#<- this one hit me. harder than others bc like. that's smth ik and it's smth i'm trying to work on
byfulcrums · 8 months
i love being that one friend with a very chaotic personality that gives horrible advice on purpose (then gives some actually good advice) and offers to murder people for you but i also. would like to be taken more seriously. in a "please stop using me as just comedy i am a real person and don't find the jokes you make at my expense (is that the word?) funny" way
#this hasn't been happening as often. bc we're on vacation and i don't see people as ofyen#i like to stay home. i love my home. and i love the loudness of my family but not the loudness of the rest of the world yk??#but uh#today my friend came to my house#and she has this joke#it's basically about how my siblings are “basically blessed by aphrodite” while i'm. ugly. compared to them#and just ugly in general#she doesn't say ugly but she does imply it. how does she do it?? by pointing out every fucking flaw my face has#“haha your head is egg shaped”#“lol you have a big forehead”#“you look like you have one big eyebrow!”#“your eye bags make you look like a raccoon”#<- this one hit me. harder than others bc like. that's smth ik and it's smth i'm trying to work on#i'm like this because i don't sleep much and because i spend too much time with my phone#i'm like this because i eat too much when i'm not even hungry and i refuse to exercise#and i'm trying to WORK ON IT.#and she just. laughs. at the consequences of all the stuff that's been actually harming me#and i KNOW that i should talk to her about this but HOW#how tf do i do that#it's not a “i don't want to lose her” thing it's more of a “i don't want any more conflict”#my 2022 and my 2023 have been so full of fights and just. pure negativity#and it was all bc of my friends. bc they're toxic and too stupid to see that they're wrong sometimes#and everytime i talked to one of them they would tell me more about the drama between them and some of my other friends and i HATED it sm#i'm flooding the tags w this cause it's. idk i wouldn't want it to be the first thing ppl see if they find this post#also i need to go to sleep it's almost 4am#avis talks#vent
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imtheworst-imsorry · 4 months
I HAVE UPDATES!!! so my admissions team meeting went well, it was probably a lot more comprehensive than other people who’ve been in treatment before get, but this is my first time in any kind of ed treatment so they went through a lot of info. i’m still processing a lot of it, it takes my brain a while to catch up to important information, so i have a feeling this is all gonna hit me really hard within the next few days, but i do have (at least some) answers now and i feel better about having less uncertainty about some of that. they did stress that some of the details are really going to depend on how i’m doing while i’m here, both mentally and physically, but at least having some idea of how things are gonna go is helpful for me. one of the most important things i was worried about was a diagnosis, and ik some people would probably try to tell me that that’s not as important as the treatment itself, but i’m the kind of person that needs labels and names for my experiences so i feel more stable in my life and the situations i’m in, so it is very important to me. that’s why i pushed SO HARD to get the other mental health diagnoses and neuropsych testing for my autism and adhd. i have now officially been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, binge/purge subtype, which i’m honestly pretty relieved by, idk why but i was super anxious that i’d get given something that would somehow make me feel more invalidated and make me feel less motivated to work on getting better, but this feels pretty ok, and it is the best description of my experiences (at least it’s what i felt was the most accurate before i even came here so i’m honestly quite relieved that my doctor agrees even though i never told him that’s what i thought i should be diagnosed with). i’m still really struggling with making myself complete my meals and snacks but i am doing it, purely bc i only get to stay off of wc/br and get to have my phone and laptop if i complete, and i need those to feel like i’m not completely isolated, but i know that there are gonna be days that are harder than others. i also have an idea of how long they think i’ll probably be here (4-5ish weeks from now) and i also have a rough goal from my dietician of where she thinks my target weight should be and where they want me to get to before i get discharged, but i’m not gonna specify that here rn bc i’m still processing that stuff and i feel like writing it here will make it hit harder or smth, idk. my parents had some good questions for the team, and they brought me a few more things from home, including some pictures of my dog, and we’re having a family therapy session on tuesday. apparently not a ton happens here on the weekends, and monday is memorial day so it’s basically a weekend schedule, too, which gives me plenty of time to think about all this but hopefully also plenty of time to find distractions so i don’t get too stuck in my own head. i’m gonna spend some time just decompressing from everything tonight, chill out a bit, one of the girls here has been teaching people to make friendship bracelets (she cranks them out so fast it’s super impressive, she came right up to me on my first day and asked what my favorite color was and handed me one, which was super sweet) i did one that ended up being more of a keychain bc the embroidery floss was too short to make a whole bracelet, but for a first attempt it came out really well. i’m still on bathroom observation, which is kinda embarrassing having someone stand there with the door cracked open while i pee but mostly it’s just super inconvenient bc i have to pee SO often bc they’re having me drink so much water and my body only gives me about 1-2 minutes of warning max when i need to go to the bathroom before it becomes an Emergency, so i spend an annoying amount of time hunting down someone to let me into the bathroom and doing the classic preschooler potty dance while i wait for them to come let me pee lol.
i think that’s all i’m gonna update for tonight unless i think of something else, i’m gonna rewatch as much of lotms as i can before they take my tech back for the night at 10
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