alloti · 10 years
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lirilainatural · 11 years
Whenever I hear Pussy by Rammstein all I can think of is Till riding his fucking penis foam cannon when we saw them live and I just *dies*
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livrateria · 12 years
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poetificand-o · 12 years
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rosesdoc · 12 years
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wordsfutile · 12 years
Estou cansado de despedidas.
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lirilainatural · 12 years
Chrissi just sent me this:
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On facebook chat. Then this happened:
Chrissi: I GIVE YOU FEELS and now I run
Chrissi: I know I'm a horrible person
Me: You are, but be glad I love you anyway
Chrissi: =D I will forever be grateful for that!
I have the best/ worst friends.
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1doseofpoison-blog · 13 years
Amo quando o theme buga e tenho que arrumar tudo de novo, simplismente amo.
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acorde-pequena-blog · 13 years
Ah, quem vê pensa que é meigo desse jeito.
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intensamentte · 13 years
Garoto que preenche o meu coração, completa todo meu ser de carinhos e doçuras de cada palavra dita por você, diz que tudo vai se aceitar e que pra sempre você será somente meu e e serei somente sua, que essa distancia irá me impedir de ver o brilho do teu olhar, mais jamais separará meu coração que está unido ao teu, que ela me impedirá de te tocar, de te abraçar de te beijar, mais jamais apagará esse amor tão imenso em mim, diz que vai valer apena cada segundo que eu irei ficar sonhando com o dia que iremos nos ver novamente e ver que tudo foi um pesadelo ficar longe de você e que tempos depois tudo voltará ao normal e eu voltarei para seus braços, emfim juntos, fala pra mim que não vai desistir de mim, que não vai desistir do nosso amor, e que confiará na gente mesmo um longe do outro, que tudo pode acontecer, que tempos podem se passar, mais e esse amor... jamais pode morrer. 
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rosesdoc · 12 years
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So, I hope this was what you wanted :))
Niall was not happy – that was really visible. Zayn and Liam had just come back from their dinner with Perrie and Danielle – their girlfriends. He was already angry with management for making Liam dates, now his other boy needs to have a girlfriend too, cause ‘people would like a bit more of romance’ what was a bullshit. Niall hated see the tweets they shared, the kisses, the hugs… All that makes he want to punch that girls – what was wrong, because that was not their fault.
“Hey babe, we’re back” Liam said softly, going into a hug but the Irishman slipped from his arms and replied with a rush “yeah, I see it.”
“Is everything ok Nialler?” Zayn asked. Niall looked at him over his shoulder with an angry look “Oh, is everything ok” he started, sarcastically “You know, is great pass the whole night alone while your boyfriends are having a dinner with their ‘girlfriends’.” He yelled and when he got no answer from neither of the boys, he looked back at the TV.
“Niall” Liam called, a minute latter “You know we don’t like this more than you, right?” he had a soft tone and he tried to touch Niall again, without success.
“You didn’t look unhappy snogging Danielle – Neither did you Zayn. Actually you both looked pretty happy.” Retorted Niall, the eyes still focused in the TV
“Come on Nialler” Zayn said, sitting by his side “You know we love you, not them; you know we rather be with you, then why you’re like this?!
“Cause I don’t know!!” shouted the younger one “How do you guys want me to believe when no one kno about us?! Not even Harry and Louis know and we are with them all the time!” Niall only noticed he was crying when he felt Liam’s finger in his checks.
“Ni... I want, more than anything tell everyone that I love you guys, but is not that easy. You know people would judge us and management...” Liam was cut by an angry Niall
“I don’t fucking care about management!! Our families don’t know it, our mates! They won’t judge us Liam!” He got up and went to his bedroom, slamming the door and going to the bed.
After a couple of minutes the door opened and he heard footsteps getting closer to the bed “Ni...?” Zayn asked, kneeling by his side. The blond stayed with the eyes shut, pretending he was sleeping “Come on, we know you’re wake.” Niall opened his eyes hesitantly, facing the beautiful hazel eyes.
“What?” he asked, grumpy
“We’re going in a trip.” Liam said, smiling “Me, Zayn and you. We’re going to Bradford, Wolverhampton and Mullingar.” He could see Niall’s eyes shining “But before this, we’re going to talk with our mates.” Zayn added.
“Really?” He asked, with a big smile in his face “Really babe.” then he jumped into his boys, hugging them “You’re the best boyfriends in the world”
Sorry for any mistake with my english - english is not my first language.
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wordsfutile · 12 years
Eu quero segurar na sua mão nos momentos mais difíceis e dizer que tudo vai passar
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arielasweb · 14 years
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arielasweb · 14 years
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