#> beckoning of the 'unknown'... ⟡ (starter call)
citrinitxs · 6 months
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Hm... Perhaps I should speak to the traveler. Maybe they're free today.
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illuminatedgod · 2 years
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( 🐮 ) ― tag dump! ; list of 'em under the cut!
( 🐮 ) ― the unknown beckons : IC.
OOC ( 🐮 ) ― in light of your bond! : OOC.
Art/Aesthetics/Musings/Headcanons ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Visage ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Aesthetic ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Musings ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Headcanons
Ask memes/dash memes ( 🐮 ) ― Could we not speak? : OOC . Ask Memes ( 🐮 ) ― Could we not speak? : IC . Dash Memes
Crack ( 🐮 ) ― I take pride in that—but it can be confusing. : Crack
Starter Calls ( 🐮 ) ― This path must open! : Starter Call.
Answered Asks ( 🐮 ) ― Which path to take : answered.
( 🐮 ) ― I imagine each world connected to all others... : Promos.
Main Verse ( 🐮 ) ― Opening the Way : Main Verse.
NY Verse ( 🐮 ) ― Gods Renewed! : NY Verse.
Character Specific:
Embla / @enclosedgod
( 🐮 ) ― Goddess of Bindings : Truly - from the bottom of my heart.
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fearinducing · 2 months
—> @sillygum
Starter : Playing God
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"And that nearly concludes today's meeting. Our last subject is the introduction from the world's most brilliant mind. Innovation.. technology. I'd like to show our state of the art cloning." The marine scientist rambled on and on upon deaf ears. Often, this is precisely how the warlord meetings would go. Only a few care to listen, most lounged, and one came along to pester the other victorious lords.
All in all, it's a waste of time, and a pathetic attempt of the government trying to keep treaties amongst thrives.
The man in a lab coat nervously pushed up his glasses before finally beckoning a hand.
"Here.. we'll begin with S-Snake. Come here,"
The atmosphere dropped in an eerie silence as metallic boots stepped into the room. The sight of the creature alone definitely brought something uncomfortable to linger. S-SNAKE, completely identical that of Boa, stood as a demonstration. She brought together her hands to form a heart before smiling all too sweetly. It would've been cute had this not been some sick experiment.
"We were able to take a DNA sample from all of you.. a mere drop of blood.. added Lunarian coding and a few adjustments of our own.. to create the most impressive human yet. The S in all their titles stand for Seraphim."
There was something about playing God that the goverment truly shouldn't do, but the man carries on.
"The idea was to create.. another you! Once we're certain of their stability, we plan to use them rather than you.. but please don't misunderstand! All of your immunity and peace will remain intact. If not more so, we will be able to rely on them rather than interrupt your time."
"They can taste without ever feeling hungry. They can bleed without feeling pain. Most importantly, they obey and only take their orders from designated individuals. In fact, they are on a mission now... and that's to observe you in your retrospective lives. Call it studying the source material up close. Memories aren't as easy as creating bodies are. All we ask is allow them to watch for a few days. You'll hardly notice them around."
Horrifying. Corrupt. Evil.
Even as the young creature stands beside her counterpart, it's all too.. odd, unspeakable. Boa does her best to take the initiative by offering her palm to the child. Surprisingly, a small hand rests within hers, and the little touch is enough to have her squeak. How cute she was!
Reactions vary as one by one come to interact. It feels like a surprise visit from a previously unknown and unwanted child... but the chemistry was there. Who knows you better than yourself?
The snakes were smiling, the bats were laughing, the sharks were more observant, and even the crocotilians put effort to eye one another.
The last to follow in suit was S-HAWK. Golden eyes thoroughly examined the room in a mere glance. He isn't very outgoing himself. The most he does is walk, stop nearside his counterpart, and look into the loud crowd. It's unpleasant. He doesn't like the noise, mainly caused by Doflamingo calling everyone hideous, looking children and barking out laughter like the devil he was.
He seems a bit focused on what he had considered an oddly comforting acquaintance of his. S-CROC was engaging just fine. He's touching that golden hook with morbid curiosity. An object the two could bond over.
And here's... him. Them. It's the most quiet introduction of them all. The boy turns his head towards Mihawk and stares. He isn't shy about it whatsoever. Those inhuman peepers are gawking outright. Star enchanced pupils are simply focused on the normal ones infront of him.
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Not a word spoken, no touch to be had.
He'd like nothing more than to leave now.
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starsasunder · 1 year
starter || inanna issar. || @cinisemperium / emet-selch.
The rest of the Scions had long gone to rest, hammocks beckoning them into slumber under the protection of Fanow's viera hunters. Inanna's mind, however, had so far been unable to find respite. After tossing and turning for some time, they had finally given up and slipped out of camp, the viera on patrol none the wiser.
Seeking peace and quiet in a rainforest might seem counterproductive, but the warrior of light had found themself doing just that. Serenaded by the chirping of tree frogs and the distant call of night birds, Inanna nestled deeper into the crook of the branch they had claimed for themself high up in the trees above Fanow. It was nothing like the forest of their home in the Black Shroud, but it was the closest they had found here in this strange world.
Restful slumber was a luxury Inanna had been missing for quite some time. Though Y'shtola and Urianger thought they were hiding their concerns from her quite well, Inanna was not blind to the effects of absorbing each of the Lightwardens. With each Lightwarden that she absorbed, she felt more and more changes stirring within her. Cracks had begun to form, both mental and physical, and it was taking every ounce of self-control she had to keep it under check. And while she had succeeded with her companions... he was another matter.
Cracking her silver eyes open, she regarded the Ascian known as Emet-Selch warily. He had not harmed her so far, but that did not mean he had earned any modicum of trust from her. His intentions were unknown, and while his assistance so far had been useful, she knew it did not come without a cost.
What that cost would be...? Well, time would tell.
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abyssusinvo · 2 years
@ikkaku-of-heart gets a lil discord brainrot starter
The last thing he could recall was the shrieking spark of steel against fangs before everything went to shit. He had been going toe to toe with the infamous Surgeon of death, scourge of the North blue as both their crews’ vessels were locked together in combat with his own marine vessel ailing in the waters after suffering an attack from beneath the water line.
The tides of battle had faired evenly between the two men and their perspective crew before the weather had veered sharply to a deadly degree. Both vessels had been heading towards a wintry island renowned for its turbulent climate. It was in the midst of their fight that the two ships had encountered a wall of frigid sleet, which would have been fine had Drake’s own ship not been fatally damaged by the sub following closely to the side.
This combined with the weight of extra bodies occupying the deck among Drake’s own gigantic lizard form and their fates were all but seal. One rogue wave was all it took to capsize his ship and all that stood atop it with the last thing he saw before the ocean claimed him being a brief burst of blue light. Afterwards became a mess of debris and bodies before Drake finally succumbed to what he thought to be his end.
It wasn’t until he cracked his eyes open an unknown amount of time later that he was wrong with this assessment. Crates and broken wood lay scattered around his sore body but not a soul could be found nor sight of the fiendish yellow sub on the horizon. As it would appear, he was all alone and despairingly cold. The frigid wintry weather bore down to his very bones and even with the letting up of the storm did nothing to make him feel any less of a human popsicle.
His joints groaned in protest as he pushed himself up to kneel to see further than he could with his face half buried in the sandy shore. More debris littered the beach and before he could ponder any longer on what could’ve become of his men, he caught sight of something off white a good distance away from him. He squinted his eyes to look closer only to snap them wide again upon catching sight of a hint of curls and thus a head of hair.
It mattered not if the uniform did not belong to his own in the moment, only that the duties called upon him as a marine screamed that he must act to not only save a life, but his as well. The state of his men could be answered at a later date when he had the energy to pursue it but for now, he would act on his noblier nature.
Standing now and approaching the limp form of the other he noted how still she laid there, a matter that concerned him the slightest bit. Finally kneeling beside her he pressed two fingers to the underside of her jaw, tilting her head to face him as he did so. An answering pulse relieved him of his biggest inquiry, leaving him with just one other. Was she injured in any way that would require immediate treatment?
Scanning her form discreetly and not so subtly skimming quickly over her bosom he found only bruises scattered about the skin he could see. He would not go as far as to undress her to see to anymore potential injuries as he was no barbaric ruffian of a man. But the weather and cold climate beckoned them to find shelter or die and so he scooped her up gently into his own busted up body. He moved with urgency and with only woods before them there was one immediate shelter Drake could count on that would be available for them if not for a town nearby.
A cave. Not the best, but certainly crucial for their continued survivability. And as if to remind him of the peril of their situation, Drake began to shake from both the cold and the exhaustion catching up with him. His great stamina was beginning to wear out and still not a single hole to huddle up in to be found.
Desperately searching further in the forest still, he caught sight of the edges of what seemed to be an arch in the seemingly endless wall of cliffside. With renewed energy, Drake pushed on until the cold could not bite either him or his new charge so strongly. Further still and he was entered the cave system he’d discovered in the nick of time. Clicking his tongue, he studied the chamber before them and settled on resting the woman in his arms against the wall furthest from any wind or sleet that might blow in.
One last glance over both her fragile form tugging emphatically at his heart strings and instinct to protect the weak as well as the cave they’d be inhabiting for the last little while, Drake turned on a heel to exit the cave in search of supplies that’d best continue to assist them out of the danger zone they’d found themselves sharing.
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rivianborn · 2 years
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     medallion rumbles against his chest with every step . closer and closer to danger he comes . the witcher knows a fight looms ; signs enough to have silver sword drawn and ready for whatever lay ahead in the noonday sun . the form of another , not so beastly , did not pass his mind ; even though scent should have given her presence away easily . perhaps geralt’s mind was clouded , preparing itself as well as his body . 
     between rows of grain , yellow and towering , a shape flutters . some kind of harpy maybe . or a spirit . it is unclear until a beckoning voice whispers close to his unknown companion . she’s been seen . geralt’s ears prick up . “   noonwraith .   ” he says , lowly , reaching a hand down to his belt , golden eyes not leaving the scene , and spreading a healthy dose of spectre oil across the face of his silver blade . then , he moves in . not to steal this bounty , of course , but to assist , should this stranger require such . 
@korctyshka​ :: starter call
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frankzcollection · 10 months
"Wanderlust Unleashed: Explore the World with Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - 'When in Doubt, Travel'"
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"Wanderlust Unleashed: Embrace the Journey with Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - When in Doubt, Travel"
Introduction: In a world brimming with possibilities, the Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - When in Doubt, Travel encapsulates the spirit of wanderlust, encouraging everyone to embark on new adventures whenever uncertainty arises.
Embarking on Journeys with Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - When in Doubt, Travel
A Call to Adventure: "When in Doubt, Travel" isn't just a quote; it's a call to adventure. This T-shirt beckons all free spirits to embrace the unknown and seek solace in exploration.
Travel as a Mindset: More than a physical journey, this T-shirt embodies travel as a mindset—an approach to life that invites curiosity, growth, and a broadening of horizons.
Style and Comfort: Crafted for comfort and style, this T-shirt ensures that you not only feel relaxed during your travels but also look effortlessly chic, whether you're exploring a bustling city or lounging on a serene beach.
Destination Conversations: The quote acts as a conversation starter, creating connections with fellow travel enthusiasts who share a passion for discovering new places, cultures, and experiences.
Versatile Travel Wardrobe: Perfect for any destination or mode of travel, this T-shirt effortlessly complements your travel wardrobe, making it a must-have for jet-setters and road-trippers alike.
Travel Gift Inspiration: Looking for the ideal gift for a travel enthusiast? This T-shirt is a thoughtful choice, inspiring your loved ones to embrace spontaneity and embark on exciting journeys.
Capturing Memories: Wear it during your travels and let this T-shirt become a symbol of the memories you create, encapsulating the spirit of each destination you explore.
Expressing Wanderlust: In a world that sometimes feels chaotic, "When in Doubt, Travel" becomes a mantra for those who find solace, inspiration, and joy in the journey.
Conclusion: The Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - When in Doubt, Travel is more than clothing; it's a statement of embracing the unknown and finding joy in the journey. Let this T-shirt be a constant reminder to follow your wanderlust, explore with an open heart, and cherish every moment of your adventures.
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citrinitxs · 2 months
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ALBEDO never told anyone of his fears. Not in his entire life.
To the alchemist, homunculi never had a chance to dream. That was the norm set for him, and one he embraced wholeheartedly. It was normal for abnormal beings like him to never dream.
So why now?
Each night seem to have the alchemist toiled with nightmares, one occurring after another. In one, he dreamt of spider lilies, of the first prototype, and of his death. In another, he dreamt of his creation, and the downfall of Khaenri'ah. And the third...
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He could feel his chest tighten at the thought. The surge of pain seem to grow worse, making ALBEDO choke as he reached for the flasks of potions he's prepared.
Hah. He's perfect as one can be, and yet he felt pain from a nightmare. Or, worse, a night terror. It was almost a stain that refuses to be rid of his body.
Drinking the flask until it was empty, the blonde placed it down; roughly enough that it may have cracked from the force, but not enough to shatter.
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He needed to keep himself composed.
After all, he is with someone else. And that someone may just walk in on him having what looked to be a panic attack from his momentary rest, and one that he refused—no, detests—admitting to—
He heard the door click open.
Oh, archons. He knew his time is short. And he knew who was coming in.
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omniishambles · 3 years
        Elise Rainier    -    Open Starter
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The candle sitting between Elise and her guest flickered briefly, though the air in the room was still. Eerily so. A heavy silence had settled in around them as she called out to the other side, beckoning a specific spirit to come forward if they could. But there was never a guarantee that the person you were looking for would be the one to answer. 
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   “If you can hear us, please speak to us.”
 Elise felt the fine hairs on her arms stand up, felt something moving in the darkness around them. An unknown presence. Unwelcome. And it brought a chill to the air, so sudden that the older woman's breath hitched. Her voice was hushed, apprehensive as she tried to pinpoint where and what the presence was.
   “We’re not alone. Something’s here.”
        * * *
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rabbitofthesight · 4 years
 @courcgecus plotted for a starter
Fiver's journey had been a long one, far, far away it had taken him from the Down... Many had disagreed with the trip, especially Hazel, but it was one he had to do and one he must do alone.
Something was beckoning him out here, further away from the familiarity of the countryside he knew and into the unknown where something awaited, it was like his soul called out to it and it pulled him forth to give him one thing. An answer.
The young rabbit tiredly hopped through the briar and down a run between the thistles, his body felt exhausted and heavy and his mind was fogged as if his 'feelings' were shrouded in a storm of unsurity.
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Just to rest a MOMENT... Fiver lay himself down, catching his breath under the shelter of the foliage around him.
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
only time will tell - chapter 3
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Three weeks. It’s been three weeks, and absolutely nothing has changed.
For starters, Todoroki hasn’t been able to tell his agent that he wants to quit modeling. The issue is entirely his fault. He really shouldn’t keep putting it off, but he just can’t seem to find time to bring it up between modeling gigs and classes.
His second problem is Katsuki, who’s still treating him like a human smallpox blanket. Every time Todoroki so much as looks at him, Katsuki will glare or scowl or make a generally insidious expression at him. Todoroki hasn’t tried approaching him precisely because of this, but he definitely isn’t willing to give up just yet.
Midterms are coming up in a week, and Todoroki has formulated a plan. He found out from some classmates that Katsuki is one of the top students in the class, so he often gets stuck tutoring remedial students. Thus, Todoroki has decided to fail a single subject. Just one—the one that Katsuki is the best at, of course. His plan is basically full-proof. At least, he thought it was.
He passes all of his exams. He could’ve sworn he tanked math (on purpose, of course) but despite not putting any of his work, he still received full marks for having the correct answers. He should’ve just written the wrong answers… Dammit. Can he feign ignorance and ask Katsuki for help anyway?
That seems like the best plan—but then Aizawa suggests something even better. “Todoroki, can you help Bakugou with remedial lessons? I usually have Yaoyorozu do it, but she’s got a track meet today.”
Katsuki is giving him a ‘if you even think about I swear I’ll kill you’ glare over Aizawa’s shoulder. Todoroki chooses to ignore him. “Of course. No problem, sensei.”
As soon as Aizawa turns away to write his name on the tutoring sheet, Katsuki grabs Todoroki by the collar and pulls him into the hall. Their classmates watch warily, but Todoroki flashes a smile so they don’t make a scene. (He’s also smiling because Katsuki has finally stopped ignoring him, but the others obviously don’t know that.)
Outside, Katsuki traps Todoroki against the wall with an arm beside his head. A kabedon, right? Todoroki thinks that’s what it’s called.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Eh? I’m just helping out our teacher.” Todoroki gives him the most innocent look he can muster. “Why are you so upset?”
“You damn bastard.” Katsuki grits his teeth, which makes it ten times harder for Todoroki to keep a neutral expression. “I know what you’re up to.”
“I’m not sure what you mean.” Todoroki looks away, in case Katsuki really can somehow manage to read him. “Did you change your mind about talking to me?”
Katsuki sighs; clicks his tongue; removes his arm from the wall to cross it over his chest. “No. Asshole. I’m just… Ugh, fuck you.”
He storms back into the classroom, leaving Todoroki feeling the tiniest bit proud of himself. He’s making a little progress. Just a little. But that’s something, isn’t it? Nothing seems to be going his way except for this. This is finally his chance to get Katsuki to like him again.
The only question is… how exactly will he do that?
* * * * * *
“Good work today, Shouto.” As always, Todoroki’s manager is waiting for him outside immediately after he finishes a photo shoot. She’s got a car ready, and a sweatshirt for him to put on because she knows he gets cold easily. If there’s one thing he’ll admit about her, it’s that she’s considerate.
“Thank you.” He pulls on the hoodie, eyeing her warily after climbing in the car’s backseat. Why is it so hard to just come out and tell her that he wants to quit? It’s not like it’ll kill him. He doesn’t even have anything to be nervous about.
Is it perhaps a learned behavior? Todoroki’s father would never let him so much as mention quitting. Todoroki’s modeling career was a huge source of revenue for him, and thus it was taboo to discuss leaving it behind. Maybe Todoroki is so used to the threat he associated with quitting that he can’t bring himself to do it.
“You’ve got two more shoots this week, and a few news outlets want you to make appearances. Which ones are you willing to do? I have a list prepared for you.”
Yeah… He definitely needs to tell her soon.
“I’d rather not make any TV appearances,” Todoroki says carefully. “Actually… I’d like to significantly cut down on work, if that’s possible. I want to focus on school.”
That’s a good excuse, right? Maybe he can gradually drop out of modeling instead of quitting altogether.
“I can try to give cut down your shoots for this month. How about four instead of seven?”
He’s about to tell her that that’s definitely not what he meant when his phone buzzes. It’s a text from an unknown number, but Todoroki knows who it is as soon as he reads it.
from: unknown  at:  6:27 PM.
>> don’t think this means we’re friends but i need help and you’re the only one i can ask so get your dumb K-pop ass over to the school asap—the equipment shed behind the gym
“Shouto, are you listening?” his agent asks, glancing at him in the rearview mirror.
Todoroki leans forward in his seat. “Sorry, but I’m not actually going home,” he tells her. Talking about work will have to wait for another time. “I need to go to school. I… I forgot something there.”
“What?” She frowns, but still turns at the next intersection to change directions. “Okay. But what about what I asked before?”
“It’s fine,” Todoroki dismisses impatiently. He stares at the phone screen intently, picking apart the words. ‘ Don’t think this means we’re friends.’ Despite saying that, the fact that Katsuki is asking him for help at all is promising. Although… how did he get Todoroki’s number? He never gave it to him—despite trying multiple times.
“We’re here, Shouto. Do you want me to wait, or—“
“No,” Todoroki interrupts, unbuckling his seatbelt as fast as humanly possible. “I’ll be fine walking back home. You can go.” He plans to be here for awhile. At least, long enough to get Katsuki to hear him out.
His agent luckily doesn’t put up much of a fight. “Okay. I’ll pick you up on Friday for your next shoot.” She taps her cheek. “Remember to take off the mask. It makes you look too conspicuous.”
As soon as the car is out of sight, Todoroki pulls off his mask and sunglasses. He’s accustomed to wearing them, but she’s right: it’ll only draw attention to him when he’s at school. Although, nobody is here except for members of sports clubs and student council. In fact, it’s strange that Katsuki would be here. He said he was in the equipment shed, so maybe he’s a member of a club.
Or maybe not. The equipment shed seems old and run-down, like it hasn’t been used in years. There are broken tennis rackets and flattened basketballs piled outside. Todoroki hesitates, but this is definitely where Katsuki said to meet him. There’s no other shed behind the gym, is there?
“What the fuck are you waiting for?” a familiar voice barks from inside. “Get the hell in here, moron!”
Well, that’s definitely Katsuki. Todoroki reluctantly opens the shed door, and is met with Katsuki’s scowl. He’s leaning against the wall, his arms slung over his knees and his head tilted back. Probably because his nose is bleeding.
“What happened to you?” Todoroki crouches, but he doesn’t come closer than within five feet. Katsuki has made it abundantly clear he cherishes his personal space.
“I got in a fight. Everyone else I called was busy so I scrounge up your number.” Katsuki beckons at him impatiently. “Stop staring like a dumbass and get the fuck over here and help me.”
Todoroki should refuse. He isn’t at Katsuki’s beck and call. But if he wants to win him back over, this might be the best way.
“Fine. Let me see your face.” Todoroki shoots closer, pulling Katsuki’s head down. A stream of blood trickles down his face, and Todoroki wipes it away distractedly. His nose has deep purple bruising around the bridge. It’s probably broken. There’s a nasty gash under his hairline, and a big bruise on his left cheek.
Katsuki flinches away when Todoroki’s thumb brushes against it. “Oi, what the fuck are you doing?”
Now Todoroki is properly annoyed. “Looking at your wounds. Stay still or I’ll leave right now.” He steadies Katsuki’s head and resumes his analysis. His nose is the worst of the injuries. The cut is just a flesh wound, and the bruise might look bad, but it’ll be gone within days. Todoroki says as much to Katsuki, who gives him a skeptical look.
“How do you know all that?”
Todoroki pauses after retracting his hands. Now would be the perfect time to explain everything, but… He can’t seem to form the words. If he can’t talk about it with Fuyumi, what made him think he could with Katsuki? Then again, more than anything, Todoroki wants him to understand why he left.
Letting out a breath, Todoroki turns away to rummage in his bag. He can say it, but not if they’re locking eyes. “I have… a lot of experience with covering up bruises. If you ice and then heat it, it will disappear faster. This will help too. Here.” Todoroki pulls out a tube of aloe vera, only to have it knocked out of his hand when Katsuki grabs his wrist.
Todoroki flinches out of habit. They make direct eye-contact for several long, tense seconds. In those seconds, Todoroki suddenly feels raw and utterly exposed in a way he never has before, even during a modeling shoot. This is a different kind of bareness—as if his fragile soul has been exposed to the world. But then the moment is over, and Katsuki lets him go.
“Sorry,” he mutters, picking up the dropped aloe. Something in his tone has changed. Instead of the icy wind he usually speaks in, his voice is now a gentle breeze. It’s strange, to say the least. Todoroki isn’t even entirely sure what he’s apologizing for, but this is his chance to act.
“We can talk about it,” he says carefully. “About everything.”
Katsuki avoids his gaze. “It’s better if we don’t.” It seems as if that’ll be the end of it, but then there’s a sigh. “Things have changed. A lot.”
Todoroki closes his eyes and lets out a tense exhale. “I know. Things changed a long time ago. That doesn’t mean we can’t be friends again. I miss how things used to be.”
In more ways than one, he misses it. Before he moved away, life was so much better. He had his mother, and Katsuki, and he could go to school and play with his friends and his siblings. He was free. Even though he’s free again now, it doesn’t feel like it. Not yet, anyway.
Katsuki shakes his head. He still won’t meet Todoroki’s gaze. His eyes stare out the window, reflecting the hazy evening light. “I miss it, too,” he says, so quietly that Todoroki almost doesn’t hear it. “I miss being a kid. But we can’t go back. Like I said before: it’s better for you if you pretend we never met.”
Todoroki doesn’t bother arguing: Katsuki is already getting up to leave.
* * * * * *
Fuyumi is gone when Todoroki returns home. She left him a note explaining that she’ll be out working late tonight, and that there’s dinner in the fridge. Todoroki skips the food and goes straight to his room, falling into his bed face-first.
Frustrated. That’s what he is. He’s incredibly frustrated. Why does Katsuki get to decide everything on his own? Why doesn’t Todoroki get a say? And, more importantly, why is Katsuki so against the two of them becoming friends again?
Todoroki wants to ask him all of these things, but the encounter they just had basically proves there’s nothing he can say that will get through to that blond moron. Todoroki isn’t even entirely sure why he’s wasting so much time and effort on a single person when there are plenty of others vying to be his friend.
Then again, he does know, doesn’t he? Katsuki is the one thing from his past that has no negativity attached to it. The one perfect occurrence in a series of downward spirals. He’s kind of like a miracle. And, if Todoroki is being completely honest, he selfishly wants to cling onto that part of his past.
He can’t give up, then, can he? Maybe there’s still some hope. Katsuki did seem gentler in the equipment shed, and he was the one to reach out to Todoroki. He also agreed that he misses how things used to be between them: that must mean there's some hope. They’ll be forced to be in close quarters over the next week as they help remedial students. This could be the best chance—although he’s thought that before—to get Katsuki to like him again. Or at least not hate him.
Does he hate him? Todoroki used to be able to read him, but the current Katsuki is a closed book.
Todoroki flips onto his back with a sigh. He’s got too much to deal with. Schoolwork, modeling, and Katsuki. Oh, and all those clothes that got delivered earlier that he still needs to put away. There are boxes piled high outside the closet. (He might’ve ordered too much.) But this, at least, is one problem he can fix.
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nixniivalis · 5 years
The Distant Land
starter for @valorxdrive ☆
Dreams carried Neraine far. It was though her mind couldn’t help but to wander, explorative and inquisitive. In some worlds people, dreamed, actual dreams, a flight of images and memories smashed together in a bizarre movie by the brain. Neraine only observed. In truth she had never dreamed a night in her life, but only saw the fragments of other reality. The fantastical worlds that drifted across the rivers of time. 
They beckoned her, the waters, called to her in her sleep. To leave the comfort of bed and home to find worlds unknown. As many times as she’s answered it, she has denied it, and as many times as she has denied it, she has been summoned. Tonight though, the invitation whispered from a far way a way and although she resisted, attempted to turn back to sleep-- The demand made clear she that she will go. So Neraine went and awoke again, not unsuspecting this time, in a new world.
Eyes pealed open and stiff shoulders muscles unworked with a pop of her neck. Neraine sat-up. She laid in six inches of water, a tide pool for a deep and crystal blue ocean stretching to an unseen horizon. Gold and reds painted a cloudless, starless, sky. When she stood, although her vision strained, Neraine saw nothing or no one for miles. So she looked down. The water was a perfect mirror, reflecting back her features in accurate detail. She knelt and her hand dipped beneath the surface, piercing the reflection.
So, she could leave at least. 
Neraine straightened, an excellent option, but one that did not answer her questions. Someone, or something, called her here. It would be best to find out what before it became a real problem. So she picked a direction and set-off, walking until shadows fell into some approximation of nightfall. A consultation with the High Priestess only offered the vague advice that Neraine should ‘follow her heart.’ Death on the other hand, told Neraine to keep walking, which was, at that point, the only thing Neraine could do. So also, not helpful. 
Ripples lapped at Neraine’s heels. She paused, stilling and watching as the tiny waves vanished into the distant water. Neraine peered into the dark. Even in those few moments the ripples strengthened, whatever it was, it approached. Neraine summoned blades to hand, eyes narrowed and she waited. But instead of monsters and demons, what appeared from the veil of darkness was a boy. A young boy, somewhere in his teens with ruffled brown hair and sky blue eyes. Upon seeing him, Neraine vanquished her weapons. What a bizarre situation to find themselves in-- but at least they weren’t alone. 
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“Aren’t you a little young to be exploring the void?”
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desperationiis-blog · 8 years
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i have not been here for 10000 years but STARTER CALL?
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zephyrvm · 6 years
“You are my new pillow.”
«fluff starters / open !! »updating files.「  ☁ 」 ━ *┊ @simmaekbu
                   the    anger .   the boiling embarrassment of having he face   FLUSHED    with crimson at the situation at hand .  the dragon maiden is fluming and for some     unknown    reason ,  his hold on her is not easily removed .   he’s pushing it .  really pushing it .   finding it in her deepest depths the ability to be unselfish for once when he called her over .   promise of food had been her beckon and the  thought of pestering the mortal was also alluring .
however , this was not what zephyr had been expecting .  a night of drinking in his home and his cheeks flushed .  who knew .  who fucking knew that this would be an outcome .   his arms had her freezing in place , his cheek nuzzling her stomach as he clung .   the dragon’s eyes narrowed dangerously at the actions . ❛    you are asking for an early death .  ❜   words that are meant to sound   menacing   come out in a whirl of flusterness .  hands working on removing the grip and trying her best not to break anything that would be bone from his limbs . 
“You are my new pillow.”
those words had her pausing with a wild whirl of emotions dancing on her features .  what the fuck was going on . 
❛   i am no one’s pillow .  this is going to cost you four bags of golden coins , you damn twerp .  ❜
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primaetoile · 6 years
☾*✧ ̗̀  starter call » ( @petiteflcur )
SWEPT AWAY LIKE OVERTURE OF THE CALMING SEA, they move with elegance. posture filled with natural poise and virtue, they dance upon the behest of their adventurous soul. heart woven upon the intricate melody that sways versatile limbs. feet pointed and arms raised  ——  there is childlike optimism that lingers within astute elegance. ( movements flow like adagio ); slow and swift. they’ve rehearsed this number quite a bit. chorus girls, the both of them were. talents beckoning upon the behest of unknown glory. of course, she was still the daughter of the mme giry. a woman that was equally stern and strict to her wards and her own daughter. perfection was a work of art, and there was no room for error in the grand opera. feet grows sore and arms become weary, she can feel her lungs burning for air. her body craved rest but sheer diligence continues to overshadow restless motions. one more, just one more... she has to be perfect, and thus in sync the both of them became.
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❝ are you tired ; would you like rest ?? ❞  kind words does not falter in the least, the moment concern reflects heavily onto her visage ; eyebrows pointed, it furrows slightly in exchanged. her back turns and doe eyes is greeted by the form of her dear friend. ❝ my arms are feeling so sore... what about yours ??  ❞
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citrinitxs · 5 months
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Making illustrations have been ALBEDO's simplest of joys, even if he may not express it so often. It's something that many would expect him to like, considering he has a penchant for art.
And on such occasion, he was in the middle of painting, the charcoal pencil he held drifting across the canvas. He was eyeing the landscape before him, populated with a few hilichurls that were doing a different ritual than the one he's seen.
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