#<- which is a term I invented btw!!!! very exciting to me that everyone seems to call them the gang now
yannfredericks · 3 years
Having INTENSE Yann Fredericks thoughts now and always so here’s some of my headcanons I’ve developed over the past 3/4 years:
-he speaks several languages including French, German, Italian, English and a bit of Welsh bc he lived there for several years as a child
-his two mums (whose names I can never fully decide on sorry) are French and German, but he has family in Italy, and they lived in Wales while they tried to figure out a way to have a second child bc they were having a lot of complications
-one of his mums runs a patisserie and the other one is a mind healer/therapist! he has really great and healthy relationships with them both and is sort of the resident gang therapist bc he knows so much about healthy communication, processing feelings etc
-he has a sister called Leah! They’re very close even though she’s five years younger, and due to the complications she was born without her left leg, but she’s got a magical prosthetic that can change colours! Once she’s sorted into Hufflepuff she usually has it in the same yellow colour
-he did a lot of dance growing up and was really good at it! mainly ballet with Leah (once they got her prosthetic sorted) but he gave it up once he got to Hogwarts which he super regrets bc he misses it so much. I think he gets back into it when he’s 16/17, but in any case he is incredibly in tune with his body and has a very graceful and precise way of moving, like you can just tell he's a dancer
-he meets Polly on the train to Hogwarts and is drawn to her immediately!! my friend em (@karl-jenkins) I believe came up with the headcanon that Yann and Sophia Barclay were childhood friends and I quite like that! So he and Sophia get on the train together but he sees Polly and sort of wanders off bc he /has/ to speak to her
-Polly’s super nervous and ends up snapping at him with some scathing comments and he sees straight through it and is just enraptured by her, she’s really glad that he ends up sticking around and they very quickly become best friends!!
-I mean aside from the fact that he’s basically in love with her from the get go, it’s early third year that he realises he’s definitely going to marry her, he’s got a lot of little engagement ring design sketches in his third year notebooks
-I can never quite decide, but I like the idea that they get together sometime in sixth year, but were basically dating all of fifth year anyway. I also like to think that they get together super early, like when they’re holding hands in cursed child at the end of fourth year! Either way, they’re best friends, in love, end up together in every universe and they’re soulmates <3
-they share clothes, Yann is very often found in Polly’s tops, skirts and dresses and her in his hoodies and track pants etc etc
-they paint their nails together and do a skincare night at least once a week with the whole gang (meaning with Karl and Craig)
-Yann is on the quidditch team as a Keeper, but not really bc he has any sort of passion for quidditch and more so bc he likes being part of a team and getting his body moving, he’d really much rather be dancing (his favourite movie is Billy Elliot!! closely followed by Luca now actually!)
-goes for a morning jog most days and drags Karl along with him!!
-massive conspiracy theorist but only in the way that he likes to make jokes about it, and only about creatures such as Big Foot, Moth Man and the Loch Ness Monster, he owns a lot of quirky merch including a crop top that reads ‘moth man is real and he is my boyfriend <3’, and he likes to tell people that his biological father is the Loch Ness monster and he acts like he’s very very serious and not even remotely joking about it
-that being said, he did once get into a massive debate with some younger kids bc they thought he was for real a flat earther and he thought it would be hilarious to play along with that (he was right, it was absolutely hysterical)
-he and Polly are the parents of the gang just bc they have such married couple/mum and dad energy
-super chill about his gender identity and is pretty much cool with whatever! He’s fine with male pronouns but is fine with she and they too, he’s just who he is, doesn’t think too much about it! Just likes to express himself however he feels! also incredibly bisexual
-denim jacket and doc marten bi and a major wife guy!! an all around great person and best friend you could ever ask for
-he and Polly get married a couple of years out of Hogwarts, and after training to be an auror and deciding it wasn’t for him after only a year or two, he continues with dance and begins teaching ballet to children while he figures out what else he wants to do
-becomes friends with Albus and Scorpius in fifth or sixth year and they’re very very close
Yann is super super real and detailed to me so this is just a little bit but yeah I thought I’d share <3 might add more another time!!
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akaiimee · 4 years
translation of the YT video “Adèle HAENEL, Noémie MERLANT, Céline SCIAMMA : « Un portrait de femmes flamboyant »”
journalist (j) : we are glad to meet you today.... "portrait of a lady in fire", Adèle Haenel, Noémie Merlant and Céline Sciamma for this movie which had the price of the script at the Cannes festival, so we meet today at the festival of Angoulême. Beautiful adventure for a film, when we do a movie we dream of all of this, don't we ?
Céline (C) : in any case, we mostly dream that it meets its public and all the things that bring it to the public is good to take so it gives us momentum and confidence.
j : we think about public when we do a movie like this, yes, we think "how can we surprise them, how can we question them ?"..
C : of course, me, I'm absolutely obsessed by this, thinking about the public like an actif subject of the movie, how he will dwell the movie itself, mostly when we do a love story : I want people to also think to their story...
j :  to recognize themselves
C : yes
j : even if the story happen in the 18th century
C : the story takes place absolutely in the 18th century.. It is a perspective effect that allows you to let go a little
j : ok.. we will now watch the trailer and then Adèle will make the pitch
Adèle (A) : 😁
--> trailer
j : Adèle Haenel
A : so it is me who does the pitch
j : yes but *mimes this movement at 1:46 *
A : yes I'll do it shortly. It is the story of Marianne who is a painter, who comes on a island to do the portray of a young woman Héloïse who will be married. It is their story, the story of this meeting when the portray is done and the meeting between these two women that takes place over a very short time
Noémie (N) : she has to paint her in secret !
A : yes, thank you Noémie .... it's a lot of suspens, it is a thriller
j : yes it's a thriller ! So now everyone who is listening to us know it's a thriller, with suspens
C : All love stories are thrillers
A : Yes it's true
j : And effectively btw, the sensation is present, this feeling of love and you have great pleasure in making us wait
C : a slow burning film, effectively, it is the slow chronic, step by step,  of a rising desire. But I think that it's good frustrations and this is why we go to the cinema too, it's good to wait, to hope.
j : yes yes and we hope.. Noémie, and that's a love story anyway, a beautiful love story! Talk about your character, her relations she can nourish trough... at the bottom, there is a background : it's painting
N : Yes, this is a love story and this is also a story of contributors, of women, of artist, and how Marianne
will situate herself as a painter, how she will find her painting the truth the sincerity and it's thanks to this encounter with Héloïse that she can ask herself the right questions and break out of a framework of rules, conventions and let her go.
j : yes there is a form of a liberation trough art, through letting go
A : yep I'll continue what Noémie said, when she said : "asking the right questions", that is, all the questions that belongs to us and this is the beginning of an artist's work, it is understanding that we had made hers questions that were not ours, or the issues that were not ours or even issues that oppress us, and the romantic encounter allows to get out of these stereotypical questions which are in fact a very narrow path, and to approach the infinite field of art possibilities.
j : yes bc on the bottom there is creation, the mystery of creation and love is also a form of creation.
C : yes there is the creation in the love dialogue, there is a creative dialogue but that is also an intellectual dialogue and the movie takes part in telling that, telling how falling in love is not only a principe of very beautiful persons who meet in an elevator and immediately fall in love, it's admiration, it's debate, it's criticism, it's analysis, it's how we think together and how we are affected by thinking together and the movie tells about that.
j : though the painter and her model, there is this relation that is very rich and strong
A : It's effectively what we are talking about, when Céline talks about exchange, it can seem very light but it's very deep, that is, how in the story of art, very often there were one brain that tough for everybody and finally this way it's a seed of oppression. We can find it everywhere whereas collaboration, it's like this that we create masterpiece I think, and the movie is more than that, we can invente societies like this, that is, this seed is present in art but also present in politic and... that's it.       sorry I got carried away
(everybody is laughing)
j : no no it's true , she is right  
(A : yes of course)
j : it's not the painter and her model, it's both of them are necessary to each other and it's this fusion that we were talking about
C : of course.. the term of muse is associated to a form of passivity, it's women who would be fetishized, passives and inspirational only by the pure grace of there presence and it masks the reality, the cooperators, the brains in the room, and often, women were erased of art history while they were painters, musicians, novelists etc. and even the statue of muse has been reduced to this idea of purely inspiring and quiet while they contributed to the oeuvre.
j : yes, and there is also this liberation because at the beginning, art is supposed to imprison because it's about making a portray of weeding that she didn't choose, she doesn't want, and it's art that will allow her to free herself
A : In fact, the movie is obviously political, because it is in a form of suspension, as it happens, the creation of the portrait is an opportunity for artistic collaboration, a relationship with oneself that would be very close to the surface, very excited, very forward-looking. However, it is not proposed as a long-term solution because the long-term solution is still political, there the film says "yes, indeed, we are leaving a system in which we put the young woman in the convent, we created her to be a beautiful object, we take her out while we paint her, this beautiful object, and then we remarry her and she is again an object, and not a person in itself." And this, this asks a political though on it, not just artistic.
j : so it's also a politic movie
C : Adèle says it very well but also in this dimension there, they collaborate on what will separate them : it is also a tension of romantic tragedy which collaborates from the fictional of the cinema in general and romanticism, that is, collaborate on what will separate you, this is a amorous tension which, I think, can be moving.
j : yeah, I would like you to say something about the picture, the cinematographic picture looks like a moving painting
C : yes the movie is kind of obsessed with the idea of beauty, btw when we say that the movie evokes the painting, the plans are like tables, it's because the cinema has a link with beauty as painting has : the cinema, like painting, it's a story of frame, a story of characters, of color, of light, and it's true that the movie wanted to talk about beauty, being beautiful, and also being new, and I think that the novelty has a link with beauty too.
j : yes.. Noémie you have been happy of course to be in this movie, to see all of that
A : the work with Noémie was very interesting because it's true that... I mean.. Noémie has this fire inside her, that is really particular, playing with her... turning to Noémie Idk how you have lived this... it was very exciting
j : yes Noémie you felt that too, is it true ?
N : huuummm
A : we approached the scenes a bit like somewhat sporty fights almost
j : laugh it was a sporty fight
N :  it was a sporty fight.. what was interesting was that we invented our relationship with Adèle as actresses and at the same time our relationship between Héloïse and Marianne we invented it as we filmed, and what is funny is that Adèle she dare to suggest, send a ball and you never know how she will send it, how to receive it, and all these look games... what will she do ? She is fascinating. when we play with Adèle, there is a fascination that takes place and I tried to use it the most for Marianne looking Héloïse, and what also fed me a lot in the film is that the play of gaze was not only between Adèle and me, it was also with Céline : there was really a real triangle .. me, I looked a lot at Céline like she look at us, and I tried to get inspired by her gaze particularly intense and also very kind.
j : thank you
A : thank you a lot
j : thank you for sending balls, she is a ball sender
N : yeah yes!
j : thank you Adèle, thank you Céline, thanks to all of you! Thank you Noémie ..and go watch "portrait of a lady in fire"
Voilà ! If you don't understand something or want a translation of another video (related to this movie or Adèle Haenel) tell me !
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gurguliare · 6 years
Okay here we GO Twilight Mirage futura free part 4 THOUGHTS, COMPLETE,* OFFICIAL:
I am strangely proud of Janine for pulling off a sustained, often exhilarating character arc that seemed... so dislocated from the main cast’s web of relationships? That sounds backhanded but I don’t mean it that way at all, I vastly enjoyed all of the independent storytelling Janine did in the finale. I thought Signet was far and away the mvp of part 4 and the keystone of what did work about the resolution with Crystal Palace. Um, but I’m just commenting because it was interesting to listen to something so self-contained within the messy larger story. The rooftop chase was wonderful! It really encapsulated what was, for me, some of the initial magic of the ship game way back at the start of the season, which was this sense of The Utopia imagined in terms of this adventurous personal excellence, this absolute freedom to go above and beyond, and to do so in the service of further freedom---I mean, inasmuch that Signet is both inventing third options and doing so with the goal of securing meaningful escape for everyone, and also, she transforms even necessity by showing off and delighting in it. And it made me happy to have the logic of the original ship game reversed, so that the same ethos which was admirable but doomed when used passively, in defense of the fleet, here becomes an unbeatable ambush---as seen through the eyes of Keen Forester Gloaming. I can’t believe I’m now a propaganda machine for high heels action sequence. Whatever, it’s fine. I also was like, SO BRIEFLY EXCITED about the reframing of Crystal Palace as a problem not for its omniscience but for its being, you know, an annihilation-class object, the Oberstein of supercomputers, responsible for more destruction than any knowledge can justify.
But then it went away again for Arbit. How did I feel about Arbit? “Lol.” I mean, thankfully they elaborated on it so much that I started picturing it as a fucking... stone soup thing where the cult of Arbit generated so much ~chaotic complexity that the Crystal Palace was stymied anyway, but idk. I much preferred “everywhere, the Crystal Palace is singing!” to that second (and third and fourth etc) ending. Honestly I think if they wanted a remotely plausible “solution” to hard-determinist physical universe of the Twilight Mirage, which I know they did not, then the logical one is the Splice---surely if you want to talk about things that would outrun CP’s compute power, “people living out generations inside the matrix in the course of a year, then coming out again with all new memes” might have an impact. I suppose I could merge this with stone soup Arbit theory for “Grand continues to have really good timing, and no, he shouldn’t sleep at night.”
Uh... OUR PROFIT and TENDERNESS, twin queens of Cair Paravel: I lost my fucking shit. What a legend. I was a little disappointed Open Metal went with them rather than staying to assist/help transition out the Cadent Under Mirage, just because I feel like that’s a funnier followup to the holiday special? and also I feel like all the attempts to patch on more reasons why “and this unbelievably valuable unmoderated resource will never invite corruption” just sort of, uh, drew more attention to the fantasy impossibility, which I guess is why Austin filled all the way up and had to vent horrific bad-end steam in an unrelated playground.
(What was that btw. no seriously, what a hilariously violent clapback to poor Echo’s bid to save the DFS from itself, like, obviously we would hate to end up recreating Rapid Evening rhetoric but “these minor powers failing to initiate pointless war early on enabled them to unite and form a MUCH WORSE EMPIRE later” is... uh... Well, of course, it is not a justification for blind consequentialism.)
I liked Signet’s epilogue stuff the most also, though followed closely by Ali’s notes about how Anticipation adds fear verisimilitude to the online flamewar experience. I love Signet locked in mortality chicken with the Waking Cadent. I love Signet’s permanent open distrust of the Waking Cadent, who has probably completely mellowed out by year 50 of the new diaspora and just wants to hang out with her cold advisor and reminisce about hot axioms. I LOVE “Signet was very interested in the Rapid Evening.” I love Signet forcing Divines to sit down at the table and talk with their own mouths, which I presume to have been the major obstacle to Divine self-representation heretofore. Oh! Also! Before I forget, I was thrilled to actually get that last Belgard-Signet touchstone I was craving earlier, and it was exactly what I wanted---both the pretty-obvious-but-nice-to-have-confirmed thing about Signet abandoning Belgard on Belgard’s request, the larger point of Belgard hating her excerpts dying, the part where Belgard has to consent to Signet risking her life anyway, because that’s justice and that’s what marriage is about, justice---and finally Belgard safeguarding Signet’s humanity for the long cold space ages ahead. Which is also only fair, given that Belgard is Signet’s non-petty prime motive for turning into fucking Elrond. Ohhh I’m so fond.
As for the epilogue to the epilogue: I was first cynical about, then immediately charmed by, then cynical about “The Kingdom Come walkabout with higher production values.” I did laugh like a horse at “Fuck, I don’t know, emerald??” and also Signet earnestly commending Grandmagnificent for turning his life around, six months before she (but not anyone else, even Fourteen) burned him out of her moleskine address book forever. Wait, those were both still Janine things. GREAT WORK JANINE, I ENJOYED WORDS OTHER PEOPLE SAID TOO, PROBABLY
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RvB16 Episode 4 Review: Sis and Tuc’s S**ellent Adventure
(Old Reblog Post. Also sorry for the censoring, I’m trying t be cautious right now.)
With a title like ‘Sis and Tuc’s S**cellent Adventure”, so I even need to write an introduction? That’s enough of a draw-in! So… yeah, lets just jump into it!
It’s been a day since the last episode and Tucker has recovered from the blow to his fragile male ego. He agrees to Sister’s plan on banging past people wanting a six-way with the Spice Girls. Sister points out that he’s setting himself too high and eventually it leads back to Tucker insisting that they banged. Sister expands on what she said last episode, about something happening that made them stop. I guess she thought about it more as she says that Tucker thought that someone was watching them and had stopped due to it. To get a clear answer, they decide to go back to Season 5 now that Sister has figured out how the portal gun works.
Back at The Battle of Broken Ridge, the… Red Army I guess? I assume it’s a Red vs Blue battle. Anyways, they’re all dead. Simmons tries to comfort Sarge after his failure to prevent their deaths… that he pretty much caused. And in the afterlife, Church is laughing cause now they are going through what he did. Sarge is upset and blames the failures… on his underlings idiocy. Of course. But is this going to deter Sarge from fixing the past? Hell no! He is going to create essentially a dream time like The Expendables… a movie I’ve never seen, but screw you Sarge! Harrison Ford makes everything better even if he isn’t necessary! Simmons is just left baffled and confused. You think he’d be used to this by now.
Back with Tucker and Sister, they make it back to Season 5 during the final fight with Wyoming. In order to not cause a paradox, they dodge behind rocks to not be seen… and wouldn’t you know it, Tucker finds a sniper rifle! I’m surprised he didn’t make a bigger deal over finally getting the thing (and… how did it get there? I need to rewatch Blood Gulch man). But with it, he spots he moment where past him was talking to Flowers… and I am still is confused on how he came back to life out of nowhere as I was when I watched Season 5. But we do get an explanation on how he died again. Remember the random bullet that show him down? Well turns out that Tucker’s finger was too close to the trigger and… well, you do the math. Seriously, Church must just be laughing his ass off int he afterlife right now. But Tucker knows when he fucks up and decides to stick to the sword.
We now check on Grif and Doc as Grif has figured out how the gun works now. Okay, so everyone knows how the things work, good. Grif, still wanting to avoid the plot, has sent them back to when he was in college and before he… got enlisted? Wait, I thought he was drafted… meh, maybe time has affected his memory or something. My proof? Well the restaurant is now a Calzone and Stormboli restaurant. Grif, confused, tries to ask some kids what the fuck is happening. Also it’s Halloween so that we can justify them wearing Halo armor despite being kids! Ah, you gotta love those kinds of things!
So… as it turns out… Grif and Doc ended up in a timeline where pizza does not exist. Let me repeat that: Pizza does NOT exist… WHAT KIND OF SICK TIMELINE IS THAT?! Grif yells at children before the fact sinks in and… he decides to grenade himself. Sheesh dude, I knwo that a world without pizza is just sick and wrong, but there’s other Italian dishes to consider! Luckily Doc knows the grenade away, saving Grif’s life for the second time… okay I forgive him for last season now. Cause someone needs to take care of Grif while Simmons isn’t there and Doc is fulfilling that, damn it! Doc is able to convince Grif to instead try and cause the invention of pizza to fix it… after trying to convinced him to use it for the greater good. Someone needs to one day explain to Doc what show he’s in, I don’t think he ever figured it out.
Back in Season 5, Sister now has the sniper rifle and they’re now waiting for the ship with Tex, Junior, and Andy to blow up. Tucker uses the time to ash Sister why she tagged along to begin with. Sister explains how, while the convention business has been going well, her personal life has gotten fucked up. TO put it simply, she got involved with a person working with her… who was married to the head of HR. So… yeah that’s a bit of a clusterfuck if there ever was one. She wishes that things could go back to being silly and fun like it used to be, a sentiment that Tucker can relate to. Back in Blood Gulch, it felt like that nothing really mattered and there weren’t really consequences. No? Wash got injured due to his poor leadership and he’s got a lawsuit on him for who knows how many child support payments. It’s… a rather nice, reflective heart-to-heart. We also learn that Tucker’s mother is dead… that’s a bummer.
So the ship explodes, everyone kind of went to do their own thing, and past!Tucker took past!Sister to the caves to shoe her  ‘surprise’. Turns out that Blood Gulch has a lake in the canyon… didn’t know that. Past!Tucker is trying to, of course, initiate having hanky panky time with Sister (and I imagine past!Grif having a ‘I sense a disturbance in the Force’ moment) and… he is awkward and stammering as Hell. It’s kinda cute… I’m gonna laugh at him anyways! HAHAHA! Fortunately past!Sister is more than capable of taking the initiative and it looks like they were indeed going to have see. ALl as their future selves watch in secret. Sister, having a moment of weakness, asks if Tucker wants to go ahead and bang with Tucker… getting too excited and causing last him to hear him. They don’t get caught and cause a paradox thankfully, but it’s enough to cause past!Tucker to call hanky panky time off. So… Tucker totally cockblocked himself… twice… with the same girl… wooooow.
Sister is of course annoyed as they return to Valhalla as well as disappointed in herself for almost banging with Tucker. But hey, she gets a new idea… to go back and bang her past self! No! Sister, selfcest leads to bad things! She goes off and if they had animated this scene, I imagine that Tucker would be kicking himself right now. Literally. But hey, you came close buddy.
This was a laugh riot, OMG. Before we get to the main event, lets talk about the other pairs.
There’s not a lot to say about Sarge and Simmons really. As expected, Sarge caused his own problem and fails to recognize it. IDK if him saying that he’s going to recruit others is going to go anywhere, but it was there. I did like how Simmons was concerned about Sarge’s state after and him continuing to be a dork with having a log (but… it was a science log here and last time it was a star log… does Simmons keep multiple logs?! NERD!) Him just being completely and utterly baffled at how Sarge could jump to the conclusion he made was also hilarious, especially him just weakly returning the ‘hoorahs’. IDK why the mental image of Gus recording that crack me up… but it cracks me up.
There’s a bit more to talk about with Grif and Doc. First, addressing the brief continuity error about Grif claiming to be enlisted. Now him dropping out of college? I can buy that. But in the Fan Guide and I’m fairly sure that Geoff himself said it before, Grif was drafted. Then again he did claim that he signed up willingly back int he very first episode, so… IDK. It’s not that big a deal and it can easily be hand-waved as him just saying that so Doc won’t question him about it or with pizza no longer existing, maybe he did enlist due to time screwing up and his memory adjusted accordingly. So ultimately, unless this is important later and IDT it will be, it’s not that big a deal.
So we continue to see Grif ignoring the problem and trying to get back to the pizza quest. To Doc’s credit, he is trying to get Grif to focus on it, but this being Doc he can’t really force it and IDT hes going to unleash O’Malley if he can help it. Grif yelling at children (and one I’m fairly sure is voiced by Lindsay? Or at least one sounded like Space Kid) about pizza’s existence also had me about ready to burst a guy. I imagine that Geoff blew his voice out after that, but his sacrifice is appreciate if that is the case. Plus hey, he NAILED it. Seriously, sidetracking, but the voice acting has been perfection so far. But yeah, I assume that something is going to happen to force Grif into facing the problem moreso than the others (I imagine whenever they discover Huggins… where is she BTW?) and I worry that since he’s kept Grif from getting killed twice now, something might happen to Doc… but we’ll see!
Okay, onto the main event! The entire S**cellent adventure was a laugh riot, OMG. Honestly just having Sister have some prominent screentime after so long was SO nice. I am loving how Joe is handling her this season. Her and Tucker’s banter was perfection. Them going form bickering to flirting is just hilarious and I am loving it. I wasn’t sure what to expect from them aside form flirting, and so far having the two most horny characters on the show together has been incredibly entertaining.
Their heart to heart was really nice as well. Sister definitely screwed up as far as her personal life is concerned, which makes her wanting to go back to before then understandable. Tucker being able to relate with what happened in S15 when his choices came back to bit him in the ass was also really nice. Especially as he reflects how back during Blood Gulch, it didn’t seem like he had to care. Regardless of what happened, there weren’t any long-term consequences. I’d have to rewatch Blood Gulch to see how much of that is true, but for the most part he’s correct. Back then you could be as stupid as you wanted and it would work out. Even death wasn’t a big deal. Now? Well… it is. It’s not like how it was back then, and seeing Tucker reflect on that was a really good moment for him.
What else can I say? Ugh… well it ended how I expected. The second I saw the title of this episode, I immideatly went ‘they’re gonna go back to find out about the sex thing and it end sup Tucker messed it up, aren’t they?” And I was right! Yay! I didn’t see Sister deciding to indulge in selfcest coming and tbh Tucker handled the revelation better than I thought he would, but still it went as i expected. But at least we have conformation: Tucker and Sister almost did sex, but Tucker thwarted himself. Ain’t that a bitch?
Final Thoughts
This one is definitely meant to be purely a comedic episode. Which is fine since it was hilarious. Tucker and Sister’s back and forths had me giggling and Grif’s mental breakdown at pizza no longer existing had me in stitches. It was good! My only real complaint is I’d have liked some more plot, but I guess it’s better to get the funny time travel antics out of the way first before going forward. Plus hey, it was still funny, so why complain? Overall, that was indeed a s**cellent adventure.
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