of how the poster’s dog realised they were pregnant much sooner than they did.
Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Pregnant!Wife!Reader
Warnings: None, it’s just cute fluff
Summary: Henry notices that Kal has been acting weird lately. Following you around everywhere. When those two pink lines shows up on the pregnancy test, things makes sense.
Word count: 615
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Henry’s brow raises as he watches you walking into the bathroom. Usually he stays in bed with Henry, cuddling. Now, however, he plops down in front of the closed door. How strange? “Kal,” he calls to his pup. The dog, lifts his head, looking at Henry, the door, then back at Henry. Usually he would come running, but he just lays his head back down.
He’s reading a book, on the couch. Though something is off. The familiar heat of Kal’s body by his legs is nowhere to be found. He looks around, he not somewhere else in the living room. Henry sits up, looking into the kitchen. He sees you, deeply focused on cooking. Yet, there Kal sits, right by your feet. Again Henry calls for his pup and he does the same as before.
Now Henry is noticing it a lot more. Kal seems upset leaving the house if you’re not with. When doing interviews he’d sit on your side. When if public he’s become visibly anxious if anyone came too close to you for his liking. Not to mention, you’ve been sick.
Throwing up every morning and a complete loss of appetite. He’s seen movies and read articles of dogs sensing diseases like cancer before the doctors do. Oh God, he hopes and prays to who ever is listening that it’s not cancer. Now, he’s spiraling.
Kal notices, climbing into his lap as the two boys are sitting in front of the bathroom door. “Are you okay?” He calls out, knocking slightly on the door. You’d run in the bathroom, throwing up, though those noises have stopped long ago and he’s getting worried.
Luckily, his worries soon end as the door flies open. Looking down, you see Henry looks disheveled. His curls stand in all directions from his bed-head. His eyes tired but still frantic. Though, you’re sure you don’t look much better. Henry’s brows furrow.
You seem to have been and are crying. With a little pink stick in your hand. “What’s wrong, my dear?” he asks, immediately shooting up to hold you. Looking down at whatever you’re holding. Though, his believes his eyes are deceiving him. That can’t possible be what he thinks it is and it can’t possibly say what he thinks it does.
You shake your head no, “Nothing is wrong,” you smile up. Your big eyes glimmering with tears. Yet, as you smile, Henry can see they’re tears of joy. “Are you...?” He’s scared to say it. In-case this is a dream. As if speaking the word will curse it not to be real.
A sob escapes your lips as you nod. “Yes, yes, I’m pregnant!” His ears seam to ring with joy. He’s sure he yelled with excitement, picking you up and spinning you around, but he’ s also sure he blacked out from pure bliss. As the moment dies down, a realisation hits Henry.
He looks down at his Akita, “I guess you knew, huh, buddy?” He asks, petting him between the ears. Kal perks up, as if he is happy at the final realisation. “What do you mean?” You ask, furrowing your brows as you look between them.
“Haven’t you noticed?” He questions, as if its been the most obvious thing in the world. You shake your head, biting your lip. “He’s been following you around. Protecting you and this little muffin.” He explains, his big hand on your still flat belly.
Your cheeks flare with a whirl of emotion. Pride and amazemnt one of them. You bend down, Kal of course, already by your side. “You’re gonna be an amazing big brother,” you coo, filled with love from your, now, family of four.
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akuutaguava · 3 years
Ahahahahaha im gonna have to rant on insta i hate life good bye
Better idea: type on this post and this post alone lets see how chaotic this gets
I am queercoding rn
actually sobs ive seen so much i want to reblog
I hate this godamn limit whatthefuck
Now people will go back to this random post and can’t see my posts popping up every two minutes
My thoughts need to be documented even when i cant post on here
This used to be a post abt me talking abt killjng peoples dogs but who knows anymore
Bussing bussin frfr
I hate the people who made me not be able to type anything here today shie, apollo, ghoul im talking to you guys /j okay dw
Tempted to go bald and really embrace the mental illness
My mandarin caused havoc on like seven people today lmao
It got everywhere holy shit
Actually about to fucjing cry i hate nkt being able to post shit whathefuck its only been a day but WHY
Found out one of shed eerans songs is like the most famous song in the world and i actually want to end my life oml
Im going to play bsd mayoi to distract myself from this sad fate
just kidding haha only joking ily bbgorl
Phobic? You think im scared
Parents will be like don’t do drugs and then make you want to do them
Boutta die im talking abt liking hot evil dilfs what has my life gone to without tumblr
Physically pained
Mentally drained
Gender? Isn’t that a spice?
yet another day with a substitute who hates my guts for no reason (she has a reason) 
im probably going to go home i feel actually so sick rn 
art = are
dost = do
doth = does
'ere = before
hast = have
'tis = it is
'twas = it was
wast = were
whence = from where
wherefore = why
nay = no
twas over yonder
Actually so happy i don’t need to do science now fuck yeah
Im pretty sure everyone thinks im skipping fuck you guys im not
I hate the invention of long hair we should all just cut off our hair my ling hair sucks
Stopped to say hi to the ants :D
What a great lifw we would have if we were all just… orbs floating through space
Now is not a good time to be walking on a bridge over a highway
We made it off the bridge without commiting ded :D
I hate walking slow holy shit
Time to go die in my bed because i can’t really post on here anymore and that makes me sad and want to die
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I need another post for that but tumblr is a bitch
dont mind those last posts, anyways three more hours until you guys get mass chaos :D goodbye for now and i’ll see you when i can actually fuckin post
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banrions · 4 years
captain’s log, day whatever.
(i think actually it’s my 11th day since i have not left the house other than to go  out for walks)
we’re like, 90% sure my brother, his girlfriend, and her parents has the virus, they (as far as i know) all seem to have p mild symptoms (v slight fevers, general aches, fatigue, loss of smell & taste, & [i think] slight coughs) and seem mostly okay & getting better. my brother has been staying at his gf’s house since he felt sick.
my sister doesn’t feel good & has had a headache for days and also a cough & a tiny bit difficulty breathing (as far as i know, no fever so far, she’s currently still asleep so i haven’t checked yet today) HOWEVER this has been SHIT for her ocd and folks, it was already rlly fucking bad before this goddam pandemic that is her literal nightmare began and also, since we started living together again, basically, i’m realizing, a LARGE source of my own anxiety is abt her health!!! GREAT!!
she told me that she had a small wheezing thing when she breathed on tuesday night and i actually fucking just passed out on the spot.
i’ve for sure passed out from anxiety before, that is a lie, BUT it was alWAYS related to me having to get some sort of shot or smth at the doctors. never just, fucking talking to someone.
so, i fucking scared the shit out of her, my little sister, who has for the majority of our lives acted like the big sister, bc i am a complete trash of a person who can’t fucking do anything, and in the midst of one of the single worst parts of her life (her ocd is rlly bad rn, living at home for her is RLLY bad rn, her relationship with our parents is rlly bad rn, and talking to me has been [i think?] helpful for her and i, someone also riddled with anxiety related to health things as of the last few years, apparently get anxious JUST THINKING ABT HER BEING SICK/HURT and pass the fuck out now.
that’s just.
a wonderful new development in my life i so do appreciate my fucking brain just yeeting me out of conversations like that & making it probably, HARDER for my sister to get some sleep & have more shit to worry abt & now probably will stop talking to me abt what she’s going through bc she’s scared i’ll react like a complete crazy person.
my niece is basically still sort of coming here, sometimes, bc my other brother & his gf still have to work, except his job sort of said that he can not come to work if he wants and he took them up on that for this week, BUT, like, he’s been doing p great with this whole, totally unexpected fatherhood thing, but this is a boy who has never held a baby in like all of his life until his was born, & knows almost nothing, & as much as i love him i don’t fully tRUST him to be on top of it all day for multiple days in a row, he usually only has her by himself for a few hours at the most. & i don’t know what he’s planning on doing next week.
guys, i think i might have anxiety.
also, the second, (third?) we are sort of low on food in an annoying way in that we do HAVE food, but my father is a stubborn fuck who did not (still fully doesn’t??) take this seriously and we didn’t get the RIGHT things to kix together so it’s gonna be an interesting & we have to get creative & eat a lot of cream of wheat couple of days/weeks on the horizon. which. my mom, sister & i can all do fine. we can live on anything for a few weeks if we have to. my dad, is a goddamn 2 year old who has already thrown actual tantrums abt how he is suffering bc he can’t go to the store & get some goddamn ice cream or whatever the fuck he wants.
THIS IS ALL TO SAY. i’m actually fine. other ppl are dealing with a hell of a lot more than me. i’m gonna be fine, i’m (semi) confident that my family is gonna be fine, i kinda just needed to vent a little. also, if i just suddenly dissapear, the fucking covid got me, and i’m sick and tired or smth. just know that i love & appreciate you all<3
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emypony · 6 years
Every number, lol
ily lmfao
gdi lina
((now i gotta open my own goddamn tumblr to find it smh))
i’ll do edits throughout bcs i go on other questions and i legit like, answer them and go back and add stuff
1. first anime you ever watched
tbh i can’t freaking remember?? Though it might’ve been something on animax. I don’t count pokemon rly bcs i rarely watched it. I think watched thoroughly…???
Frick. Deltora Quest (??) ((god I just remembered I need to hype that too crap)) but I’ll be proud to say front to back as a really long anime is going to be Inazuma Eleven. God I was so trash for it. Saw a few eps on Disney and decided “i want to see this but without this crappy romanian dub thx”
I can’t remember any other anime I watched but amongst the first ones were: Shugo Chara, Princess Tutu (I NEED TO DRAW THIS AS WELL AUGH LINA WHAT’VE U DONE) uhhhhhhhh, Kaleido Star? Zero no Tsukaima (VERY BAD ANIME TO START WATCHING WHEN UR LIKE 13) and other trash stuff like Oran Highschool Host club, Toradora (I didn’t watch the last ep gg me), Brother’s Conflict (another harem AND I DIDN’T WATCH THE LAST EP EITHER GG OMG) and this is all I can remember great…
look at me i can’t even do one question without rambling this is gonna be long asf
EDIT:::: Shaman King was the first. Used to air dubbed on some non cartoon channel over here and I got hooked.
2. first anime crush
Shun from Bakugan. I’m trash. (yes this was after I found out that it was originally japanese. I think i wanted to watch the jap dub but i couldn’t find it anywhere and i couldn’t take Dan having Naruto’s voice either thx)
Then i discovered Spectra (aka the Brother of that girl from the 2nd season) and i cried bcs how could I choose
3. favorite anime character
Tsurugi Kyousuke and you know it girl
TSUNA FROM KHR (in his more serious form)
4. least favorite anime character
fricc. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…(inazuma eleven makes everybody lovable I mean…)
5. list all anime you have ever watched (do non finished one count too thx)
NOTE: The ones with * means I didn’t finish them.
Mob Psycho 100
Shokugeki no Souma**  (in prcess of watching)
Oban Star Racers
Sword Art Online
SMILE PRECURE - it’s so clichee but I love it
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Fruits Basket!!!
Sukitte Ii na yo
edit: Noucome
Dog Days!* (i can’t even what is this anime)
Beyblade (newer series tho)*
To Love-Ru* (wasn’t my thing but i saw a bit of it)
more Pretty Cure series which I can’t remember tbh
Gugure! Kokkuri-san*
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Vampire…s-something with Vampire? With the Subaru and stuff. 
Naruto (I mean first seasons are nice and all but like, it becomes confusing)
One Piece, Fairy Tail, YURI ON ICE , HETALIA ((MISS ME WITH THAT SH*T THX)), Death Note, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Clannad, Boku no Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z (and what have you), Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu, Free!, Bleach, Inuyasha, YuGiOh (i’ve seen a bit but meh..), Mirai Nikki, 
//inhales Sailor Moon
idk just not for me, though maybe I should give it a chance??
7. anime you are currently watching
I guess Shokugeki no Souma since I’ve yet to finish s3
But I’m still in IEGO hell rn, rewatching it for the lolzies
8. anime character you are most like
Tenma, ofc. 
9. favorite anime child
Tenma. ;;w;; he’s so precious and doubts himself and I think he’s great  ahhh 
Konoha. She loves animals and she’s kinda cute ouo
idk if there’s more i am really not recent anime trash sorry
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
Kili who’s Jasmine’s(?) -idk if that was her name in the jap version too- crow
I frkin love crows holy danm
Sasuke is such a cute dog save me
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Inazuma Eleven (I don’t even like soccer) , Princess Tutu (I don’t like ballet and it was old af so I literally put it off for watching Shugo Chara), uhhhh idunno anymore
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
13. funniest anime you have watched
the one anime with the guy who had to make decisions or else
Noucome? (wikipedia: short for My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy) Yeah that’s the one.
Shokugeki no Souma
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
PRINCESS TUTU (screw me, right?)
15. anime you never get sick of watching
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Inazuma Eleven
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Princess Tutu
Deltora Quest
Sugar Sugar Rune
Shokugeki No Souma
Shaman King
i don’t know another one save me
17. biggest anime crush
18.10 worst anime you have watched
how can I even- 
19. favorite anime ships
YuuiChi ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;)))))) furiously winks)
Ibuki x Shindou ((idk the name of this together lmao))
i don’t have anything more tbh x’D
20. least favorite anime ships
ShinKyou (I’m sorry but how?)
Fakir x Rue (Princess tutu. But like y these 2 srsly they hate each other)
21. anime that made you cry, when
Inazuma Eleven, not sure when but it did. I’m p sure it did
fricc. Princess Tutu defs at the end
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
idk how the hecc I found it but i think i was like 11/12?
23. unpopular character you love
I mean c’mon we only see him a few times like give the poor guy some love
24. popular character you hate
Idk just… :^) not ma’ thing
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
i can’t?? my anime choices are literally trash
26. manga you have read all the ways through
i…didn’t read mangas xD
((yes you’re free to kill me now :^))
(((TBH THERE IS ONE. And that’s Nana to Kaoru I think..but it’s nsfw sorta but it was nice as well? like you don’t see that often)))
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
uhhhh crap good question. I had some lists somewhere but idk
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
When Shun from bakugan cut his hair but damn he was still hot
29. anime that deserves another season
i can’t think of more
30. one anime conclusion you would change
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kunalkarankapoor · 5 years
Viewers feedback on Kunal Karan Kapoor’s character as Angad Yadav.
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Played very well indeed....! i love him mean .....lol whereas if u've seen angad's previous shows...u wld never in ur faintest dream think of him in this role...i am bowled over.. rochella_22 
i love to Hate Angad thats why .. enjoyed his and krishna's act a lot !!! these two share a marvellous chemistry together .... all of their encounters are superb .. ImmaculateDream
I dont think that everyone is bashing the actor or character...they just expressing their feelings abt this character...which i must say that the actor is playing very well to get this kind of negativity...which is remarkable...the guy is doing his job well....and how !!!! rochella_22 
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I loved it wen Angad said tum toh dhare ke dhare reh gaye aur sara mazaa woh kutte ka bachcha leh gaya.... (scene with Pragya and dog) Auditi
What added spice in the end was Angad's dialogue when he asked his mate "Tumare bhaiya soh gaye ka?" (scene with Pragya and dog) Unnati
Superb mindblowing acting by arhaan n kunal karan kapoor WOW (restaurant scene) ArhainAshiah
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Today angad wa d way he came to nitin langur LOL aaaker jaise aankh maaareyit was a cutee n sweett scenee..angad wa is very funnnyy yet a goon n he was standing leaning langur nitin's car n his boyss r beating langur nitinkaa styleee hai bayyy ArhainAshiah
wonderful acting by Kunal, and yes that wink made an impact! Kunal is such a brilliant actor dkmystery
yaaaaa, even i loved his wink ;) .... and that wink means beta buhat parne wali hain tumhain yasmeeneee
angad is vry funny...drata b hai or wink b krta hai... bt he is cute yaar.... Shivani_4u
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Kunal's character changed a lot...last time I saw him was in Remix....n there he was totally a innocent n in this he is a goon.....wow....he changed a lot....but still he got some gud acting skills.... frndship_trust
eally .....thats cute i like him in lrl...n cant believe that he is the same guy. kunal is a gr8 actor Sweet_sona
i also lik him in LRL...bt nw he is totally changed Yudi se Mr. Yadav bann gya hai. Superb actor... Shivani_4u
I enjoy watching him on screen.. He's so convincing as a ghunda.. Mahabhootini
oh god! poor boy! par he plays his character vry well ... though da guy is pretty gud lukin  ... he manages to play da character of villain vry well n forces all of us to HATE HIM! lol LuvKriya
angad is super bad ! love to hate him..... rochella_22
The guy who plays Angad...he is a brilliant actor. Anjalg
totally agree that he is just too bad and creepy, but he actually makes this show more exciting, Limits
he is quiet gud looking and is doing a great job playing a gunda cloud123
me too......his character is horrible but kunal is 😍 i love u kunal!!!! serialmaniac 
hez cute. i lovd him in LEft right left.... Almas
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Spin_off show with Angad
Ok i love how everyone is so involved with getting a lady love for Angad, maybe there should be a spin off show with Angad as the lead.........I've already thought of the story.........so we all know that Angad has a sick mother in gawo (village)...maa maati nahi aur jeeti nahi hai
so the story is that the sick mum asks Angad to marry and chooses a bride for him and he marries her even though we know he has no interest in that and that's where the story starts??????????Now it won't be like the story of Pratigya where she fights for the rights of women in the Singh household......but i guess the story depends on who he would marryso which lucky girl should it be and what kind of life would they have??????
Rolli......she is strong and brave and will try to change him....make him more like Adarsh, get a job, stop hanging around with Lucky and Jugnu (poor guys) and maybe quit paan
Komal..........this sherni will try to be the male dominant in the relationship would be hilarious to watch, consant nonsense arguments, and threats that Krishna will beat him up
Arushi...........maybe she's too cute and sweet personality for him, she'll be too scared????
That's all the female characters.....maybe someone else???
Anyway what do you guys think?????????
Angad Wah Wah And Angad is back he made me laugh when he was talking about his sick mother Amma na jeeti hai na marti hai Xxxjrae
Since Rohli now looks set to be parted from Adarsh, I'd REALLY like her to be paired with Angad  They'd work so well! She's civlized and gentle but she still speaks up for herself so she'd be perfect for Angad. Kunal's a real asset to the show since he's one of the best actors on it so they shouldn't just let him go on being the obstacle in the Kriya relationship and then just leave him by the roadside.... shi_no_tenshi
pehle b kaha tha aur abhi b keh rahi hun .... ANGAD N KOMAL .... will wrk wonders .... un logon ki khatti meethi kahani will be a treat to watch wd loads of masti + masala +khoob saara daraana dhamkaana - romance .... LuvKriya
kunal is so handsome and cute and arushi is cute too....they perfectly matched....but damn he is a gunda....all my dreams shattered in pieces.  i hope they make angad good and arushi-angad track.....i am tired of his schemeing....he is a hot schemer Mages
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oh u brought back long lost memories. i was an ardent fan of lrl. after a gap of 4 yrs i am now hooked on to pratigya. i remember him dressed as a girl in lrl.  angad aka kunal kapoor played the role of an army cadet. he does not get a date so goes to the army ball dressed as madonna the hot girl along with his roommate. kunal acts damn well . even his tragic scenes make the audience cry. his role was just the opposite of angadwa. he was cadet yadhuvansh but the cool dude hated his name so cut it to yudi. i loved his role and i love his new desi look in pratigya too. he is an extremely versatile actor and can give any lead pair a run for their money.  he may appear only at times in pratigya but angadwa ki wajah se hi pratigya aage badh rahi hain
hats off to kunal for his choice of roles. ofcourse madonna ko toh mein kabhi nahin bhool sakthi. i still watch those epis in my computer anujkpjk
kunal karan is undoubtedly very very shweeettt as a person hes a really nyc n shweet guy hes rockin as angadwa n i lubbb anagdwa n krishu wen dere aamney saaamney tooo hotttt n dey sizzle d screen tgdr..i actually miss angadwa wen hes not in d drama:( ArhainAshish
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i mean the way he speaks and acts. what did you think? LOL seriosly if it weren't for him this SHOW would anther sas bhu shit! LOVE_DMG
yaa angad is the villan of the show and he is a very good actor too so i also don't want him to die CHHAYA007
i like kunal but angad iam not a huge fun of his khusboo16
I love kunal's acting... i mean he has to be a good actor to make us all want to collectively bash him up. kudos to his acting. he does not need to scream or overact. just those eyes slant and u want to throw something at him. Ek.Romantique
ohm y goddddddddddddd!!!! terrible yaar!! i personally HATE angad but i wud never wnt him to die coz he's da only one whcih helps maintain balance happiness n sorrow in pratigya's life , i LOVE kunalll nd wud never wnt this to happennn luv_kriya
i will miss kunal karan kapoor,no doubt.... i just LUBBED his acting....and i just LUBBED to hate angad.... today a trmendously good actor took farewell frm the serial..... now whu is gonna add to the mirchi masala of the serial? i will truly miss paanwala..... i like kunal immensely.....he is my "purana pyaar”  kasturika_kashu
He was a wonderful actor Binny
I'm sure that either Kunal has taken up a new show or again going for a vacation... but he has to come back! I'll also miss him dkmystery
Im soo goin 2 miss kunal & angad he's my fave actor/character in pratigya hope he has a gud vacation DEENCH
yeah i thought he was a good actr aswell, he was very funny in some scenes and evn though he was bad, i diddnt hate him, mayb jst a bt annoyng at tmes! i wsh he cums in a show and hes a positive character, tht would be very good Mazzy101
Honestly, this show not just belong to kriya, but also to angad. Prabhkallu
yeah, n I'm not happy... I'll miss him yar paan khaye angadwa hamar dkmystery
i just hate thttttttttttttt.. i want angad back........he always put masala in the show n i just love tht.................Neha_angel
no no no ANOTHER ANGAD.....i want THIS angad back...........he is the best villain....and without villain u have no masqala....take two three mnths watevr possible bt bring angu back.... kasturika_kashu
3-4 months without my kunal ..............i cant live serialmaniac
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ahahaha hmmm...kunal is a shweet guyy..hes a total gal wen it cums to shoppin awww ahaha cuteee..n awww he spends n dosent really cares abt investing..guddd hes young he shud travel n do shopping n enjoyy lyfff...awww he worked at a call centre hmm..kunal is reallly shweett anagdwa ko pataa nai kia hai lol..y is he after my krishu n his happiness:((but i dunno y i miss angadwa wen hes not in d drama m lukin forward lets c wht krishu does with him this tym;)ahahahahan kunal is a gr8 photographer as well..he has put on reallly beautiful pics on fb..d scenry n d places where he goes r beautiful..travel kertey kertey bhul jataa hai k anagdwa ki shootin b kerney hai:(i lyk him with krishu dey rockk tgdr although dey're fighting most of d tym ahaha:p ArhainAshish
angad's scenes was much better den dis curent boring track! Shashi2011
A veritable Iago as some people described him. The actor definitely played the role to the hilt. He was really quite outstanding I thought and entertaining as well. Nayak29
the actor is great... TonsOfWishes
pls add me too , he is a brilliant actor Binny
hey i am also a big fan of kunal i really like his acting from the serial left right and he also do great work in pratigya serial he is a very gud actor chhaya007
I miss Angad and his typical bihari dialgoues...I simply love the way..he used to say...aiyee professor. I loved his dialogues..made me laugh..typical bihari style..he pulled off his role very well,I must say...his chamches ran away..lol chits1
he is a superb actor. whenever his scenes come up there is no boriyat, he makes u sit up and watch. u are always waiting and wondering "ab kaa karega be".
jitni galiyan angad khata hai ees forum pe usi say pata chalta hai what a superb actor he is. no screaming, no special ticks, nothing... just his "tirchi" aankh ka slanted look and u r worried what he is going to do now. Keep it up Kunal.!! Ek.Romantique
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Just now..i am chatting with Kunal bhaiya and he says that Angad and his friends will be back in August...for TRP....jisse khush hona hain hoo..jisse dhukhi hona ho.....thanks to him...aur kuch pataa chala toh likhoongi........ Anaya_kgp
He says Krishna will die next week....OMG.... Anaya_kgp
arey....abhi woh keh rahe hain..it was a joke...mazak tha..my heart came out..yeh kaisa mazak tha?? Anaya_kgp
Meri pyaari behen...vo aapke jiju hai bhaiyya nahi!!! Aur meri izzazat ke bina himmat kese hui unse chat karne kii (i'm very possesive like krishna about my kunal serialmaniac
he is laughing...main sunke paglaa gayi... Anaya_kgp
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Good second lead roles.
Now a days show writers are giving equal importance to other lead roles to make an impact amongst the audiences by their acting, though it may be a cameo but still their role is remembered. We take a look at few such roles.
Kunal Karan Kapoor in Pratigya He popularly known as Yudi of Left Right Left show, but now is more famous as Angad, the bad guy of Pratigya show. Whenever he is in the scene he takes all the credit by his acting style especially his style of having betel leaves.
LINK: http://www.indya.com/gallery/indyagallery.aspx?p=Good-second-lead-roles&aid=1518
I'm so proud of Angad, i really miss him on the show, i really like his character and his acting!!!Glad he's getting credit and recognition. Xxxjrae 
yes mima beta!!!!!! Kunal is a superb actor. I lik hiz acting....bt where is he?? Ye Instalment me kyu aata hai.. Shivani_4u
tht tatto he has on his arm..my cousin has the same tatttoo must have hurt him like hell..my cousin was hurt like hell..n i love angad's (kunal's) hair..nice..wht shampoo does he use. daisyluv
aw...he is looking so cute...he deserve better character yaar... shumi
i miss angad/kunal soo much hope he cames back. DEEENCH
But must say both Kunal & Arhaan are doing a good job ..their characters add spice to the show. Unnati
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Angad...our new competition (NBT airing same time slot as Pratigya)
y competition Poojie????since he was also part of MKAP and was a deserving artist,who actually got acting skills he surely deserves good wishes.All the best 2 him. KP Marina
and he is a brilliant actor as well.. Poojamenon
Good luck to him as he is a talented actor..:) Sheena
angad used to rock in MKAP! that time MKAP was the BEST!! bugsbunny
All d best 2 Kunal coz he's a fab actor Eden_luvskriya
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I dont know how many of u are aware but our 'new guy' is called SUKHI in the show...his real name is KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR....he is a nice actor and i loved him in LEFT RIGHT LEFT as YUDI...he was there in REMIX too as karan wahi's best friend(dont remember his name)...I LOVE HIS STYLE and its a treat to watch him in maayka...i think he brings freshness to the show...there is this great scene of his from left right left where he is tryin to commit suicide...i tried to post it here but apparently i cant...its there under yudi suicide attempt...do watch it if u guys can...its awesome! rochella_22 
i love SUKHI...very captivating... u gotta see the scene where SUKHI gets in the tempo lookin at tina had me all..."awww....he's lookin so cuteeeeeeeee".... i still cant take my eyes off the screen....and u r rite....both of them do look really cute...i dare say...the sub-plot is better than the main track...lol rochella_22
their chemistry really adds 2 whats going on around them it makes it so interesting and sweet ILUVPREM
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kitjoy · 7 years
This could be fun or extremely sad
1: Name: Jess 2: Age: 17 3: 3 Fears: Wasps, Small spaces and idk 4: 3 things I love: My dogs, My cats and movies 5: 4 turns on: Hair pulling, Dry humping, Kissed against a wall, Moaning lol 6: 4 turns off: Dirty Talk (not a big fan), Feet, Cockiness, Guys who STOP TALKING TO YOU STRAIGHT AFTER YOU GOT OFF WITH THEM  7: My best friend: Meg and Emily  8: Sexual orientation: Um probs like Bi or something but 90% attracted to boys 9: My best first date: Aint had one tbh 10: How tall am I: 5′5 11: What do I miss: Not having responsibilities  12: What time were I born:  3pm 13: Favorite color: Yellow 14: Do I have a crush: Nah 15: Favorite quote:  A lot of movie quotes 16: Favorite place: Home 17: Favorite food: Italian food 18: Do I use sarcasm: No(!) 19: What am I listening to right now: Hold on- SE22 Mix 20: First thing I notice in new person: Usually mouth or eyes 21: Shoe size: 7 22: Eye color: Hazel 23: Hair color: Naturally Blonde/Brown but Grey atm 24: Favorite style of clothing: Oversized jackets are my shit 25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah when I was like 12 27: Meaning behind my URL: Just liked the sound of it 28: Favorite movie:  Die Hard 29: Favorite song:  Changes all the time 30: Favorite band: ^ 31: How I feel right now:  Eh 32: Someone I love: My Momther 33: My current relationship status:  Singleeee (and have been for abt 4 yrs??) 34: My relationship with my parents:  Ok I guess 35: Favorite holiday:  Either Halloween or Christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Arrow of my hip, Something to do with my zodiac of my ankle, Ears pierced 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A drawing my mum did when she was my age (The dragon on a The Clash CD cover) 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Don’t remember 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?:  Barely remember him tbh 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Nope 41: Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Nah 42: When did I last hold hands?  Agesss ago 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?  Depends if im late or not 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?  No but I need to goddamn 45: Where am I right now? My bedroom (as always) 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Myself I’m pretty responsible when drunk imo 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Fuckin loud hell yeah 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yep 49: Am I excited for anything? V festival and a J Cole concert I’m going to :DD 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? FUCK no 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Not so much nowadays 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last weekend 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Wouldn’t care lmao 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yup 55: What is something I disliked about today? Nothing yet but it’s still early 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ri Ri or Chance the Rapper I lov them 57: What do I think about most?: Probs my future 58: What’s my strangest talent?:  Can crack almost every joint in my body 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Nah I think they’re all valid 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind 61: What was the last lie I told?: That I didn’t have weed on me lol 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Who even talks on the phone anymore 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes to ghosts, idk to aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?: Nah 65: Do I believe in luck?: Not really 66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny but windy 67: What was the last book I’ve read?: 1984 (and still haven’t finished it) 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Only when I have a full tank in my car  69: Do I have any nicknames?:  Used to be called Jep 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?:  Ripped my toenail half off once (: 71: Do I spend money or save it?: Try to save it 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Yeah 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: Yeah my candle jar 74: Favorite animal?: Hmm dogs and cats are cool but I love leopards 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Playing Sims 4 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?:  Probably Trump or something 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Freedom By George Michael 78: How can you win my heart?: Be attentive to me and don’t be fake  79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Baddest bitch there ever was 80: What is my favorite word?: Goiym 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr:  Don’t really have a top 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Waddup wanna hang? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?:  Apparently I do I found out recently 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Either invisibility bc I’m a nosy bitch or levitation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: How are you feeling? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Deadpool 87: Had sex?: Nah 88: Bought condoms?: Nope 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: not yet luckily 91: Kissed a boy?: Yah 92: Kissed a girl?: Yah 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Nope 94: Had job?: Yep 95: Left the house without my wallet?: I do it all the time 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No way 97: Had sex in public?: Nope 98: Played on a sports team?: Does a school team count 99: Smoked weed?: Hell yeah 100: Did drugs?: Only weed 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yeah 102: Drank alcohol?: Ofc 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No way couldn’t like without bacon 104: Been overweight?: Nope 105: Been underweight?: Yeah but that’s just my body type 106: Been to a wedding?: Yep 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Literally everyday :/ 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Probs when I was younger 109: Been outside my home country?: Yah 110: Gotten my heart broken?: No 111: Been to a professional sports game? Don’t think so 112: Broken a bone?: Luckily no 113: Cut myself?: Yup 114: Been to prom?: Yeah 115: Been in airplane?: Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter?: No I wish 117: What concerts have I been to?: Olly Murs and JLS concert (I’m cool), and V festival 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Nope not yet 119: Learned another language?:  I’m ok at German I guess 120: Wore make up?: Yep 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Not yet but I’m working on it lmao 122: Had oral sex?: Nah 123: Dyed my hair?:  Multiple times 124: Voted in a presidential election?: No 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yep 127: Met someone famous?: Nah 128: Stalked someone on a social network?:  Who hasn’t 129: Peed outside?: Yah :/ 130: Been fishing?: Yeah 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: Not directly 133: Broken a mirror?: Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?: Erm probably like money or a sick 18th party when I can then drink (legally)
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bing-suho · 7 years
VOLTRON COLLEGE!AU KEEF (KOREAN!KEITH) - moody art major with focus on mural arts + art as restorative medium - keith as low income who used to do graffiti but then saw how mural arts actually change communities - KEITH WHO VOLUNTEERS AT PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL ARTS PEOGRAM - KEITH WHO WILL FORGET TO EAT SOMETIMES WHEN HES RLY CONCENTRATING ON HIS WORK UNTIL EITHER SHIRO OR HUNK (later lance) REMINDS HIM TO EAT AND FORCES HIM AWAY FROM HIS ART TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF - keith who is SICK OF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION BULLSHIT IN ART COMMUNITY - keith as hellllla gayyyYyYy - KEITH IN DIRTY DOCS AND RIPPED BLACK JEANS + RED SHIRT THATS BEEN STRETCHED AT THE NECK AND HIS HAIR IN A PONY TAIL USUALLY (but he still had a mullet!!!!!!!) - KEITH FROM TEXAS - KEITH WHO LIVES WITH HIS COUSIN SHIRO AFTER HIS PARENTS DISOWNED HIM AFTER BEING OUTED - KEITH WHO DECIDES ITS BETTER NOT TO OPEN UP BC OF THAT(until ppl HIS SUPPORTIVE AF FRIENDS change his mind) - AWKWARD BB KEITH WHO NEVER??? HAD REAL FRIENDS??? - KEITHS BEEN WORKING SINCE HES BEEN IN HS SAVING UP FOR COLLEGE/ADULTHOOD - Keith who also works at campus bookstore across the street from lance and likes TO READ?????? - KEITH WITH HEADPHONES AND STILL LISTENS TO ANGSTY EMO/SCREAMO MUSIC - KEITH WHO ALSO LISTENS TO PODCASTS ESP ABT S P A C E - KEITH WHO DID TRACK AND FIELD IN HS AND CONTINUES TO RUN LONG DISTANCE TO KEEP IN SHAPE + ZONE OUT/MEDITATE/DESTRESS (think that one taekook fic i gave yall but less angst or the same lvl) - KEITH AS A CAT PERSON AND LOVES SOFT PLUSHIE THINGS BC THEY C O M F O R T HIM - keith who hates lance's guts/attitude when he initially meets him and makes assumptions abt him as a "typical frat bro" and complains to shiro one day and shiro fuckin defends lance by telling keith abt how lance is the one who doesnt tolerate toxic masculinity practices at ALL and is the one who brings it up during meetings AND THEN KEITH KEEPS LEARNING DIFF DIMENSIONS OF LANCE AND WELL SHIT - KEITH AS ULTIMATE LIGHTWEIGHT WITH PIDGE - KEITH WHO IS NATURALLY GIFTED ATHLETICALLY AND ARTISTICALLY (that doesnt mean he works FUCKING hard) - keith who sort of fumes into the library and tries to burn down the math section BC FUCK MATH WHO THE FUCK CREATED THIS BULLSHIT ALL U NEED IN LIFE IS ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTI AND DIV until hunk + lance + pidge try to stop him and help him with his math hw and shiro will be there for moral support bc shiro is just as clueless abt math as keith is 😀 - keith who is gets caught up in everyone's competition during monopoly but is a p okay player - keith who bumps into lance after volunteering at the afterschool program and begrudgingly says hell treat lance to boba as payback for math tutoring bc pidge and hunk both arent the best at explaining concepts sometimes and lance's were the easiest to understand I JUST DONT WANT TO BE IN DEBT TO YOU OKAY? (lance offers indiv tutoring and keith initally REFUSES until he sees the practice midterm and ???? what the fuck are these symbols FUCK) LANCEEEE MA BOOIII (CUBAN!LANCE) - lance as marxist econ major who DOES MAJOR RESEARCH ON #FIGHTFOR15 AND CUBAN/LATIN AM ECON POLICY ESP DURING US IMPERIALISM AND HOW THISE AFFECTS HAVE LASTING EFFECTS ON LABOR + ECON - LANCE AS BISEXUAL AS HELL - lance who TUTORS AT SAME PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM EXCEPT MATH - LANCE WHO's FROM FLORIDA AND IS FIRST IN THE FAMILY FOR COLLEGE - LANCE WHO SEES HIS FAMILY GO THRU WAGE THEFT FUELING HIS WORK IN UNDOCU LABOR RIGHTS AND ECON POLICIES - lance who joins latinx affinity club with hunk (whos half filipinx) and while hunk is the master chef taste+recipe wise NO ONE MAKES _______ LIKE LANCE CAN BC HIS ABUELITA TAUGHT HIM THE FAMILY RECIPE - LANCE AS A FRAT BOI WHO FUCKIN SERVES AT BEER PONG AND FLIP CUP - lance as vp of said frat and wont let shiro pick the music at parties bc shiro only listens to old 80's classics, shiro we live in the 21ST CENTURY THESE PPL WANT BEYONCE AND NICKI OKAH (lance who listens to hella pop music) - lance who KNOWS HOW TO DANCE AND RELIGIOUSLY GOES TO ZUMBA CLASS WITH ALLURA WHO DRAGS PIDGE's LAZY ASS AS CARDIO BEFORE DOING HIS MUSCLE WORKOUT WITH HUNK AND SHIRO - lance who works at the campus hip coffeeshop/cafe and fucking snapchats the shit out of his shift - LANCE WHO LEARNS ABT HOW DRAWING/DOODLING CAN HELP WITH ANXIETY FROM KEITH AND STARTS TO CARRY AROUND A SKETCH NOTEBOOK - LANCE WHO IS EQUALLY AS GOOD WITH KIDS AS KEITH IS BC HELLO? SIBLINGS??? - LANCE AS AN ANIMAL PERSON BUT LEANS TOWARDS DOGS - lance who needs to be alone at the library when studying and mutters to himself softly a lot when thinking but is on top of his group project/study game with HELLA STUDY GUIDES + tutor tips - lance who chews on pen tips 😭 - LANCE WHO HAS ANXIETY THAT HE ISNT GOOD ENOUGH/SMART ENOUGH AT SCHOOL AND CONSTANTLY THINKS ABT THE SACRIFICE HIS PARENTS AND SIBLINGS MADE FOR HIM TO GO TO SCHOOL AND HIDES HIS ANXIETY+LOW SELF-ESTEEM BY TRYING TO BE RLY EXTROVERTED AND FUN AND FLIPPANT LANCE WHO OVERCOMPENSATES - lance who is initially jealous of keith's "easy" art degree until he fuckin sees the work that keith puts into his art AND THEN APOLOGIZES FOR UNDERESTIMATING KEITH - LANCE WHO ALWAYS LOSES AT MONOPOLY AND STARTS RANTING ABT DECAYING FORMS OF CAPITALISM SHEEREROOOOOOH - shiro as a senior after taking a gap year from a life-threatening injury on his arm FROM A CAR ACCIDENT (SHIRO WITH A PROSTHETIC LIMB??) - SHIRO WHO IS SCARED OF CARS IN RELATION TO INJURY WILL TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT UNLESS HE HAS TO TAKE A CAR - SHIRO AS A POLI SCI MAJOR BUT HES NOT A BRO AND INTERSECTIONAL AF - SHIRO WHO IS STARSTRUCK WITH ALLURA's BRILLIANCE IN A CLASS THEY TOOK TOGETHER ONE TIME - Shiro who gets approached by allura for his insightful comment about aapi's for blm during a blm meeting AND THEY CONNECT - SHIRO AS FRAT PREZ AND STARTS CHANGING FRAT CULTURE TO BE LESS TOXIC/PATRIARCHAL/FUCKEDUP - Shiro who has to do rehab for his arm but also works out!!!!!!!!!!! HUNK WHO SPOTS HIM AND MAKES SURE SHIRO ISNT RUINING HIMSELF - SHIRO WHO ALWAYS CONSIDERED KEITH A LITTLE BROTHER SINCE THEY WERE KIDS AND RLY WORRIES FOR HIM SHIRO BEING AWARE OF KEITH's HURT AROUND BEING DISOWNED - SHIRO WHO WANTS TO BE AN IMMIGRATION LAWYER????? - SHIRO WHO GREW UP NORMAL MIDDLE CLASS (will think of family tree later) - shiro who listens to classic 80's pop and rock HE IS A REAL DAD - SHIRO WHO MAKES SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE WHEN PARTYING AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER (ESP LANCE AND KEITH WHEN HE DOES COME TO PARTIES) - SHIRO WHO GETS ACTUALLY HELLA TACTICAL WHEN GAMING WITH HUNK LANCE AND PIDGE TO THEIR SURPRISE (the unknowlingly competitive type) - shiro who is merciless at monopoly/settlers of catan - DEMISEXUAL SHIRO B Y E PIDGE - GENDERQUEER!pidge - White!pidge (is this even, like a thing or do we already assume pidge is white?) - aromantic!pidge - Pidge as compsci/math slave major who always ends up doing their allnighters to finish their labs - pidge who lives off caffeine - PIDGE WHO IS SICK OF SHITT CISMEN IN GENERAL + MALE DOMINATED TECH INDUSTRY AND WANTS TO EMPOWER WOC/QTPOC IN TECH - pidge who is MORE ruthless during monopoly than shiro - pidge who is a fuckin genius at video games will whoop anyone's ass - PIDGE WHO IS AFRAID NO ONE RLY LIKES THEM AND USES SARCASM AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM - PIDGE FROM A DIVORCED FAMILY AND ADDS TO THEIR GENERAL DISTRUST IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS - PIDGE WHO HASNT MET THEIR BROTHER IN 10 YEARS BC OF THE DIVORCE - Pidge who met lance and hunk in compsci 101 when lance accidentally stepped on pidge's toe when they hadnt had their morning coffee yet (pidge hisses extremely loudly at lance and hunk giving them death glares) - pidge who forgives lance (and in extension hunk) and started hangin after lance got them an aesthetic avocado toast on the house the next day at the cafe - pidge who actually has a hella basic instagram + PIDGE WHO IS OBSESSED WITH GETTING THE PERFECT FOOD SHOT FOR THE INSTA - pidge and lance's snapchat streak is over 9000 - PIDGE WHO CANT EAT SPICY FOOD (i'm FUCKIN WHITE STOP LAUGHING GUYS) - pidge who studies with hunk in the library bc they need background noise/study partners until lance emerges from the quiet floor and they all do a study break leave to get fruit snacks - PIDGE AS LIGHTWEIGHT - PIDGE WHO IS ALSO COERCED INTO BIRD CLUB AT FIRST AND STAYS FOR THE MEMES WAIT HUNKKKKKKKK - hunk as PREMED/VETERNIARY TRACT - HUNK WHO VOLUNTEERS AT ANIMAL SHELTERS AND IS ALSO A ENV JUSTICE ACTIVIST - HUNK WHO LOVES ALL ANIMALS AND IS THE FAIRY OF ANIMALS IS GOOD WITH ALL OF THEM - HUNK AND LANCE AS FIRST YR ROOMMATES TURNED BFFS - HUNK WHO DESTRESSES BY COOKING/BAKING OBVS - Hunk who is actually p insecure abt his body type and isnt comfortable with showing a lot of skin - HUNK WHO WAS BULLIED FOR BEING "GIRLY" AS A CHILD AND WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND OF SHIT AT ALL HE IS INTERSECTIONAL FEMINIST AF BC FUCK GENDER EXPECTATIONS AND MACHISMO - HUNK WHO IS THE BEST SPOTTER FOR WORKOUTS - hunk who cant touch HIS TOES BB - HUNK AS HALF FILIPINX/LATINX - hunk who comes from the east coast but cant stand the cold at all and wears 50 layers - HUNK WHO RUSHES FRATS WITH LANCE BC HE WAS WORRIED ABT LANCE GETTING TOO FUCKED UP AND KINDA ENDS UP IN A FRAT I GUESS BUT HE LIKES SHIRO's LEADERSHIP AROUND GENDER EXPECTATIONS - Hunk who'll be the realest with anyone being an asshole, even if its his friends - HUNK WHO IS PERCEPTIVE AF ESP WITH LANCE WHO TRIES TO HIDE HIS ANXIETY/LOW-SELF ESTEEM - HUNK WHO FUCKIN KILLS AT KNITTING - HUNK IS IN BIRD CLUB BC ACTUAL INTEREST W A I T - Hunk who gets regular morning coffee check-ins with allura and buys coffe for pidge when they come crawling into the cafe - HUNK WHO ACTUALLY RLY LIKES THE BACHELORETTE AND WATTES WITH ALLURA - HUNK WHO MEETS SHAY WHO ALSO VOLUNTEERS AT THE SHELTER AND HAVE A WARM SHY BUDDING RELATIONSHIP ALLURAAAAA MY QUEEEN - Black!Allura - allura who was adopted after living in foster care for so long (Corran adopts her) - Ethnic studies and polisci double major allura who DOES NOT tolerate polisci bros/toxic af bros in general - ALLURA WHO WANTS TO BE A CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAWYER - ALLURA GOES TO ZUMBA WITH LANCE AND FUCKIN KILLS THE ROUTINE BOTH BOND OVER DANCING - fierce sorority queen who believes greek life shud be accessible to all fuck this elitist bullshit - ALLURA IS AS OBSESSED WITH INSTAPERFECT SHOTS AS PIDGE IS - allura who meets shiro at a #blacklivesmatter meeting and hits it off - ALLURA WHO HAS A RLY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE but sometimes it makes her rigid when it comes to giving ppl the benefit of the doubt which she did with keith+lance until she gets to know them better + apologizes for making assumptions - CORRAN's NICK NAME FOR ALLURA IS PRINCESS OFC - allura who sees a father figure in corran b l e s s - ALLURA WHO IS AFRAID OF COMMITMENT DUE TO EXP IN FOSTER HOMES AND SHIRO BEING UNDERSTANDING OF THAT - allura who gets competitive at all games MOST ESP with monopoly - allura who works at the cafe with lance - ALLURA ASKS HUNK TO TEACH HER HOW TO KNIT (SHE KINDA SUCKS BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!) AND THEY BOTH WATCH THE BACHELORETTE TOGETHER - ALLURA WHO KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS - allura who drinks tea instead of coffee - allura who will join hunk and pidge at the library bc she also needs background noise to work - allura who teaches shiro math bc shiro is actually useless at math - allura who is actually heavy weight af when it comes to alcohol - ALLURA JOINS BIRD CLUB BC THEY ARE JUST FLUFF BALLS OF SOFTNESS (hunk: what bird is that allura: A GOOD BERB) - ALLURA HAS 3 HAMSTERS AS PETS OFC???? CORAN - your eccentric ass prof in the soci/anth dept with an INSANE mustache - teaches intro to soci/anth which a lot of students take for requirement credits - fuckin speaks 7 languages (two of them are coding lang to pidge's surprise) - loves puns + trivia - invites allura's study group for dinner and burns the pasta so hunk and him end up collaborating with the crew making dinner fest - your favorite uncle - always gives wise ass advice in times if need but will usually give out badly translated sayings (he speaks 7 lang give a break) - rigorous activist scholar - is mistaken for "easy prof" bc of his air-headed nature but actually doesnt take bullshit papers esp for a course that introduces race theory to a lot of privileged straight cismen (who underestimate coran) - will fuck u up with knowledge - asks lance for skin care tips and they bond over latinx music (lance hella impressed with coran's dancing actually) - cooks with hunk - pidge exasperately tries to teach coran abt sns: what is this chat that snaps??????? and these instant grams???? - shiro allura and him with have deep ass convos about systems of oppression + lance sometimes when he gets a chance to join + keith who will quietly absorb their convo if he's nearby (but pretend to read a book) - everyone needs to REST BC SELF CARE IS IMPT DONT KILL YOURSELVES BC OF THESE UNREASONABLE DEADLINES - voltron crew all take coran's class for variety of reasons and meet each other when they all rush to office hours and only to find coran's mess of trying to throw popcorn into his mouth - will stop by library during midterms and finals to give out encouraging messages + snacky snacks (will sneak extra for voltron crew's table) some moments id like to consider (klance and otherwise): - LANCE SEEING THE GWIYOMI VIDEO AND FORCING KEITH TO DO IT IN A GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE AND KEITH DOES IT A GLARE THAT FUCKIN BURNS UNIVERSES AND LANCE AND PIDGE RECORDS THAT SHIT shiro sigh-laughs hunk laughs nervously next to keith allura laughs brightly corran does not know what the fuck keith is doing - Keith and Lance find out they listen to the same NASA podcast when lance annoyingly takes out keith's headphones while abt to enter the school for afterschool program - Keith searches out soft things when he's drunk like hunk's hair or pidges sweater or lance's skin-WHATINTHEFUCK - lance teaches keith how to REALLY dance when he brings voltron crew to a latinx heritage month party (and keith secretly enjoys it) - keith had a big ol crush on lance the minute he saw him until he started acting like a "frat bro" and was turned off (but not rly?) - SHIRO AND KEITH GO HAVE BROTHER BONDING DATES AT SHIRO's INSTANCE BUT KEITH LOVES IT INSIDE - lance and hunk both cry when they watch titanic together - pidge lance and hunk become better friends over avocado toast and rly annoying debugging procedures during lab in compsci101 - they also bond over video games - the voltron crew have board game bight which usually ends up being monopoly and things get fuckin ruthless - the crew once tried to play mario party wii but people broke windows when their remotes went flying off their wrists and they vowed to never play again - they all meet each other (like ALL of them) in corab's intro to socianth class and create a study group-ish thing for it - lance and hunk rush shiro's frat thinking its gna be rly shit but shiro genuinely wants to do teamwork bullding exercises and talk abt feelings and lance and hunk are fuckin set on a frat if shiro's gna lead it - hunk will secretly let keith play with the cats in the shelter - hunk will also secretly let lance play with the dogs - pidge starts to memorize the zumba moves unconsciously and their body will move automatically when they hear the musIC FUCK - they all go out for kbbq on keith's bday bc keith loves korean food bc its home before his home abandoned him and voltron fam try to repaint those memories of hurt with memories of love and NEW family B Y E keith is kinda speechless - keith shows lance how to make ssam with lettuce garlic kimchi meat and miso paste and laughs as lance stuffs it into his mouth - allura fuckin kills at meat grilling - pidge refuses to eat veggies until hunk gives them the mom look - corran is vegetarian but loves seeing his students sated and full - shiro and allura keep their pinkies intertwined the entire bbq when they can under the table - keith and lance hook up once after a frat party one night and the morning after they kinda ??????? oh?kay????? thishappened???? at the memory until they fuckin realize theyre attracted to each other - keith gets slurs thrown at him by other frat fuckbois and lance goes fuckin livid until hunk is there to stop an imminent fight and hunk gives off some p threatening vibes to fuckbois - voltron crew help pidge try to reconnect with their brother by calling diff numbers going thru yellow pages - keith recommends books for lance to read and lance makes keith playlists and tells him to "listen to smth bubblegum happy for one" (keith kinda likes it?) - the art kids start to recognize lance when he drops by to pick keith up to go home together after the program js over - they all do secret santa at coran's house for christmas - coran gives shiro some salad tongs that are decorated with rhinestones he found in a vintage store and shiro is just ??? okay?? (he uses it when they all have dinner at shiro's place a few weeks later) jk coran also gives him some hella effective medicine for muscle and bone ache for his injury hes not that insensitive - shiro gives hunk a rly nice apron that says youre a FINEapple and baking mittens and hunk almost cries - hunk gets allura like new knitting needles and yarn as well as hand-knit cap. allura squeals bc FLUFFY - allura gets keith some good books both nonfiction and fiction + live podcast tix (she got from a raffle) and keith's eyes glows a little brighter - keith gets pidge some yellow tinted glasses bc "pidge your eyes are gna get worse and youre basically already blind" and a fisheye camera lense for smartphones and pidge yeLLS AESTHETIC PHOTOOOOOOOS YESSSSS - pidge gets lance some face masks and a customized snapback that says QUIZNAK on it and lance's eyes go all sparkly ✨✨ - lance gets corran some bombass latinx music cds from his favorite artists and a mustache care kit that coran just "✨✨"'s at - for dem romance: keith invites lance to the podcast with him and lance just smiles his lopsided truly happy smile while handing keith some cute hair-ties ("??? what am i supposed to do with these????" "wear them so that u can look even cuter than u already are????" keith goes beet red and punches lance in the shoulder as lance laughs. lance finds keith wearing them the next day) - shiro gives allura a note planner with her favorite quote on the front and allura gives shiro a handknit scarf its zSo fuckin SWEEET - hunk and shay go in their first dare - pidge and coran have rly fuckin good hot chocolate on the kitchen island and revel in their friends' happiness and recount good memories of the past year - they then bring out the wine and the karaoke machine - pidge gets p drunk and both them and lance sing one of the zumba songs pidge can somehow remember all the lyrics to hoW THE FUCK do I RMEMmber this?!?! (allura laughs evilily) - allura fuckin perfectly raps superbass - lance sings taylor swift ironically but not rly - corran tries to sing a thai song and its gets like awk quiet as ppl are like ?? okay ?? - HUNK STARTS TO BELT OUT BONJOVI AND SHIROS LIKE HELL YE AND JOINS IN - shiro then tries to sing country music but everyone reaches for the cancel button - shiro and allura sing Lucky (jason mraz and colbie caliat or smth) - pidge starts to sing linkin park's numb and gets rly into it. everyone is hype esp keith - keith tries to sing screamo song next but lance cancels before he can start and instead turn on the tune of gwiyomi from his phone and keith chases after lance with intent to kill lance cackling he runs away everyone else shrugs and continues as if nothing happened (keith and lance later return looking a little disheveled and everyone gives them knowing looks: lance averts his eyes and starts to whistle while keith just goes rly red and face palms) - everyone gets spectacularly drunk and decide to all sing bohemian rhapsody together. it kinda works. - They all go to the beach one summer
1 note · View note
kosmicdream · 7 years
On a possible light note....did Simon ever get that spike dick???
Uh YEAH. for like.. what.. 20 solid years???? then on and off during the 30 years that followed. Knife and Spoon didn’t live together anymore during those last 30, tho.. But, they’d have a tumultuous secret confusing drama romance. Like..Sometimes Knife would just show up in Spoon’s apartment!!! at 3 am after giving Spoon the cold shoulder for like 3 weeks. This was both terrifying annoying and terrifyingly erotic for spoon, he was conflicted.
See like. the thing that happened… the MANY things that happened.. is that Spoon wasn’t kicked out of the apartment at -first.- He really tried to give it a shot… after being threatened.. But.. he couldn’t stop himself from being, bad. At the whole.. Being around a kid thing. Altho fork at first, was more of a weird pet furball dog?? Who was violent and like, Spoon had no patience for discipline. What made it worse is that Knife straight up wouldnt ever allow kissies and stuff around the kid. And they barely had any privacy cuz fork would just show up in bed!!!!!! so like. Spoon was almost 24/7 vibrating with lack of not only sexy touchies but also regular affection couple touchies. It was only for SPECIAL private times and that was really difficult w/ a hyperactive kid that is constantly getting into trouble. So for Spoon, It was a little unbearable…
His brain would be just firing off sexy scenarios CONSTANTLY which made knife be like CAN YOU NOT THINK ABT THIS.. ALL THE TIME because, knife’s basically a telepath. but spoon just couldnt not think about it. and then to make it worse is that Fork seemed to be able to sense Spoon’s feelings too and like. That freaked Knife out a lot. He did not want that around Fork.And like.. Spoon understood that a bit…kind of.. That he was a bit much. So he agreed to move out. He tried to make it seem like he wasnt being forcefully kicked out but it still kinda was because he wasnt allowed back without Knife’s approval. Knife also didn’t like to listen to Spoon’s opinions on how to raise the kid. So it made Spoon feel more like he was not involved anyway. Spoon was angry at knife like why did u even want me here in the first place huh?
And at that point their relationship was so vague, weird, Spoon didnt know if he was in the process of being dumped or maybe he had already been dumped and like.. he was so upset.. Anyway, Spoon started to sleep around because he could not handle the lack of attention anymore. He and Knife were very like.. exclusive? Romantically/Sexually.. And well. Knife didn’t appreciate this. He inferred it as cheating even tho they were sort of on “break.” Spoon felt very guilty over it but he tried to make his case that he made it very clear he wasn’t able to … do this!!!! be so exclusive while also not getting enough attention!!! Long distance flirting texting random nightime or office hookups are fine but it was always determined by Knife’s schedule and Knife’s schedule is random, incoherent and vague as fuck.
The thing that Spoon was always confused about is that Knife, the most serious about his rules and forgives no one, always.. kinda let.. Spoon get away with things that he thought never would..fly? like.. Basically Cheated on Knife by sleeping w/ other people.. yet.. Knife didnt cut Spoon out of his life. He’d get upset n not talk to him for a while but then theyd go back to talking every day, all day (They texted a lot even after Spoon moved out.)  N knife would try to adjust things abt their relationship while also not .. expressing why he felt hurt about certain things and that made it difficult for the healing to actually HAPPEn because spoon could not get him to directly open up, just would have to read between the lines to discern how Knife felt.. n Knife would apologize abt not being able to say things. then Spoon would be like well!!! its really me who should be apologizing! im the one who fucked up. hahaha.
But he couldnt. He didn’t know how, still. (That’d be the closest thing he could do besides pointing out how bad he was all the time.)
…..There’s a lot more to this part of the story, but I’ll save it for the comic.
Knife/Spoon were still very much a couple even tho they had difficult barriers between themselves (and living separately) for those 30 years following Fork’s arrival. Spoon wasnt exclusive to Knife w/ his sex life anymore but he still didnt.. even get crushes on anyone else. Cash was p much the closest thing because he grew to care abt her a lot.. but they were just best buddies.
Knife seemed to have no one else.  (Did he? who knows…) Once Fork got old enough he would try to get dates for Knife b/c he could tell his dad was incredibly lonely but, Knife was Knife and didn’t like anyone. He only wanted Spoon. He spent many nights laying in bed alone and with his hand patting the empty space next to him and wondering when Spoon would just officially move on to someone else. Part of him probably even wanted Spoon to do that, because it would be “better” for Spoon. But that feeling would also make him sick.
As Fork got more independent he felt more and more useless as his caregiver and wondered how he could piece his romantic life back together w/ his special person, knowing it could never be how it used to be. Wanting to just go back to how it was, somehow, While still including his new life in it. Knowing that he didnt know how to juggle his new insecurities and jealousy involving Spoon. He didn’t really know how to feel attractive anymore.. that was weird again. (it always is a bit weird but now it was just bottom of the barrel.) Spoon had so many friends now, maybe even more than he did before. He was popular around the office and Knife didn’t even bother doing his laundry anymore, now that Fork moved out too. Then Spoon would comment on that (with concern but also kind of teasing) and he’d feel embarrassed and sulky and go mope on the roof like a brooding anime guy. He didn’t even know why he was there. He felt useless to Fork and Spoon. He couldn’t even ask his own dad for advice because the dude mentally evaporated hundreds of years ago and there was No way he was going to ask Cash for help. Especially when Spoon was currently fucking her!!! lol!!! He fucking hates that robot, honestly. That has never ..changed in all this time.
Fork saw the signs better than Spoon did. He tried to push Knife to talk abt them and would show up at Knife’s place to cheer him up. Hed even stay over a few days and suggest living w/ Knife again. But Knife didn’t want that either. and it was extra awkard whenever Fork wanted to bring ppl over cuz Knife Didnt Like Noisy Company At All. So Fork had to just respect his NotmyDad’s wishes and give him space. Fork even tried to ask Spoon about ti and Spoon was mostly offended that Fork somehow could tell “something was up” as if FORK knew KNIFE better than him. Excuse me?????????? Fuck you Ill always hate you stupid hairball who ruined my life flips a desk kicks a foot stomps out of the room bitterly
Then Knife… vanished and Fork was like shit I knew it and Spoon unraveled .. and unraveled……..and eventually Boom’d as more reports came in that he was likely dead. Bad bad times.
BUt hey as we all know Knife is actually alive so let’s see how this all turns out huh?
23 notes · View notes
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"insurance policy quotes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
Will my parents insurance go up if I received a speeding ticket and I am not on their insurance?
I'm 17 and I recently got pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper for going 84mph in a 60mph speed zone. I was driving my mother's car and she is insured with State Farm but I am not on the policy. I know I can plea guilty and take a class to get it off of my record but I hope it doesn't affect their car insurance rates......
My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?
I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many ...show more
Best insurance lawyer in southern california?
i had my car stolen and the insurance company is trying to screw me so i need a good lawyer to help me fight back.
""When people stop buying insurance because of cancellation and non affordable to renewal,will insurance co. go?
Obtaining auto insurance quote for dummies?
I've done a little Google searching and haven't found a clear answer to my question. Can anyone help me out? When getting a quote from a new insurance provider, when you report past driving incidents do you report them as what the police officer originally originally charged you with, or as the plea bargain given to you by the judge? I got a speeding ticket awhile back but when I went to court the judge gave me a plea bargain which lowered the violation to driving with a defective tail light , driving an unsafe vehicle or something of that nature. I don't remember exactly. So, when getting a quote from a new provider, do I list the incident as a speeding ticket? Or as the violation that I was actually convicted of? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I will be assure to award the best answer!!!! You know you want that best answer!! :)""
Auto Insurance Company Lowballing me??? What do I do?
I have a 2001 porsche and this lady just tboned me going through a red light. Now My insurance company wants to offer me about 5000 dollars less then what I can replace it for. I sent them 10 ads in the area close to my car to show them, and they in turn had me appraised by an independent agency. This agency, BIG BLOCK, came back with a dozen examples that all had more miles then mine, and adjusted me .16 cents a mile. After doing depreciation calculations on their examples, the average dep per mile was .60 cents per mile!!!! This changes their evaluation by about 7-8000 dollars overall. Its been two weeks since they totaled my car. What should I do if they keep trying to low ball me?""
Why is my insurance cheaper when i park on the street?!?
You would think if you put 'in a garage' my car insurance would be cheaper, in a safe, locked place, but no, my insurance is 200 cheaper when i park on the 'street', i live in a suburban area of a city, and not a very nice area at that, can anyone explain why on earth this is cheaper?""
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
""I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?""
i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you""
Do i need insurance if im driving my dads car?
Hello. I was wondering if i need insurance if my dad is teaching me to drive while i got provisional license with the L plates on the front and back of the car? When i pass my test i will get my own car.
May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?
i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
Is having health insurance and Homeowner's insurance a sin in Islam?
In the US, Obama just passed his new healthcare bill that requires all Americans to get health insurance, and fines them a penalty if they refuse - but Muslims are exempt from this because they said that having health insurance is not allowed in Islam. Is that true? If so, what do you do when you get sick....how do you pay for the medical treatment? Also, the news mentioned that having homeowner's insurance isn't allowed either...but here in the US, you can't get a mortgage unless you get homeowner's insurance. I mean, if you didn't have it, and say, your house burned down, you would loose everything. Do most Muslims who live in the US have insurance anyway, even if it isn't allowed?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
What are the things affect car insurance premium?
As far as I know, engine size is considered for insurance. Is it true or not? Second, I like to know is the make and model of the car effects the insurance? For example, does an old car have more insurance or the new one?""
Car insurance help I want to know the price?
I want to get a car but the only thing holding me back is the cost of insurance. I'm 18 and with the good student discount my dad pays $300 a month for my 02 Nissan sentra. It's under my dads name. If anybody knows abt how much it wud cost for insurance for the listed cars below that wud help me out soo much!! Thanx in advance! 06 lancer evo Mazda 3 (hatchback) scion xb 05 or 09 wud a stick shift make a difference in price?
Am over 25 yday passed my test but cant get cheap insurance for a small car.?
here it is. am 25+ and yesterday passed my driving test. looking over the internet for insurance for nissan micra 3 dr 1L 3 door. cheapest i can get is 140. my cousin who is 4 years younger than me, he got it for 94. tried same company aswell. am i missing any trick?need help suggestion and recomendation""
Will my insurance go up?
Well im 18 and as i was backing up and the car(rental car with insurance) behind me somehow bumped into me. Well we both bumped into each other because he also moved forward. The thing is that the rental car company is saying they might have to make me or my insurance pay for the damages. my car only had scratches and his had a dent on the left front fender(baseball size). The man with the rental car bought insurance which means it could cover the damages but the company is saying that i might have to pay. i believe my dad has allstate insurance for the car i was using. IF MY INSURANCE PAYS, WILL MY INSURANCE GO UP, BY HOW MUCH? i dont know how much the damages cost but i am thinking the fender will have to be replaced because it is dented. i still have not reported it to the insurance...""
""For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year?""
If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks.""
When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at?
He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either.""
Can you get your drivers licence if your car's insurance is not in effect?
so i'm getting my licence and my car's insurance doesnt go into effect till the 20th and i get my licence before then. can i use the car even though its not in effect yet. i have an insurance card. i live in georgia btw
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
Police get cheaper car insurance?
I went on a compare site and the only thing i change was the job to police officer and the insurance was cheaper? This may be due to the fact that they are less likely to commit crime.
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insurance policy quotes
""I have a question about an accident, insurance, an estimate and payment?""
Hello. I recently got rear-ended and had an estimate done for $1800 dollars and somebody told me they would never give me that much for my car. I looked up the Kelley Blue Book and a private party price would be about $750 and that's how much they would give me and THEY take the car. Is this right? I might do it $750 and I keep the car! I put a new clutch in it, new front brake system, new exhaust, I love the car, so it's worth much more to me.....I'm just wondering what the law is on it and what I might be able to do to maximize my payout. If I'm unhappy with their offer can I take them to small claims and win? I just can't believe that I was just sitting at a stoplight and BOOM my car's wrecked and since I'm poor I can't get it fixed ya know? Thank you for your time......""
Maternity insurance or no insurance?
i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no?
Car insurance advice needed?
What would be a good car insurance for me to get? I'm 18, if that helps. I'm looking for affordable and full coverage. So yeah. Thanks. :)""
Why does my old insurance company want to see my new policy?
I recently switched car insurance companies (from country insurance to allstate) and when my husband called to cancel our old companies policy they refused until we fax them a copy of our new policy with allstate. I dont understand why thy need this information. We arent asking them to back date and pay us for any time we already paid for (we arranged our allstate policy to begin the day our country insurance ended) and in the years we have been with country insurance, we have ever once filed a claim. Never payed late (had automatic withdrawl). If anyone knows why country insurance would need our new policy info before they cancel our old policy i Would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks!""
My job took me off the schedule because im pregnant?
im 4 months pregnant . and have very hight risk pregnancy. and mt job requer havey lefting . so my i get a doctor note that i cant left more than 8 pounds, my job put me on leave off absents without telling me. i talk to my HR and they told me i can apply for short term disability now than maternity leave when i have the {babies} my question it I have my insurance thought liberty mutual . would i be approved? if now what to do i cant Afford to not get paid?""
How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny?
hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou
Am I paying too much for insurance?
So both me and my wife share vehicle... We are insured through aaa with 500 deductible. We pay quarterly and it cost about 360 until our last statement came which was 435 (it went up). The car is a Chevy hhr 2006 with about 125k mileage on it. We only travel about 8 miles per day to work. Both of us are late twenties, she was involved in a hit and run a year ago (someone hit her costing 3000 in damages) while I got a speeding ticket for $185 2 months ago (those are our only two incidents in past 3 years)... Both of us have good credit, we are not homeowners as yet. Both of us has been on the policy for 2 years now and she has been the only owner (it's in her name). Are we over paying?""
Accident and insurance?
If you get into a car accident, will your insurance pay for the cost of repair, or if it is totaled will it pay for a new car? In what situation will they be able to pay for the cost of repair or car?""
My life insurance policy and my insurer?
I have life insurance policy with a major US insurer. If this insurer files for bankruptcy and sells off its assets, what will happen to my life insurance?""
Quick question about RENTERS INSURANCE?
My fiance and i are renting out a house starting Feb. 1st. After a year we have an option to buy the house. Anyways, when we were looking at the house she said her dad wants us to get renters insurance before we move in. I'm guessing because of the fireplace, attic, etc. Do i need to get any info from her before i sign up for insurance? Where do i go to get this? ANY sort of info would be great. We're new to renters insurance. We live in an apartment complex right now with NO insurance.""
If I get into an accident (salvage / rebuilt title) how much of my cars worth will the insurance company pay?
I have a 99 GST Turbo Convertible Eclipse Spyder that I bought a few years ago with a Rebuilt Salvage title. You would not even be able to tell that it was in an accident. It looks great. I have been putting a lot of money in the car fixing it up (making it look nice and faster) and one of my friends told me the other day that if something happened to my car I would get practically nothing since it has a Rebuilt Salvage title. Is this True? I have only had liability since I bought it and this has never came up before. So assuming that I get hit tomorrow by a car that is insured and it totals out my car, how much of my car's worth would I get? What about all the money in parts and accessories that I put into it?""
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
First car insurance?
what would the insurance be on a 03 mercedes e500 for a 15 year old boy? and what about an 07 hyundai tiburon? which one is going to be cheaper?
What's the cheapest car insurance in NY?
I'm 20 (female) with an 1991 Honda and a couple minor infractions, and I'm really looking to get a cheaper insurance plan. What would you recommend? Thanks!!""
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
No proof of insurance ticket in Southern California?
I got pulled over for speeding. Got a speeding ticket plus a ticket for no proof of insurance 16028 (a). I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost in calfiorina law. It is a correctable offense. I heard that I can get that offense dissmiss just by showing my prove of insurance. Is that correct?""
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
Does anyone have a Pontiac G6 GTP?? i need to know how much car insurance are on the them?? please let me know
""CHEAPER for car insurance, a Acura rsx 2006 or a Honda Civic coupe 2010?
im just trying to save up the extra money
True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?
True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not?
Car insurance! please help!!?
I am in the U.K. I need car insurance where i can send a cheque or postal order as i dont have a bank account. Can someone please help and recommend someone who will accept a cheque. I cannot pay online.......thank u
Best used mpv with cheap tax cheap insurance good mpg?
im looking for an mpv thats cheap to run on fuel , car tax, insurance,and maintenance, people have suggested a citreon berlingo ? does anyone have one and does it qualify my needs""
Should I buy life insurance?
I am a 34 year old male, about to get married and will probably start a family. Some people have suggested that I need to buy life insurance and critical illness and disability insurance to protect my future family. I already have group coverage from my employer that includes some coverage for all of the above, though I work in an industry that is quite volatile and I could be jobless in a downturn. When I look at some of the policies out there and the monthly premiums involved, it seems like I need to dole out a chunk of money for a benefit that will probably never be realized, and the amounts are not even that sizable to make a HUGE difference to the financial security of my future dependents. I currently have around $300k in investments and no debt, and OK coverage from a group policy. Do I really need to buy life insurance? Ideally I need a product where the higher premiums and coverage only kicks in if I am unemployed.""
How do you get self insurance?
I don't own a car and have to get insured as a driver in the state of Kansas. How do I get insurance without owning a vehicle?
insurance policy quotes
insurance policy quotes
What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
Does having big bore kit affect the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying a vespa scooter registered as a 50cc, im 16 years old, and was wondering because it has a 110cc big bore kit fitted on it how this would effect the insurance cost? Thanks for any help.""
Flyers insurance suggested?
This I my first time buying my own ticket and flying alone. Is it typical to get the insurance they offer for like $20 when you buy your ticket online? Would you recommend it? I think most cover your ticket and luggage?
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
Who is California Insurance Comany?
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
Can i sue an at fault driver even if i dont have car insurance?
I was in an accident today and my car was totalled. I was not at fault in any way, however since Michigan is no fault state the at fault driver does not have to pay for my damages. I do not have insurance but I would like to sue her for minor injurion and damages to my vehicle since now i have no way to and from school or work. Can I sue her even though I dont have car insurance? 4 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.""
Car insurance issues help wanted?
have a few issues I could really use some help with. The family car that I have been driving wasn't in my name but I was still covered on the insurance until one day I hit a mailbox with the passenger side mirror. The mailbox did not sustain any damage but the mirror somewhat did. I didn't call the police when it happened since the damage was extremely minimal. Anyways, then a couple weeks later a different family member (not the owner) had a little bit of a bigger accident when an animal suddenly appeared in front of the car forcing another accident. I have not had an accident in over 12 years but since I was mentioned after that second accident, I was also excluded from the insurance policy for that vehicle. The insurance cost is something like $158.00 per month but now they want the owner to add about $50 or $60 more per month EACH for the 2 people that were excluded because of the accidents.The car payment is about $415.00 per month and the insurance was $158.00 per month for just the owned which does not even drive the car at all but now they want an extra hundred per month for those 2 excluded drivers if they want to drive that car. Will this change if we switched insurance companies? And if I haven't had an accident in over 12 years, would it be possible to appeal that? Thanks in advance""
Business insurance?? plzz help?
what is the purpose of insurance for a business??? thankyou in advance
Why is my car insurance so high?
why is my car insurance so high my cheapest quote is 4000 on my own i have a 1.1 peugeot 106 im nearly 20 years old and passed my driving test at the end of november 2010
Have Democrats forgotten that Candidate Obama opposed forcing people to buy health insurance?
http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=27950 As Obama said in the January 31st primary debate: Senator Clinton. . . believes that we have to force people who don't have health insurance to buy it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people who don't get it. I don't see those folks. And I think that it is important for us to recognize that if, in fact, you are going to mandate the purchase of insurance and it's not affordable, then there's going to have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may charge people who already don't have health care fines, or have to take it out of their paychecks. And that, I don't think, is helping those without health insurance. That is a genuine difference.""
Temporary car insurance for Provisional License holders?
Is there a company who offer provisional car insurance for only a short amount of time? I am taking my test in December, and feel that it would be useful to be able to drive at home as well as in my weekly lessons - but can't afford the full whack right now. Can I get insured for just a few months until I pass my test?""
Health Insurance for my mother in law(senior person)?
I need your help regarding the insurance coverage. Here is my story? My mother in law works at a grocery retailer and gets medical insurance coverage from the employer. She wants to quit because the job is physically challenging and she wants to take care of our baby. She is 62. But we are worried because we don't know where she will get medical insurance? 1. My insurance comes from the employer. Can I put her under my insurance plan? 2. Is there any special(affordable) type of insurance plan we can purchase? I believe this is a very common situation. If you are in the same situation, please help.""
Crudentials for cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
Crudentials for cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
How much is the average insurance cost for a 2008 Aston Martin DBS? ?
I just won a very large settlement and want to buy one. I have 3 speeding tickets and no accidents and want to get an idea of the monthly insurance payment.
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
As a sixteen year old guy would a hyundai tiburon jack my insurance?
im about to get my first car. parents are worried that it will jack the insurance because they think it might be a sports car
Car insurance situation.....?
one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance""
Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?
Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.
How much insurance will I need to lease a car?
I want to lease a 2010 car. I want my insurance prices to be low, but who determines what kind and how much insurance I will need. Will my insurance be higher or lower than financing the car? What are some insurance things I SHOULD get once I lease? Any other info you can provide that I will NEED to know will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!""
Car insurance Voluntary Excess?
hi just got a quote from a insurance broker for cars and i put down 100 Voluntary Excess but what does this mean?
Auto Insurance Question?
well I want to buy an E36 BMW M3 (1996-1999) in couple of months, but i want to know that how can i get an insurance quote from other insurance companies. My moms insurance name is Access, but i want to get quotes from different companies to see which one is the cheapest. the problem is that, i don't have the car yet and there are questions that the website asks that i can't say it because i don't have enough info about the car, and i can't bother the sellers if im not going to buy the car yet. so how do you think i can get an insurance quote online when i don't have the car yet. sorry if the question sounds confusing""
Other or new insurance companies Non-exclusive?
Hello there, I have a client, she is 18 years old and has a 1997 Toyota Corolla. She came by for insurance 2 days ago and I have quoted her with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, AARP, Travelers, Golden Eagle, Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, State Fund, and around 4 more that I can't pull out of my head. The cheapest quote received was from Mercury Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental Premium: $2,103.90 It's basically what the car is worth if not more. Do you happen to know other non-exclusive companies that would take her? She has a clean DMV record. FSC is pulling very high premiums. Thank you very much.""
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license?
In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license?
insurance policy quotes
insurance policy quotes
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
How much does a new camaro 2010 cost?
And how much would minimum insurance on one cost? I would be willing to get a white one if it meant lower insurance costs. Thank you and god bless!
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
Health Insurance while Pregnant? AZ-?
I'm from Arizona- This clinic I went to advised ACCESS insurance, and when I tried to apply, I was denied for living at home or not being 19 years of age if either of these were different, I would be qualified for this insurance. but because I am 18 and still living at home- and my mom won't help me to get on any type of insurance- I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is stressing me to figure something out. I quit my job to move out of the city and go to my Dad's to better take care of myself. His family makes too much money for me to be eligible for insurance under his name. I'm not yet in my second term- but close. I also want to know what to do for prenatal care- I've been taking the vitamins, and during pregnancy I was smoking cigarettes, pot, drinking, - other; (Granted I had no idea about my current condition) what can I do to insure a healthy child? homeopathic remedies are in favor, but I'm at my limit and I need serious advice""
How much per month would insurance be at 18y.o.?
I'll be in the military soon, so I'll need a car and transportation (in the instance that I'm not shipped to the sandbox). I've tried looking up quotes on progessive and a few other instant quote people online. But the confusing part is they all seem incredibly high. I put in the car as a 2010 mazda 3(which I hope to have), and age at 18, and all the other info. It had me at 800/mo with no collateral or collision coverage. What the f? I tried all different car combinations but they all were high or in the general extreme area. Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?""
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
Car insurance question.?
I was involved in an accident recently. The other driver ran a red light and totaled my car. There were no witnesses or cameras. The other driver claims that I was the one who ran the red light. This is not true. The police report was finished today and it came back in my favor. I only have liability insurance so I am waiting to hear from the other driver's insurance company on whether or not they are going cover the cost of replacing my car. Do you experts think they will cover my full costs? Thanks, Eric""
Why do car insurance rates go up?
After an accident, why do car insurance rates goup? What happened to all the money I've paid in over the years? Isn't that supposed to cover the cost of the accident? I'm talking about non-injury accidents.""
Insurance on a moped (under 50cc)?
i am interested in buying a 50cc or less moped, geared or not geared, it doesnt honestly matter. but i dont have a clue how much the insurance for it could be. could anyone give me a rough estimation of the cost of insurance of this moped, as i am 16. can anyone help?""
Have you ever added an additional driver to your car insurance?
Did it raise the cost of your premium? By how much? I realize this will differ for everyone. I'm only asking because I will be added on as a driver to my mother's car after I receive my license in a couple of weeks. I'm 21 (i realize this is late to be getting a license, there were some things that unabled me to throughout the years) but not a student. I realize what we will get charged (if at all) is not the same as what someone else did/did not get charged, just wondering what might come up.""
Online car insurance quote?
My husband and I are looking for ways to cut back spending. We wanted to look for better car insurance rates so we looked online and got a quote that was considerably less (about 700.00 less a year) with the same deductibles and options we already have. My question is ... has anyone done this and had good luck with it? And does this to good to be true rate increase after they real you in? And what is a good company to go with?
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
Best motorcycle to buy in Hawaii for college?
I prefer a Harley Davidson but any suggestions would be great. 0-2500$ must be good on insurance
Where do I find the insurance group number on a Kaiser Permanente insurance card?
I am trying to waive my school's insurance because I want to use my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance group number'? I'm having difficulty finding the answer hopefully you can help me!
How much on average do you pay for your pro-rated car insurance premium?
I'm buying a new car in a few days and i was quoted about $1100 every 6 months...I'm a female driver btw....Do I have to pay the whole $1100 when I buy the car or a portion of it?
What is the cheapest/best insurance for a 24yr old student/ stay at home mom?
My 3month old is covered under medicaid, but I need help finding an affordable insurance for myself. My fiance is covered by his work for free, but it would be $200 a check for him to add me and we cannot afford that at this time.""
How do I find out how much car rental insurance rates will be if I rent a car ?
How do I find out how much car rental insurance rates will be if I rent a car ?
Do you think this is a good price for auto insurance?
Is $201.12 a month for full coverage from State Farm a good deal? Progressive quoted me for $285 a month and it doesnt even include UM and the liability is at 10/20/25. State farm would cover me 25/50/25, auto death indemnity, UM, and more. I am a 22 year old female and i just got my license in Feb 07, and i live in Miami. This is for a 2003 Honda Civic LX 2dr coupe (paid in full). This is my first car. I was just wondering, if this is a good price compared to other people my age with similar coverage. I know my friend is paying $300 a month for his and hes 24.""
I am 19 and want to get my own car insurance and put my car in my name?
I'm 19 years old and have had my license for 3 years now. i do have a prior wreck and what not. i did a quote on progressive and it came out pretty decent. i would be getting off of my parent's insurance. anyways what i really wanna know is how do i go about doing this? what are the average costs of putting a first car in my name and is it more expensive then just tax tags and title stuff? just let me know anything you know about this! and if you have any experience in this, please tell me the story! and any advice as well! thank you!""
How can i get disability insurance?
I think i need disability insurance for wife because she is disable through accident.
How much would cheap car insurance be in california?
im 18 and its my first car whats a good estimate for cheap insurance
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 17 and have only had my lisence a week. I need the cheapest car isnurance I can get with minimal coverage, I have a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas?""
Free Auto Insurance Quotes At What Website?
I have been looking for a site that gives Free Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have found wants to charge me or run my credit. Can anyone help me? All I want is a Free Auto Insurance Quote is that to hard to find?""
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What good car insurance?
I'm looking for a car insurance . I try to look fo a company that doesn't try to kill me with in payment. I live in new york city. Does anybody out there know a car insurance ...show more
insurance policy quotes
insurance policy quotes
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