#@ everyone tho: if ur enjoying these feel free to send some in ill probs do them tmrw!!!!!
alienaiver · 2 years
I am rolling up my sleeves, I am ready! Bet!
I offer to you Kita, Tendou, and for a little spice ✨Tanaka Ryuunosuke✨
im rolling up my sleeves w u, HELL YEA LETS GO LETS GO!!!!
Kita, Tendou and Tanaka headcanons!
Kita Shinsuke
songs on the ipod: this boy loves classical music.. but like, especially if he can relate it to something, so y'kno.. ost's. like merry go round of life from howl's moving castle, concering hobbits from lotr!!! hmc bcos you showed him that movie and concerning hobbits bcos it was the first movie night he experienced with inarizaki (followed by several chaotic more so they could finish them all). it brings him smiles when it plays in the kitchen as he's washing the vegetables or meal prepping
a place they sometimes end up falling asleep - where they're not supposed to: his garden. like he's been at the fields all day and now he's taking a little lunch break with a cold cup of water, enjoying the sun in his face. aaaaand, nap! u have to wake him up gently, tho
the game they'd destroy everyone else at: he's AMAZING at yaahtzee and no one rly gets it,,, ofc that game is a blend of luck and skill but he always wins
the emoticon they'd use most often: :) LOL like. he likes when u and the others send him emoticons but theyre so... complicated
what they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: he's adorable.. like he walks around lazily, t-rex arms as he bumps into stuff and apologizes to the furniture etc. he gets vERY quiet and the first few times its rly concerning to experience (is he mad? why isnt he replying? whys he so quiet?) but hes just. lost lol
preferred hot beverage: green tea! one that is very sweet, much to everyone's surprise
comfort/self care when in a slump: talking w his grandma. like, they play a random cards game as he sorts thru stuff in weird, spacey metaphors that he dont rly get himself - but he feels lighter... fresher, afterwards
what they wanted to be when they grew up: kita's always enjoyed the simple life on the country so it was early he decided he'd inherit the farm but he also had a brief dream of owning a little store.. like a little local farmshop of a kind (he kinda has it on the drawing board still, maybe..... one day he'll invest in it and sell produce from the farm but in a like.. adorable farm-like way.. if u were one to create stuff? maybe sell that too.. hmm...)
favorite kind of weather: overcast! like it's windy and grey, but it's so refreshing
their singing voice: kita's alright, he doesn't do it much, but when he hums in the kitchen, it's actually a religious experience...
what they like to draw/doodle: this is actually a tough one??? like i feel like he likes to do calligraphy. like just on a tiny hobby level, but he likes playing w it!!!
Tendou Satori
songs on the ipod: 99 problems - hugo, numb little bug - em beihold (cant convince me hes not on tiktok all the damn time akjfhjdsfv), joan of arc - little mix!! his taste is very based on mood!!!
a place they sometimes end up falling asleep - where they're not supposed to: his own kitchen.. listen, hes the dude that comes home after a long day and turns on the oven to 100 degrees (celcius), lays on top of the stove and watches tiktoks...and falls asleep FJSFNS (i have a friend who does this regularly its.. concerning lmfao)
the game they'd destroy everyone else at: tekken! and the worst part is that hes not even like. TECHNICALLY good at it. hes just REALLY good at smashing the buttons fast enough to win!! so frustrating
the emoticon they'd use most often: (¬‿¬)... hes always scheming or pretending to be scheming.. just to play w u
what they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: energic.. in like the most manic way possible.. hes so fast and his mind is RUNNING.. exhausting but at some point he tires himself out completely and passes out
preferred hot beverage: hot chocolate! with whipped cream and marshmallows
comfort/self care when in a slump: drawing! or.. doodling.. making little lists and diary-like entries in his "secret" bullet journal (everyone knows abt it.. hes told everyone... showed his pretty pages on insta IOFJSDFNS)
what they wanted to be when they grew up: a dj! he once was at a child's bday party that had like. hired a dj (the dj was said kid's big bro but it looked so official and ProfessionalTM to tendous eyes that he was just. enarmored) he'd play "the sickest beats!"
favorite kind of weather: cold. like. BITING cold, he likes being all wrapped up and walking in it!
their singing voice: he actually sings pretty well but no one knows. he only hums teasing tunes and never really sings in front of anyone
what they like to draw/doodle: ANYTHING and everything! like he has themes in his bujo where he also challenges himself a little - he do like to draw and design cakes
Tanaka Ryounosuke
songs on the ipod: applause - lady gaga, juicy - doja cat and anything beyoncé jfhsjkf. hes a very pop-loving dude.. and if its COOL WOMEN? even better.. some lonely island and that one bromance song from youtube is there as well
a place they sometimes end up falling asleep - where they're not supposed to: this is so embarassing but like. cafés... IHDSJKFDSKC. like he goes there to work or study or whatever to rly motivate him to actually DO IT but then he just. naps on his laptop lmfao
the game they'd destroy everyone else at: counter strike! listen i know very little abt it.. but i feel like he's spent dubious amount of time playing it FSJKFNSE
the emoticon they'd use most often: (⌐■_■) ... it doesnt fit, half the time. but he just think its so fuvkgn cool!!! like "hey babe (⌐■_■) whats for dinner tonight? anything i should buy on the way home? (⌐■_■)" KLEFJSIEFNSRK "hey mom, we're doing fine (⌐■_■)" im choking
what they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: hes so wired.. so sensitive.. he gets in his own head, a lot. have to be reassured a lot, validated.. kissed and loved <3
preferred hot beverage: no one tell noya this... but cafe lattés.. like as he got older he shed a lot of all that fragile and toxic masculinity and so on and hes super aware but like. he and noya had a (somewhat intense) running joke abt cafe lattés in high school and while theyre both moved past that, hes so embarassed abt the fact that he tried one and LOVED it.. like., my dude it is alright <3
comfort/self care when in a slump: cuddles! praise!!!! like he calls u or noya to get praised and reminded how fuckgn awesome he is <3
what they wanted to be when they grew up: a yakuza. listen he once saw a yakuza movie (something like tokyo drifter) and thought that was the coolest shit EVER
favorite kind of weather: summer evenings, like its warm still but its so perfect to sit outside in!!!
their singing voice: listen, if tanaka EVER got singing lessons, he'd sound amazing. but he's never even bothered trying to sing for real, so no one (including himself) knows how much of a gift his voice is <3 he tried rapping once, but he's not fast enough, so he decided music wasn't his path........
what they like to draw/doodle: im so sorry this is so immature but .. dicks.... LKDJKFNV he did it so much in hs that it's sadly become his go-to doodle IOFJESKFS like he doesn't even think abt it anymore thats just what happens if he's on the phone with a pen in hand!!! he always tries to erase the evidence as soon as he realizes IOFJSEF
ONCE AGAIN THANKS SO MUCH <3333333 these r so fun oh my goddddd,,, i hope i did them justice!!!
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blancapadlla · 6 years
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HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY @jimiin​ !! 💓💞💝
my daughter, my beethoven, a vroomy with her own urban dictionary definition, my last years valentine, night goblin’s slaughtermelon, and my sweetpea buttercream ranch dressing. i love you more than you know and i appreciate you in every single way from your humor to your personality to the way you care about people to your writing and to the muses that you bring to life whether you came up with them yourself or a skeleton from some rp. i hope you have the best day on your 21st and i’d fly to florida right now if i could!! i’d probs try to swim there but i cant swim without drowning and ya i could die and hang out with you as a ghost for your birthday but i dont think youd be able to see me in the pictures if we took any and honestly if we can’t post at least one on instagram or snapchat, then whats the point? ive known you for 4 years going on 5 years (i think? 3? 4? idk im dumb) and i can’t imagine how life would be without you as cheesy as it sounds! i know we’re not the closest, but i love you so much and the way we click with how insync we are with each other sometimes and how you make me laugh so hard without even trying most of the time and i love it. i havent sent you an i love you text in a while, but its coming soon! thank you for sending them back to me, im always so happy when i see them because theyre the best surprises like my heart gets soft and i melt a little even tho im in class and can’t cry over it in public right then and there u kno?? i love u so much and im so excited for you that ur legal because youre a plug for diana and u now you can be your own plug and honestly i hope u go on your 21 run because i heard those are hella fun!! and i hope u puke really bad the next morning after ur 21 run because i feel like thats just a good combo bc it makes u remember ur 21 run more bc ur like wow! i threw up! must’ve been a good time! i love u so much and i feel like im just repeating myself by saying that but i do love u so so much and im always happy seeing u happy and making jokes and ur sense of humor is literally legendary like in the group chat somestimes we’re all making jokes n yours always make me laugh the most like i read it n im like wow thats MY daughter yall! she said THAT! anyways, i hope u have the best day and i love u so much and im so grateful for everything you do and im so glad we’re going 4 years strong or however many years strong and ugh i just love u so much and hope u have the best day ever and if u wanna have a call tomorrow then bitch ! im free and everyone else is free and if anyone has plans ill dead ass make them cancel bc tomorrow is xan day and if anyone tries to make it anything else but xan day then ill fight like ya its blackpink day too but mostly xan day u kno?? i was about to post but i just realized i never said this in here but HAPPY 21 BIRTHDAY XAN I LOVE U SO MUCH UR A LEGEND UR AN ICON I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!!!!! I LOVE U BITCH I AINT NEVER GONNA STOP LOVIN U BITCH!!!!!!!!
love u SO much, ellie 💘
ps. under the cut if some porn for u enjoy aha dont get too wild xx 
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