s1lentsnip3r-a · 5 years
Whisper                     Blue
                  🤝                              Fuck Mimic Rights
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hcrofraid · 4 years
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@cacklingfools / @waywardsonsanddaringdaughters / @neutralcamp-a​
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blowhxle · 5 years
(Parker) “Happy Birthday, you’re not getting older you’re just a little closer to death.”
Birthday sentence starters || Accepting.
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“Delightful as always, Parker. Although, I’ve figured something out-
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-as long as I still owe you money,  I’m essentially incapable of dying.”
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ominousgreeting · 5 years
@cacklingfools​ // au where bob isn’t incarcerated in brother from another series go.
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Bob leaned across the bars, gaze absently ghosting across the horizon of Springfield. Sirens fade into the distance, into the man’s mind as he contemplates the idea of his little brother locked away as he had been. The brutality, the assault, the dull, incessant entertainment... and with his mouth, would he even survive?
There were a million things rushing through his mind - the court hearing, the goodbye, the DISTANCE once more - but the biggest musing, the biggest QUESTION was: WHY? Why would Cecil do this? Weren’t they family...? He trusted him... Bob TRUSTED him...
He sighed, holding his head in his hands as his arms settled on the rails. The sun was setting, but the former sideshow’s emotions were not. He was stuck within them.
❝ Is this how Othello felt when the elusive Iago betrayed him? No, I could not fathom that feeling... ❞ he mumbled to himself.
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tuesdayscanons · 5 years
{ @cacklingfools }
{🏡} Though Marge had a lot on her plate, she just had to decorate the entire house for her son's birthday. It's a special day and he deserves to feel special.
When Bart emerges from his room, Marge opens her arms for a hug while Maggie blows on a party horn somewhere in the background.
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"Happy birthday, my darling little boy~" {🏡}
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waddletm · 5 years
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Hands shaking, Mark took in a deep breath. It was okay-- the end of the world had been averted, after all. He’d seen him with the other McDucks on the news at the end... He pressed the call button, holding the phone up to his ear.
“....Fethry? It’s me, Mark. I just... wanted to make sure you were okay.”
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What was a child doing out in weather like this?
He’s keeping a close eye on the little guy, curious as to why he was out in a cold rain. It was a gentle rain, but still, very cold. Which was why he was out in it to begin with. He was, naturally, concerned for a child’s well being. The fact they were opposing teams didn’t really  matter when they were off the job. A child was innocent. Deserving of care, and compassion.
So he keeps his eye on Charmy, just in case. Even gets up from the bench he was sitting at, to follow him until someone was there to take care of him properly.
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“Glad t’see you like it.” Knowing the little guy’s happy with his gift makes all the pain, sweat, blood and tears worth it in the end. He’s gonna have to thank Amy for her help later, too. 
Seeing the drawing, Knuckles bursts out laughing. It’s not only that the rendition of Eggman getting beat up is comedic gold. In a way, it makes him feel like a hero. 
“You got good taste, kid! C’mere.” Knuckles swoops an arm over the bee, drawing him into a noogie. 
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phantomtied · 5 years
✎ the deadpan armadillo? o:
send me a "✎" and ill draw your muse
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A good dillo
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coolxnxblue-a · 5 years
@cacklingfools​ // sc.
Keeping an eye on Charmy for a couple hours? That, Sonic could do, and he’d immediately made for the meadows he frequented during his travels. He stood around, idly admiring the flowers surrounding them, watching Charmy from the corner of his eye - kid could be awful slippery, so it’d be a mistake NOT to.
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❝ Man, there sure are some swell flowers here, huh, Charmy? ❞
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s1lentsnip3r-a · 5 years
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@pistolbitten​ || Stay in the moment.
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          She’s holding Blue ( @cacklingfools​ ) against her, head down, eyes closed, face strained. The stress of everything was piling on her. Remembering just how happy she once was sincerely pained her already broken heart. Remembering the days they spent with each other, fighting Eggman’s bots and goons, going to small theme parks, celebrating holidays like christmas with each other... all of it had her re-living memories she wishes she could have stayed in forever.
          But it’s gone now. They’re gone. Her future’s gone. She has to forge a new one for herself - avenge her family a second time.
          Nack appears from seemingly nowhere. She didn’t hear him come in nor did she hear him approach at first. His hand was on her shoulder, grounding her. She tenses, but quickly relaxes. A shaky breath leaves her mouth, trying to compose herself before she responds. 
          ‘ M’tryin’. ‘ She mutters, barely audible. ‘ M’doin’ m’best. ‘ She just hopes it’s good enough.
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hcrofraid · 5 years
cacklingfools replied to your post: did discord die or does my wifi just suck. who...
wait nevermind
rena has now joined the dead discord squad
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blowhxle · 5 years
cacklingfools replied to your post: (Parker) “Happy Birthday, you’re not getting older...
Parker vc: you want me to fight the grim reaper
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ominousgreeting · 5 years
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Sideshow Bob, The Simpsons (yeah).
Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog
Steven, Steven Universe.
Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls.
Handsome Jack, Borderlands.
Gladstone Gander, Ducktales.
Negaduck, Darkwing Duck.
Hajime Hinata, Danganronpa.
Skipper, Madagascar.
The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who.
Tagged by: @blackstardiopside ty fren!!
Tagging: @cacklingfools , @tuesdayscanons , @floofiisms , @supermackleberrysisters , @fortruechaos , @ourohcna , @pzxibkb + anybody else!!
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tuesdayscanons · 5 years
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{ @cacklingfools }
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{🏡} Marge was giving Maggie an impromptu bath in the kitchen sink to help her cool down from the summer heat, until Bart had the audacity to use such fowl language—in front of his baby sister no less! She attempts to cover her daughter's ears, but Maggie swats her hands away. Letting out an annoyed grumble, Marge turns towards her son with her hands on her hips.
"Bartholomew J. Simpson! Watch your language around Maggie...please."
Right now, Marge is going to let Bart off with a warning. From the tone of her voice and look of disgust, it should be clear that he won't be so lucky if he were to do this again. {🏡}
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wingsofbat-moved · 5 years
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There were so many benefits to being undead that Bunnicula probably couldn’t magic enough fingers to count. He could, however, confirm that not feeling the cold was among them. The bundle of warm, bunny-friendly clothes that Mina had put him in before the walk was more decoration to him than anything else. Upped his cute factor, especially when he had been left by a bench to build a snowrabbit whilst his owner stopped to talk with her friends. 
The giant bee that’d just stopped to fawn over him thought so, anyway. 
His ears perked and his nose twitched at the offer. Agency? Hmm... while this big bee seemed to be buzzing with fun and all, Bunnicula had promised to Chester that he’d, at least for Mina’s sake, not go wandering or wreaking havoc on this nice, calm, relaxing winter’s day outing —
The harness couldn’t come off enough. Subtlety was cast aside as Bunnicula practically leapt to spread his ear wings. He flies circles about Charmy, yammering eagerly the whole time. 
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“Yayayayayah! Karrakarra, ehehehee!!”
Gibberish? Yes. But, excited gibberish with a tone of ‘take me to the food’? Also yes.
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