#<- tokiponafied 'hermitcraft'
bugbbear · 6 months
so i tried to tokipona-fy the names of the hermits
⚠️I am still a beginner in toki pona, so if anything here violates the language/phonics rules, IM SORRY I tried⚠️
Under the cut is a brief explanation of toki pona and how the words and letters are pronounced, and reblogged after it is a list I've made (with some credited help) of each hermit, their tokipona-fied name, their combined sign, and an explanation of why I chose what I chose.
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For those of you who don't know what toki pona is, it's a minimalist language with only 120 official words and ~135 widespread words. It's got only 14 letters and 14 phonemes (sounds). For comparison, the english language has roughly 1 million words, 26 letters, and 44 phonemes.
Toki pona does not have the english letters b, c, d, f, g, h, q, r, v, x, y, or z. You may now be realizing how difficult (impossible) it would be to mimic a name like Bdubs in this language. Not only do B and D not exist in toki pona, but the U here makes the "uh" sound, a sound that ALSO isnt in toki pona.
Each letter in toki pona makes one, and only one, sound. J is pronounced like english Y as in "yikes". A is pronounced like "fAr", E is pronounced like "bEt", I sounds like "whEEE!" (or according to some like "bIt"), O is pronounced like "Or", and U is pronounced like "mOOn".
In addition, there's several specific phonics rules for toki pona. You can't end any syllable with a consonant other than N (although vowels are allowed) and the phonomes Wu, Wo, Ji, and Ti are illegal.
Toki pona uses 14 latin letters (a,e,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,s,t,u,w), but it also has a separate glyphic form called sitelen pona.
For each hermit, I'm going to give their tokipona-fied name, a combined glyph, the name of the words in the glyph, a meaning for those words, and then an explanation for Everything.
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