#<- youll never guess who thats for (sarcasm)
gemwolfz · 11 months
since i am not sure if or when i will ever get back to that coming out day posting i will instead post full platoon headcanons here 🔥🔥🔥 under a cut because i intend to maintag and some people may not give a shit. also i expect to ramble. appending a big "to me, anyway" to all these because if i said that fifty times in the post it would be repetitive
keroro's gender is most accurately described as multiflux! he identifies with multiple genders at the same time- male, female, keronian genders you wouldn't get, exclusive genders only keroro understands- at different intensities at different moments. he mainly uses he/him, because, like, he's employed, but he appreciates being referred to in less masculine ways every now and then. because he's kind of a pretty girl ngl. he's also pansexual (i don't personally make a distinction between bi and pan, and usually default to the term bisexual, but idk keroro seems like someone who would label himself as pan dont ask me why) with a preference towards men. hey i can add nonqueer headcanons here too cant i. his ass has so much ADHD. also i posted yesterday that his behavior closely fits the description of narcissistic personality disorder HOWEVER thats a condition i dont know much about so im hesitant to decisively headcanon it for him yknow
tamama is bisexual (personally i have not witnessed proof of tamama caring about girls but the wiki is so confident about it that. well bi erasure would be bi erasure. we aint about that here 🫡) and also transgender 🔥 he's in the keronian version of the Awkward Transmasc Phase where if you're not read as a woman youre usually read as a middle schooler, and used to be more self-conscious about it, but since he's transitioned socially- he's tamama-kun within the platoon, and most pekoponians are completely unaware he was ever seen as a girl to begin with- he's quite happy with where he is now! anyway you know how i mentioned in one doodle post that i hc that fully metamorphosed female keronians are larger than males? well, being a bit of a brawler, tamama isn't really opposed to that concept, so although at his age Frog HRT would most likely trigger metamorphosis, he'd prefer to wait and metamorphose naturally before Starting Tesfrogsterone. best of both worlds! this trans frog is gnc and theres nothing you can do about it 🔥🔥🔥
giroro is bisexual. that's all he would have answered with in the coming out day posts because if youre cisgender whats the point in mentioning your gender right? anyone can tell he's a guy. look at that sharp, angry-looking brow, that big, gnarly scar, those monstrous fangs. those could only be appreciated on a man. and that's good, right? a soldier should be tough and intimidating. he's perfect. he should be proud. he says he is. so why is he so tired...? he shakes his head, and goes back to cleaning his arsenal. he's just frustrated that the invasion isn't going anywhere, that's all. really. Sorry i think i got possessed where was i. um i think giroro can also have little a autism as a treat
kululu is aroace, with no particular interest in seeking either of those types of relationships, romance averse but neutral towards sex. and he's apagender: he doesn't particularly care what gender people see him as. he does have his quirks- he enjoys presenting himself as girly every now and then, and is quite amused by being referred to as an "it" on occasion- but he considers these things more of a hobby or performance art than parts of his gender. just a bit of seasoning, some excitement. never let them know your next move. anyway hes also audhd (adhd autism combo pack). his headphones are noise cancelling, without them he will hear all his computers and the lights and the air conditioning and he will become the joker. i've also considered giving him Unique Alien Chronic Pain- i've got this kind of jokey headcanon where he secretes capsaicin due to his diet, sort of like a poison dart frog, and i thought an interesting consequence of that would be if that caused a constant burning feeling on his skin- but like idk if that would be a good idea? chronic pain is also not something i know much about
dororo is male, for all intents and purposes, but he doesn't care much about the label. he doesn't really believe in the gender binary these days, which is something he learned from living with koyuki; binary gender doesn't really exist in nature. he doesn't label his orientation, either, but for different reasons: being a professional assassin with a strict regiment doesn't really give a person much opportunity to explore in that area. he was never really in the dating scene, and doesn't expect to be thrown into it any time soon. if your relationship with the most loyal and taskfocused soldier you know is holding strong after you choose to defect from your planet and protect the one he's trying to invade, it's hard to imagine anything that could possibly break it down, you know?
i feel like this should have some kind of conclusion or something instead of just ending but idk lol. you get bonus headcanon which is that fuyuki is transmasc swag to me. aaand post
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discozu · 6 years
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i started critrole
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skiasurveys · 7 years
tell me about your crush!!!!!!! - Hes my boyfriend. I love him a lot, he’s funny, he loves gaming. He likes anime ( lmaooo), he is white but hes part turkish and german. but born in canada haha. He’s 7 years older than me (or 6.5) , we went to the same high school except he graduated WAYYYY BEFORE ME. He knows a lot of weird stuff. He loves MMOs and is on the leader boards for ESO which i find hilarious. We met on OKcupid which is a dating app. He says hes serious about me lol.
tell me about your ex-  well my most recent ex, i dated for only 3 months. we dated from Nov 2015- feb 2016. He broke up with me on Valentines day last year, which is funny tbh because he spent lots of money on me and then broke up wtih me. apparently i was too invested which makes no sense. I didn’t really connect well with him. we were more like close friends than boyfriend/girlfriend. He was slightly autisic or whatever so he didn’t really understand sarcasm sometimes which was really fucking annoying. I would make jokes and he took them way too serious or hard and would get mad at me -.-. He wasnt a bad boyfriend but he was just not my type. I said i loved him even though i didn’t. i was in love with the idea. I knew i didn’t want to spend my life with him. we never connected super great either, like we had nothing in common except the fact that we liked video games but he played shit games like (League of Legends). After we broke up, we met a week later to clear shit up i guess and it was super awkward and i was acually over him within a day so i was like this sucks and is weird. Then a month after we broke up he wanted to hang out but then he stated he wanted to have a hook up.. we never had sex when we dated either so that was weird -.-  Then he started dating other people and if i messaged him asking how he was, he would get all pissed off and said we couldnt talk any ore and i was like whatevr thats fine but then his relationships never worked out and he would break up within a week LOL and then tried to date me again. THEN when I started dating Connor ( my current bf) he got really jealous and mad, and tried to tell me to get out. Then later in my relationship like 6 months he asked if we could fuck (three some) and i was like i rather kill myself, then he would randomly text me asking if connor and i broke up, and then would claim he missed me but all he wanted was a booty call. He got super mad when he found out i fucked connor lol. anyways, i told him to fuck off and respect me and connor and he finally stopped being weird. But i recently deleted him off Facebook because I was so tired of seeing him on fb, so yeah. we dont really talk anymore. thank god.
tell me about your day It was okay. I slept til 2 Pm ( yikes..) and picked up Pills and played video games. nothing to do.
tell me about your dreams  I cant remember my dreams actually.
tell me about your drama  I have really no drama in my life.
tell me about yourself :-)  I am 20 years old, I like cats, mcdonalds fries. I am a art student in college. I am dating someone, its our one year today. I live in Canada..i like taking surveys too much
tell me about something awkward/embarrassing  I once had sex and then got my period during it and that was super awkward and embarrassing, and i was so embarrassing that i hid in the bathroom for 20 minutes and he was like “yo its okay jen” and its still awkward when i think about it.
tell me about a funny story or something  Lol, okay. this story is like 4 years old but whatever. so i was in grade 10 at the time and I went to this Youth Conference with my youth group from church. So my best friend was with me and we were at the concerts and stuff, and she had to use the washroom but she didn’t want to go alone so i went with her. So I use the stall next to hers but I come out way before she does. I am washing my hands and she comes up to me and washes her hands super quick turns to me and says we need to get the hell out of here, and before we run out this girl comes out of the stall that i was in and my friend turns to her and says “ Im so sorry i thought you were my friend” and im like what....so we leave quickly and she tells me. so basically This girl was wearing the same shoes as me and same colour pants as me, and my friend thought it was me so she grabbed the girls leg from under the stall and the girl was like “wtf???!” and so she thought that girl was me, and i honestly can’t stop laughing whenever i think of this because its just something that she would do. I never let her forget.
tell me your favourite band/artist/album/song  My fav band is Of Monsters and Men. They are from Iceland, and they sing different songs. They have a unique sound too. I love every song they produce.
tell me about your favourite meme  I can’t just pick one..
tell me about your favourite fic  I dont read fanfiction really.
tell me a secret ;)  um. when i was 18 i almost banged some 34 year old because I was stupid and actually thought he liked me LOL. Thank god i got rid of him. LOL i still laugh at my stupidity 
tell me a lame joke/bad pick-up line are you a astronaut cus your ass is out of this world.
tell me about your favourite tumblr user(s)  I don’t really have a FAV..i love all my mutuals.. 
tell me about your least favourite tumblr user(s)  I only dislike people who are super self righteous..who think they are always right.. who give out false info..especially people who use their followers for money..etc
tell me what you’re thinking about  just life.
confess your sins  I sometimes lie a lot but thats usually just to get out of shit LOL rant about stuff!!!  Not really a rant. But i super duper hate it when people leave you on “read” idk its super annoying. Like if you cant talk just say youll talk to me when youre off work/etc but i hate it when they have no excuse. Im fine if its a few minutes or whatever but when they just dont reply especially if im asking a question it just gets so fucking annoying. If i know youre busy its differen’t. But idk i just wish people would just tell me they wouldnt be texting that much a certain day or at leas jjust reply something quick. it takes 2 seconds..
let’s talk about the sex because sex ed isn’t talked about enough  dont have sex until you know you could handle a child. 
talk to me about astrology stuff!!!  I dont know anything about that stuff.  talk to me about aliens!!!  why havent the aliens taken me..yet..
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zevzevarainai · 8 years
i was tagged by @ghostype sorry this took so long i dont have a good enough excuse @_@
1: are you named after someone? not my first name but my middle name is the same as my grandmas
2: when was the last time you cried? lmao last week sucked ballsack and i had an emotional breakdown two days in a row
3: do you like your handwriting? for the most part yes  4: what is your favourite lunch meat? ham i guess 5: do you have kids? i am an emotionally and economically unstable 20 year old no i do not 6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? no i suck 7: do you use sarcasm? i mean yes 8: do you still have your tonsils? yus 9: would you bungee jump? no id throw up 10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? gotta get me that cinnamony toasty crunchy and that cocoa pebblez
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? do you think i have my life that much together
12: do you think you’re a strong person? no lmao 13: what is your favourite ice cream flavour? cookie dough probably 14: what is the first thing you notice about people? facial features idk 15: red or pink? pink 16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? *gestures to all of me* 17: what colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? black and youll never catch me wearin shoes unless im out of the house which is rare 18: what was the last thing you ate? chipotle  19: what are you listening to right now? my mom has the tv on while shes cooking in the other room 20: if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? lime green 21: favourite smell? p u p p y  s m e l l  22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my doctor 23: favourite sport to watch? the kids baking championship.  25: eye colour? green 26: do you wear contacts? no but i probably should 27: favourite food to eat? ice cream or sushi 28: scary movies or comedy? scary movies can eat my ass 29: last movie you watched? hidden figures i think? 30: what colour of shirt are you wearing? grey 31: summer or winter? i hate winter less than summer summer is 2 hot i would rather snuggle in blankets 32: hugs or kisses? i..... dont know 33: what book are you currently reading? im a piece of shit and dont read anymore 34: who do you miss right now? @cremisiusaclassii 35: what is on your mouse pad? lmao i have this mouse pad my sister made me in a graphics class when i was in like fifth grade and its a shitty mario collage i love it 36: what is the last tv program you watched? the kids baking championship lmao 37: what is the best sound? my dog makes this rly weird sound when hes dreaming and i laugh without fail every time 38: rolling stones or the beatles? ok i had a huge beatles phase in 8th grade and i cant think of a single rolling stones song rn so i have to go with the beatles 39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? italy *heart eyes emoji* 40: do you have a special talent? i have no talent 41: where were you born? thats classified  42: people you expect to participate in this survey? nobody has to do this if they don’t want to but i’ll tag @cremisiusaclassii @inquisitor-julia @100-yardstare @miusix @shanayxd @fox-of-magic bye
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