#?? it feels weird putting it in the hibana tag cause shes not the only one
jiyuus · 3 years
My Girl
2am- brain go vroom- brain write whatever bullshit this is~
This also contains things from the Manga/s2 (I haven’t finished it) so if you don’t want to know what happens, then do not read- but it’s somewhat minor so- also for future reference an Engawa is the porch outside of traditional Japanese houses (that you mainly see in Asakusa)
(also @grumguchi said they like my Benimura stuff so I’m tagging them)
Fem reader
I hope you enjoy! and if you want to be tagged in my writings, let me know~
[Shinmon Benimura]
Living in Asakusa was... interesting, especially with what was happening at this very moment.
As you were walking down the market streets a basket in hand, getting the ingredients for tonights dinner especially because you had 2 guest come by for more training from Benimura, and a surprise guest who wanted to get stronger.
As you were walking along, picking out each ingredient, there were flashes of fire through the sky as the twins chased Tamaki, almost destroying the roofs as much as Benimura did. At that same time this was happening, a mule was dragging Shinra and Arthur through the town as Waka just watched with his hands inside his kimono. As you were looking at what was going on, and quickly put the pieces together, Waka spotted you and jumped off his place on a random engawa and walked towards you.
“What are you doing?”
“Shopping for dinner.” You simply answered, turning to a nearby vendor and picking up a random vegetable.
“But we have enough for dinner.”
“We had 3 guest, Beni.”
“You don’t have to cook for them.” You turned to look at him, a brow raised and your hands on your hips.
“Beni, first you have Arthur and Shinra doing the same thing Konro did to you, and second Tamaki is playing tag with Hina and Hika. If you don’t want them to die on your watch, then they need to eat.” You say, knowing very well what he was doing to Shinra and Arthur, while you knew that Hina and Hika would wear Tamaki down. Turning back to the stand, you wave Benimura off move on to the next stand, but instead of returning to see how Shinra and Arthur were holding up, he followed you around like a lost puppy. 
While walking, of course the people greeted you and Benimura, but you heard the screams of Shinra and Arthur, as well as occasionally saw Tamaki fall and get up before seeing Hina and Hika. Them greeting you before chasing Tamaki again and or them greeting you while chasing after the poor cat girl.
“I hope none of them need extreme medical attention, were too far from Company 6.”
“They’ll be fine.” Was all Benimura said walking off and jumping up to the roof where Hina and Hika stood, somewhat congratulating her on her accomplishment.
As Shinra and Arthur were attempting to kill Benimura in the yard, you were in the kitchen preparing some fruits as Tamaki- who was now in an Asakusa kimono as she clothes burned off when she was playing with Hina and Hika- sat on the back engawa.
“Are you sure they’re gonna be okay?” Tamaki asked as you slid the door open with your free hand, setting the covered plate next to Tamaki before sitting down yourself.
“Yeah, if there’s a risk of either one getting Tephorsis Beni would stop immediately.” 
“But how would he know?” 
You pursed your lips together. “He wouldn’t, but he wants them to go beyond their current limit. Konro did the same thing to Beni when he was their age.” You slightly uncovered some of the fruits and took a slice, offering some to Tamaki you gladly took some.
“Did you see when Konro did that to Captain Shinmon?” Tamaki asked before taking a bite of the fruit. You stopped eating and looking up at the orange and yellow sky, trying to remember if you were there or not.
“I think so, but to be completely honest, things like that happened- and still happen- a lot.” You smiled sheepishly as you looked at the girl. Benimura was the youngest among the neighborhood watch at the time, only being in his teens. Hearing random screaming and cheering was an every day occurrence while young kids and teens roamed the bustling streets of Asakusa.
“Despite what the empire might say, Asakusa is lively everyday, and no real harm is caused unless for good reason- even if there reason may not be the smartest.” You said nervously laughing as you stood up, a wave of heat washing towards you and Tamaki. “You might want to stand up.” You warned, knowing that either Shinra or Benimura were going to cause some fire to fly your way. 
Getting up Tamaki stood by the door where Konro and Hibana stepped through moments later after your warning.
“Good afternoon, Y/N.” Konro said while sitting in the same place Tamaki was sitting moments again. You greeted him back, while snuffing out some fire that happened to get a bit too close.
“So you’re a second gen.?” Hibana asked, looking over you with her flower like eyes. Simply nodding, you continue to snuff out any fire that got to close, being careful not to snuff out the boys fire in the process.
“So what brings you here, Captain Hibana?” You asked, taking your attention of the boys and still snuffing out any fire that got to close. Hibana only looked at you with surprise, being able to tell when I fire got to close- which even then was only about a foot away.
“How can you do that?”
“What? This? I’ve lived with and around Beni my entire life, and living in Asakusa being a second gen. was always helpful. You learn to get a feel for it after sometime.” Snuffing out each flame within a foot of the engawa with easy. You’ve had to put out a lot of unnecessary fires in Asakusa, almost every second gen. that worked with their power knew how to put one out without even looking at the fire.
Something that people from the Empire probably wouldn’t understand, and would instead call barbaric.
“It’s impressive to say the least.”
“Yep, that’s my girl.” Benimura said while coming up from behind you and hugging you. It wasn’t necessary rare for Benimura to do this, but it still caught you off guard each time.
“Stop doing that! Each time you nearly give me a heart attack.” You scold, turning around in his hold before looking over at the scene he was previously standing in. 
Shinra and Arthur laid almost dead like in the yard, their eyes turned to X’s and their faces in the dirt as Tamaki, Hina, and Hika poked at them.
“Are they dead?” Hina asked as Hika started to kick Shinra’s body.
“No, they’re just knocked out.” You said, unraveling yourself from Benimura’s hold. “Beni, help me bring them to a spare room. Konro, Tamaki can you start preparing for dinner?” You asked, hopping down from the engawa and walking towards Arthur as Benimura walked towards Shinra- shooing the brats as he picked Shinra up and over his shoulder. 
“Arthur would probably say something about how unknightly it is that he’s being carried by a woman.” Tamaki giggled as she went inside with Konro, you laughed along as Benimura helped you up on the engawa before going inside.
“Only my girl could carry a brat like a bag of potatoes and be perfectly fine.”
“I love the encouragement, Beni, but it’s weird- I’m only strong because you used to kick my ass when I trained with you and Konro.”
“How else was I supposed to spend time with you.” He asked, almost chucking Shinra into an empty room before you had to stop him and say that, that will only cause more problems for him later if he did that.
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