#<- this bitch is finally get his own tag bc at this point im convinced he'll take a whole year to tell me his actual name.
crescentfool · 2 years
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a silly little comic i drew in a one hour haze featuring @fwishfearme and i’s ocs! aka: what happens when you put fishing extraordinaire shirayuri fugetsu in the same scenario as my silly squid minatoast? (alt text/dialogue in image captions)
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peachy-wolfhard · 2 years
He's an asshole but he's MY asshole (IV)
A/N: still can’t believe how many people love this series, thank u sm :,). u alr know dialogue is from the episodes
Taglist at the bottom, feel free to ask to be tagged in upcoming parts!
Warnings: reader is described as a bitch bc same, swearing like normal, comic book references, body gore? (Grace loses her eye), drinking, talks of sex, mentions of tentacle sex bc im a degenerate, reader gets burned (not severely), knocked unconscious
Word Count: 3.3k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7
ok but does anyone know what song plays at the end of episode 7? ive been looking for it but still cant find it
     Luther doesn't keep to his promise and lets you wander about the hotel. No big deal though you’d rather be on your own than have to listen to Sloane and Luther talk all mushy to each other. Finding an unlocked room you start to see if you can find anything else to wear. Unable to find anything, you spot the housecleaning and start walking over, hoping that they can point you in the exit direction. Upon closer inspection, you realize that it's the weird guy, who you now know is Klaus, and the small pyromaniac child. Turning away as soon as possible you blindly walk until you find the balcony. You sit on the pool table, looking towards the foyer where Jayme and Alphonso’s bodies were still laid out, for all to see. Soon the others start to arrive, Sloane, standing next to you while Allison, Diego, and Viktor are in front of you and Luther in the middle mediating. “We use Sloane and y/n as an olive branch,” Luther explains. “We let them go as a gesture of peace, along with the bodies of Jayme and Alphonso.” “Once we’re back with our family we can-” “We?” you interrupt just wanting to go home. “Fine, I can convince them the old guy had nothing to do with you and get them to stand down,” she continues. 
     Tuning out the ensuing argument you turn to Sloane. “I hope that you know that I'm not going along with this, I just want to go home and get Jayme and Alphonso home,” you whisper almost to the point of tears. “I know, I know,” she says rubbing your arm. Typically you wouldn't allow yourself to be this vulnerable around people but especially the ‘enemy.’ You want to be home, in your husband’s arms, mourning your siblings, not arranging a peace treaty. Luther and Diego continue arguing, about some prince or king before Sloane steps in and tells Allison to rumor her to prove that she isn't hiding anything. “Do whatever you wanna do, Luther. That’s on you. I’ve got bigger shit to deal with,” Allison hisses before walking away Diego follows. 
     In the car, Viktor starts to talk to you, “I’m sorry about them,” he whispers leaning towards you so that Sloane and Luther don't hear. Ignoring him you look out the window. It was always so pretty at night, that’s why all your dates with Ben were at night and the fact that before him you were primarily nocturnal. “So you and Ben huh?” he says smiling, you have to admit he does have a kind smile, one that feels warm and inviting. Turning towards him you say “Yes, we’ve been together for some time now,” cracking a small smile but still keeping your stone-cold poker face. “Oh yeah it’s like y/n was always been at the academy,” Sloane smiles. “You should've seen them when they were teenagers oh god he would follow them around like a lost puppy,” Sloane laughs, embarrassing you in the process. “So…I’ve been meaning to ask this.” you start cautiously. “What was I like? Like what was your y/n like?” Luther and Viktor become visibly uncomfortable with your question but answer still. “So um, you were nice and kind but also kind of a-” “Bitch, like as bitchy a person can be,” Viktor interrupts Luther. “Good fighter, too. Kind of brutal but that goes without saying,” Luther laughs, managing to make you smile at that before turning back to the window.
     Standing around the car you wait for your family to come get you. You stand with Viktor leaning up against the car. Finally, they're here, leaning off the car as Ben steps out of the car. Running towards him you jump into his arms as he embraces you as tightly as possible. Luther puts Jayme and Alphonso in the back. “Well, this is it. This puts an end to it,” Viktor says tiredly. “No. We want the old man too,” Ben sharply says causing Fei to ask what he’s doing. “You wanted a plan. Here it is,” Ben replies. “It’s a stupid plan!” Fei whisper shouting at Ben. Viktor reminds Ben that he isn't a part of the plan. Sloane steps in and tells him that the family had nothing to do with the attacks but Ben doesn't stop stating that since he has nothing to do with them they won't mind finding him and handing him over. “Bring us the man that killed our siblings, and this will all be over.”
     Being home was the best thing ever. As soon as the car stopped in the driveway you were rushing inside, just wanting to be in bed. After changing and getting nestled under the covers, Ben comes in and quickly changes. Crawling into bed he pulls you close, so close that if he pulled you any closer you would merge into one. Peacefully drifting off to sleep like the past two days haven't existed, as if it was just an average day.
     Waking up you see your husband still peacefully asleep. Looking toward the clock you see it's 7:25 in the morning. Deciding that it's an appropriate time to get out of bed and start the day, you pry yourself from your lover’s arms and get dressed. Nothing of note happened at breakfast, everyone was silent just wanting to leave and mourn alone. Retreating to the living room, deciding that the best way to work through your emotions was by painting. “People from all over the world are disappearing now,” you hear Fei say. Sighing you stand and start cleaning up your area, picking up the discarded paper towels and your mason jar of paint water that Ben once drank as a dare. “We need to work together with the umbrellas,” Fei tells Ben. “The man who killed our siblings is an outsider. Neither Sparrow nor Umbrella. He needs to be dealt with before we can merge the families,” “And if they refuse? How do we save the world?”
     In the basement standing before…God; Ben asks Grace for her right eye stating that if we’re going to beat it, we first need to understand what it is. Taking her eye, he put it into… it? God? Whatever it is. As soon as her eye is in it, energy soon starts pulsating out of it; a shockwave is sent out that pushes you all back a bit. Grabbing Grace you hold on for dear life along with Fei and Ben. Struggling to keep a hold on Grace, you brace yourself holding around her waist with your feet planted, one bent and one outstretched. Suddenly her eye cable flies back, eye eyeball not attached. “God has a million eyes, each one falling into themselves,” Grace says cryptically. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ben questions. Christopher then tells Ben that what she saw could be a black hole or multiple. Ben shuts him down quickly, remarking that he's surrounded by morons, which earns him a smack on the arm from you. 
     “What if what Grace is describing is a black hole collapsing in on itself?” Fei asks, willing to what Chris out. The black hole starts pulsing energy again, “God is angry with us,” Grace yet again cryptically says. “We are wasting precious time. This is bigger than just us. We need help,” Fei pleads with Ben. “Harlan first, then we can kill whatever the hell this is.” Walking out of the basement scared your mind starts to race again. What if we cant do it? Even with the hellish in-laws alongside us, can we do it? I mean we’ve faced off with some vicious foes in our life but a black hole? Pulling you from your endless spiral of dread and fear, Ben places his hand on your waist. Looking up he gives you a small smile, already knowing your mind is wandering. “Listen babe, we got this remember The Conductor? Dr. Terminal? We kicked those guys six feet under, we got this. Plus we’re gonna have us five and six other superpowered people. Don't worry,” Ben says managing to lift your spirits slightly.
          “Oh my fucking god,” Ben says while tossing and turning. “Can they just shut up? She dares to be annoyed with us when the entire block knows what they’re doing?” Ben continues to complain. “I feel sorry for Fei,” you snort, turning and facing the wall. “Squeakiest bed in the fucking world,” he says while turning to lay with you.
     Walking down to the living room you see Luther and Sloane sitting on the couch, right never to next other as if they're joined at the hip… or Luther’s hip and Sloane’s ribs. “For all, I know y/n could jump up from behind that couch and stab me to death,” “I'd never let them lay a finger on you.” Oka,y kind of gross but still kind of cute. “Good morning to you too?” you say chuckling. “I’m honored that you think I’d do that.” Turning towards you Luther starts to speak, “Oh, good morning y/n. Uh how did you sleep?” he asks nicely. God stupid people are so fun to be around. “Well if you must know not good. Sloane, your bed sounds like a bunch of mice being crushed,” you say half-joking and half-serious. “Oh okay I’d rather not hear you say anything about noises, the shit that I’ve heard is awful,” she laughs as she leans over to whisper something to him. “Tentacles w-” “And I'm done with that conversation,” you say walking and turning one of the chairs around the fireplace to face forwards and sitting down. 
     “Give us a minute,” Ben says making you and Sloane walk out and act as if you left to your rooms. After some time, Grace comes into the room with a Sparrow academy box. Peeking into the room you watch Luther open the box; Sloane walks into the room in disbelief that Ben would let him join you. Joining your family you welcome him to the team with a small smile before being whisked away with Ben. “So, Luther’s with us now. What’s the plan when that goes to shit?” you joke. “It's a secret,” Ben smiles. “A secret? From your spouse?” you say with a faux offense as you continue down the hall to the training room. A few hours later here you and the entirety of your family are, waiting for Allison to bring Harlan. Seeing her pull up, she gets out of the car and opens the trunk. Ben and Fei go to make sure it's him. “You got what you wanted. This is done,” she says as Ben nods to Reginald before seeing Luther in his Sparrow jacket and walking in.
     Ben soon calls a family meeting; both families. “So, uh… this is kinda nice, right?” Luther awkwardly starts. “All of us here together. One big happy family.” Oh, I fucking wish that’s what we are. “Look I know there's bad blood between us. Whatever. Bygones, right?” Ben says making you smile, even when he's being an ass he still manages to make you smile. “Question?” Ben asks Diego who shot his missing finger hand up. “Yeah, if I kill you two, do we get our Ben and y/n back?” Diego genuinely asks making your eyes go wide and Fei snickers. Ben throws threats toward Diego before Viktor comes in asking where Harlan went. Viktor rightfully asks what you did to him but Allison says that she did something to him, stating that she killed him. Anticipating a fight you walk towards Ben who read your mind and grabbed you and the cheeseballs and sat down next to Five, pulling you into his lap. 
     “20 bucks on the little one,” Ben bets with Five, taking his action, munching on the cheesballs as Viktor and Allison argue. Finding out that Harlan didn't just kill your siblings but the Umbrella’s mothers (effectively causing a paradox where they don't exist) you start paying more attention to the fight. “This wasn't about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for--” “Go on,” Allison interrupts while starting to stand. Luther tries to intervene before Allison gestures him away. Allison and Viktor continue arguing, making you worry for Allison. She continues arguing, bringing up many personal experiences of people trying to fix Viktor’s problem and not even acknowledging her’s. Five tells Allison to take it easy as Ben slightly pushes him back in his seat. Viktor tries to speak but is shut up when Allison screams for him to, causing his mouth to close and choke for air. “We should've left you in the basement,” She says causing every one of the Umbrella’s to stand “Whoa! Allison, all right!” Diego yells at her while standing. After catching his breath Viktor backhands Allison earning a face from Fei and a gasp from you. “Sweet. You guys fight just like us,” Ben tells Diego who replies that they don't fight like that. Continuing with the family meeting without Viktor, who had rushed upstairs.
     After the meeting, you showed the Umbrella’s (what you now know is) the Kugelblitz. “Oh cool it's German,” you say trying so desperately to lighten the mood. That's what you did during your family’s fights, lighten the mood and be the mediator. You always joked that maybe your true power was settling sibling disputes. Five and Sloane start talking about science stuff; you were always more of a chemist than a physicist. “I'm in,” Five says impressed with Sloane’s data. “We don’t need you,” you say causing Allison to say “Excuse you?” Fei explains that we need Lila, Christopher, Sloane, and--“Viktor,” Allison interrupts. Before the others do their thing with the Kugelblitz, you have some time before. Walking with Ben upstairs to get his jacket, stopping before you get to the door to wait. After some time Ben comes out and tells you that Viktor was in there getting his emo all over your sheets. “Okay, Mr. has every Fall Out Boy album on vinyl,”
     “Okay, how do we start?” Viktor asks Sloane. “Have you ever moved a nest of bees?”Sloane asks the group. “No, because that’s weird.” Lila returns. “You can't just pick it up. You have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it.” After Sloane explains she starts levitating; Fei warns Viktor that one of the black holes is vibrating at a different rate from the others and that he shouldn't let them speed up or change. Taking her advice, he encompasses the Kugelblitz. Fei tells Lila that whenever she’s ready she needs to do exactly as Viktor does. Sloane uses the Kugelblitz’s gravity to condense it. “You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God,” Grace says, walking down the stairs holding something. “You have no right to do that,” she says menacingly. “We’re a little busy here, Grace,” Luther shouts hoping to make Grace turn back. You turn and start paying more attention to Grace than whatever cool shit your siblings were doing. “The day of vengeance was in my heart…” Grace says as you walk behind Diego. Soon almost everyone is looking at her, dressed in a nun costume. “What do you mean by that?” You ask Grace, just wishing she’d go back to making her bombass cookies. “...and my year of redemption hath come,” she finishes before firing a flamethrower. “Shit!” Diego ducks left, grabbing your arm and pulling you down with him.
     Grace continues firing the flamethrower as the others try and eliminate the Kugelblitz. Diego leaves your hiding spot to reason with Grace saying “Don't make us hurt you.” Grace repeats the quote she said before. Getting up before Grace starts firing again you pull Diego back to your spot, managing to burn your arm in the process. Yelling out in pain, Diego wraps your wound in some loose cloth he found. “I’ll be fine, it’ll heal real fast, don’t worry about me,” you protest, out of breath from the pain and close to tears. “Hell no.” he says sharply “I’m not losing you again,” he quietly says. Soon Five teleports Grace out of the basement. Peeking around the corner you see Christopher come apart and start to close around the Kugelblitz. Standing around you watch them as they successfully shrink the Kugelblitz; Chris absorbing it in his cubed body. “Did it work?” Five says, back from what you presume was killing Grace. “Next Kugelwave in three, two…one,” Sloane counts. When the next wave is supposed to happen, Chris instead farts. Causing everyone to sigh in relief.
     Upstairs a party commences; full of dancing and lots of alcohol. Ben opens a bottle and starts to drink, handing the bottle over to you which you eagerly accept. It's been a long and rough couple of days. After dancing around you remember your burn. Taking the cloth off you see it has completely healed. “Whoa, so-so you're like Klaus,” Diego comments, flopping next to you, staring and touching your arm. Diego continues talking wanting to learn more about your regenerative abilities, “Damn so, like, hypothetically, if you got staked would you come back?” he asks making you scoot further away in a joking manner. “Um, probably not, cause like, when you get staked that means your dead, like really dead,” you try and explain. “Huh, cool,” he says before getting up and walking away. God, they're so much weirder than us before getting up and continuing to party, Ben eagerly waiting to dance with you.
     Sitting around the fireplace, continuing to drink with Chris, Ben and Fei. “I’m glad we made peace. It all worked out, “ Ben says to Fei while pouring more into her glass. “Yeah. but we’re definitely killing them in the morning, right?” “I have dibs on knife boy,” Chris jokes. “No one is killing anyone.” “why not? We followed your plan, merged the families, saved the world--” “Universe actually,” you interject causing Fei to make a choking gesture to you. “We don't need them anymore,” Fei finishes. “I'm not done with them yet,” “Done what?” Fei asks. “That's between me and Dad,” Ben concludes. “You made a deal with Dad?” Fei asks annoyed that he would do something stupid like that. “I may have,” Ben answers much to Fei’s displeasure. “Fine. I’m done--” “Sit back down,” “No, we don't recognize your authority. You’re a terrible leader with no loyalty to anyone but yourself,” Fei responds standing up to Ben yet again. “You don't speak for Chris or y/n,” Fuck don’t throw me in this mess. Chris speaks up and tells Ben that Fei’s right and that he is a shitty leader and brother causing Fei to snicker and you to cover your mouth, hiding the smile. “Really dude? I’m number one. You’ll do as I say when I say it,” Ben says to Fei. “Not anymore,” Fei says leaning in and smirking 
     “Here's to a new life without this dickhead,” Fei says as she cheers with Chris. Chris starts to spin and glow brighter than normal. “Christopher, what’s wrong?” Fei asks worriedly. “Hey Chris it's gonna be okay,” you say walking closer before being pulled back by Ben. “Back away guys,” Ben warns. “Chris, it’s going to be okay,” Fei repeats trying to calm him as they walk closer to him. “It's going to be okay, I'm going to help you,” “Fei!” Ben yells trying to get her away from Chris. Not a moment later Chris explodes, pulling Fei in and knocking both you and Ben down. Anticipating a Kugelwave you cover Ben’s head and neck with your body. As the wave hits Chris is completely destroyed. The house starts crumbling, a piece of the balcony hitting you knocking you out.
Taglist: @0x1lovesonq @bryannabarradas @ac-book-nerd-13 @4okkotsu @kraken-00-22 @fivehargreevessuit @isaefire @xhiiyuv @fridatessacm @gloriousstudentoperamug @j-panic @salted-fis @siriusly-rem-writes @gamingdevil101 @sanguinelabyrinth @muzanslander12 @mihhggvggh @choichaeyiul @mitsuri-darling @birbtweettweet @choclate32 @ddeonubaby @nao-cchi @i-bitch-you-bitch @mylesofasgard @darlingsuna @blogname197 @mivzai @emmeowo @yanelly1085 @mukbee @aceofspades190 @jui36oxx
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