unorthodox-oblivion · 5 years
Blindspot Fandom “Meet & Greet” #4
Name/Nickname: Ana/Nalu (unorthodox-oblivion)
Age (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas): 21
Where are you from: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (and happy to be a tour guide to any fellow fans who want to visit the city)
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness: October 14th, 2018.
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: I’m only deeply invested in Blindspot, atm. But I used to be just as involved with the Castle fandom, when the show was still running (and I still read the occasional fic, cuz the nostalgia is real). I watch This Is Us, The 100, Absentia, 911, Grey’s Anatomy, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Younger, among MANY others.
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Season 1&2 Jane, Zapata, Patterson and Rich. 
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): David, Oscar, Allie and Boston. 
Favorite ship(s): Jeller and Repata. I have hopes for Boscom.
Favorite episode(s): *opens Netflix*: The pilot for sure. I LOVE everything about it, ESPECIALLY the photography. 1x09/1x10/1x14/1x15/1x18/2x01/2x07/2x19/2x20/2x21/3x14/3x22/4x08/4x09/4x21/4x22
Favorite season(s): 1 and 2. 
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): I’m obsessed with Jane’s honeycomb tattoo, idk why. I just love it a ton. Don’t really have a favorite case.
Favorite whatever you want: My favorite item of clothing for Jane was her leather jacket. I miss that look. Definitely don’t miss the cargo pants. 
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: Considering all the martial arts training, I’d say Jane. But I guess I’m nerd², so I could easily be Patterson (?)
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: “You did this to yourself”. It was already 3 a.m. when I got that far and it kept me up the rest of the night, because I couldn’t stop watching.
One dead character you would bring back: David. (Or Roman, really tough choice, y’all are a little mean for making me choose just one)
One guest star (who has appeared in less that three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Aimee Carrero, who played Ana Montes. I thought her character was really cool and it would’ve been fun to have another Python x Perl argument scene between her and Patterson, or something similar. Nerd bickering is fun.
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular: Little Bethany Weller. But that’s only because I want to see Dad Kurt more often. I don’t think it would have a great impact on the storyline at all, so they should probably just keep it as it is. 
One actor/actress you would love to have guest star on the show (and who would they play): Stana Katic, just so both my fandoms could collide.
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: Why/How Bill Weller killed Taylor Shaw? 
One country you want the show to visit next season: I’d love for them to visit Brazil, my home country. But I think Australia could be really cool or maybe Sweden.
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the upcoming season: That Jane is gonna get a little bitter and maybe want some revenge over the death of her loved ones. I have a theory of my own, though, that Reade doesn’t make it, solely based on the fact that he hasn’t been on any of the behind the scenes posts.
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy): Oh, well... I’m a film student (hence the slight obsession with the photography of the show) . I train muay thai/kickboxing and I play college soccer. I speak 3 languages, fluently. I love to cook and bake. I have two adorable pups who have their own instagram account, so if you’re into dog pages, feel free to follow @pookapollo. I used to write fanfiction for Castle when I was - much - younger and I do intend to write something for Blindspot at some point (In fact, I owe @indelibleevidence a cute little story that I ALMOST finished), so if anyone has requests, send away, I’ll see if I can get those creative juices flowing.
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ablindspotter · 5 years
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Tasha Appreciation Tuesday
Just a quick contribution to @blindspothiatusproject​
One of my favorite Tasha scenes ever ❤
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chibinoyume · 4 years
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Watching Jane destroy the CIA agent in 2 seconds: one of the reasons Kurt Weller fell in love with Jane does not like to wear a tie.
For @blindspothiatusproject‘s Women’s Month.
Every Monday: Jane Doe appreciation day.
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marv-el-spot · 4 years
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Jane Appreciation Monday: Jane´s badassery (gifs previously posted)
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gypsyscarfwoman · 4 years
So yesterday was the birthday of the most fabulous @kate-dammit-run​. And I sat down to write her a little something and my brain just... shut down. I think my muse is in quarantine right now. (I hope she gets out soon; I miss her.) 
Anyway, today I sat down to do something else, and this tiny drabble hopped into my head. Yesterday was Tuesday, which was Tasha appreciation day according to @blindspothiatusproject​ (and this drabble is a day late, which is also oddly appropriate).
Which is all a very long way of saying, @kate-dammit-run​ is awesome and amazing and if you haven’t celebrated her yet, you definitely should. I love her to bits and consider myself very very very lucky to have her for a friend. 
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Jane let herself out of the bedroom and closed the door softly behind her, so as to not wake up Kurt, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Or Rich, who was sawing logs in the sleeping bag on the floor.
Being on the run was definitely a lot less glamorous in reality than it looked in the movies.
She padded quietly past the second bedroom door, where Tasha and Patterson were sharing the bed while Reade camped out on the floor. Or at least, that was the arrangement they had insisted upon, since Tasha and Reade were still pretending that friendship was all that remained between them.
But she was hardly one to throw stones. It had taken her and Kurt all those months—and near death by a nuclear bomb—to admit that they were in love. Tasha and Reade would figure it out eventually. Hopefully without a nuclear threat. Although knowing Tasha, it might take an international incident to get past her stubbornness.
Jane shook her head and entered the apartment’s tiny kitchen. Moving as silently as possible, she got a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water.
“Can’t sleep?” Tasha appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. She was fully clothed and obviously hadn’t given up her turn at guard duty yet, despite it being past the time her shift was supposed to have ended.
Jane just shrugged. In truth, none of them slept well these days. Well, except for Rich. Evidence that a clear conscience was no requirement for a sound night’s sleep.
“I bet Rich doesn’t snore as loudly as Patterson.” Tasha’s eyes met Jane’s as she spoke, and at the twinkle there, both women cracked up.
“Hey, I have Kurt and Rich to tune out right now!”
Tasha rolled her eyes. “No wonder you’re up. But that reminds me—hang on, I’ve got something for you.”
Jane trailed behind as Tasha strode into the living room. She bent down and dug around in one of the duffle bags on the floor.
“Here,” she said, straightening up and shoving a bottle at Jane. “Happy birthday.”
Jane blinked. She hadn’t told anyone that it was her birthday today. Kurt had seemed to understand her desire not to make a fuss about it, and had quietly given her a Hershey bar with Almonds—her favorite candy bar—that he had picked up somewhere in their travels and squirreled away.
“Not my birthday anymore,” she protested automatically, even as she lifted the bottle in the dim light. Her eyes widened as she read the label. “Whoa! Where’d you find this?” The bottle of whiskey in her hand was easily worth several thousand US dollars.
“Around,” said Tasha evasively. “I might have… liberated it… on my last run.” When she had broken into the offices of one of Madeline’s top executives to retrieve some banking records for the evidence they needed to take her down. She shrugged. “He’ll be in prison soon enough, and they won’t let him take that with him. Cheers!”
Jane grinned and went back into the kitchen to grab some glasses. She poured two generous servings and handed one to Tasha.
They sipped in silence for a few minutes, appreciating the high-quality liquor.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Jane said finally. “The last time I was on the run…”
Tasha grimaced. “Yeah, when I was undercover for the CIA, it was awful. You could never relax, because there was never anyone to watch your back. At least this way, some of us can sleep.” She flicked an eyeroll in the direction of the bedrooms.
Jane held up her glass. “To having people to watch our backs.”
“And to you. Happy birthday,” Tasha said again, as she clinked her glass against Jane’s.
Jane glanced over at the clock, which clearly showed that it was well past midnight, but Tasha cut her off before she could say anything.
“Still your birthday in New York City. So there.”
Jane grinned and took another drink.
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lurkingwhump · 5 years
Darkest Before the Dawn
Alright, here is chapter 2 of the fic. Angst, angst, angst, sorry guys. But it will get better, I promise :). One more chapter to go after this one. I am tagging this one for @blindspothiatusproject  prompt list B, namely the prompt “Dad?”
If you’d rather read this on FFN, the link is here.
Thanks again to @take2intotheshower​, @indelibleevidence​ and @i-am-out-of-my-vulcan-mind​ listening to me ramble about this, and for helping me get through writer’s black when it hit. I glove you!
Darkest Before the Dawn, Chapter 2
Kurt howled in pain, as Jane peeled away the dressing covering the burns on his shoulder. She had tried to soak them, but they still stuck to his skin. It was their third day in the cabin and the second time she had had to dress them after the medic had left. She hated that she had to add to his agony. “I’m sorry. I have to do this.”
He nodded, his entire body rigid, waiting for the next lash of pain. “I know.” He inhaled a deep breath, preparing himself. “The sooner we get this done, the better.”
Another scream escaped him as Jane removed the last dressing. “That’s it, the worst part is done,” she reassured him. “Now I’ll put new dressings on.”
She did her best to hide her anxiety, as she reapplied the dressings. It seemed like the number of blisters on Kurt’s chest and in his side had grown since the medic had seen him. Some of large ones were almost two inches in diameter, and that worried her.  
Kurt had closed his eyes, his breathing rapid and the distress plain to see.
After gingerly covering the burns again, Jane removed the gloves she was wearing and cleared away the empty dressing packets.
She couldn’t bear to watch Kurt suffer alone, desperately wanting to comfort him. She sat down on the bed again, and leaned against the headboard as she carefully pulled him into her arms. Kurt cried out at the movement.
Jane’s heart constricted at his torment. He let out a whimpering sound, leaning into her. “I know it hurts, my love. I know,” she murmured softly, stroking his hair. She held him in her embrace, but it seemed that even her presence couldn’t soothe the pain caused by the burns, his breaths short and strained against her chest. She moved so that she could look into his eyes. “Kurt,” she spoke as she caressed his cheek. “Do you want something stronger for the pain?”
His forehead was crunched, agony clear on his face as he looked at her. His eyes were shimmering with pain as he grunted a weak “Yeah” and closed his eyes again.
His subdued reply had made alarm bells go off in Jane’s head. Normally, he would try to soldier on through it, arguing that strong painkillers made him feel fuzzy. But now, he didn’t even try: the pain must be excruciating for him.
“Okay.” Jane kissed him and disentangled herself from their embrace, gently guiding him back onto the pillows. She walked over to the medical kit and pulled out the vial, pushing the syringe’s needle through the cap and measuring the dose of morphine the medic had told her.
Kurt let out another long, halting breath as she injected him with the analgesic.  He was gripping the comforter so hard with his uninjured arm that his knuckles were white, and she could see a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead.
She sat down on the edge of the bed, soothingly running her hand up and down his good arm. His eyes met hers, the look in them distraught.
“Shh…it’s okay.  The drug will help, but you’ve got to give it a minute, okay?”
Seeing him like this was tearing her apart. He wore an anguished look, perspiration covering his face and chest, his body tense as a coiled spring from the pain of his injuries. It all made him look so vulnerable, and there was so little she could do. She wanted to take him to a hospital, to get his injuries treated properly, but the risk was too great.
She wished she could hold him and take all his pain away.
Still trapped in the throes of agony, Kurt gave a quiet moan.
Jane sat beside him, murmuring sweet nothings to him, running her hand through his hair, hoping to calm him. “Everything’s okay.”
She saw he was trying to fight the pain: he gripped her hand, and his breathing was shallow as he gritted his teeth against another groan that he barely suppressed.
A few minutes later the morphine thankfully took effect, his eyes glazing over and his look becoming bleary as he relaxed into the bed.
“Don’t fight it….Close your eyes,” she cajoled, her touches clearly soothing him now.
A couple of minutes later, his breathing deepened as his tired body succumbed to the need for rest.
She remained beside him, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest until she was sure he was sleeping soundly. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his forehead before tenderly covering him with the duvet.
Closing the door quietly behind her, Jane walked to the large window and pinched the bridge of her nose, swallowing back the tears she could feel behind her eyelids. She had to stay strong.
“Hey,” she heard Patterson’s gentle voice from behind her and felt a hand brush against her shoulder.
“How’s Kurt?” Patterson asked, worry audible in her tone.
Jane released a shuddering breath before answering. ”He’s asleep. I just gave him a shot for the pain.”  
“I’m sorry,” Patterson said quietly, her eyes carrying the same concern that Jane felt. She knew Patterson cared dearly for Kurt. “I know it must be hard for you to see him like that,” her friend said sympathetically.
Jane tried to smile at Patterson, but the smile soon faltered. “Yeah…But at least he’s alive.” She wiped away the moisture in her eyes, as she remembered those long minutes of dread when she feared the team had died. Her joy at discovering them alive had turned to worry as soon as she had discovered Kurt was injured.
“Oh Jane…” Patterson pulled her into a hug and she could no longer fight off the tears.
“I was so afraid I had lost you,” Jane got the words out among the crying.
“But you didn’t,” came her friend’s soft reply. “We’re all still here.”
After a minute Jane took a shuddering breath, pulling away from Patterson. “I’m sorry. It’s just that…“, she glanced at her feet and squeezed her hand into a fist, but her voice shook. “He’s in agony and I can’t do anything. I feel helpless!”
Patterson shook her head, squeezing Jane’s arm. “Jane, you don’t need to apologize. He’s your husband. Of course this is hard on you.”
She felt comforted by Patterson’s kind words, meeting her eyes. “Thank you.”
Patterson gave her a small smile. “Look, why don’t you try to get some sleep in the loft? I’ll keep an eye on Kurt, while I set up the laptop and wait for the others to come back.”
Jane was about to argue that she couldn’t leave him, but realized that she needed to sleep to be able to look after him. So, she nodded, smiling tiredly at her friend. “Okay, thanks.”
Kurt let out a quiet grunt as the flashing pain behind his eyelids brought him back to wakefulness. Half-asleep, he had tried to turn on his side, but his broken ribs reminded him of their existence. Sinking back onto the pillows, he opened his eyes and blinked a few times. The ache in his ribs was duller now as he stayed still, but the burns gave him no respite despite the pills Jane had given him earlier. His upper arm and chest felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to his skin and rubbed off a few layers.
He reached over with his right hand, hissing as he pulled the medical tape and lifted the corner of the dressing carefully. The burns were angry and red. Some of the blisters on his skin were taut like tiny water balloons, others were weeping. He swore he could feel them pulsing with the beat of his heart.
He smoothed the tape back onto his skin and had just closed his eyes, when the door creaked quietly. He opened his eyes to see Jane enter the bedroom, carrying a glass of water.
The loving smile that she gave him absolutely floored him. God, he loved her so much.
“Hey, you’re awake.”
She set the glass on the bedside table and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.
He gave her a tired smile in return, reaching for her hand. “Yeah.”
“How’re you feeling?”
Despite his pain and tiredness, he hoped to reassure Jane. Looking at her more closely, he could see the strain the last few days had had on her. Her shoulders were squared and tense; lines of worry adorned her forehead and her eyes were red from the lack of sleep.
He gazed at her, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. “I’m okay, Jane.”
She gave a sad laugh. “No, you’re not. I can tell you’re still in pain.”
Almost as if to prove her point, the searing sensation licked up his side like the fire that had burned him as he shifted, earning a half-suppressed gasp from him. He chuckled at the irony. “Well…better than a couple of days ago.”
He saw the mix of concern and love cloud her eyes, as she pleaded, “Why won’t you take the morphine? You’re hurting.”
He shook his head slightly. “No. I can manage with the pills.”
Jane looked down at their joined hands, swallowing thickly. She kept her eyes locked on them, staying silent.
Now it was his turn to worry. “Jane…” he whispered tenderly.
When she looked up, her eyes were brimming with tears. “I thought I’d lost you…” she murmured.
“Jane, I’m ­­–“ he began, but quieted as she shook her head softly.
Her voice was quiet. “For those 20 minutes after the cabin exploded, I searched through the rubble. Minute-by-minute the fear in me grew; the desperation. I thought I was alone, that you had been taken from me.”
Kurt wished he’d been healthy, so he could hug her and hold her close. Instead, he gave her hand a small squeeze to reassure her he was still here. “Jane, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“I’m not blaming you, Kurt.” She brought her hand up to his jaw, tracing it gingerly. “When I saw Patterson emerge, and she told me you were alive…” A tear ran down her cheek and she drew in a shuddering breath. “You were alive, but you were hurt. And you still are…”
Mirroring her, Kurt brought his hand to her cheek and wiped away her tears. “I know.” He gave her a smile that he hoped would reassure her. “But I’m going to be okay. It might take a while, but I’ll be okay. Thanks to you.”
Kurt looked around. He was inside a house, the Shaw house by the looks of it. What was he doing in Clearfield? Frowning, he looked at the bookshelves in the living room, the old comfy chair and the TV in the corner….everything looked exactly like it had 30 years ago, when Taylor had been taken.
“Hello?” He listened for a reply, but no one answered him.
The floorboards creaked comfortingly as he stepped into the hall. He’d missed that sound. It reminded him of the fun times spent together with Taylor as they played hide-and-seek indoors. He glanced outside the window. He could hear birds singing. Then, something else caught his attention.
Kurt heard a familiar babble coming from somewhere. He turned on his heels and climbed up the stairs, glancing at the family photos lining the wall. So many memories…
“Bee?” He called out, as the sound of his daughter’s voice became clearer. She was explaining something to someone.
“Here, Daddy!”
Glancing into Taylor’s room at the top of the stairs, he saw Bethany on the floor with a coloring book, a dozen crayons scattered around her. She was coloring something purple, her forehead creased in concentration.
Kurt entered the room and laughed, kneeling next to his daughter. “Hey! What’cha doing?”
“Coloring!” Came the enthusiastic reply.
He chuckled. “So I see. Shouldn’t the penguin be black and white?”
“No! Silly Daddy…he’s cold, that’s why he’s purple.”
Kurt gave her an exaggerated frown, then smiled again. “Really?”
She reached out a chubby hand, offering him a yellow crayon. ”Here. You can color his friend.”
“Okay.” Kurt flopped down onto the floor next to Bethany, starting to color the dog according to her instructions.
He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he felt a chill run down his spine. He had an unexplained feeling of pressure in his chest, and the room had changed. The bed and the furniture were gone. There were only the two of them and the coloring book.
The room had gotten darker. That’s when he heard the voice.
Kurt was puzzled. It couldn’t be…
Then he heard it again, calling for his daughter. “Bethany…”
She had heard it too. “In here!”
Kurt felt cold chills running down his spine. He instinctively curled his hands into fists. “Dad?”
“That’s Grandpa?” Bethany asked excitedly. “I wanna go see him!”
The voice kept calling for her, saying she should come and see him.
“No, sweetie! Don’t go. Stay here with Daddy.”
But Bethany had already taken a step towards the dark hallway beyond the door. Kurt tried to move but he seemed unable to move from where he was, unable to take her hand. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on my daughter! Stay away from her!”
Bethany smiled at Kurt. “I’m gonna go see Grandpa!” She sing-songed happily.
“Bee, please don’t go,” Kurt begged, trying to reach for his daughter’s hand. She was too far away.
A tall, faceless figure appeared in the doorway, taking her hand.
“Let go of her!!” Kurt raged at the faceless figure, but his rage turned to desperation, as Bethany took its hand and turned away, waving back innocently at Kurt.
“Don’t go…Bee, please! Come back here! BETHANY!” She disappeared into the shadows and down the stairs, holding on to the figure’s hand. “NOOO!!!”
Jane had been dozing in the comfy chair in the corner of the room, when she was awakened by Kurt’s restless movements. As she sat beside him on the bed, she saw the silent tears running down his face. He was arguing with someone but the next moment he seemed distraught, pleading.
She reached out gingerly, caressing his arm, but he flinched at her touch. “Kurt…Kurt, it’s me.” She tried again. “You’re safe…” She kept brushing his arm, hoping to get through to him.
“NOOO!” Kurt reached out blindly, and she grabbed his hand.
At that, Kurt finally opened his eyes: his breathing ragged and his chest heaving.
Disoriented, he blinked, looking around. The terror in his eyes shattered Jane’s heart.
“Jane?” He spoke her name, his voice sounding small and forlorn.
“I’m here, Kurt.”
“Jane…” Her name came out as a whimper, as a cry of despair escaped him and he reached for his wife.
Mindful of his burns, she pulled him close into an embrace, stroking the nape of his neck tenderly as Kurt trembled, his breaths shuddering gasps against her shoulder. His anguish was tearing at her. Something had shaken Kurt to the core.
She pressed her lips against his temple. “Shhh…it was just a dream,” she tried to soothe him, but it seemed her reassurances had little effect. She could barely make out his words, as they tumbled forth in a distraught whisper.
“Bethany…she just went to him. I tried to stop her, Jane…but she…Dad, he…”. Despite his injuries, he pressed closer to her as the tears came.
As she held him, stroking his hair, she felt anger. Anger at Bill Weller for what he had done to his son. For years, Kurt had carried the guilt of what had happened to Taylor, how he had failed her. Somewhere deep inside him would always be that ten-year-old boy, blaming himself for something that was his father’s fault. Jane felt like she would have wanted kill her father-in-law herself, if he wasn’t already dead.
She kissed Kurt’s hair. “Look at me,” she asked softly.
His eyes were red, more tears trailing down his cheek as he met her eyes before averting them again. Jane reached out, caressing his cheek lightly with her fingers, hoping to convey her love for him as she wiped away his tears. He looked so vulnerable. She had never seen him like this. The forlorn look in his eyes burned into her brain.
She could feel the tears brimming her own eyes as she spoke. “Kurt...your Dad can’t hurt anyone anymore.” She traced his jaw with a gentle touch, her voice low and loving as she reassured him. “Bethany’s safe with Allie, and you will see her again. I promise.” Internally Jane was struggling, hating it that she couldn’t tell him when that reunion would be. She knew Kurt missed his daughter terribly.
Bringing her hand to his forehead, she felt the worry settle in firmly again as she took in the heat radiating off his skin. “But right now, you need to rest, okay?”
Kurt didn’t protest as she helped him back onto the pillows, just nodded and closed his eyes. “I think you’re running a fever. I’ll go get you something that will hopefully keep it down.”
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sheena192003 · 5 years
Name/Nickname: Sheena
Age* (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas): 27
Where are you from*: Wisconsin
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot madness: October 2017. Right after season 3 aired. 
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: I’m not in other fandoms, however currently I watch Outlander and Blacklist
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Jane
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Keaton
Favorite ship(s): Jeller
Favorite episode(s): 1x09, 1x15, 1x18, 2x08, 2x19, 3x07, 3x08, 3x12, 4x08, 
Favorite season(s): Seasons 1 and 2
Favorite tattoo(s)/case(s): The Ashwell Creek Kennels tattoo, the burning rose, the quote behind her ear in the bio luminescent.
Favorite whatever you want:
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: Jane
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: Season 4 finale
One dead character you would bring back: Roman
One guest star (who has appeared in less that three to five episodes) you want to bring back: Ana Montes. 
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular:
One actor/actress you would love to have guest star on the show (and who would they play):
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: I’d love to see Avery in season 5
One country you want the show to visit next season:
What’s your craziest/favorite theory about the upcoming season:
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy)*: I’m probably too shy to share much. I enjoy reading many of your posts/theories/fanfic but I feel as if I’m kind of a silent lurker here.
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take2intotheshower · 5 years
hello, i'm sorry to bother but i'm new to the blindspot fandom and was looking for blogs who gif the show when @blindspothiatusproject pointed me to yours, so i'd like to know if you take requests? ♡
Hi, and welcome to the fandom ❤. That’s very kind of the project to recommend me. I normally do take requests, but currently a group of us are re-watching Season 1 (shortly to be followed by Season 2), so I’m being kept very busy churning out new and old gifsets for each episode. I also plan to make a bunch of sets for the S4 hiatus project over the next few months.
Chances are that if you’re after a Jeller or Kurt gifset, I’ve probably already giffed it anyway, so ask away!
There are several Blindspot gifmakers more knowledgeable and talented than I am (Photoshop is complicated, time-consuming and very expensive, so I edit using a discontinued program no one will have heard of, and then bring the gif together at the end, using the cut-down version of Photoshop: Elements). You may care to check out the following (listed in no particular order), all of whom are still active in the fandom:-
@kate-dammit-run (who runs the hiatus project and also writes brilliant fanfics)
@romanbriggs (for Roman)
@lazlostrange (another Roman fan)
There used to be lots of other excellent gifmakers, but who have either drifted away from the show or who have left Tumblr altogether. I keep the URL of everybody’s Blindspot gifsets I’ve saved to my PC (from all four Seasons), so if I haven’t made a gif of a particular scene or moment myself, I can probably give you the link to a set someone else has made of it.   
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inmyblindspot · 6 years
lightness (jane/kurt drabble + #bspromptchallenge)
project: @blindspothiatusproject 30 day gif/fanfic prompt challenge
day 9. happiness/joy
It’s almost three months to the day she was released from the hospital when it first happens. She has a dizzy spell as she stands up from her desk, bracing her hand on the end to steady herself.
The feeling is so familiar that she feels a sense of dread wash over her and, as soon as she has her bearings, she has to rush to the bathroom where she promptly empties the contents of her stomach.
She rinses her mouth and splashes some cold water on her face, pressing her palms to her flushed cheeks as she stares at herself in the mirror.
“Just the flu,” she tells herself, taking a deep breath before she reaches for a paper towel and dries her face. “Just coming down with the flu.”
She goes through the rest of the day willing herself to feel feverish. She waits for a chill to come over her, some sign of a flu or cold or viral infection.
Anything but a recurrence of her ZIP poisoning.
She doesn’t say anything to Kurt, convincing herself as the day goes on without any further symptoms presenting themselves that she had simply stood up too quickly that morning.
It’s another two days before she feels faint again, this time as she’s getting out of bed. And this time, with Kurt right there, worriedly rushing to her side to steady her as he wraps his arm around her waist.
She admits to this being the second time this has happened this week.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks as she sits back down and he kneels in front of her, reaching up to brush her hair off her face. She sighs and feels her eyes well with tears, reaching forward to hold his face in her hands.
She brushes her thumbs against his cheeks, tracing the lines of his face with her hands before she leans forward and presses her lips to his in a long, slow kiss, as if memorizing the feel of him, the taste of him.
“I’m scared,” she whispers against his lips and he nods, taking a deep breath before he kisses her again. “What if it’s happening again?”
“I know,” he says softly, cupping her cheek. “I know, but that’s why we need to get you checked out, to make sure that it’s not.”
This time she nods, clearing her throat as he brushes her tears away with his thumb, pressing a kiss to her salty cheek.
“Come on,” he says, offering her a smile as he stands up and reaches for her hand. “The sooner we go, the sooner we’ll know you’re OK,” he says as she stands up and she returns his smile, his optimism giving her a sense of hope.
Kurt calls Jane’s doctor while she’s in the shower and arranges for her to come in for a round of tests. They’re both quiet on the drive to the hospital, Kurt reaching over to take Jane’s hand in his. He brings the back of it up to his lips, keeping hold of it as he lowers it back down to the console between them.
“How about Indian tonight?” he suggests and she smiles, squeezing his hand.
“That sounds good,” she agrees, glancing out the window as they pull into the hospital parking garage.
They’re grateful that her doctor sees her right away, and even more so when he tells her it’s to alleviate their worries and not because he’s too concerned. He puts her through a battery of tests, drawing blood, sending her for scans, and testing her balance and memory.
She’s still in a hospital gown, sitting on the end of the examination table while Kurt stands at her side when her doctor comes in the exam room, reading her chart. Kurt reaches for Jane’s hand, lacing his fingers through hers.
“Well Jane,” the doctor says, closing the door behind them as he glances up at their worried expressions. “I am happy to say you are not having a recurrence of your ZIP poisoning.”
The breaths she and Kurt let out escape almost like sobs as Jane presses her face into Kurt’s chest, relieved tears escaping her eyes. She feels his hand rest on the back of her neck as he lowers his lips to the top of her head, resting them there for a moment before he stands up and Jane lifts her head to look back at her doctor.
“So, what is it, am I coming down with the flu?” she asks and her doctor smiles, looking back down at her chart.
“No...” he pauses and looks back up at them. “You’re pregnant.”
He’s met with stunned silence as they stare back at him, their jaws dropped and eyes wide.
“I’m...pregnant?” Jane whispers, feeling Kurt’s hand tighten around hers as her doctor nods and closes her chart.
“You are pregnant,” he confirms.
Jane looks up at Kurt, fresh tears in her eyes as he smiles down at her. He leans down and kisses her.
“We’re pregnant,” she whispers against his lips, feeling his curve into a wide smile as he kisses her again.
“You’re sure?” Kurt asks the doctor as they pull apart and the doctor smiles and nods again.
“I’m sure. We can set up for an ultrasound now if you like, you can see your baby,” he offers and Jane and Kurt both nod immediately.
“Yes, yes please,” Jane says, reaching up with her free hand to wipe at her cheeks.
“Great, it’ll be just a few minutes,” the doctor says before setting down her chart and leaving the room.
Jane looks up at Kurt, a whirlwind of emotions crossing both of their faces . She had been so worried that her ZIP poisoning was back, that they were about to relive the nightmare of earlier that year, it had never occurred to her that her symptoms were exactly what she’d first thought they were all those months ago.
A baby. Their baby.
“We’re having a baby,” Kurt whispers, leaning down to kiss her again as his free hand moves to her still-flat stomach. Jane grins against his lips as she covers his hand with hers. She takes a deep breath as they pull apart and he sits down beside her on the exam table.
“I know we haven’t talked about it again...since you, well, since you recovered,” he says and she nods, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
“It’s still something I want,” she says, smiling at him through her tears. He grins and leans forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Me too,” he says.
Jane’s doctor returns a few minutes later and she lays back for an ultrasound, a fresh batch of tears falling for both Jane and Kurt as the doctor points to their baby on the monitor.
He schedules them for follow-up appointments, reassuring them that everything seems fine but given Jane’s recent medical history, they’ll monitor her closely throughout her pregnancy.
Once they’ve wrapped up, Kurt calls into the office to tell Reade they’ll be taking the rest of the day off and, rather than head back to the car, they walk hand in hand to a nearby park.
Jane holds their ultrasound image in her other hand, staring at it as they sit down on a bench.
“This...was not what I was expecting,” she admits, unable to tear her eyes away from the image. Kurt murmurs his agreement, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looks at the image too.
“A happy surprise,” he says softly and she chuckles, nodding as she turns to brush her lips against his.
“Very happy,” she agrees before turning back to look at their ultrasound. “Also a little scary,” she admits quietly and he shifts closer to her, resting his forehead against her temple.
“You are going to be a wonderful mother...you are a wonderful mother,” he reassures her and she smiles, leaning into him.
They sit quietly together, staring at their ultrasound and letting the sounds of the park fill the air around them.
“So, who do you think she looks like?” he murmurs after a while and she chuckles, turning towards him with her eyebrows raised.
Their baby was barely the size of a raspberry and their doctor had said it was too early to tell if it was a boy or a girl anyways.
“She?” Jane asks skeptically and Kurt shrugs his shoulders, leaning back on the bench.
“Just a hunch,” he says and she laughs, leaning back with him and resting her head on his shoulder. He leans down and presses a kiss to the top of her head, his other hand coming to rest on her stomach again.
“You’re allowed to be happy, you know,” he whispers to her and she smiles, shifting closer to himself as she closes her eyes.
“We both are.”
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arlenaleigh · 7 years
Blindspot Hiatus Project
Name/Nickname: K
Age* (don’t be shy, we’re a fandom of grandmas): late teens
When did you jump aboard the Blindspot train: Just after season 2 started (I caught up in 3 days, oops!)
Other fandoms you’re in/TV shows you watch: Criminal Minds, Legends of Tomorrow, Lucifer, The Defenders series, Supergirl and a few more
Favorite Blindspot characters (main): Patterson and Jane, of course
Favorite Blindspot characters (guest or recurring): Rich Dot Com and Nas!
Favorite ship(s): Jeller
Favorite episode(s): All of them?? I’ll always love the pilot but everyone episode has me hooked
Favorite season: season one
Favorite tattoo/case: I love the bird tattoo and the ones on her hands
If you were a Blindspot character, who would you be: probably Patterson, minus the geniusness, because I’m always stressed about something 😂
One scene that left you with your jaw on the floor: ooh, so many! Every mid-season and season finale! MG is very good at cliffhangers and reveals!
One dead character you would bring back: Stuart! He didn’t deserve that 💔 And Mayfair
One guest star (3 episodes or less that you want to come back): Boston, I love him!
One recurring character you’d love to have promoted to regular: Oh it has to be Rich!
One actor/actress you would love to have guest star on the show (and what would they play): Lesley-Ann Brandt (from Lucifer) would be an amazing antagonist or ally alike!
One forgotten storyline you wish they’d bring back or answer: I just wanna know more about Tasha and Patterson’s personal lives. We got a small look at Patterson’s with David but we know hardly anything about Tasha and they never went back to her gambling!
One country you want Roman to visit this season: He’s been to both; Italy and Australia!
Share a little bit about yourself (don’t be shy)*: I love to chat so, if anyone would like, please feel free to pop up!
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valor (jane/kurt drabble + #bsABCchallenge)
project: @blindspothiatusproject ABC challenge
v: vests (version one)
A/N: many thanks to @tigers-echo-wild for this great prompt:
I was thinking of a Jeller conversation, where Jane asks Weller not to be partners in the field anymore, cause he is "more concern about keeping her safe than completing the mission."
 Hope you like it!
 Jane leaned against the door of the ambulance, holding Kurt’s bullet-proof vest in her hands. She looked down, gently brushing her fingertips over the two bullets trapped in the vest, right over where his heart would be.
“Hey,” he said quietly and she looked up at him, her lip quivering. “I’m OK,” he reassured her and she nodded as she took a shaky breath.
 “I know,” she said, clearing her throat. “I just...” she trailed off, shaking her head, doing her best not to imagine what could have happened.
 What almost did happen.
 Jane watched quietly as the paramedics finished examining Kurt before he stood up, extending his hand to her.
 “Let’s go home,” he said and she nodded, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her back to the car. She waited in the passenger’s seat as she watched Kurt give some last instructions to Reade and Zapata. She looked down and realized she was still holding his vest. She pressed her fingers against the two bullets, feeling that familiar tightening in her chest. She shook her head as Kurt opened the door and turned to place the vest in the backseat.
 “Are you hungry?” he asked as he pulled out of the parking lot but she shook her head, gazing out the window as he drove them home. He reached over and took her hand in his, glancing over at her as they stopped at a red light. He gave her hand a squeeze and she looked down at their joint hands in her lap before up at him.
 “I just want to go home,” she said softly and he nodded, continuing on as the light turned green.
 Once they were home, Kurt headed to the shower and Jane changed out of her work clothes and into one of Kurt’s T-shirts. She sat cross-legged on their bed as she heard the shower turn off and a few moments later, Kurt appeared in their room, with a towel wrapped around his waist.
 She looked up as he walked towards the foot of the bed, stopping in front of her as he reached out and took her face in his hands. She looked up at him, offering a small smile as he leaned down and brushed his lips against her forehead.
 “You’ve been quiet,” he murmured and she nodded, sitting up on her knees as she rested her hands on his hips. She stared at his chest, at the bruises already forming there from the impact of the bullets.
 “You scared me today,” she whispered, gently reaching out and brushing her fingers against the red marks on his skin. She leaned forward, softly pressing her lips to his chest before tilting her head up as he leaned down to kiss her.
 “I know, I’m sorry,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her again. “But everything’s OK.”
 She took a deep breath and nodded, sitting back on her heels as she moved her hands back down to his waist.
 “I know. But it almost wasn’t...and if you hadn’t been wearing your vest...”
 He shook his head, reaching to take one of her hands in his and holding it up against his chest.
 “I was,” he said softly, pressing her hand against his chest, right above his heart where she could feel it beating, steady and strong. “I’m fine.”
 She nodded, reaching up and wiping away at the tears that had escaped from the corners of her eyes. They were quiet for a few moments before Jane cleared her throat, threading her fingers through Kurt’s. He raised his eyebrows at her as he waited for her to speak.
 “I don’t think we should go out in the field together anymore,” she said quietly and his eyes widened as he sat down beside her.
 “Why...why would you say that?’ he asked, furrowing his brow. “Because of today?”
 She shook her head, turning to face him as she crossed her legs.
 “Not just today...it’s every day. You...” she paused, biting her lip but he squeezed her hand, urging her to continue. “You know I think you are an incredible agent. And I trust you with my life.”
 He nodded as he tilted his head to the side, confused by what she was saying.
 “Then...what’s wrong?”
 She took another deep breath, looking down at their joint hands and then back up at him.
 “You’re always going to put my life first,” she said quietly, blushing as she said it. “Before the mission, before anyone else on the team. Before your own life. And it almost got you killed today.”
 He cleared his throat, looking away as she said it. He couldn’t argue with her, he knew she was right.
 “It’s not just you,” she admitted, reaching out and gently brushing her fingers against his cheek, turning him back to face her. “I do the same thing with you. And we have to stop.”
 She saw his eyes well up with tears as he looked back at her and she reached out, brushing her fingertips against the bruises on his chest again.
 “We owe it to the team to be as objective as possible when we’re out in the field,” she said quietly, tracing her fingers around the bruises before reaching up to rest her hand behind his neck. She leaned forward, resting her head against his forehead as they each took a deep breath. “And we owe it to each other.”
 He took a deep breath and nodded, leaning forward to kiss her softly.
 “OK,” he agreed, clearing his throat. “Starting tomorrow, I’ll pair you up with Zapata, and I’ll team up with Reade.”
 She nodded, hooking her arms around his shoulders as she crawled into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest.
 “It’s not going to be easy,” he muttered into her shoulder and she nodded, pulling her arms tighter around him. “I just want to protect you,” he said quietly and she nodded, pulling back so she could look at him. She brought her hands up to either side of his face, brushing her lips against his.
 “I know, me too,” she said with a small smile. “But this is how we do it. This is how we protect each other.”
 He nodded, hugging her close again as he pressed his face against her neck.
 “Promise me something,” he said quietly and he felt her nod against his shoulder. “Promise that you’ll always do everything you can to come home to me.”
 He felt her wrap her arms tighter around him.
 “Only if you promise me the same thing,” she murmured into his shoulder and he couldn’t help but smile as he leaned back to look at her.
 “I promise,” he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth. She smiled as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against his.
 “Me too.”
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iarinhacosta · 7 years
Peace and Love - Jane + Hirst #BsABCChallenge
I love Hirst, even though she has appeared so little, because she has been the one who has cared for Jane the most since she met her. She seemed to understand everything our girl was going through and she always seemed to want to help and I bet she would be very happy to see Jane happy with Kurt, so that's why I decided to write it.
I was missing, but the work and the studies were taking a lot of my time, but here I am and I still want to finish this, so...
Portuguese version: https://fanfiction.com.br/historia/741182/Desafio_do_ABC_-_Historias_de_Hiatus/capitulo/8/
Day H - Director Hirst - @blindspothiatusproject
It was after eight o'clock when someone knocked on my door. I was finishing up a report, but I decided it was of some importance that someone had hit my office at that time. When I opened it, I saw that it was really important. It was Jane.
She still had the hospital bracelet, but she did not look physically tired. I knew that when she wanted something, there was no weariness or bad weather to get in the way. His determination and bravery was admirable. I had known her a short time ago, but I already knew that I wanted to be a part of her life forever. She had gone through so much bad, abandonment, betrayal, but she was still the most loyal person I had ever met when she took up a cause. She gave her life in the arms of death several times just to be on the FBI side. Now that it was over, all she deserved was to have people with her who never wanted her to go through these bad things again, and I was one of those people.
She smiled nervously. She seemed to be nervous, so I gave her a reassuring smile and made room for her to come in.
"I hope it's not upsetting you." It began, but I soon tried to correct it.
"Of course not." I said giving way to her to sit in front of me. As I sat down, I felt even more how nervous she was and knew exactly why she was there. "Some problem?" I asked him about his behavior.
She insisted on reassuring me. "Oh no, I just came here to thank ..." She started and cleared her throat, staring at me with the green determination coming from her eyes.
"I just wanted to thank you for the offer you made me.I'm very grateful for the opportunity to go anywhere or do what I want, but I came here to say that I'm going to settle in New York and intend to try a career with the FBI I know you told me that I could go wherever I wanted to, but it's here that I feel at home and that there are people who are part of my life now.I hope you understand. "
"Of course, I'm very happy to hear that." I answered and she looked at me a bit confused.
"I thought..."
"Yes, I know you thought I wanted to get you out of here, but I was just giving you options. I'm so happy to hear that you've found a new life here with people you love and someone who loves you."
Again she looked at me in confusion, but her face a little flushed.
"Your communication was still open when Weller spoke to you."
Her face turned into a strong red hue, but I smiled sincerely at her and took one of her hands under the table.
"I know how much love can be frightened, but it's also the best thing in the world, you and Kurt deserve it after everything you've been through, especially you, so do not be afraid."
She smiled shyly at me, but looked happy.
"Thank you for everything." She answered with a smile and then glanced at her watch. "I gotta go."
"Good evening." I answered and completed. "And good luck in your new life. I'll be around here for whatever you need."
"I appreciate that." She said and then she was gone.
As I closed the door, I saw through the camera how fast she was about to leave because love could not wait, but how happy she was. That was what love did, it gave us a happiness that nobody could explain or feel the same. I knew Jane loved Kurt too, and knew that no matter how hard he was, he also loved her with all his heart and soul. He knew he was loyal and determined as she was and hoped it would lead them to a path of happiness. They really deserved all this wave of peace after the war they won. After the war they won together.
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ablindspotter · 5 years
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Blindspot Hiatus Project
Challenge 15: Favorite scene of the Blindspot men being in awe of the Blindspot women.
Decided to make a contribution to @blindspothiatusproject.
He is more like horrified, but good enough. 🤣
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chibinoyume · 4 years
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Patterson wins. Fatality.
For @blindspothiatusproject​ ‘s International Women’s Month
Every Wednesday: Patterson Appreciation Day.
This is clearly not the only time Patterson has been the MVP of the team, but this scene is so, so good. Not only she has an absurd amount of knowledge from books to hacking to all things science, but her eloquence and passion here left me speechless. She’s not making the most logical argument, this is a judgement call because she’s so confident in her skills and her team. She wants to both save her family AND have no casualties. 
She doesn’t hesitate, she just goes for what she thinks it’s the right call, even if that means standing up to the FBI Director in front of a bunch of interns and with a lot on the line. She knows when to go on the offensive and when to relent a little, because just telling Weitz he doesn’t know what he’s doing/he’ll get blamed won’t be enough to convince him, and she knows it. 
TL;DR: Patterson is hella smart, awesome and damn that woman has persuasion skills.
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marv-el-spot · 5 years
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Challenge 1: Favorite female main character(s): Jane Doe
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eachdressiown · 7 years
Blindspot Hiatus--Day 23: Favorite Romantic Pairing
Attention, @blindspothiatusproject , this is tongue-in-cheek! It’s NOT a serious vote for a “romantic pairing.” It’s just one of my favorite moments in S2 and I was thinking about where to put it. “Favorite quote/episode” or “favorite Kurt moment” didn’t quite fit, so I decided on a little fun.
So, this is my favorite “romantic” pairing. :D 
In the beginning, Weller was a little reluctant about Rich’s proposal...
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Not exactly.
It all starts with trust...
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Weller isn’t exactly open to this concept yet.
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Because you love him, Rich!
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One step closer...
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Minor stepback...
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(*die laughing*)
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Smile, Kurt, smile!
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Don’t be so grumpy. You’re just bonding.
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Okay, okay, that was scary, (actually, it was hilarious), but in the end, it wasn’t that bad, was it?
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Just like I said. :)
Well, and we all know that Rich is probably the biggest Jeller shipper ever--and the circle to the “romantic pairing” closes. ;)
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