#@ crow- how'd you get into the cult?
redjaybird · 1 year
Basically the two questions Jay/Crow got: Hey what's your deal with the stuff?
Jay/Crow: Fuck if I know
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zumpietoo · 7 months
PP literally in Sedona with her cult on a retreat. The bb is saying she’s done with acting and are turning on her along with her Twitter Stans. What a loser.
OML!!! And sorry it took me a few to answer----I saw this in my Uber XL en route to snag the cocktail table....but wanted to add proper context of JUST how fuckin' heelarious this IS.....and then I decided I needed to finish putting away ALL my clothes/laundry, so nothing would get crumpled...
Anyhooo.....to mah point:
I was already laughing in DMs about how #nooscars4PP and "her" movie lost (so did Mark Ruffallo), buuuutt......this makes THIS even better:
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Ummm.....she put in a few bucks I've long noted obtained on her knees, but it's gotten her dick (even if she sucked it), plus....yeah, it sure did "get worse for me these next two evenings", huhhhhhh?????? How's all that crow you're eating tasting, now Silly/janASS???? DO tell us!
Oh and since you sent this yesterday.....late, not sure you're able to add well, either....we already knew Cabana Pee did nothing last nite and.....it turns out even less tonite.
How'd that Academy Award appearance go, then????
Meanwhile, Cole at SXSW, promoting work that WILL see the light of day/he didn't have to buy his way into (after turning a trick for it, no less!).
So, again, thank you OG anon for this.....and how fast they've turned, huh??? And suck it, once again, BB!!!!
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