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Dave Whamond :: @DaveWhamond
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January 28, 2024
JAN 29, 2024
Today—last night U.S. time—three military personnel were killed and 34 more wounded in a drone attack on the living quarters at a U.S. base in Jordan, near the Iraq-Syria border. U.S. troops are stationed there to enable them to cross into Syria to help fight the Islamic State. There have been almost-daily drone and missile strikes on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria since the October 7 attack on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas. The U.S. has blamed Iran-backed militant groups for the attack, and while no one has officially claimed responsibility yet, three officials from such groups have said an Iran-backed militia in Iraq is responsible. 
President Joe Biden today called the act “despicable and wholly unjust,” and he praised the servicemembers, who he said “embodied the very best of our nation: Unwavering in their bravery. Unflinching in their duty. Unbending in their commitment to our country—risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow Americans, and our allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism.”
“And have no doubt,” he said, “we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner [of] our choosing.”
Republican war hawks have called for retaliation that includes “striking directly against Iranian targets and its leadership,” as Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) said, or by “Target[ing] Tehran,” as Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said. Republicans are blaming Biden for failing to “isolate the regime in [Iran], defeat Hamas, & support our strategic partners,” as Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) wrote on X, formerly Twitter, today. 
But there is, of course, a larger story here. The Biden administration has been very clear both about the right of nations to retaliate for attacks and about its determination to stop the war between Hamas and Israel from spreading. 
Iran would like that war to spread. It is eager to stop the normalization of relations between Arab states and Israel, and is backing Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen, and Hezbollah in Lebanon—all nonstate militias—to try to stop that normalization.  
They are trying to stop what Patrick Kingsley and Edward Wong outlined in the New York Times yesterday: a new deal in the Middle East that would end the war between Hamas and Israel and establish a Palestinian state. The constant round of phone calls and visits of Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken with at least ten different countries is designed to hammer out deals on a number of fronts. 
The first is for a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, which would require the exchange of more than 100 Israeli hostages taken on October 7 for thousands of Palestinians held by the Israelis. The second is for a new, nonpartisan Palestinian Authority to take control of Gaza and the West Bank. The third is for international recognition of a Palestinian state, which would be eased by Saudi Arabia’s recognition of Israel. If that recognition occurs, Arab states have pledged significant funds to rebuild Gaza. 
Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has rejected this proposal, but his popularity is so low people are talking openly about who can replace him. Hamas and Iran also reject this proposal, which promises to isolate Iran and the militias from stable states in the Middle East.   
Behind this story is an even larger geopolitical story involving Iran’s ally Russia. As Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg retorted when Senator Wicker called on Biden to respond to the attack that killed three Americans “swiftly and decisively for the whole world to see”: “Wasn’t funding Ukraine and Israel the first, critical step in deterring Iran? We are in this place now due to the Russian fifth columnists in the Republican Party including Trump who slavishly do Putin’s bidding.”  
Rosenberg was referring to the fact that Iran is allied with Russia, and Russia is desperate to stop the United States from supporting Ukraine. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, apparently thought his February 2022 invasion of Ukraine would establish control of the eastern parts of that country in a matter of days. Instead, the invasion has turned into an expensive and destabilizing two-year war that has badly weakened Russia and that threatens to stretch on.
In the United States, today marks the 100th day that extremist Republicans have refused to provide supplemental funding for Ukraine or Israel arguing that funding to protect the U.S. border must be addressed first. On October 20, 2023, as David Frum pointed out today, Biden asked Congress for “$106 billion to aid Ukraine and Israel against attack by Russia, Iran, and their proxies.” That funding has bipartisan support, but “[f]or 100 days, House Republicans have said NO,” Frum said. “Today, Iranian proxies have killed Americans.”
Republicans’ insistence that they want border funding has proved to be a lie, as Democratic and Republican senators have hammered out a strong agreement that extremist Republicans now reject. Former president Trump has made it clear he wants to run on the idea that the border is overwhelmed, so has demanded his supporters prevent any solution. Today, on the Fox News Channel, when asked why Republicans should let Biden “take a victory lap” with a border deal, Senator James Lankford (R-OK), who has been part of the border deal negotiation team, responded with some heat: 
“Republicans four months ago would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel, and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy. So we actually locked arms together and said we’re not going to give you money for this, we want a change in law. And now it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because [it’s] a presidential election year.’ We all have an oath to the Constitution, and we have a commitment to say we’re going to do whatever we can to be able to secure the border."
MAGA Republicans in charge of the Oklahoma Republican Party showed where Trump Republicans stand when they voted on Saturday to “strongly condemn” Lankford for “playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy.” They said “that until Senator Lankford ceases from these actions the Oklahoma Republican Party will cease all support for him.” 
In The Atlantic, Frum noted that “vital aid to Israel and Ukraine must be delayed and put in further doubt because of a rejected president’s spite and his party’s calculation of electoral advantage. The true outcome of the fiasco in Congress will be the collapse of U.S. credibility all over the world. American allies will seek protection from more trustworthy partners, and America itself will be isolated and weakened.”
Rosenberg wrote: “If you are unhappy with Iran today, first thing you should do is come out for funding Ukraine fully. Nothing will embolden Iran more than a Russian victory in Europe.”
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savedfromsalvation · 1 year
Dave Whamond @DaveWhamond #TrumpIndicted
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Lots more at the link!
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furryalligator · 5 years
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(via CSotD: Facts? We don’t need no stinking facts! The Daily Cartoonist)
The Chosen One goes increasingly off the rails. His understanding of economics as unsteady as his concept of honor -- w/@BennettCartoons @DailyFelltoon @DaveBrownToons @DaveWhamond @halltoons @MorinToon -- https://t.co/mxdQeMgAQY pic.twitter.com/pLJ1sB3Wwf
— Mike Peterson (@ComicStripOTD) August 24, 2019
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.@DaveWhamond nails it. pic.twitter.com/8tgFj14HiR
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) August 23, 2020
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medschooltutors · 7 years
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Turkey jokes can get a little tired. #poultryexcuse #FridayFunny #thebestmedicine  https://www.medschooltutors.com/blog/get-inspired
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mongoose232323 · 6 years
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Thank You, Tim Apple!
~ Donald J. Trump ~
Dave Whamond
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roesolo · 3 years
Life in the Muddle: Middle School, Muddle School
Life in the Muddle: Middle School, Muddle School @kidscanpress @davewhamond
Muddle School, by Dave Whamond, (Sept. 2021, Kids Can Press), $15.99, ISBN: 9781525304866 Ages 9-13 Based on author/illustrator Dave Whamond’s own middle school experiences (with photos as proof!), Muddle School is all about Dave, an artistic kid who starts Muddle School: middle school in a town called Muddle. Think that’s bad? He’s also the new kid. He’s also the kid whose mom has him wear a…
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dianereviewsbooks · 3 years
Muddle School
Happy #pubday, Muddle School! Cute, funny & empowering story about being the new kid in middle school. A perfect gift for middle grade & older elementary school kids. @DaveWhamond @KidsCanPress #children #comic #middleschool #review
It’s that time of year when shy or “different” children dread going back to school. No one dreads it more than David. David is a quiet artistic kid who was constantly bullied at his old school. Hopefully, this year will be different at his new school, Muddle School, in this humorous children’s comic. SPOILER ALERT: It doesn’t. David is quite the character. “The only time I got close to being…
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Dave Whamond :: @DaveWhamond
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House GOP reveals 2025 budget goals—and it’s bad. Very.
As President Biden was advancing the interests of the American people, a Republican caucus in the House revealed its “wish list” for the 2025 budget. House Republicans have proposed the following:
1.    Raise the age for retirement under Social Security and benefits for some beneficiaries.
2.    End Medicare as we know it by replacing it with a “premium support model” that would force Medicare to compete with private plans by giving beneficiaries a subsidy to buy private plans in lieu of Medicare. That approach would reduce funding for Medicare and weaken the program for Americans who cannot obtain private coverage.
3.    Weaken the Affordable Care Act by reducing subsidies and implementing limiting regulations.
4.    Declare that “life begins at conception” and extend the 14th Amendment to fertilized eggs, thereby giving them greater constitutional rights than women after the Dobbs decision. Such a policy would constitute a national ban on IVF and abortion alike.
See NBC News, Republican budget would raise the age of retirement for Social Security.
Based on the above priorities alone, no American should vote for any Republican. They are threatening the health and retirement security of all Americans and depriving women, their spouses, and families of the liberty that lies at the core of family decisions.
During another news day that did not feature the meltdown of the Republican impeachment effort and Trump's increasingly dire financial condition, the GOP 2025 budget priorities would dominate the news cycle for weeks. That is the evil genius of Trump's chaos strategy—“flood the zone” with so much corruption and depravity that news that threatens the health, safety, and liberty of all Americans is ignored.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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#TrumpOut pic.twitter.com/XqYiMtUZKE
— Dave Whamond (@DaveWhamond) November 12, 2020
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WTF was that? For CSotD debate analysis, click here -- https://t.co/PEHYkz2a2E -- and join @SigneWilk @peterhannan @DaveWhamond @stevebrodner @halltoons @claytoonz @laloalcaraz & even @HamillHimself pic.twitter.com/e06awhbVq9
— Mike Peterson (@ComicStripOTD) September 30, 2020
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Dave Whamond, @DaveWhamond #CPAC https://t.co/TmwW8OhutU
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) Feb 27, 2022
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And there shall be the sounds of weeping and of the gnashing of teeth and of Nerf rockets. Click here -- https://t.co/o0pKfI2vJG -- to join @sdutBreen @mackaycartoons @ThatSteveSack @lemonworld @DaveWhamond #MikeNesmith #DonAsmussen #Ukraine https://t.co/AUqVkz9CDK
— Mike Peterson (@ComicStripOTD) Dec 11, 2021
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Freedom is in the eyes of the holder, and it's often been a death grip. Do we teach that? Click here -- https://t.co/6nkr7Q9D74 -- to join @jeffreykoterba @Patbagley @AndyMarlette #Heng #Xolo @claytoonz @DaveWhamond @ThatSteveSack & @TheHerbBlockFdn https://t.co/7ZubrZFX35
— Mike Peterson (@ComicStripOTD) Nov 17, 2021
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It's wake up time for those who would rather be right than in power. Click here -- https://t.co/SebBkQzp4Y -- and join @BillBramhall @DaveWhamond @thePatByrnes @DanaJSummers #Airial #Carlson & @JenSorensen https://t.co/ljKNRvujCI
— Mike Peterson (@ComicStripOTD) Nov 9, 2021
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