#@cow-now the six thatchers meta
pollaidh · 8 years
6 Thatchers - what do Mycroft’s code names imply?
In the opening scenes of TST Mycroft has Sherlock at the Cabinet Office, and he’s explaining how they’re going to rewrite the history of the Magnussen killing. There are 4 people in the room apart from Sherlock and Mycroft explains that the info in the meeting is for Antarctica, Lansdale, Porlock and Love codenames. It is not clear whether the secretary, Norbury, and Sherlock themselves have code-names - Norbury because she’s practically invisible, and Sherlock because he’s not one of that group.
We learn later that Lady Smallwood is ‘Love’. But the other codenames are equally interesting:
Porlock: ‘The person from Porlock’ was a visitor to ST Coleridge whilst he composed the poem ‘Kubla khan’ (”A vision in a dream: A fragment). Coleridge claimed he had received the poem in a dream (some claim actually an opium-induced haze) but when he was writing it ‘the person from Porlock’ arrived and he lost most of the words. Since then ‘the man from Porlock’ has been a literary allusion to unwind intruders who disrupt creativity. It is related to the similar literary illusion, a letter from a friend.
The story behind the poem was covered in ‘Confessions of an English Opium-Eater’ (Thomas de Quincey) but others think Porlock was a fictional creation and intended as a credible explanation of the poem’s seemingly fragmentary state.
The person from Porlock has been referenced by Douglas Adams and Conan Doyle amongst others: In Conan Doyle’s ‘Valley of Fear’ Holmes is interrupted in his work by Fred Porlock, an informant in Moriarty’s organisation, whose identity is never revealed.
The poem’s text does have some watery references including ‘streams’ and ‘ponds’.
What can we make of this?
Whichever one of these is Porlock - either the unknown (?) man at the desk, Mycroft himself, or possibly Sherlock if he’s one of the 4 (possibly the secretary was ignored). And Porlock is an informant in Moriarty’s organisation.
This may also be an indication that what happens in all or part of T6T, perhaps even further, is a dream/creation, hence its ‘seemingly fragmentary state’, though of course, it could just be an echo of the rewriting of history in the Magnussen case. However, as that rewriting is overt, there’s little literary need to reinforce it. And if it is imagination, whose? Sherlock fits the opium-induced haze ok, and the Thatcher case is mainly from his pov.
I’m probably going with Mycroft here, as he is known as ‘The Ice Man’. On the other hand:
 (1) Would he refer to himself when discussing codenames? (indeed, why are they using them in this context at all - the meeting is not being minuted, and presumably they all know each other). If we remove Mycroft from the mix then Antarctica would be Sherlock or the unknown man.
(2) Looking at the Eurus - four winds = 4 siblings theory, I had Mycroft down as the North Wind, but Antarctica would indicate the South Wind god, Notus, who is very dangerous and a friend of thieves (I thought Moriarty).
Langdale Valley is a valley in the Lake District of England. This could refer to The Valley of Fear again, but Langdale Pike (a mountain) was used by Conan Doyle himself in “The Adventure of the Three Gables”, in which: Sherlock is asked to help a mother whose son has recently died abroad in dodgy circus. Amongst the woman’s belongings are a manuscript of a novel in which the son inserted himself into the story. The story is a thinly-veiled account of a romantic affair, and is sensitive because everyone in London would be able to figure out who it was about. 
SH discovers Susan, a wheezing maid, eavesdropping.
In A Grenada TV adaptation of the story, they changed Lansdale Pike to be a benevolent counterpart of Milverton (Magnussen), a blackmailer who suppresses more than he expresses.
What can we make of this?
Langdale Pike could be a tall character.
Lansdale could be:
Sherlock - tall. But doubtful.
Norbury - secretary/maid - someone who can flit in and out without people really noticing they’re there.
The unknown man - he looks fairly tall.
More interestingly the insertion of someone into a story, and a thinly-veiled account of a romantic affair may be relevant for the JohnLock conspiracy.
All thoughts welcome...
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I figured out people on mobile can’t see my pages and so cannot access my bbc sherlock meta, ergo a post.
UMQRA = TORCH - Just ONE (+ London Spy)
UMQRA = TORCH - See no more (+ Doctor Who)
What would it sound like if “UMQRA” was replaced with “TORCH”?
UMQRA = TORCH = LOVE, substitutions in the dialogue
UMQRA - Masterpost
UMQRA - Ciphers 1/2
UMQRA - Ciphers 2/2
 ► IOU
I O U = 2 + YOU
I O U - Masterpost
Does John Watson take shorthand notes? (+ ACD Canon)
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Masterpost
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Lines: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Above the 1st
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Does “You or Me?” mean “John or James?”
YOU = JOHN and ME = MORIARTY in the dialogue
57 and 207 as 007
57even Moffat (+ Doctor Who)
57 as a reference to “The Man Who Was Wanted”
57 STARS + 1 JOHN  (+ Doctor Who, + London Spy)
From 57 to 1 (+ London Spy)
Operation 57 (+ Doctor Who)
A 57 in the licence plate
A 57 in a telephone number
57 and inverted 1895 in webpage
A 189- in the dialogue
11 is a pair of 1s
The Other One/Oswin/Osgood and replacing the Other One.
Up to 11
125 = ABE
The Other 1058 theory
44 = M
2,11 and 4
178H could be 1780 Herschel
Sonnet 14 and STARS (+ Doctor Who)
197 TPH = 1970, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Jesus had a blogger called John
XXX as the sign of the three
Cupid, lions and Omnia Vincit Amor
The Blind Banker: hic sunt leones
Corporal Lyons’ Insignias of Love
The moon is a shark
Who’s who in the Solar System metaphor?
The Moon Lamp and the Sun decoration
Sherlock, his evil twin and the moon magnifying glass
The white bear problem
Hidden Williams in surnames
Hidden Will in The Great Game
MISS M(ary) E(lizabeth)?
MAID M(ary) E(lizabeth)
Shooting and missing
Does the violin miss MI?
Miss me? = Kiss me?
A cock ring
Metaphorical trash = Sherlock and John
Red Bird, Ginger Bread, Red Bride and Ruby Bread = Red Beard
Janine = M-Aggie?
Punch de la Lune
I, the Information Point
Cow = Character A and the A Frame
Human red signal
221 Bring It = 221B Ring It
Sherlock’s high on pot (lost link)
What are you, Mikipedia?
Mycroft as a Weeping Angel
Give James Dancing Lessons
Easter eggs in John’s newspaper
Sharl-like pots in Magnussen’s office
Sherlock and John at falls in Doctor Who
YOU + TORCHWOOD easter eggs
Sir William Gay
Rainbow letters in the trailer (lost link)
Bi The Way
John leaves a rainbow trail.
Bisexual pride scarf for Watson
Human bi flag
The Bi Ball
Alex & Ajay = A lesbian & A gay
Whodunit tricks, Janine’s reaction to marriage proposal and everyone’s reactions to the “Did you miss me?” video
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Lady in Red as The Evil Queen?
Is John is the treasure of the game?
Mary = The Other One - Masterpost
Has Sherlock got a sister called Elizabeth? Is she Mary?
“Miss Me?” as Sherlock’s sister theme
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Is Lady Smallwood the Other One’s mother? Or is she Mary’s mother? (lost link)
Did the Other One drown?
Is The Abominable Bride a lot about the Other One?
Mary as the Other One, s4 additions
Mary and the Black Pearl
MISS M(oriarty) E(lizabeth)?
Now, Clara. Who’s Clara? (+ Doctor Who)
Sholto and Dimmock as a mirror for John and Sherlock
Why is the bride called Emelia?
Rory Arthur Williams comes from Moriarty and Sherlock
Hey! The flirting villain!
Fairy tales - Masterpost
Sherlock as the White Swan and the Ugly Duckling
Mary and Bonnie as the Black Swans (+ Doctor Who)
Sherlock vs The Swan Princess
Sherlock as Sleeping Beauty
Rosemund Watson as Sleeping Beauty
The Lying Detective as The Sleeping Beauty
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss (+ Once Upon A Time)
Sherlock as Pinocchio
Mary as the Blind Witch
Alice in Wonderland tea cup and Mrs. Hudson as the Mad Hatter
Mycroft as the Little Mermaid
Sherlock and Clara as Jack and the Beanstalk (+ Doctor Who)
Magnussen as Cruella De Vil
Mary As Robin Hood
The Holmeses have sorcerer’s hats
John as Brünnhilde
Episode speculation: The Yellow Trace and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz parallels  
Episode speculation: The Dancing Man and Cinderella parallels
Episode speculation: The Second Star and Peter Pan parallels
The Abominable Bride vs Frozen
Eurus as the Snow Queen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Bitter Suite?
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Unaired Pilot vs The Greater Good
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - A Study in Pink vs The Royal Couple of Thieves
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Series 3 / 4 vs A Cradle of Hope
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Dirty Half Dozen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Six Thatcher vs Maternal Instincts
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Magnussen vs Ming T’ien
Dialogue comparison: high-functioning sociopath
Offensive: an Implication of impropriety (+ Doctor Who)
Dealing with falls = Changing the future = Marriage (+ Doctor Who)
The Lying Detective vs Blink
Sherlock vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes - Emile the husband, Emelia the wife
Sherlock vs Rebecca - His Last Vow vs Rebecca
Sherlock vs The Birds - The Hounds of Baskerville vs The Birds
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy
Sherlock vs Dellamorte Dellamore
Sherlock vs James Bond - A Scandal In Belgravia vs Casino Royale (2006)
His Last Vow vs Un Dollaro Bucato?
Haruhi Suzumiya: a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes as a schoolgirl with supernatural powers? (+ ACD canon, + Haruhi Suzumiya)
The Naked Sun vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes vs A Scandal In Belgravia
The phone is a handkerchief
A visual metaphor for a wedding
Cupid in the titles
Visual love triangle
Between My Legs frame
Finishing each other’s sentences
“We” as romantic coding
Sherlock shooting at the Yellow Face as fellatio innuendo
A Pen Holder with Spades
Graffiti identification: an Ace of Spades?
Sherlock’s locks might be inspired by Mr. Darcy’s (+ Pride and Prejudice 1995)
Sherlock likes John in a green coat
How to build a Sherlock
She = Sherlock
Save John Watson = save your love
Eurus = Trapped Woman in The Elegible Bachelor
The Abominable Bride vs Kill Bill: the Death List
To go
Odd eyes = Pirate eyepatches
John = Yellow Face again
2 heads with AGRA got smashed
Gabrielle Ashdown = Gabrielle Valladon
Timeline of 57′s mentions in Moffat’s work
UMQRA = TORCH gifsets: x x x
Gifset: BC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: modern version
Gifset: BBC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: Victorian version
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy gifsets: x x x x x
Pride flags gifsets: TAB
Gay! I mean… Hey.
Gifset: My wordplay theories
Sherlock’s opening remade like Xena: Warrior Princess’
BBC Sherlcok Modern Pokéverse
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in The Abominable Gardevoir
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