#[ ᴄᴏᴍᴍ ғʀᴇϙᴜᴇɴᴄʏ ]; ﹙sʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ﹚
rcginaxgnis · 2 years
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Anonymous sent: Even if you had managed to destroy a whole galaxy, where would you get supplies, like food for one? 
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 “What, you think I’m not self-sufficient? That was my first obstacle in terms of even realistically beginning this whole thing - how am I going to have what I need to survive? I won’t go through the entire process, but...”
 “In terms of food, it was simple enough - ʜᴀʀᴠᴇsᴛ what I need both for immediate use and storage, then develop technology to synthesize it if need be. As long as I have the basic formula and can determine calculations, I can remake just about 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 organic I can get my hands on. Sure, the synthesized stuff doesn’t taste exactly the same, but it sure beats not having anything at all if I ever get low on the real stuff.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: Wait, uhm, this is no hate just confusion- so.. Its ok when people take canonically straight characters and make them bi in the intent with shipping them with the same gender.. But not when they make lesbian characters bi..? Because I heard this a lot..
// - Hey, thanks for the question. Yes, it is absolutely okay to make canon straight/cis characters LGBT+ because straight/cis people don’t face discrimination like LGBT+ people do. There’s literally no harm in it.
Let me put it for you this way. You probably can’t name a single form of media that doesn’t have a straight/cis character in it (or ‘cishet’ which is the term I’ll use from now on bc it makes it quicker to type). Cishets have ALWAYS been represented in media & never discriminated against (not counting POC but that’s another discussion better suited for someone else bc I am white). Meanwhile, LGBT+ people have had to CONSTANTLY fight for representation in media & even basic human rights.
So to take a canon LGBT+ character & make them straight/cis (don’t get me started on ‘genderbending’) is perpetuating erasure & homophobia/transphobia. There IS harm in this, regardless of the intent.
It’s the exact same thing with taking a canon lesbian & making them attracted to men, or taking a canon bi person & making them lesbian/gay, or taking a canon gay man & making them attracted to women. It’s a matter of respect - as a community, we should support each other, not erase the representation we do get. Allies should understand this too.
I hope this helped explain things. My inbox is open if you have other questions, I’ll answer them to the best of my ability.
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: god step on my neck
Anonymous sent: okay wait. sorry. thats weird. i just saw you talking about destroying planets and how much you enjoy it and WHEW 😳
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  Dominator can’t help but LAUGH. It takes her a moment to calm down and she wipes a fake tear from her eye, still snickering. “Oh wow, it’s been a while since I got something like this. But kudos, this one was actually funny!”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: PINK slippers? LOL what're you, a prep?
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  “What are you, stupid?”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: was Sylvia your first friend? 👁️👁️
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   "͜NO ̛SHUT͜ UP̶ ̢I̛'LL̕ ͠KILL̷ ̨Y͡OU!!!́"͠
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: I hope you don’t mind me asking, but the way you’re always active and about and such… you have insomnia by any chances? Could explain why you hardly sleep.
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  “Not really insomnia, no. I have ADHD, for one thing, I have LOT of energy and so I kinda HAVE to being moving or I’ll get bored or agitated. Except for when I hyper-focus on my work, that is. I mean I don’t really need a lot of sleep anyway - I’ve gone a LONG time without it before. I think the longest I went without sleeping was when I first started working on my ship.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: Hey Lord Dominator! I would be pleasantly interested to know what your detailful Thoughts on the Song called Packing Heat(Super Elite Theme) are? 😎
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  “I love when people recommend music for me to check out. Alright, first thoughts? That instrumental grabbed my attention right away. The lyrics fit the whole of it SUPER WELL. Gotta say, my favorite part of the song are these lyrics:
  This is SO going on my playlist.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: Last day of Pride, sir! How much are you planning to homosexualize for the occasion? 🏳️‍🌈🎆🔥
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  “I’m gonna break the current record, that’s what I’m planning. Coincidentally, the last few records were set by ME. I get stronger every year!”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: In this context, I'm pretty sure fancam means a highlight reel of you doing awesome things and looking iconic (with maybe a glitter overlay added or something) with music playing over it. People make 'em of famous people they think are amazing.tl;dr that anon wants a video tribute of you kicking ass and taking names and being a total baddie
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  “Ooooh, okay. I mean, if people wanna make highlight videos of me being awesome, I say go for it. It’s gonna be hard to pick just a few highlights though, kicking ass and taking names is a full time job for me.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: i need a fancam of you right now omfgg
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  “A what now?”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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  @titanswill​ sent: "Humans are EXHAUSTING."
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  “Oh my grop, 𝖳𝖤𝖫𝖫 𝖬𝖤 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖨𝖳.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: Did you have holidays on your home planet? :o
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  “Yeah. It wasn’t a LAME planet.”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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Anonymous sent: why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? 
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  “Can you like, go have a stroke somewhere else?”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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@thegreatestinthegalaxy sent: "HEYY, HAPPY ARO WEEK!!!"
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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@wandereroftheuniverses-blog​ said: Wander came in and sneaking inside carrying a present in his hand. OOC: I wanted to do this where it's Christmas.
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  Dominator just sighed and spoke over her intercom. “I can LITERALLY see you on my cameras right now, fuzzball. What do you want?”
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rcginaxgnis · 3 years
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  “Heyyy, you got it!”
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