orbitutmost · 7 years
20/20 Vision!!!
Thanks @sleepyartistan for the tag, sorry its so late
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: William
Nickname: Will, ... yeah that’s about it.
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5′ 9.5″ (w/ heavier build, but not huge shouldered.)
Orientation: Straight (no killeroni plz.)
Ethnicity: white (50% German, 50% European RNG)
Favorite fruit: Apples!
Favorite season: idc tbh. Fall is good. Winter in TX is great because it’s like 70 degrees F
Favorite book series: old favorites are Eragon series and Redwall series. Some good one-off’s are 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Count of Monte Cristo, and “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth” by Chris Hadfeild.
Favorite flower: dunno. blue bonnets?
Favorite scent: the oils/wood grindings/mechanisms of a garage or workshop. That or the clean but slightly electrical smell of an electronics lab. fun stuff.
Favorite color: blue, fav combo is blue+white
Coffee, tea or cocoa: uhh..... soda.
Average sleep hours: anywhere from 2 to 16. depends on what’s going on. I’ve pulled all-nighters back-to-back and I’ve slept 25 hours straight through... so. meh.
Cat or dog person: but consider--- robots. I’d pick dogs tho, between the 2.
Favorite fictional characters: Viktor, Braum, Jayce (LoL), Korra (LoK), Edward or Cpt. Mustang (FMA), Baymax (Big Hero 6), Richard Castle (Castle), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Marvel), Canach (GW2), Genos (OPM), Mark Watney (The Martian), and finally Baby (Baby Driver).
Number of blankets you sleep with:  a (1) sheet or comforter/blanket. It’s Texas, so I never really need more than that.
Dream trip: I’m cheating, I have 2. 
A) grab some friends and tunes and hit the road. Doesn’t really matter who - if you’re one of my friends, lets roll. Exp driving at night when you have the road all to yourself (ie. 3am) with the tunes going - nothing better man.
B) already got to do this trip, but going to FTC (or any robotics) world Championships with a team I like. Nothing beats working on robots, and doing it in a helpful, chaotic environment, with a team that’s dedicated and gelling - man is it a blast.
C) Mars or another space trip. I wouldn’t be coming back from this one. And that opens up some really cool options. But that’s for another post.
Blog created: July 20, 2015
Number of followers: 215
@formaldeehyde @kjkan @dreamiestdaddydamien @jimbobdallas (sorry sleepy already got you once lol) @sotear @serious-bread @shurimancurator @laboongucci @cielo-mist @butt-berry @ryuzoku <-- why cant i tag you.
eh 10/20 isn't bad.
obvs if you dont wanna, dont.
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orbitutmost · 8 years
Project Opening Bookend
Alright, so most of you don’t know nor care, but it was @sleepyartistan ‘s birthday last Saturday. @sleepyartistan, here’s a little birthday present (though I’m still working on making them. It takes longer than I expected.)
Her playlists are just amazing, so I thought this a good format to show them off a little. Hopefully ya’ll enjoy. 
There will be another one of these to bookend the series after it’s done. All series posts will be tagged with “Sleepy Bday Lyrics”.
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orbitutmost · 8 years
Tagged by: @sleepyartistan​
Rules: Tag people you want to know better. (or ya know, whoever, idc)
Birthday: June 29 (A DAY AWAY!)
Relationship status: Single and eh. Whatev.
Siblings: One younger Bro who is probably my best friend.
Favorite color: Navy blue (think white and blue mustang)
Wake up time & bedtime: uh... fk. So I’m literally nocturnal. If I have to do something or be somewhere ill get up or go to bed (like during school) but if I’m given free reign... Wake @ 4pm, go to bed @ 8am. Maybe. It kinda just depends on when i get tired.
Love or lust: Love
Lemonade or iced tea: LEMONADE
Cats or dogs: neither? I’m not good at keeping plants alive, so I’m not gonna attempt an animal. Honestly, I’ll be happy with my robots. :-)
Coke or pepsi: Coke 100%. All the time. But root beer is good too.
Day or night: night 90%. Its good to see the sun sometimes but honestly I love just sitting at my PC talking to people on the other side of the world or looking at stars or late night chats when everyone is a little drunk on lack of sleep - so many awesome things only really happen at night.
Text or call: Whatever the other person wants. I probably use skype more, especially for intensive convos, but text/msg has its advantages for some scenarios. Yeah I really don’t have a pref, hmu on whatever.
Makeup or au naturel: Uh. n/a? Hair gel on occasion?
Smile or eyes: Smile 65%. I just tend to notice smiles first, not sure there’s any preference.
Light or dark hair: Either. Probably dark but it kinda depends on the person. Anything other than silver/bleach on most people.
Shorter or taller: Shorter, just because I can be a pillow more easily. And I fully enjoy being a pillow for the smols. Also being asked to grab high-up stuff is fun.
Intelligence or attractiveness: I guess intelligence over attractiveness, but really personalty/character trumps both.
City or country: City, 90%. Nothing against the country, but I’d rather live in the city for practical reasons - Concerts and friends and utilities.
Last song you listened to: Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Hmm….I tag: @sotear @boushi--adams @butt-berry @shurimancurator @sprinton (outside of my “normal” circle becuase @sleepyartistan already tagged everyone. ) (don’t feel pressured to answer if you don’t want to!)
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