#my writing
ghast1yghosts · 3 days
steve takes his little girl to a halloween park—bc SHE begs him to—and she barely flinched at the scares. but the next time she doesn’t react, the scare actor is impressed, already kneeling at her level after dropping down, and offers to a handshake.
before standing up and reaching out for her hand again. the masked actor, covered in blood splatters, starts walking around the street with a little girl in a princess dress in tow.
he makes another guest jump a foot and shriek, then they faux scream just as loud when the little girl spooks them too. after going around to a couple groups, he leads her back to her dad and gestures like he wants her to stay there and just watch him.
steve holds her hips from where he’s sat on a curb, and they both watch the actor run and slide towards another batch of kids, successfully scaring them. he turns after they run away and gives her a big thumbs up and she giggles, steve smiles at him.
they’re probably sat there watching the man do his job, for the very least, a half an hour, when steve figures they should go do some of the last few things at the park before they head home. the actor waves back at them when he notices them get up to go.
somehow they manage to catch the same guy on their way out of the park. the freaky dude slides right in front of his little girl, and she doesn’t even register the hand up for a high-five and she gives him a little hug. it’s all incredibly cute. she starts off towards the gate again, and steve turns around to the guy, quickly taking him “thank you.” its all he can manage. it’s hard keeping her at her happiest, and this guy made her whole week.
he hears a mumbled “‘course,” as he starts walking backwards, towards his daughter. needing to jog to catch her, he hears a quiet laugh once he’s got her hand.
idk scare actor eddie making steve’s daughter happy
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A phone call between brothers (takes place AFTER this incident and Fiddleford's phone call)
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Sorry if this is OOC!
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endursent · 3 days
- Through the Dark
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【 content; sunday x reader , astral express sunday , dry humping , a bit of pining , tight spaces , NSFW 】
【 note; i've never written smut/nsfw before, so this is treading new grounds for me, but I need to practice for gss because i want that to be juicy. expect more, lol. it'd also be nice to get requests/suggestions to stir by brain a bit if you'd like.
also, the reader's gender is never mentioned but there are gender-neutral they/them pronouns used twice in the middle to enforce that ambiguity. 】
【 word count; 3.391 | read on ao3 】
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“Stop… moving so much,” Sunday strains through grit teeth, he’s trying not to sound annoyed or upset, but it’s an uphill battle. 
  “You’re moving first, I’m just adjusting,” you whisper back, you can’t tell what expression he’s making in the darkness, but you’re sure it’s on some scale of annoyance or frustration by the sound of his voice. 
  You hear footsteps approaching and slap your right hand over his mouth, your heart beats faster as they approach, quick taps against hardwood floors… you feel Sunday still completely, his jaw moves slightly beneath your palm as he swallows thickly. Neither of you move an inch until distant shouts sound and the footsteps fade. You still keep your hand over his mouth for a moment longer just in case. You can’t see out of the closet you’ve squeezed into… what if there’s someone listening on the other side? Just waiting for either of you to make a noise?
  Your heart continues to beat rapidly in your chest, you feel it hammering against your rib cage–and you’re sure Sunday feels it too.
  After a while, you take a gamble and lower your hand from his face, surely they’re gone now? 
  “...” Sunday doesn’t say anything, a tense silence falling between you. His voice is a whisper when he finally does speak. “... is this a usual occurrence?”
  You have to take a moment to try and understand what he means. “Ha? Being stuck in a closet?”
  “Yes,” he just grumbles, disapproval clear in his tone. 
  “... no,” you mumble in return. The how and why of the situation was irrelevant—mostly because it’s your fault and you don’t want to think about it—what was much more important is that you are stuffed into a closet with Sunday with barely any wiggle room and you’re not keen on facing a horde of angry guards who could potentially be hostile with only you and Sunday to fend them off. 
  Your limbs barely have any space, Sunday’s arms are above the both of you, his elbows on either side of your head as the space is so narrow he can’t even lower them—there’s no direction wide enough for his arm to bend. Your chests are pressed together so tightly that the ornament on his scarf has nearly poked you in the eye three times and you felt the tickle of his feathered wings against your cheekbone when you turned your head to the door.
  The rest… is the uncomfortable part—not that being pressed like sardines in a can isn’t uncomfortable in general. Sunday is slightly taller than you and has to spread his legs on either side of you so that he can fit—the closet isn’t exactly tall either, so the two of you are slightly hunched as well, thus you have to tuck your legs under him so that he’s practically sitting on them, your knees press against the wall achingly and one of your thighs is pressing very insistently and directly between his legs.
  The strain in his voice is probably only half due to the uncomfortable, hunched position, and half because with every slight move you make, you’re essentially grinding your thigh against his crotch. It’s hard not to notice the situation, but for his–and your own–sake you pretend not to. 
  Unbeknownst to you, Sunday is fighting for his life. He hasn’t been touched by another… ever? Not like this, even if accidental. He feels the tips of his fingers prickle and his jaw clench unconsciously as he tries his best not to react outwardly. 
  “Okay… they should be gone now,” thankfully your hands were bent downwards, and thus you could push against the closet door with your elbow.
  But it doesn’t budge.
  You press again, nothing. It’s locked, or blocked by something. No matter how you try and push, the door doesn’t budge.
  “What is it?” Sunday frowns, he can’t see what you’re doing and the closet doesn’t have any holes or window on the door to allow light in. “Open it, just…”
  “It’s locked,” you interrupt him. 
  He says nothing… and you can almost sense the mixture of frustration and disappointment in him, but a soft, warm exhale fans over your face, it almost tickles. “Try again,” he urges surprisingly softly. “Perhaps it’s just stiff.”
  You do as he asks, but no luck. “… it doesn’t open.”
  Sunday clicks his tongue. “Alright—stop pushing, be still,” he nudges your head with his elbow. With every press against the door, your body pushes away from it—and your thigh flexes, pressing against him further. 
  There’s another beat of silence, but you can’t stand it—thankfully, an idea flashes in your mind and you decide to give him a heads up… this will require some wriggling. “Sunday, my phone is in my pocket, if I can get it and send a message to the Express group chat, someone must be able to come and pry the door open.” Never have you imagined a more useful task for Dan Heng’s spear.
  “Can you reach it?” he asks as you shift your arm from being stuck between your stomachs and squeeze it between your bodies. His eyes squint at the feeling. 
  You bite your lip in concentration. “Probably… but I’ll need to try and stretch my thighs and waist to fish it out…” 
  “I see…” he understands what that entails, but he’s not sure he likes the idea. “Can you reach my phone instead? It’s in my coat pocket.”
  You pat around his side and try to find it, it could be easier… but to reach down you have to try and bend forwards—which means pressing your forehead and face directly into his chest. The scarf wrapped around his collar is soft… and it smells nice, like cinnamon. Though his chest itself isn’t very soft, he’s rather skinny. 
  But no matter how you reached and even tried to tug his coat up, the pocket was too far down and his phone even deeper inside. There’s no other way.
  “I’m sorry,” you truly are, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. “Maybe if we just wait…”
  “No,” he shakes his head and you feel his hair brush against your nose. “Just do it.”
  Deciding to try and just get it over with, you nod and start shimmying your back and ass upwards as much as you can to try and create space for you to be able to tug your phone out of your pocket. And it has the exact effect expected. 
  Sunday grunts, he tries to bite back any noise and his thighs twitch before he presses them against your hips tightly, as if trying to close his legs… it’s torturous, your thigh drags up and shifts and moves against him as you fish for your phone, he can’t even reach down to still your leg or tug at himself—anything, his arms are at too much of an awkward angle to be able to bend down in the tight space, so he’s stuck just enduring the searing heat that’s pooling dangerously easily between his legs. 
  Finally, you get a proper hold of it and drag your phone out of your pants pocket, you settle back down which elicits a sound from him that shoots through both of you like an arrow. “Sorry!” you quickly try and apologise, but the soft twitching of his body signals that the apology will do precious little.
  Sunday swallows thickly, so much so that you could hear it. His body was warm before, but now it feels like he’s radiating heat against you. He doesn’t want to say anything, worried his voice might not sound right—but the position you realigned into is pressing him almost painfully flat against himself… which also means he feels every small drag or shift you make. 
  You try to tilt your shoulders in a way that lets you see your phone screen… if you can just text the Express group chat that you’re stuck, surely someone can put off what they’re doing and come let you out. 
  It’s tricky to turn the phone in your hand with only one to spare and try to unlock it without seeing the screen, where even is the messaging app again? You just try your best to guess… until you try and type, which is when your phone tilts from your fingers and clatters to the ground.
  An exhale leaves Sunday. “You dropped your phone.”
  “… yeah,” you sound like a puppy being scolded by its owner. With your phone facing up on the floor, he could just barely see you giving him guilty dog side-eyes.
  He couldn’t explain the frustration it brought him that now no one knew of your positions—you had managed to send a … half-message… but it probably didn’t mean much to anyone. 
[17:42] You: slfep dmgwlsGn f
[17:43] March 7th ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ: Huh?
[17:46] Himeko: Probably put their phone unlocked in their pocket again...
[17:49] March 7th ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ: lol
  The light from your phone turned off as it was left untouched for too long, and you groaned slightly. Great… now what? Surely you’re not going to be stuck here forever.
  He wasn’t going to be able to keep his composure much longer, especially not when your damned body is pressed against his like this, the smell of your clothes and the occasional brush of your hands when you move them in the little space they can be moved. 
  It certainly doesn’t help that he finds you irresistible. 
  How could he, after his world had been turned—his beliefs, his ideals and his goals all turned from reaching forward, to halting in front of a mirror, forced to confront his reflection and pick out the flaws in his own mind before himself. 
  And you treated him just as you would any other person, despite what he had done, despite his false sense of benevolence that he still worked to understand how to redirect to something more realistic, how to understand what it is that drives... 
  His thoughts are interrupted—unfortunately, because it was distracting enough—when you pat his coat again to try and find his phone, but his skin begins to tingle every time you touch him, his poor body highly sensitive from the growing tension in his pants. “S-stop, be still—please,” he breathes, his voice suddenly far closer to your ear than it was before, his soft hair tickling your cheek. 
  Oh, that was…
  You’ve never heard his voice sound like that—not that you’ve known him for long enough to hear many of the pitches of his voice could make, but the way it rose slightly and cut off before pleading with you…
  Why do you want to hear it again?     “Sorry,” you say again, losing count of how many times you’ve said it already. “Are you okay?”
  He wouldn’t admit to his predicament with a gun to his head, but… it’s impossible to ignore, and there’s no way you don’t know either. He takes a deep—shaky—breath. “You can’t… move your leg?”
  You don’t want to lie to him and say yes, your knee is aching from being pressed so firmly against the wall of the closet, and your tailbone isn’t faring better against the other wall. You can pretty much only move it side to side unless you try and straighten your knee out—which as he felt earlier, was far worse. “Not really.”
  He swallows again, Sunday is glad he’s wearing gloves and that the closet is dark, or else you would have felt his sweaty hands or seen it on his brow by now. “I see.”
  He can’t stay like this much longer, his heart thunders against his chest, he hears it clearly as his breath hitches when he tries to provide himself some relief by shifting his hips to one side—but only proceeds to drag against you again, causing maddening friction that makes his thighs flex. 
  The tension in the air is so thick you’re not sure if it’s just the fact the closet doesn’t exactly have a vent, or that your nose is a hair’s width from Sunday’s neck, but it’s making your head feel lighter and your breaths deepen the more he tries to find more comfortable positions and fail, letting out short breaths or grunts. At this point he might as well just find the relief he’s desperately holding back from chasing. It would be less painful. 
  “Sunday,” his name falls from your lips quieter than you meant to, and surprisingly, your own name leaves him equally shyly. A simple breath that made your spine straighten instinctively—causing you to poke yourself in the eye on the ornament on his scarf. “Ow—“
  “Stop moving,” his tone sharpens and you feel a palm on your head. “… nhh—“  Sunday’s body twitches, you feel a throb against your thigh and he fears he’s going to burst if this continues. “…”
  But he can’t in his right mind just ask you if he can use your thigh to satisfy this torturous ache. 
  Thankfully, your mind is usually not ‘right’. “Hey,” you muster up some courage, it helps that neither of you can’t see anything. “If you need to…”
  “No,” he interrupts you, shaking his head—and a wing slaps you in the face, you feel like your face is taking too many swings today. “No, absolutely not.”
  “You sound like you’re about to cry.” His voice is tight, but not because he’s about to cry—he might, if this keeps going for too long—but because he’s reigning in every single willpower he has to hold himself still. “Will it be better if I do it?”
  He clicks his tongue, this entire situation could have been avoided if someone didn’t trigger the alarm. He could’ve gone about his day and not had to—yet again—confront a side of himself left neglected. “No… fine, let me.”
  It was… tentative, shy, as if he thought that short and subtle movements would mean you wouldn’t feel anything or not notice too much. Every shot of warmth from his waist to his fingers and toes made him shudder and his chest tighten, it was a fight on all fronts to both keep quiet and focus on being careful at the same time. 
  It was hard to watch, or rather listen to, as the dark was still all-encompassing. 
  Maybe he would feel better if he didn’t have to think about the uncomfortable silence in the darkness. 
  You can’t reach up, your hands stuck below your chests, otherwise you would have touched his face first. He likely wouldn’t have been as startled as he was when your lips suddenly—yet gently—pressed against his. 
  “Wh—mm you—doin—m—“ it’s almost comedic how his question is only half communicated, surprised and confused by the kiss that he slowly eases into, accepting your offer and splitting his attention. 
  His hips grind against your thigh, slow at first and uncertain, but as your mouth takes half his mind off of it, he begins to move more desperately. He’s been held at a precipice for so many minutes, an agonising hour that felt so long that he thought he would surely explode in some form if it were to continue for much longer. Sunday’s lips are surprisingly soft against yours, warm and inviting as he pushes back, his hand above your head that laid on it is now searching for purchase, as if he wants to take hold of you properly. 
  The two of you pull back to breathe, and Sunday wastes no time to duck his head next to yours, damp lips brushing past your temple and to your ear. He plants wet, open mouthed kisses below it, the sensitive skin tickled by the sensation as his tongue drags against the shell of your ear. 
  But he doesn’t give up, taken by the heated moment and relaxed barriers, his hips continue to cant against your thigh, his worldview narrowing to the sensation of your warm skin under his lips, to the delicious friction created by both your pants. “Hahh…“ he breathes out, a string of saliva separating his lips from your skin. 
  You move your leg in tandem to his grinding, you can’t help but feel his pleasure as if it were your own, the way his body trembles with strain, the breathy sounds below your chin and flex of his hips. You feel your own body respond and warmth pool needily, but you ignore it—he’s the one that’s been suffering for an hour in this stuffy space, you can wait… you try to convince yourself at least, ignoring the subtle throb of your own, at least it was just against air and not pressed against something as well—or perhaps that’s worse. 
  It’s embarrassing, Sunday echoes in the back of his mind, not only that he’s had to resort to this, but also the fact that he wants more. He doesn’t just want to rut against your thigh like this, he wants to touch you with his hands, trapped at an awkward angle over your shoulders. He wants to feel your own heat, the warmth radiating from your clothes against his a tempting tease, a longing of seeing what’s beneath. Your skin, your hair, your eyes, your neck, your lips—he wants to feel all of it. 
  Sunday mumbles your name again before his lips find your ear and the top of your throat once more, a hint of teeth as he captures your earlobe between them, a shiver running through you, you can hear his mouth and tongue so clearly... he kisses a reddened spot left below your ear from his single minded focus and his hips falter and his body twitches together, but he only succeeds in brushing his bangs against your chin and his small wings fluttering outward. The surge of heat emitting from his straining cock was unbearable, he moved faster, a breathy sound of your name on his lips again, Sunday says it for the third time as tension fills his body and all he can focus on is the warmth of your frame against his—a bit too tightly in the cramped closet—the soft warm breaths against his ear and the way your hands unconsciously started grabbing at his coat. 
  You feel him tense and groan, the choked sound foreign on his lips, you never expected to hear such a bodily sound from him, nor could you stop it from raising every hair on your arms. You hold onto him as he practically falls against you, Sunday’s breaths are heavy and his arms tremble by your head, his mind feels like it’s been tossed around a bit before stuffed back in upside down, he can’t straighten up or lie down and has to practically sit on your thigh. 
  “Are you okay?” you prod and poke at his stomach worriedly. “Was that okay? Are—“
  “Please… j-just… one moment,” he pleads, not ready to answer a barrage of questions just yet. His heart is beating so fast it almost worries him, his throat feels dry and his legs are weak. He did nothing but drag his crotch up and down your thigh and this is the state he’s left in? He can’t imagine how you would leave him if he got a real taste—
  He shakes his head and you splutter as you get a mouthful of feathers. “I… might have dirtied your pants,” he says shamefully, the sticky wetness between his legs left behind from the height of pleasure was surely going to stain you too. Though it felt good, certainly, he is having some post-clarity… for you to see him so tense and desperate as this—he always has a careful front, not more so than before, but the habit remains. 
  “I have more,” you try to assure him… you don’t have them with you, but you do own more. “So…”
  He presses his forehead against your shoulder. “… I don’t want to talk about it now.”
  A small smile cracks your lips and you stroke his side. “Okay, we‘ll talk later… how about a second grab for your phone? Now that you’re all, eh… spent?”
  “… don’t send anything until we’re dry.”
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silverskyeline · 1 day
ੈ♡˳ imagine playing with logans hair. gn!reader
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he’d kill you, actually kill you if you told anyone how he practically purred the moment your nails met his scalp. he’s sprawled out on the bed between your legs, head heavy on your tummy as his eyes flutter shut.
you want to tease him, but refrain. you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him this content, his dark, delicate eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he fights the inevitable pull of sleep that threatens to take him. there’s something so peaceful in that moment, watching the man you love melting so easily under your touch after so long of him skittering away like a wounded animal.
“you falling asleep?” you whisper, unable to contain yourself. he’d insisted prior he wasn’t tired.
a low, firm grumble against your skin, “no.”
but logan is a terrible liar, his body grows heavier as you tenderly trace your fingers through his hair, relishing in the way his smooth locks dance through your digits. and though he’d never say, he craves this kind of contact frequently. he’s all too accustomed to violence, clenched fists, raising hackles and spilling blood. he longs for tender touches, love so warm it makes him ache, stolen kisses. . . and you.
he just wants you.
maybe that’s why he finds it so easy to lower those fortified walls in your presence, because you allow him to be soft. you allow him to be everything he is never allowed to be. the world has taken so very much from him, but it’s also given him you.
so how can he be mad at it for long?
you push back the tufts of hair lining his forehead to reveal more of his face, a smile curling as you see his lips parted, breathing softly in the calming rhythm of sleep. he nestles closer instinctively, thick arms around your thighs as he’s pulled deeper and deeper into slumber. no nightmares will find him here.
not while your company serves to soothe his ever-racing mind, bringing it to a halt with every kiss, every simple touch. you curl your fingers around a strand of his hair and smile, wondering how he let you get this close. but you won't question it, you already know how lucky you are.
when he wakes, logan insists he did not fall asleep and was merely resting his eyes. all said while wiping drool from his scruffy chin. you swear you can see a flush on his cheeks as he huffs and rises from the bed.
you’d say his one weakness is that he falls asleep like a kitty cat the moment your nails touch his scalp, but logan would say his one weakness is simply you.
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day 22 'hair' prompt for logantober <3
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d3arapril · 2 days
birthday girl | p.b
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paige bueckers x f!reader word count: 4.6k (damn...!) warnings/tags: MINORS DNI! alcohol consumption - they're both a little tipsy, established relationship, switch!p (the crowd cheers), oral (p&r!receiving), sex toys (p!receiving), fingering (p!receiving), assplay (r!receiving), language, brief use of spit, gift giving <3 ᡣ𐭩 so this wasn't supposed to happen but it did so here we are lmao. happy (belated) birthday to big daddy PB. we love u queen. enjoy! as always reblogs & feedback are majorly appreciated :*
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You sway slightly on your feet, the alcohol making your head feel lighter than it should as you fumble to light the candle on the heart-shaped cake. Your socks shuffle on the cool kitchen tiles, the slight friction grounding you as you flick at the lighter.
"Need help?" Azzi peeks over your shoulder to watch you mess with the lighter. When the small flame finally ignites, you both let out a victorious "Ah!"
"Nope," you pop the p, turning to smile at your friend. "I got it!"
You'd organised a small get together with close friends for Paige's birthday at her request. Not too much, she'd insisted when you'd first asked her what she wanted to do. So, of course, you made a list of those she actually liked and invited them over.
Now, you're standing behind Azzi as she leads you out of the kitchen and shuts off the lights. You hold the cake up with both hands, lips in a tight line as you focus on holding it steady. Admittedly, you'd all had a bit more to drink than originally planned. Tiktok's were filmed, drinking games were played and shots were consumed.
The girls break out into an out of tune rendition of happy birthday as soon as you enter the room, toothy grin plastered across your face when you lock eyes with Paige. She's smiling right back at you and although the room is dark you can just make out the blush on her cheeks.
She blows out the candle and her index finger swipes through the icing decorating the edge of the cake. She sucks it into her mouth, eyes still trained on yours. "Mm," she makes a noise in her throat. "Tastes good."
It's almost like slow motion, the way her mouth closes and her tongue comes out to lick at her lips. It's all you can focus on– her. You shake it off, not letting yourself get lost in the moment in front of all of your friends. You place the cake down onto the table and just like that the party continues, more drinks are poured and the night wears on.
A few hours later, most of the girls have called it a night. Now, it's just you, Paige, Azzi, Kayla and Kk remaining. You're squished between Paige and Kayla on the couch, Paige's right leg slung over yours. You're trying your best to listen to the conversation going on around you, but the mere feeling of Paige's skin on yours makes it harder to concentrate.
"You want another?" Paige’s voice pulls you from your thoughts. She gestures to the red cup loosely clutched in your hand.
You glance down at it and shake your head. "Nah, I’m good. I think I’d actually like to remember tonight," you say with a chuckle.
Paige laughs softly, her hand giving your thigh a playful squeeze. "Smart move." She turns to Kayla, nudging her gently. "What about you? Tapping out?"
Kayla glances at her phone, her eyes widening slightly as she reads the time—1:29 AM. "Wow– I didn't realise it was that late." Kayla yawns as she stands up, ruffling at Paige's hair. "It's not your birthday anymore, Bueckers."
"It's still my day, though." Paige pouts, leaning her head back to look at Kayla. Always such a big baby.
"Yeah, yeah, birthday girl," Kayla laughs, ruffling Paige’s hair before heading to the door. She glances over at Azzi, who’s now half-asleep, sprawled across Kk’s lap. "You guys heading out too?"
Azzi and Kk exchange tired glances before they, too, gather their things. After a round of group hugs, the door finally closes, leaving you and Paige alone in the now-quiet living room. You survey the aftermath; red cups litter the floor, empty bottles are stacked haphazardly on the coffee table.
“Jeez,” you mutter, shaking your head at the mess. “This’ll be fun to clean up tomorrow.”
Paige hums in agreement, her arms suddenly wrapping around your waist from behind you. She pulls you back against her, resting her chin on your shoulder. “I had a good night,” she says softly, her breath tickling your ear. “Thank you.”
"No need to thank me," you smile. "I had fun, too. Did you have a good birthday?"
"The best," her arms squeeze you a little tighter, nose nudging at your cheek. You lean back into her, hands covering her own. "Thank you baby." 
"Anything for you," you smile, tilting your neck back to look at her.
"Really?" her head tilts towards you as she presses a kiss to your cheek.
She hums, her hands sliding down to your hips, squeezing gently as she leans in closer. "Not to be greedy," there's a pause as she gives you another squeeze, lips ghosting down your neck. "But where's my gift?"
Paige grins against your neck, the curve of her lips brushing your skin. “Maybe,” she murmurs before her teeth lightly nip at the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder.
"You gonna give me something good?"
Her lips are against your pulse point now, sucking the sensitive skin into her mouth. A sigh escapes your lips and you reach your hands up and back, fingers tangling in her hair. Paige's hands roam your body, trailing up and down your sides before one cups at your breast.
"Paige," you moan softly, her name escaping your lips as her mouth finds yours. The kiss is slow and deep, both of you still tasting faintly of vodka and cherry, the alcohol mixing with the heat between you. Her hand cups your jaw, angling your face just right as the kiss intensifies.
She pulls away first, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips. Her breathing is ragged, voice low as she pants, "Bedroom."
Your fingers interlock with hers, feet padding softly against the floor as she leads you down the hallway. Her thumb rubs soft circles into the back of your hand and it's a subtle reminder of how much she loves you.
Paige stops outside of her bedroom door and pauses. Her eyes are soft and there's a smile gracing her lips. "What?" you smile back, free hand reaching up to brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Nothing, just." her hand lifts and squeezes your wrist. "I really love you, s'all."
You roll your eyes, playfully. "You're such a sap,"
"You gonna let this sap eat your pussy, orrrr..?" she smirks as she drags out the word, opening the door to her room and pulling you in. She pushes it shut behind you, tipsy fingers fumbling with the lock.
The room is surprisingly bright, the main light still on from when Paige must've last been in there. "You left the light on," you say monotonously which earns you an eye roll from Paige. She doesn't respond, just flicks her head towards the bed as an instruction for you to get over there.
"Someone's eager." you grin, walking backwards until the back of your legs hit her bed.
"Mhm," Paige hums, stepping closer to you. She pauses for a moment, as though she's figuring out her next move. "Turn over."
Your knees are weak as you flip yourself over, resting on your hands and knees. She wastes no time, making quick work of pulling your leggings and panties down your thighs. She lets out a moan at the sight of you, exposed and waiting.
"Damn," she mumbles under her breath, hand running along the curve of your ass cheek, giving it a squeeze. "Now this is a birthday cake."
Your head drops between your shoulders, laughter shaking your frame. "Wow, P. That's corny."
"Shut up," she's giggling, too, but there's a tone of authority in her voice. The sound of her kneeling behind you is audible and the feeling of her presence looming over you is enough to keep you quiet.
Her hands grip at your ass again and squeeze, nails digging into the soft skin. Your fingers curl into the sheets, a gasp leaving your lips. A stray finger traces a pattern across the dimples in your lower back, lower, lower until it brushes over the puckered hole you're both yet to try. Yeah, she's pressed her thumb against it more times than she'd like to admit but she's never 'breached the surface' as she'd say.
"You gonna let me have here?" she leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to the base of your spine. "It is my birthday, after all."
You hesitate, hand letting go of the sheets to reach back for her. "What about you?"
Paige squeezes at your forearm, "I'll get mine, don't worry."
She moves your arm back down beside you, hands coming to rest on either side of your ass. She pulls your cheeks apart, breath warm against you. "Can I?"
You moan out a yes, dropping your forehead against the mattress. Paige wastes no time, head dipping down and licking a fat stripe up your pussy, tongue sliding between your folds. She's sloppy, spit mixing with the slick that now coats her chin. She's moaning into you and you wish you could see how this looked from the outside.
You're shaking in front of her, fingers twisting and tugging at the sheets. She pulls away for a second, gathers the mixture of her spit and your juices in her mouth and spits it back onto you. She rubs it in with her thumb, digit ghosting over the ring of muscle.
"Fuck, Paige," you groan, shaking hand blindly reaching back to pull her closer, push her away- you weren't even sure at this point.
The girl hums, thumb stilling. "You want me to put it in?
You nod, cheek flat against the mattress.
"Speak to me."
"Please, please." you beg.
"Please what?"
"Fuck," you groan, inhibitions leaving your body. "Do anything, please. Eat my pussy–my ass, please, please–" You're so desperate you can barely even recognise your own voice.
"Relax baby," Paige coos, leaning down to press a kiss to your ass cheek. "I got you."
You feel her pull away and you're about to protest, kick your feet out at her and cuss her out until you feel her shuffling around on the bed behind you. You use the little strength you have remaining to push your head off of the bed and you see her lying on her back, half of her body hanging off of the bed. Damp fingers squeeze at your ass, dragging you back just enough so your pussy is directly over her mouth. 
She's back at it like she never left, sucking your clit into her mouth and massaging her tongue over it. Her thumb finds home against your ass again, pressing against your hole as her tongue teases over your folds. The pressure is immense, the tip of her thumb slipping past the tight ring of muscle and you choke on air. You're not sure if it's a good or bad thing that you can't breathe, everything in you constricting, heart hammering against your chest.
You press against the mattress and hold yourself up, now fully kneeling over Paige. You brush the blonde strands from her face, your girlfriend's eyes fluttering open to lock onto yours. As soon as you make eye contact you hear feel her moan into your pussy, thumb sliding an inch deeper.
Your hips grind against her at their own accord, fingers now knotted in Paige's hair as you moan out into the cool air of her room. Your stomach tenses, thighs working overtime to hold you up. The chord in your stomach grows tighter and you open your mouth to warn Paige that you're about to cum but your words get lost in the mess of moans and pants and incoherent syllables.
It washes over you like a tidal wave, orgasm rattling your entire body. Paige moans into you the entire time, tongue messily sliding over your pussy as she laps you up. Her thumb leaves your ass with a pop and she presses her head back into the mattress just enough to be able to breathe out a "You good?"
Shaking legs shuffle you down her body until you're sat on her stomach, grimacing at the stickiness between your thighs. Paige can't help the laugh that leaves her, hands rubbing up the fronts of your thighs as she takes you in.
"You look fucked."
"Well," you pinch at her side, "You fucked me good, birthday girl."
She wiggles her eyebrows at that, hands leaving your thighs to grip at your ass cheeks. She squeezes, tongue licking around her lips. Her lids flutter shut as she tastes the remnants of you against her, lashes fluttering against her cheek.
You watch her silently from above, fingers trailing across her chest. Her shirt sticks to her skin slightly, sweat beading across her body. "Want this off?"
She nods, eyes opening. "Please."
You clamber off her and watch as she pulls the shirt over her head, throwing it into a random corner of her room. Her sports bra follows and she mindlessly rubs her hands over her chest, grateful she's no longer constricted by the material.
"So," you start, pushing her back by her shoulder and ghosting your lips across her nipple. She's flat against the bed again and you're perched beside her, ass up and feet kicking out as your tongue peeks out to lick at the sensitive nub. "How do you plan on 'getting yours'?"
You recite the words she'd said to you earlier and she snickers, back arching slightly when you suck her nipple into your mouth. "I got something-" she sucks in a breath when your teeth bite into the swell of her breast, pink mark left in their wake. "Something in the drawer."
Your eyebrows perk up at that, leaving one last kiss against her tit as you climb off the bed and saunter towards her bedside drawer. You pull open the rickety drawer and there's a purple wand staring right back at you.
You turn back to look at her, watching as she shuffles up the bed, head now resting on the pillows. "How long have you had this?"
Paige shrugs, a smug look on her face. "Got it a couple days ago. A gift from me, to me."
You fish it out of the drawer and inspect it, it's fairly heavy- three heart shaped buttons on the purple rubber handle. "Have you used it?"
"Nah," she taps her fingers against her stomach, nonchalant. "Wanted to use it with you."
You let out a hum of approval, turning back to face her. She's propped herself up on her elbows, legs bent at the knee and open. Her thighs are spread wide, fabric of her navy shorts stretching across the expanse of the muscle.
You sit at the end of the bed, turning the toy on and letting it vibrate against the palm of your hand. "It's intense," you muse, not able to mask the smile growing on your features. "Did you deliberately choose this?"
Paige's blush deepens, feet kicking out to hit your thigh. "Shut up, no."
You can't help but laugh at her, crawling forward and leaning down to press a kiss just above her bellybutton. She's watching you carefully, waiting to see what you're going to do.
"This is new," you say, watching the way her breathing changes with every gentle touch. "I usually have to work to get you like this, but you're so–" you bite down on her skin, letting her feel the dull ache before sucking at the mark. "Are you becoming needier in your old age?"
"Fuck you," she spits, but there's no real venom in her words. Her abs are drawn tight and she's got her hands fisted by her sides; she's clearly desperate. "It's my birthday, be nice."
"Need I remind you," you flick the waistband of her shorts and boxers against her skin, pulling at them slightly to hint at her to lift her hips. She does as you wish and you slide them off of her, abandoning them at the end of the bed. "It's not your birthday anymore."
Paige makes a sound in the back of her throat, hips raising as she tries to get you to touch her. She's been on the edge since she saw you walking towards her with that cake in your hands, the amount of love you have for her so evident in your expression that it drove her fucking insane. She feels her entire body burning up, thighs shaking as her hands clutch at the sheets.
You settle comfortably between her legs, head dipping down to press a kiss to the inside of her thigh.
"What do you want me to do? I'll let you pick, my treat."
She rolls her eyes at that, breath shaky as she answers. "Use the thing."
You lean forward, lips ghosting over hip bone. You breathe out a laugh, tongue licking against the skin. "The thing? Like the movie?"
You feel Paige tug at your hair, an annoyed whine leaving her throat. "Stop fucking with me, please."
That's enough to satisfy you, dipping down lower to place a chaste kiss against her clit. She sucks in a sharp breath at the feeling, hips canting up to catch your mouth. Your tongue peeks out to lay flat against it, slowly moving your head up and down to provide just enough friction to make Paige's toes curl.
"Fuck," she breathes out, head tilted back against the pillow. "Need more."
Your right hand blindly fumbles around the bed for the wand, left hand now busy rubbing slow circles into her clit with your thumb. Her abs ripple, chest heaving from the feeling of it all. It's so much, yet nowhere near enough at the same time.
As soon as you press the on button the toy springs to life again, loud vibrations humming out into the air of the room. It almost makes your entire arm shake from how intense it is but you prevail, sitting up slightly to trail it between the valley of her breasts.
"What're you-" Paige cuts herself off, the both of you not able to contain your laughter because she sounds like some sort of fucked up robot when she speaks, the vibrations distorting her voice.
"Just," you lift the toy away from her chest to press a kiss to her lips, both of you smiling against each other. "Relax, enjoy it babe."
You trail the wand further down her body, letting it rest just above her clit. Her hips tilt up again, head lolling forward so she can watch. Your free hand presses against her stomach, keeping her flat to the bed.
"I said, relax."
"I am relaxed."
You scoff, not giving in to her attitude. You keep the wand where it is, just out of reach from where she needs it most. You move the hand from her stomach and let your fingers tickle against her inner thigh, inching closer and closer to her pussy. Your fingertip trails against her folds and, as you expected, she's soaked. It wasn't too often you'd swap roles like this, let her fully relax whilst you took control of the reigns but you knew she enjoyed this. Loves letting you do whatever you want to her.
You let a single finger dip between her folds, sliding up, down and then sinking inside of her. It's not much of a stretch from how wet she is, slides in easily. You pump the singular finger in and out slowly, eyes trained on Paige's face.
She's got her eyes screwed shut, head still lolled on her shoulder. Her eyebrows are furrowed, lips in a slight pout. You hover the vibrator just above her clit and when you press it down against her, her eyes shoot open and eyebrows raise in shock.
"Holy shit," she gasps, one hand wrapping around your wrist whilst the other shoots up to grab at the pillow beside her. "That's– fuck me."
Her mouth is wide open, tongue hanging out just the tiniest bit in a daze. The room is filled with the sounds of the toy and her moans, her hips lifting off of the bed to chase the sensation. You press the wand down harder, letting it buzz against her clit. You can feel it vibrating through your arm and the vibrations are strong, making you wonder just how powerful it is. You make a note to get her to use it on you, next time.
You move the toy against her in slow circles, slipping another finger into her pussy and curling them up. "Good?"
Paige's chest is flushed, heaving with each deep breath she takes. It's almost like she doesn't know what to do with herself, head tipping back to the pillow and then tossing to the side. "Yeah," she breathes out, voice hoarse. "Good."
Your thumb reaches up to press at one of the buttons to increase the intensity, vibrations now pulsing against her. She whines, high pitched and strained as it all becomes too much. Your fingers curl faster inside of her, the squelching from her pussy just audible over the vibrations from the wand.
Her hips tilt up faster, feet slipping against the mattress as she chases the feeling. If she could see herself she'd be embarrassed by how easily she's succumbed to the pleasure, scrambling against the bed pathetically. She can't think straight, only able to focus on the feeling of her orgasm approaching.
"It's-" she can barely get her words out, sweat making her body glisten. You watch her with a smirk on your face, satisfied. "I think-"
"What's wrong, babe?"
Paige's eyes are rolled back in her head, head tipped back and neck on show. There's a blue vein stretching across the length of her neck and you find yourself leaning over her and dragging your tongue against it. Paige jumps at the feeling, broken moan leaving her chest. The hand that was wrapped around your wrist moves to your shoulder, blunt nails biting against your skin.
You're still moving the toy in slow circles, rubbing it against her clit. Paige is moaning, groaning- gravelly noises leaving her throat as the hand on your shoulder moves to your hair. She moves her head to face you, watery eyes boring into your own.
"Gonna cum," she whispers against your lips, barely audible over the noise from the toy. "Fucking–feel it in my chest."
You bite at her bottom lip, teeth pulling at her pout. Your nose presses against hers as you watch her unravel, watch a tear spill from her eye and drip down her cheek. "Yeah, birthday girl?"
Your fingers speed up, curling so quickly you fear they might end up cramping. Your wrist begins to ache from holding the toy, too but you keep going because it's all worth seeing your girl like this.
The blonde lets out a combination between a cry and a moan, thighs squeezing around you and keeping you trapped as she cums. The vibrator slips a little from how wet she's become but you're quick to put it back in place.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she's chanting out to nobody in particular, thighs tightening and feet kicking against your back. You let her do it, let it happen as she goes silent. You feel it before you hear it, her hips rolling up and thighs shaking against you as she floods your fingers, and then- "I'm fucking-fucking cumming, oh shittttt."
The words leave her through gritted teeth, fingers finding their way under your shirt to scratch against your skin. You lean back to watch her in all her glory; head craned back against the pillow, nipples hard and hair matted against her forehead.
Your fingers slip out of her first and you sit them on your tongue, licking around them and moaning from the taste. You turn the vibrator off and chuck it beside Paige who is breathing so heavily you think she might pass out, eyes closed and lips dry.
You rub a comforting hand against her thigh, a soft touch to keep her grounded. You cast a glance down to her pussy and you can see the wet patch underneath her on the bed, dark and soaking into the cotton sheets.
"Wow," is all she says, body relaxing against the bed. Her eyes open and she softly smiles as soon as she sees you, shaking hand resting atop of your own. "Happy birthday to me."
You opt to lay beside her, left leg kicked over her thighs with your head resting on her shoulder. "Feeling okay?"
"Honestly," she tucks her chin in to look down at you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Best birthday gift ever."
"Doesn't count if you brought it for yourself, though." you counter, tilting up to look at her. You catch her rolling her eyes at you, the hand she'd settled around your waist digging in below your ribs.
"'Kay, where's my gift from you then?"
"Don't be greedy, Bueckers." you tease, sliding out from beside her and walking towards where your bag was abandoned several hours ago. Paige lets out a whistle as she watches your ass as you walk away from her, rolling onto her side.
"Where you goin'?"
You ignore her, rummaging through your bag to look for the jewellery box you'd so carefully wrapped last weekend. Much to relief you find it still intact and spin around, holding it behind your back as you saunter back towards Paige. You make sure to grab her clothes on the way, throwing them in her direction.
She raises an eyebrow at you, pulling just her boxers back up over her legs and an oversized t-shirt over her head. You do the same, keeping the box in your hand as you put her shorts on.
"A gift for little old me?"
You have to resist rolling your eyes at her, crouching down so you're at the same height. You hold the small box between you both and hold your gaze with Paige, watching as her eyes light up in anticipation.
"I remember you looking at them a while ago," you start, thumb stroking against the patterned paper. "So I got 'em."
Paige frowns, unsure of what you're talking about. She takes the box from you, unsteady fingers pulling at the wrapping paper. She discards the paper beside her on the bed and opens up the box slowly, eyes widening when she sees what's inside.
"You didn't-"
"Don't say a word." you cut her off, knowing she was about to go on a spiel about how she didn't deserve this, how you shouldn't have spent the money, blah blah blah.
"How did you remember?" there's a hint of shock in her voice, as though she couldn't believe you'd remember something that she thought was so insignificant.
You smile at her, taking the box from her and pulling out one of the rings. They're two simple silver bands with a small heart etched on the inside; nothing too flashy but you vividly remember Paige fawning over them in the store. "We should get matching.” she'd suggested to you, nothing but a passing comment.
The ring slides onto her finger with ease and you thank the Gods above that you'd picked the right size. "Feels like we're gettin' married," she snickers, holding her hand up to admire the ring. "Lemme put it on you."
"Nope!" you whip your hand away from her, wiggling your fingers in the air. "I need to wash my hands after your little performance."
Paige laughs, shoving at your shoulder with no malice. She stands up from the bed, groaning from the ache in her legs. Her hand wraps around your bicep and she pulls you up and into a hug.
"I love you," she mumbles against your shoulder, squeezing you tight. "Thank you, for everything."
You pull back slightly, scratching at the nape of her neck.
"I love you too," you lean in, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Happy birthday, baby."
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breannasfluff · 3 days
A dark shadow jumps down from an upper-level catwalk, a red hood obscuring the person’s face. The butt of a gun is slammed into a goon’s head, dropping him. Another tries to jump the hooded figure and an elbow is slammed into the thug’s gut. 
Danny’s pretty sure they are here to help, so goes back to his own fighting. What he wouldn’t give to ectoblast every one of these guys off his butt. Pandora’s training comes in use though, and he can use their larger size against them. 
Danny is…slim, for his build. Lean in a way that wouldn’t hurt to have a few more meals, but defined muscle. Ghost fighting burns a lot of calories and it’s not always easy to eat as much as he needs to. Even at home with his parents, it was a struggle. They had no basis for why their child was suddenly eating twice as much as anyone else. And when you outpace Jack Fenton at the dinner table? Eyebrows start to go up. At least he grew up a few more inches.
New person raises the guns, but there’s no one left. Everyone is on the ground moaning, or out completely. 
“You okay, civilian?” The voice is modulated through the mask, but it’s a low rumble that sends a shiver up Danny’s spine. 
He gives two thumbs up, which is a bad idea because the ground is still swooping around him. He lists to the side and his hero is there next to him, holding him up. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m Red Hood, by the way.”
Red Hood? The vigilante? The one that Danny hasn’t heard about over the past month? What the heck is he doing over here?
Read the rest here!
(If you need more bait, how about Danny pranking Hood with soda?)
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tathrin · 3 days
Once again laughing at the idea of how DISTRAUGHT Celebrimbor would be post-reembodiment to discover that Gimli, only dwarf to ever come to the Undying Lands, skilled craftsman and silver-tongued elf-charmer and basically Celebrimbor's new favorite living person in all Middle-earth starting from about ten minutes after he gets off that boat...
That Gimli is married to this absolute disaster of a Wood-elf, who has no smith-craft at all and frankly doesn't even know which end of an iron bar to grab when he is in the forge (hint, Legolas: it's the one that isn't going to burn your skin off you moron!) and is just as likely to trip on his own tongue as to say something actually eloquent and just...
Celebrimbor is distressed, okay. Legolas is a PROBLEM.
And he can't even talk to his best friend about it, because Gimli is the one in love with this idiot! wtffffff! why? HOW!?
Why in the hell isn't Narvi here. Narvi would understand.
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avocado-writing · 3 days
Kinktober #20
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20. Infidelity - Cuckolding // Cunnilingus // Threesome (Logan Howlett x Reader x Wade Wilson - this is for you, that one anon)
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You’re at orgasm ten and they aren’t slowing down. 
That’s the problem when you have two not-quite-human lovers: their stamina is fucking insane. Barely any refractory period either. All you can do is hope that you can keep up with them… and that your body doesn’t goddamn give out.
It kinda is giving out, though.
“One more…” Logan growls, moving his way up your prone form like an animal. You choke on the idea of wringing any extra pleasure from yourself. Your cunt is leaking with a mix of cum: yours, Logan’s, Wade’s; a sinful cocktail soaking into the sheets. You can’t keep anything inside you any more. You’re full. 
“Logan, no,” you say, firmly, slapping his shoulder with as much effort as you can muster. He looks down at you, and those soft puppy eyes remind you why you see him as such an obedient dog at times. 
“You okay, baby?” he asks, backing down immediately when he is chastised.
“I’m gonna die on this bed Logan. You’ve made me orgasm my soul out,” you sigh, relieved for your poor pussy that he’s so willing to listen. Next to you on the bed Wade is half-hard again but even he looks exhausted.
“Now normally my rampant machismo would require me to see this through until one of us had jizz leaking out our nose, but for the sake of our pookie here I’m happy to call it a draw.”
It had been so stupid, the lead up to his. The three of you lazing around, enjoying each other’s company and watching a movie. A sex scene had come on and it had got the three of you talking, which had got the two of them arguing. Who did you most enjoy making you come? It was a conversation you didn’t want to get in the middle of but apparently you didn’t have a choice. 
“C’mon, one of us has gotta get you wet and wilder than the other,” Wade had said, walking his fingers along your leg. You’d rolled your eyes.
“I like fucking you both, boys. Can we finish watching Australia now?”
“That means it’s me,” Wade had whispered, and Logan hadn’t wanted to take that lying down. Well… without you lying down, anyway.
So they took you to the bedroom and tried to make you compare. Fingers, mouths, cocks, all of it; and now your poor cunt might have friction burn. At some point it stopped being who could fuck you better and who could fuck you more, eke orgasm out of orgasm from your exhausted body and have you moaning for it. You’re not sure how they can keep going. How have they got any goddamn cum left in them, you’re sure it’s all over your cunt and abdomen at this point.
When Logan runs a gentle finger between your folds you hiss, part because of the sting and part from delight. You’re so high on a cloud of pleasure you can’t imagine anything else now.
“Look at you baby, you’re a mess…” he sighs, gravelly voice full of affection as he sees the canvas they’ve made of your body. If their skin could hold scars they’d be covered in your scratch marks, your bites, your slaps as you grabbed handfuls of muscle and held on while they fucked you. Wade grabs Logan’s hand and licks the mixture of the three of you off his fingers, humming in contentment.
“Is it too much that I like licking stuff? I did it in the period sex one too, is it becoming an endearing habit, or…?”
“If the two of you still have a point to prove, why don’t you fuck each other?” you chuckle, trying to get comfortable on the mattress and only succeeding at having another squirt of come drip from your hole.
Their eyes lock over your body. You’ve set a challenge neither will back down from, and when Logan goes in for a fierce kiss Wade meets it with vigour.
“Good grief…” you chuckle, moving onto your side to watch them go at each other. You’ll enjoy not being the centre of the show for a while.
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truefandemonium · 3 days
This AU has consumed my mind
Please accept my humble offering to the Bill still community ( @jellynut I totally forgot to credit u I am so sorry)
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a mind ensnared pt. 1
a billstill ficlet
(inspired by the AU by @jellynut)
“According to my research, and the readings I’m getting— she’ll be just off the coast— the Laptev Sea,” Ford said, adjusting the map in front of him before folding it and pointing in some random direction ahead of them. Stan tipped the wheel idly, raising his brows at his brother.
“Always thought Nessie would be in Scotland. Like the name. Not Norway.” Stan blinked as snow began to fall in soft flurries onto the boat, finding purchase in the tufts of greying hair poking out from the front of his beanie.
“Russia, Stanley,” Ford corrected in his trademark deadpan, judgemental eyes flicking over the rim of his glasses as he shifted his focus away from the roaring waves in the distance. “We’re headed for the coast of Russia.”
“Yeah, whatever, poindexter.” Stan didn’t exactly mean to say it. He could feel Ford tense every time the word slipped from his mouth. When they were kids— the nickname was friendly, affectionate. But after everything happened… everything with Bill…
You called?
Stan cleared his throat loudly, forcing himself to stare up at the falling flakes head on. “Heck of a storm, huh?”
Thank God— Ford laughed at that. “You mean the gust of cold wind that couldn’t constitute a squall? Yes, quite a storm,” the other man agreed.
Stan smiled. He missed this. His whole life: wasted, without his brother. But now, they could finally make up for that lost time.
Lost time. Boy have I heard that one before. But so have you, right Stanley?
Get out of my head. Stan didn’t notice his own knuckles whitening around the wheel. Get out of my head right now or I’ll—
You’ll what, Mystery Man? Yell at me? Hahahahahahahah—
Say, how much do you remember, Stan? Do you remember your favorite food? How about the shirt you wore everyday for a month while waiting for good ol’ Fordsy to come back from the abyss?
Stan sucked in a deep breath, risking shutting his eyes against the wind as the screaming in his head swelled. He can’t hurt you, Stan told himself, starting to sweat despite the cold.
But you remember the important things, don’t you? Like what Pine Tree gave you before he left for home. Or the secret Shooting Star confessed to you and you alone? Come on, tell me you remember that.
Stan opened his eyes and steeled himself. He wouldn’t let some stupid triangle ruin the rest of his life.
You gotta remember what makes you you, though, don’t you? The fact that you were the reason Ford spent half his life in nightmare dimensions. The reason his childhood was spent looking out for you.
No, no, it’s not true. Is it? Did I destroy Ford’s life? Since the beginning?
The reason he’s never been happy. Not even now—
Stan suddenly doubled over, a sharp pain in his skull causing a bright light to rip through his vision. The steering wheel cracked hard against his knuckles as he tried and failed to find purchase somewhere before collapsing.
“Stanley!” Ford was at his side in an instant, knees on the ground as he placed one steadying hand on Stan’s back, and pushed him to kneel with the other. “Stanley—?”
The two men sat in the snowy light of the moon, Stan wheezing, his vision blurred as sweat began to pool in his gloves and drip cooly down the sides of his face. The waters around them began to spin— or at least it felt that way. Despite the endless space beyond the boat, Stan felt the world closing in on him. All set to the sound of distant wicked laughter.
Ford felt cold to his bones, not from the wind or weather, but the look of sheer panic etched into his brother’s face. Stan had few moments of real fear that he let Ford get close enough to see. This… this was one of them.
Ford eased his hold on Stan and watched him slam his palms onto the deck, shaking hard enough to make his dentures clack together. Keeping one six-fingered hand on his brother’s back, Ford started to speak in a slow, soothing tone.
“Stanley, it’s alright, breathe, Stanley,” he muttered, watching Stan’s eyes flick wildly around, the fear clawing at him. He looked like a wounded animal… more specifically a rabbit.
Caught in a snare: the wire tightening with each sharp breath around his throat, Ford’s heart wrenched at the image. “Stanley.” Ford shifted to cup Stan’s jaw in his gloved hand, applying enough pressure to ease his glazy eyes upward.
“I’m right here,” he whispered. Stan’s gaze flickered with something— recognition, but his heaving didn’t cease. Ford continued, “Breathe, Stanley. I’m here.”
“Bill—” Stan choked out, shaking his head hard, trying to recoil from his brother’s gentle touch.
It was like a blade between Ford’s ribs. The name sent a shudder through his spine and blood flashing behind his eyes. Still, he held firm.
“Stanley.” His voice shook as he pulled Stan into his arms, forcing him to still. “Bill is gone.”
Finally, Stan moved. All at once, he barreled forward, wrapping Ford in a tight hug as he sobbed, the heat of his tears soaking into the exposed hair curling around Ford’s neck.
“He’s gone,” Ford repeated. Part of him wanted to believe it.
Part of him knew, even if Bill was gone. The memories were one thing that would never fall away.
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marbleboa · 22 hours
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Over the past few months, I made some art of my fave scenes from my fic catharsis! Was a super fun project for a story I’m still quite proud of.
Thank you to @rxraltzna for commissioning me to draw the fourth one, and inspiring me to do the rest!
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evansboyfriend · 3 days
ok me and @half-oz-eddie have been talking about bucktommy actors au and it goes like this
evan buckley, who sort of accidentally gets into modelling/acting after he moves to LA. he gets discovered and cast into a sexy perfume ad and then another sexy music video and he rolls with it because why not, it's easy money and LA is expensive, and he starts getting small roles here and there and eventually lands himself a recurring role as a firefighter on a network procedural (because we love being meta). it's fairly successful and long running, and he's gone from being a recurring character to one of the mains, and he loves his job, he loves the show (almost as much as his sister does) (almost as much as his actual-firefighter brother-in-law hates it)
tommy kinard, former child star who was shoved into the world of Hollywood at the age of 8 and starred in a couple of blockbusters in the early 90s that everyone has seen, who was outed in his twenties and disappeared from the public for like, a decade, and now gets to pick and choose what roles he'll take on, so when he's asked if he wants a small recurring role on his favourite guilty-pleasure show he jumps at the opportunity (and then he finds out he's been cast as the LI for the hunkiest guy on the show? this is his lucky day)
this is buck's first role where he has to kiss a man and he's like whatever it's not a big deal, i'm an ally. he meets tommy and they get along so welllll. buck trying to find every opportunity to hang out with tommy, invites him to go hiking and asks him to read lines together, and tommy is no A-lister but he still has some name recognition and he totally uses it to get them a table at the restaurant with a 6-month waitlist.
and let's say it's a slow burn arc on the show, so they've been filming a few episodes by the time they get to The Kiss. and of course they have to shoot that like 12 times. and buck goes home at the end of the day and he's had a long day he's so tired he just wants to shower and sleep but he lays in bed like. i should text tommy. and then tommy calls him and they're talking and joking and laughing. and they hang up and buck still can't sleep and he's like. what is this weird feeling.
until one day they're hanging out at tommy's house and buck is doing that thing where he's flirting without knowing he's flirting and tommy thinks fuck it and kisses him and buck gets this stupid smile on his face because holy shit everything makes sense now.
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the-artist-grimm · 1 day
Nightmares and Masks
Unbeknownst to vessels, the Crown's loyalty isn't solely theirs whilst in service. By order of its master, it is to monitor and report any red flags to Narinder-overtly heretical takes on his doctrines, concerning levels of violence, reluctance to complete tasks, or, in Anthea's case, mental or physical health concerns.
Upon first being crowned Anthea comes across as cheerful and eager to help. Kindhearted, but not naïve. Effective in a fight, yet doesn't revel in violence.
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And yet...why is it that the lamb's smile feels so practiced? Why is it that, regardless of the request, do they follow through on it? Why do they seem to encourage the cult's playful teases of them being a 'big sis'?
Most vessels suffer nightmares for a while post-first resurrection. Yet it's when Anthea's nightmares prove to be unrelated to their death that the Crown starts to grow concern. Nights where the lamb awakes screaming names not found among the cult, before, in an all too practiced a manner, staggering to a crate to snatch up a potion bottle and downing it. Only after do they fall back into a completely silent, motionless sleep.
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For Narinder he first thought the lamb to be a somewhat overly friendly, but overall harmless vessel who knew their task and was surprisingly attentive to not just his situation, but also that of his typically ignored kits'. Thus he was confused at first at the crown's reports of a despondent, silent lamb when they thought themselves alone. It's only after receiving reports of the Lamb waking up screaming for an entire week post-encountering a razed village that he starts to really pay attention.
Narinder remembers how easy it is to don a mask for those relying on you. And he remembers just how hard it is to remove once in place. The lamb is doomed to die once their role is through, but part of him wonders just who lies underneath.
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cxrrodedcoffin · 3 days
❄︎ 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐥 ❄︎
Kinktober fic 4: Eddie Munson ❄︎ Ice Play + Restraints
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𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: dom!eddie, sir kink, ice/water used in a sexual context, temperature play, restraints, blindfolding, fingering, oral sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (angel, babydoll), praise, pussy slapping, fem + afab reader, alcohol mention, slight crying but not really dacryphilia
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k
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Hawkins in October was usually the picture of a perfect autumn town, technicolor trees in striking fall shades lining the streets under gloomy gray-blue skies, but this year had been unceremoniously hot, and you were starting to feel like you’d somehow been transported to hell in Eddie’s tin can trailer.
You woke up from your short nap to find the sheets bunched up at the end of the bed, your body covered in a thin layer of sweat as the heat hit you. You rose to your feet, walking to the kitchen before grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip, the bottle cold in your hand as the cool water slid down your throat.
You sighed, dissatisfied with the heat as you walked towards the living room looking for Eddie, curious as to what he had been up to while you were asleep. He laid lazily across the couch, barely covered by a pair of plaid boxers and a loose black cut off tank he’d fashioned out of an old Dio tee shirt. He laid on his back, his legs spread slightly as he leaned against the arm of the couch, his skin covered in a light layer of sweat under the sunlight gleaming through the windows.
"Hey Edds." You sighed, bringing his attention away from whatever cheesy b-horror movie he’d popped into the vcr.
"How was your nap, babydoll?" He asked, flashing you a smile while setting the cold can of beer in his hand on the end table.
"Good, but I could’ve done without the heat." You answered, walking closer to him.
"Yeah, if it wasn’t for the neighbors I'd probably be walking around the house fuckin’ nude right now." He laughed, sitting up.
"I wouldn't mind that." You sat on the empty cushion next to him, warm blush gently rising over your cheeks.
"I'm sure you wouldn't." He laughed, canines peeking out from beneath his top lip as he smiled at you. He couldn't keep his eyes off of your body and before long he leaned into you, his hands on your hips as his lips met yours.
You threw your leg over his lap, straddling him before resting your arms over his shoulders, hand running lazily through his long dark hair.
The heat growing between you came to be too much, causing you to pull back slightly and sigh against his lips.
"God, it's too hot for this." You said, disappointed as you plopped back down on the couch, pouting.
He paused, thinking for a second before an idea presumably came to mind.
“I want to try something.” His words rang in your ears and your interest peaked, prompting you to follow him down the hall.
You turned the corner to the bedroom and he motioned toward his bed, hinting for you to lay down. You did as he silently asked, stripping yourself of your shorts and tank before laying down on the bed. He moved to the dresser, pulling out leather restraints from the drawer you kept your sex toys in.
You instinctively spread your legs and placed your hands above your head, eager to see where he was taking this. He secured your arms and legs to the bedposts, leaving you fully exposed for him before exiting the room. You waited patiently, wondering why he had left, a million thoughts running through your mind. Eddie could be mean, a bit more of a tease than you preferred occasionally, but he’d never left you tied up high and dry before.
When he returned, he held a bowl in hand, that familiar mischievous grin on his face, silently taunting you. You raised a brow at him, craning your neck to see what was in the bowl.
Ice water.
You gulped, watching the ice cubes float aimlessly in the water before looking back to him, unsure if you could handle the harsh cold against your most sensitive areas.
“Your pretty little cunt was getting too hot, gotta cool you down.” He set the bowl down beside your already trembling leg before landing a small slap against your inner thigh, enjoying the way your leg jolted underneath his touch.
He brought his hand to your cunt, middle finger prodding at your folds before withdrawing his touch and dipping his finger into the bowl. He swirled it around for a moment before bringing it to your clit, the cold contrast making you yelp.
“Just relax, angel.” He cooed, voice condescendingly sweet.
He brushed over your clit again, making your hips shift away as far as you could. He traced over your folds, applying a soft pressure as he went until he reached your dripping entrance.
He pulled away again, dipping his finger once more into the cool water before returning, experimentally pushing the long digit inside of you. The action drew a strained whimper from your throat, your walls instinctively clenching around him at the cold. He hummed in satisfaction, curling his finger up into that soft spot inside of you, your hips bucking softly against him in search of more stimulation.
“Not yet.” He chided, pulling his finger from you and giving your aching clit a harsh slap. You whimpered at the loss before crying out from the sharp contact, relaxing into the bed as you waited for his next move. He picked up a small cube, the edge of it more rounded from the time it had been floating, slowly degrading until it become one with the rest of the water. His hand hovered slowly up over your stomach, letting the ice drop teardrops of freezing water onto your hot skin until he’d reached your chest, your breasts glistening with sweat from the heat.
“Gotta make sure I cool all of your sensitive areas first babydoll.” He looked up at you through hooded yet concentrated eyes, determination in his stare. He wanted to break you, make you so sensitive you’d lose all sense of self preservation and beg him to fuck you in this heat, and he sure as hell was going to make that happen. He brought the melting ice to your left nipple, the bud instantly stiffening underneath the cold, your back arching up into his touch. Your moans were tired, the heat draining you, but you couldn’t stop yourself, your need for pleasure helping you push through the discomfort caused by the weather.
He circled your sensitive peaks, alternating between breasts until they were both covered in the cold runoff from the quickly disintegrating ice cube, your nipples peaked and sensitive to just the exposure to the air after the overstimulation he provided. You were practically panting, your mind slipping further and further away as he continued to tease, prolonging your delicious torture.
He brought his hand to hover above the bowl of ice water, fully submerging his thumb, pointer, and middle fingers before removing them and allowing the excess liquid to drip back into the bowl.
He used his free hand to spread your folds, giving him direct access as he pressed his ice cold fingers into you, his thumb meeting your clit as you let out the most pathetic mewl, the shock of the cold sending a wave of warmth through you.
The rough pad of his thumb ghosting over your aching bud was almost too much, barely any friction at all and yet you felt like every nerve ending in your body was on fire. He moved his thumb slowly up and down as one would when painting, each stroke making you clench around his fingers, the coolness only making the warmth inside of you grow.
The only relief you got was each short-lived break he took to refresh the icy water on his fingers, and each moment was met with a bittersweet end as your fading sensitivity immediately peaked again at the chill.
He glanced up at you, noticing the way you stared down at him. Something flickered in his eye and he abruptly stopped, standing from his place and going back to the drawer. He pulled out a strip of satin before making his way back to you, resting his knee on the bed before leaning over, bringing the fabric to cover your eyes.
“You’re too distracted doll, I need you to be completely relaxed for me.” He explained, securing the silk behind your head. You nodded, laying your head back onto the pillow when you felt him move to the end of the bed. You were practically buzzing with anticipation, every inch of your body on fire as you waited for him to touch you again.
“I need to get more ice, I'll be back soon. I need you to be good for me while I’m gone.” with that he placed what was presumably the last chunk of ice on your skin just above your clit.
“Stay still until that has fully melted. If you move, the ice will fall and I will know, and I'll have to punish you. Understood?” His tone had dipped, something dark, almost truly threatening lacing his words
“Yes sir.” You whimpered, anchoring your hips against the bed to prevent yourself from moving as much as possible.
“That’s my girl.” He laughed, kissing your knee before the sound of his bare feet padding against the old carpet filled the room.
As the ice melted the cold liquid slipped down over your clit before seeping through your folds, intertwining itself with the warmth of your arousal. The stimulation was overwhelming and you found it increasingly difficult to stay still, feeling your thigh twitch and not a moment later your hips following, a tear slipping down your cheek as you felt the ice slide off of your body.
After a short while you heard his footsteps draw near, and you couldn’t hold back the tears threatening your waterline any longer. The disapproving sigh that left him when he stepped into the room made your lip quiver before a quiet sob escaped you, tears starting to soak the blindfold over your eyes.
“I’m sorry, sir.” You cried, burying the side of your face into the pillow.
“I couldn’t control it, I didn’t mean to disappoint you.” You continued, muscles tensing.
His hand met your cheek, thumb rubbing softly over your damp skin. He pushed the blindfold up to your forehead, allowing you to finally look at him.
“You could never disappoint me, angel.” He whispered, smiling reassuringly at you. You sniffled, biting the inside of your lower lip. He placed a kiss on the tip of your nose, wiping away your tears before looking into your eyes again.
“But I still have to punish you, babydoll.” He said, brushing your hair away from your face. You nodded, smiling to assure him you were okay. He pulled the blindfold back over your eyes before moving back between your legs, anticipation setting back in.
He brought his hand to your core, gathering your arousal on his fingers before pushing two of them inside, the friction causing a moan to flutter up from your chest. He pumped them slowly in and out for a moment before removing them and bringing them to your clit, rubbing soft circles against your swollen bundle of nerves.
You gasped as he eased one of the ice cubes into your cunt without warning, causing your walls to clench frantically around it. It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, each clench of your walls earning a bit of friction, in contrast with the cold heightening your sensitivity to an almost painful level.
He withdrew his fingers, letting you anticipate his next move before bringing another harsh slap against your clit. You cried out, hips bucking away from him, only to receive another hit, his free hand finding your hip, holding you still.
“You need to learn how to stay still, angel. You don’t want to upset me, do you?” He questioned, laying another hit against your sensitive cunt.
“No, sir.” You whimpered, focusing on staying still for him.
He laid a few more hits against you, each one prompting the ice inside of you to shift, the melting liquid dripping onto the sheets as it slid from you.
“Have you learned your lesson?” He taunted, thumb rubbing against the apex of your thigh. You nodded eagerly, desperate to earn his affection once again.
“I don’t think so, give me a proper answer.” He corrected, laying one last hit against you.
“Yes!” You cried out in exhaustion, your thighs tensing as the ice water settled into the contours of your cunt. His lips met your thigh and you sighed, reveling in the soft sucks and kisses he gave you in a momentary show of affection.
“Now let's get back to beating the heat.” He quipped, that dorky smile plastered across his stubbled face.
His words sent a shiver down your spine and as he brought his thumb back to your clit you moaned, each cold stroke against you that much more intense from the newly perfect amount of pressure his digit applied to your sensitive bundle of nerves, turning you into a panting, moaning mess.
You knew how needy you sounded but you didn’t care as he brought his tongue down to your slit, pushing swiftly inside of you, lapping at the melting ice within. He moaned against your heat, sending vibrations through your core and you felt that familiar pressure begin to build in the pit of your stomach.
When you started to contract around him he withdrew his tongue and you groaned, upset that he’d denied you the orgasm you’d been searching for all this time.
“Be patient angel, or I won’t let you cum on my cock.” He said, and you heard the rustling of fabric, alerting you that he was finally moving to match your state of undress. You perked up at his words, waiting patiently for his next move.
He removed the blindfold before undoing the restraints on your wrists, thumb rubbing soothingly over the red marks they left on your skin. He positioned himself between your legs, hard cock resting against your thigh.
“Is it still too hot? Or do you want me to fuck you?” He taunted, wrapping his fist around his cock and pumping a few times, knowing how much watching him touch himself turned you on.
“Fuck me, please.” You whimpered, blush creeping onto your cheeks at how brazen all of this had made you.
“Whatever you want, babydoll.” He said, planting a kiss on your forehead as he positioned himself at your slick entrance. With one swift thrust he was seated fully inside of you, moans falling from both of your lips at the friction and lingering chill from the now-melted ice.
He fucked quickly into you, skin slapping skin hard enough to bruise and you felt that familiar spring coil inside of you again, all the teasing and edging leaving you beyond eager and desperate to finally find your release. You looked up at him, bringing your arms over his shoulders to pull him down to you, lips brushing with each deep thrust of his hips.
“I wanna cum sir, please-ah!, please let me cum.” You whined, interrupted by soft gasps earned by his cock hitting that sweet spot inside of you.
“I’m almost there, angel. Just hold on a little longer.” He moaned, brow furrowed in concentration. He thrust faster into you, groaning as you scraped your fingers up his back, trying desperately to ignore the fire burning in your core to hold on for him.
“Eddie, please!” You cried, clawing at his skin as you waited for his approval.
“Go on, angel. Let me feel you cum around my cock.” He moaned, angling his hips up to slam into that soft spot inside of you, giving you that final push you needed to let the pleasure take over you, vision blurring as he swallowed your cries in an openmouthed kiss, nails digging into his back.
He came just moments later, spilling deep inside of you with a groan against your plush lips. He pulled out, brushing your hair away from your damp forehead before placing a kiss on it, sighing against your glistening skin.
“Such a good girl for me.” He mumbled, panting above you before rolling onto the bed next to you, his hand finding yours to lace your fingers together. Somehow, even in the middle of all this heat, you’d never felt more content.
tagging: @babygorewhore @xxbimbobunnyxx @eddiesxangel @taintandviolent @littlexdeaths @your-nightmaredoll @hellfire--cult @hellfiremunsonn @doomsdaybby @hippiegoth97 @myherometalhead
please message me if you’d like to be tagged in my future eddie munson fics or would like to be untagged!
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silverskyeline · 3 days
ੈ♡˳ 'i'm sorry' - logan x gn!reader
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summary: logan would never hurt you, but in his nightmares he's often not able to control his claws - he's hurt you, the one thing he never wanted to do. (1k) tags: vivid descriptions of nightmares, war, slight blood, vague mention of suicidal thoughts, reader comforts logan, traumatised logan, hurt/comfort, angsty, established relationship, for the 'claws' prompt for logan promptober.
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his dreams are seldom peaceful, even with you by his side. it's war, it's blood, it's loss. it's the same every damn night.
the visions drag him under, flashes of bright light, the rattle of ricocheting bullets, comrades screaming his name, pleading to the man who survives it all yet prays to god for it to end.
he's snarling, trapped, cornered like prey. he's a warrior, a soldier, a brother, aimed like a gun and twice as deadly. he's seen bloodshed, seen victory, stared death in the eye and watched it walk away. all claws and teeth, anger flowing like a steady river with no clear purpose.
it's not real, he tries to remind himself, yet it is, it was. it was once all he knew.
a scream and it fades away to black, his voice piercing the very fabric of his nightmare, dragging him back to reality. his claws are extended, ready, primed. it's an all too familiar feeling, but one he has never grown used to, waking up like this.
it's then you come into his view as if suddenly appearing, perched on the edge of the bed cradling your arm. your eyes are wide, your rate of breathing matching his quickened pace. logan is disorientated, one foot planted in reality and the other firmly stuck in his dream. it's not until the crimson-red liquid begins to drip along the length of your arm that he realises what he's done.
"it's okay," you reassure him quickly though your voice shakes as you see the colour drain from his face, "baby, you didn't mean it, it's okay."
but he's already tearing himself apart, guilt eating him alive and spitting him back out. how many times does he have to learn this lesson before he locks himself away like he should? how many people is he going to hurt in a blind haze?
you can tell by the look on his face that he's falling apart, purposefully beating himself up inside that metal skull of his. "hey," you whisper, inching closer - but he flinches backwards.
"n. . . no," logan barks and shakes his head, "stay away, i. . ."
it breaks your heart to see him this way, he'd never hurt you intentionally. though he's known so much violence, he treats you with the tenderness only a man who's known loss can provide. you know he's not a monster, not the one he's told he is, not the one they built him to be.
"it's alright, logan," you whisper softly, inching closer, "you didn't mean it, i know that - it's alright, you're awake now."
he eyes you with a frightened gaze, the whites of his eyes prominent as he attempts to slow his breathing. he's tense, almost as though he's preparing to flee.
all he wants is your comfort, but he won't allow himself to have it.
"logan," you speak again in that same tone, "look, it's only a little cut. . ." you outstretch your arm for him to see. his eyes flit down to your wound, his body reluctantly and gingerly moving a little closer. you're right, it's not deep, the bleeding is lessening and it won't even scar. but it doesn't matter, because he still hurt you.
his lip quivers, a sight that has your breath hitching in your throat. he keeps his gaze on the blood as he takes your arm in his hands, "i'm. . . i'm so sorry," logan whispers shakily, unable to express the depth of remorse he feels. the calloused pads of his fingers trace across your skin, each touch a tender apology.
you shake your head, reaching out to cup his chin and tilt his head up as he surrenders to your touch, tears falling from his deep hazel eyes. "i forgive you."
those three words pierce him, he doesn't think he deserves it, doesn't deserve your forgiveness. you should run, run from the untamed animal locked inside him that rears its ugly head in the night. but you don't, you stay with the beast though he could break you. because you know he won't.
he breaks, nuzzling himself down into the safety of your chest as you hold him. "shhh," you coo, "that's it, it's alright. . ."
logan can't describe the security and serenity he feels in your arms. your voice can always reach him through the storm in his mind, the never-ending relentless torrent of thoughts and memories. you wade through, to find him at the edge of it all and bring him back. and he's always grateful.
he wants nothing more than to promise you that he'll never hurt you ever again, but he can't. you both know that. you accepted this the moment you fell in love, you'd walk through hell and back for him, and more.
and so would he, for you.
his body curls, seeking your warmth as he melds into your shape while you both lay back on the sheets. you run your fingers through his hair, your other hand tracing small shapes on his arm he has wrapped tightly around your waist.
"love you," he mumbles into your skin, breathing in your scent and letting it fill him, soothe him. god, he'd never get tired of saying that.
and as his chin tilts up, his gaze meeting yours above him, he melts in your embrace. he sees that love reflected in your eyes, so much of it. so much so that it overwhelms him in the best way.
"i love you too," you smile, leaning down to kiss his forehead as his eyes flutter shut. he reluctantly allows himself to fall back into the realm of slumber, encouraged by your soothing presence.
this time, he dreams of you, your future, the future he wants to create with you.
he dreams of waking up peacefully with you in his arms, of the morning sunlight rays seeping into the moment as it washes across you both. and he prays that this world will allow him this, prays to a god he no longer believes in, begs to be given the opportunity to simply exist with you.
he wants nothing more than that. the opportunity to love you for as long as he can, as long as you want him. and he hopes you want him for a while longer, because he's not sure if he'll ever know how to let you go.
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moonlight-prose · 2 days
nameless as a river undiscovered underground
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a/n: i really wish october could last longer than a few weeks, because i simply want to keep writing spooky stories and logan fics. i keep posting them late, but i'm doing them last minute (bad i know). this one is more a drabble than a fic, but i loved the idea of logan and his leather jacket. especially the thought of him loving you wearing it.
logan promptober: day eighteen - leather jacket
summary: his leather jacket remained a tie between your love and his. the weight of it, the smell of your intertwined scents, all revolved around a relationship he never thought would happen.
word count: 1.2k+
pairing: logan howlett x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY!!, p in v sex, reverence, love, fluff, the soft vibes of logan being in love.
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You were clad in his leather jacket—swallowed by the heaviness of it—the first time he kissed you. In the rain a mile out from the mansion, beside a broken down car and cell phones that wouldn't work. He'd never seen true beauty until you smiled at him. Drenched to the bone, laughing, and luminant in the dark of a night gone wrong.
At one point in the past, he swore to himself he was safer never falling down that unknown pit. That heart devouring thing that made his insides twist and heart turn inside out. It terrified him. Knowing he could one day lose it all in the blink of an eye—become a shell of himself without the presence of another. Solitude kept him safe, kept him from causing destruction to innocent people hell bent on showing him love.
But then he kissed you.
Mid laughter, with eyes still alight in that angelic glow, Logan Howlett put his heart on the line and pressed his lips to yours. The rain pelted your faces in a cold icy wave of brutal weather. Yet neither of you cared. You dug your hands into his hair matted down with too much water and dragged him close enough to give life to that ache in his chest.
You kissed him without conviction. Instead putting your faith—your entire being—on the steady beat of your heart that echoed loudly in his head. The heat of your mouth, the wet slide of your tongue, killed him on the spot. He was a dead man walking—a corpse without a soul.
All because you decided to steal it away with a grin before kissing him once again.
The leather jacket became a comfort in your relationship with a man who ran hotter than a radiator. He didn't need the heavy weight of it, but he liked it. The color, the detailing, the story encased in the frayed thread that lined the insides.
You still remember discovering the small polaroid kept in the inside pocket, tucked away from sight yet pressed to his heart. It was you. Dressed up for the very first time. Storm took the photo on a whim, Logan stole it from her study two days later. You'd later ask him about the messy heart drawn on the bottom white strip—a scribble of the word sweetheart placed underneath.
He turned fifty shades of crimson the second you brought it up, but the photo still remained in place. Stuck to his body whenever he wore his jacket—a familiar piece of his heart whenever you wore it instead.
Tradition was embedded in the stolen item of clothing. The way he draped it over your shoulders on nights out, the times he spent bundling you up when you conveniently forgot your own sweater in his bedroom. You'd burrow your face in the collar, breathing in the musk of his cigars. He'd drop his head against his shoulder at the fragrant scent of your perfume still stuck to the lining.
Each of you placed your mark on the fabric, intent on leaving small reminders of who wore it last. But his favorite memory still remained in the pocket that still held a little rip on the outer edge—the time he clawed at it to grasp you close until the audible echo of destruction turned pain into laughter.
"You're gonna be the fuckin' death of me," he grunted, fingers sharply pressed into the bare skin of your hips.
You smiled, half lidded eyes glazed over in a cloud of darkened lust. "I thought the Wolverine couldn't be killed."
"That wasn't for you to test."
"Can't say you don't like me like this baby," you sighed, leaning back against the kitchen table placed in your very own house.
A home shared with him.
The cracked groan brought satisfaction right to the top of your chest—love beating its own drum in the depths of your body. Logan came home early to a welcome surprise of you in his jacket...and nothing else on. The plan was to get dinner, go walk the city to find a bit of romance tucked away in the corners of cafes and the lowlights of bars.
Neither of you made it to the car.
"It'll smell like you," he gasped, dragging his cock through your dripping cunt. The head nudging against your clit with each stroke. "I'll smell like you."
"Logan–" You clawed at his shoulders, lifting your hips in the hopes of enticing him to move. To put you out of your misery and slide home.
"It'll drive me crazy." A messy kiss overflowing with the love you felt flicker to life in your chest was pressed to your lips. Messy and needy and filled with the soft moan of his gravelly voice.
You sucked his tongue into your mouth, grinning at the brittle sound that cracked at the base of his throat. "Now you know how I feel."
Sinking into you felt like home. The hot slick grip of your walls clamping down around his cock broke something in the back of his mind. A wire that connected common sense with intellect. He watched it unravel before his very eyes—your lips coated in his spit curling into a grin. A smile that left him breathless and begging for more.
You were rapturous. The embodiment of what he believed hope looked like; the light at the end of his cracked and unstable road.
"So fuckin' pretty," he muttered, his eyes flickering between where he thrusted into you and your breasts covered by his jacket. "Should dress like this all the damn time."
"I'd get cold," you laughed, slinging an arm around his neck.
"You got me to keep you warm."
A harsh thrust sent you higher up on the table, pulling free a high pitched moan that sunk into his skin with a warmth that bloomed towards his chest. He wanted to pour out each emotion and watch you drink it down like the ichor of the gods. The life he led before suddenly felt as if there was a purpose to all the suffering he endured—all the pain that still lingered in phantom wounds long since healed.
You were the purpose he sought.
The person he was always meant to find.
He'd do it all over again if given the choice as long as you were there waiting for him—holding out a hand to bring him home.
You came with a garbled shout of his name, your walls sucking his cock back into you to keep him close. Each stunted thrust lit a fire in his body, his hands gripping any bare part of you he could reach as you fell back against the table. Your eyes glazed over and your mouth parted in a silent scream.
A few more sharp thrusts and he followed you quicker than he expected—practically toppling onto your body as he fucked his cum deep. Enough to have it spilling out and coating the inside of your thighs. He was half tempted to drop to his knees and clean you up, but the tight grip you had on his shoulders kept him in place. The close proximity of his body all you craved in the rolling aftershocks of your orgasm.
"All mine?" you whispered, still gasping for breath.
He smiled, lips brushing across yours. "All yours sweetheart."
This was how he loved you.
Thoroughly, harshly, yet with every part of his being.
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villainousauthor · 3 days
The Villain had them pinned, as despite how much Hero struggled. Another teasing line falls from their lips.
"You look so pretty when you're angry." Villain purrs. They loved to tease, a way to get under Hero's skin, to agitate. They refuse on principle to give Hero what they want, a serious fight. It's from pure stubbornness that their flirty comments come, a simple desire to throw them off.
"I swear to god, I'll rip your tongue from your mouth." Hero bites back. They glare at their nemesis above them, annoyed beyond belief. The way in which Villain refuses to drop the lighthearted teasing for even a moment is a constant thorn in their side, which is exactly why Villain won't.
Villain leans closer, their voice lowering to a quiet drawl, as their breath puffs against the shell of their ear. Hero feels a shiver up their spine.
"Such unbecoming things you always seem to say. Maybe we should find another use for your mouth." Villain doesn't mean it. Hero knows they don't mean it. They tell themselves every time they feel that same wave of heat in their gut that it's only words spoken to get a rise out of them.
This doesn't stop the shudder that overcomes them. Hero could easily pass it off as a reaction of fear, if it wasn't for the crimson flushing up their neck, and painting their cheeks.
Villain leans back, taking note of their reaction for perhaps the first time in all their spats. Their eyebrows raise ever so slightly.
"Oh. Oh, you like that." They smile a sly grin, knowing.
Their eyes meet Hero's as they stay silent for a long moment. Hero purses their lips shut, trying to seem still stern and irritated, but evidently failing judging by Villain's next response.
"I always loved to tease as a way to anger you. I always found it so humorous. However, I think I like this reaction a bit more." Their words are dripping with sultry intent, spoken lowly. "You're more twisted than I gave you credit for, darling. Maybe I can actually make good on my previous suggestion."
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