#<- sort of spoilers for shapeshifter Alistair. I think.
lycanlovebites · 4 months
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WMOM as Twitter and tumblr posts aka sketch page of me giving Victor the world’s saddest wettest pathetic baby seal eyes. Also having fun with drawing Alistair! here’s a bonus unfinished little doodle of him (where people are trying to raze his manor down) bc he’s my babygirl (he is thousands of years old and has killed people before ❤️)
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this is my third WMOM fanart post. I’m crazy I’m crazy augghrggggrrr!!, HRRRGRGRR!!! I have too much free time to draw the same two guys over and over and I regular use it!! I’m so normal about them I’m sooo normal I definitely don’t listen to songs and imagine animatics with them. I definitely don’t spend my days waiting to draw Victor and Alistair until I can actually sit down and draw them until I fall asleep. I can be trusted to enjoy them a normal amount (<- lying)
cough. anyways. Blorbos are by @stjohnstarling per usual! I love the sillies and thank you for sharing them with everyone (including me teehee)
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lookslikechill · 6 years
Character Creation Tag
Tagged by @katerinarevel!!  (thank you eee)  I used a randomizer, plopped in all DW characters that I feel are decently developed at this point, annnd Clay came out on top!
1) What was the first element of your character that you remember considering?
I think the first element I considered for Clay was just that I wanted a REALLY peppy character, a real ray of sunshine, a silver-lining-type, someone so cheery that they have the potential to really annoy other characters!
2) Did you design them with any other characters from their universe in mind?
Aaaa-nope, DW’s universe really came out of me going “wow I have these characters >holds up Clay and Quince and Alistair, and later a million more< and I really just want to write about them let’s just . ..  smash them together”.  In fact Clay was originally developed specifically for a Harry Potter roleplay, so in fitting him into the futuristic wizard/witch future I build up for DW he has changed a wee bit.  He’s slightly more well-behaved and he no longer has the ability to turn into a pigeon. (I just didn’t want shapeshifting to be in the forefront of the story in that way)
3) How did you chose their name?
Ahhh gosh, I think I just went through names until I found some that fit!!  I think I was intentionally going for something earth-related with Clay and then Calloway (which is a place name derived from some words meaning “a pebbly place”).  And then his middle name, Samson, just does a real nice job of breaking up those two C-words AND it means “sun child, bright sun” which is just super fitting.
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of their world played the most influential part? 
Mmm not many, the world rose up around his backstory if anything haha.
5/6/7) Is there any significance behind their hair color/eye color/height?
None that is intentional! 
8) What do you relate to within their character/story?
1. He’s got this sarcastic yet lighthearted inner voice I can relate to.
2. The disconnect he feels between himself and his father specifically re: not following in his father’s footsteps.  Though part of what distances him from his father/his father’s memory is that his father is deceased and had parts of his life that Clay didn’t know about until long after he was dead.  My father, on the other hand, is real alive and I know more about his life than I perhaps would like!!! 
9) Are they based of you in any way?
Haha, nopeee, if I were to sort my characters by most/least based on me, he would be real close to the bottom of the list.
10) Did you know what your character’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Oh, yeah, it was practically the second thing I knew about him.  “Ray of sunshine and FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL!”
11) What have you found is the most difficult art form in creating your character?
I’m not sure I fully understand this question, but I’m gonna say I have had to remind myself not to let his strongest character traits (being a chatty, social, bright, loud gay) override his self-control, sense of professionalism, and the way his job impacts him (re: seeing a lot of gore and crime and etc etc) in my portrayal of his character.  
12) How far past canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story?
Shhhh I can’t say anything about that, spoilers!!! (besides the fact that I’m still neck-deep in first draft status and I’m not 1000% sure what All the Canon Events are yet) 
13) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things you MUST keep in mind while working with this OC, what would they be?
Welll I just mentioned the first one, being that he Does possess self-control, is suited to a law enforcement job, has a sense of how to act as a professional and when not in the company of ONLY his coworkers or friends(which are one and the same for the most part).  To boil this down: I must keep in mind how he behaves as a wizard cop, how his job impacts him, and how his activities and behavior outside of work are or are not coping mechanisms. 
And second, that despite what I said above he is still capable of being somewhat a dumbass.  In particular, he can be emotionally oblivious.  (perhaps related to his potential commitment issues in his personal life??)
14) What is something about your OC that makes you laugh?
Everything? Haha
I just find writing him amusing, in particular writing his dialogue, thoughts, and body language.  Wow, that’s almost his entire character, isn’t it? 
Clay chuckled. He discreetly located a hidden pocket on the inside of his robes. I am very authorized, he thought to himself. 
15) What is something about your OC that makes you cry?
Not that much honestly.  My other two mains for this story are much easier to cry over, whoops.  There are a couple things he goes through that might make me cry, or make other people cry when they read about them, but I cannot be too loose-lipped about those, hehe.
16) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Not yet- and I’m still in a stage of the process that is early enough to cut anything I regret.
17) What is the most recent thing that you’ve discovered about your OC?
Oooof, probably that he hates being out of control, as far as his personal life/self go, and having to rely on other people.  He’s really independent and doesn’t like to feel weak.  As a result he’s a terrible patient
18) Favorite OC fact?
Ohhhh, that’s tough.  
I guess the fact that he’s apparently sleeping his way through every single willing man in the Government Building and maybe even the city???? (before he mcfrickin jumps back in time of course) just haha, what a guy
Tagging: @transboywrites @cawolters @agnesfagen @requiemesque @storyteller-kaelo
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