#[ ◉¯] ✧˖° ♡ → And just say the word.. We'll take on the world.. [ Matt || Blindbastard ]
crisispider · 6 months
♣ + spideydevil :)
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → @blindbastard + send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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✧˖° → WHO IS THE BETTER DANCER? Everyone knows Peter can't dance. It's just common knowledge, sure he will say that he can and he will give it his best WHITE GUY go of it but like at the end of the day if there is to be a better dancer it isn't Peter.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES THE OUTDOORS MORE AND WHO LIKES THE INDOORS MORE? See the thing is they are both new york boys, and like I would argue that they both like being outside in their city a fair and maybe equal amount, maybe Peter a little more than Matt if that's not exactly his full thing.
Now if we are talking full on camping/hiking/fishing/sports that sort of thing? See that's hard to say. Peter is very much a city boy he had no interest in any of that ans is very much an indoor boy.
✧˖° → WHO'S A CAT PERSON AND WHO'S A DOG PERSON? I feel like they are both definitely CAT BOYS, because like I mean... look at them. So clearly what I am hearing is that they need to adopt a kitten together.
✧˖° → WHO'S MORE SOCIAL? Mhmmm going off what I know of Matt (and I could be wrong so tell me if I am!) I would imagine that Peter is the more social one of the two of them. Peter loves making friends and is all about community when he isn't in a depression spiral.
✧˖° → WHO MAKES THE BED EVERY MORNING? Matt would have to do a whole lot of SWEET TALKING if he wants Peter to make any bed, he thinks it's the silliest thing in the world... buuuut sometimes you can convince him to do it.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE COLD AND WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE WARM? Peter struggles with temperature regulation to the point that it can even effect his mood, so he tries to keep it at a really comfortable temp a little chilly but not too chilly. He is occasionally a time to put up with Matt.
✧˖° → WHO TAKES LONGER GETTING READY? See the thing is they are both heroes and needing to be able to get in and out of costumes and lightening speed but Peter is also full of ADHD so when he isn't trying to race off to fight crime or avoid getting caught in his costume it takes him forever to get out the door and he is often late to pretty much everything even when it isn't because of superheroing.
Okay so here is the thing. Peter is just an all around movies person. He loves pretty much any genre of film too. He loves the adrenaline rush from a really good scary movie. (Or the giggle of all the outrageously bad ones.) He loves romances and comedies and dramas that make him cry. So it would all depend on if Matt happens to have a favorite genre that he prefers.
I mean... one of them kinda IS a bug. (yes we know that spiders are not bugs but shhhhhh) So I can't really imagine either one of them are the type to really scream about a bug in the house, and Peter tends to live a pretty big 'capture & release' policy for pretty much all living creatures.
See.. here is the thing, I would argue it's technically Matt, but only because Peter is a genius who literally builds his own web shooters and gear more often than he doesn't.
Have you met Peter B. Parker? Obviously it's him.
I would make an argument for either one of them, they both have a lot of unresolved trauma and need therapy. Nightmares happen. But I feel like they both have cute ways to help comfort the other when it happens.
Peter is the living embodiment of ADHD most days. It's obviously him, but it's never done on purpose, he is just... forgetful.
I would say... Matt? I don't know if I would say he LIKES it, but he is a lawyer and there is so much suit wearing happening on a daily basis, as to where Peter would like to actively avoid suits at all cost.
Matt. He does tie one every day after all, but Peter is desperately trying to learn to do it better so he can do it for Matt in the morning. ( I have a million and one headcanons about how helping your partner get dressed in the morning or for bed and having established domestic routines like that is just Peter's jam.)
It's both of them, because if Matt isn't involved the message is absolutely going to be the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Peter can't do anything at a CHILL level.
I would say... Peter. He is a hopeless romantic, and when he tries? Oooo that boy can be so smooth. (In an awkward dorky kind of way.) He loves, love. He loves being in love? and he loves Matt. This isin't to say he doesn't mess up, because we all know that he does. He misses important dates, and he is always late, but I think because both of them are superheros they would find this lovely little balance that could be so cute and sweet? Thing of the patrolling dates!
Peter. He has a lot nerdy shirts. Don't judge him.
Peter. Peter has such a fucking sweet tooth that sometimes you really should be treating him like a child.
It's hard to say, I wouldn't really classify either of them as really drinkers persay... but I do know that Peter is way more of a stoner and prefers a high to a drunk any day.
Again I say, have you met Peter Benjamin Parker? He finds ways to make jokes in literally EVERY situation. It's what he does.
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shinestarhwaa · 6 months
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Pt1 | Pt2 | Pt3
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Seonghwa x Named Fem Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Tags/warnings: Strangers to lovers AU, Readers name is Julie, Trauma concerning parents/fights/abandonment/alcohol, anxiety, starting a new life
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @wh0re4yunsangho @vesvosmozhno
''Stupid piece of shit,'' you cursed, kicking your matte black bicycle. It seemed like everything about the world was against you and now you got a flat tire for crying out loud. Luckily you were close enough to home to walk home as it was only a few more minutes away. When you got home you threw your bike on the floor and walked into the hallway, kicking off your sneakers. Lola would probably complain about you not cleaning up right away but right now your world was crumbling down.
Lola already noticed the way you felt when she saw the look on your face. ''Bad day?'' she asked, opening her arms. You let yourself fall down on the couch and curl up into her arms. ''The worst. The pictures didn't come out the way I wanted them to, the model was a cruel bitch and I got a flat tire, like... What is up with the world today?''
Your sister gently stroked your hair to calm you down. ''Why don't you go for a swim and we'll have pasta after?'' You nodded. A swim always worked for you and it was one of the reasons you and Lola moved to this town anyways. You quickly got into your bikini and walked out of the backdoor, entering the beach. You ran towards the sea and closed you eyes, breathing in and out deeply, taking in the salty air.
It felt like home to you. After all the shit everyone's put you through you always felt safe and at home when you got into the water of the sea. You remember the way your mom and dad used to yell and the way Lola hid herself under the dining table and you locked yourself in the bathroom, the only place in the house where the door had a lock, the only place no one would bother you.
Every summer you'd beg for your parents to let you go for a swim, or to go to the beach as a family trip. Those days were the only days that truly brought you happiness. Those days were the only days they'd shut up. It became your safe place then and it stayed that way.
To you, the beach and the sea were reliable. Your parents were the opposite. After years of fighting, screaming and punching holes into the walls your father left without saying goodbye. You heard he lived somewhere in a big city across the world and rumors went on about him having a new family. You never felt the need to find out the truth though, because he was the one cutting himself out of your lives 10 years ago.
You ran your hands through your hair and felt the cold water surround your body, easing the tension. You swam for a while, just enjoying the coolness and the way you floated in the water.
''Watch out Julie! The waves are getting bigger, you should get out of the water!'' a voice suddenly called out. It was Lola. You looked around and saw dark clouds above the water. Realizing the sea would become rougher you decided it was indeed better if you got out of there. You stepped back onto the land and took Lola's hand, who was waiting for you by the shore.
After eating the delicious pasta carbonara that Lola made you go get ready to go out. You felt a little bloated because you ate so much but how could you not? Your sister made all the effort to make you a nice meal. Lola was an amazing chef and you always told her to do something with it, but Lola's passions were elsewhere.
Lola was always caring, practically has been since birth. Even though you were the older sister she knew just how to take care of you and make you feel better. Sometimes you were sorry about not being the best sister, because you should be caring for her more often too. Because who is looking out for Lola? Therefore, you decide to go out on your own to make her happy.
It wasn't entirely voluntarily but you think Lola might kill you if you didn't go out now. You shimmied into a black dress and put on black sandals to match with it. ''Wow, aren't you a sunshine,'' your sister commented sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. ''Shut up, I need a new summer wardrobe.'' ''Still? It's June,'' she laughed, ''You look beautiful. It's good for you to go out. After what Jake and Lexie did to you... You deserve new friends, and maybe you'll even meet a guy~'' she teased. ''Lola, please,'' you grinned, ''find one for yourself.''
''Oh, I don't know, I like being free right now, I don't have plans to commit to anyone this summer. Maybe later though. We can go out together to hunt for men,'' she laughed. ''Deal.''
The way to the Seashell bar wasn't long, but it was long enough for you to get sand in all kinds of places. You sighed as you leaned against the outside wall of the bar, shaking the sand out of your shoes. You wriggled yourself back into them and made your way into the bar. The music was loud, but the bar looked welcoming. You saw many people dancing, laughing, singing, some even kissing. A small smile played on your lips as you watched a couple feed food to each other.
You got to the bar and sat down on one of the empty stools. You ordered a 'sex on the beach' cocktail and looked around a little. A guy with dark hair sat next to you. ''This seat free?'' he asked. His darkbrown eyes shone - or twinkled, in the coloured spotlights, a smile forming on his lips.
''Well, I believe you already sat down so technically it's not free. But you can sit there, yes,'' you answered. You mentally slapped yourself for such a lame response, worried he might pick it up as offensive, but instead he laughed. It was a beautiful laugh.
You coolly wanted to take a sip of your drink but you nearly spilled it all over his thigh. ''Fuck, shit, sorry,'' you cursed. You covered your mouth with your hand and sighed. ''It's okay,'' he smiled, ''you didn't spill it. What are you drinking anyways?'' ''Oh, uhm, sex on the beach.'' His eyes grew wider before breaking out in laughter again. ''You nearly spilled 'sex on the beach' all over my lap? I would've been down, I guess. I don't know about all the sand though, it causes chafing and irritation.'' You laughed and blushed a little. ''Right, I'm sorry,'' you apologized again.
''Hey, it's fine, calm down. My name's Seonghwa. I haven't seen you here before, are you new?'' You nodded. ''Yeah, I'm fairly new to town, just moved here with my sister. I'm Julie,'' you introduced yourself, shaking his hand. ''Nice to meet you Julie. Where are you from originally?'' ''Oh, I'm from the other side of the country, small village, you would not know it. I moved here like a month ago so I'm still exploring it all here.''
Seonghwa nodded and smiled. ''Well I'd love to show you around and show you all the good places to go out, or the good restaurants? I don't know what you're into. Except for sex on the beach.'' He laughed again. He seemed like a really happy, sweet and content guy. 'What must that be like?' You thought to yourself.
''I do like the cocktail yes, it's far less disappointing than the actual thing. But uhm, I am a photographer so I need to find places that are good for shooting pics... I do nature and portraits mostly but I would also like to dabble in stuff for fashion... And I love spending time at the beach and in the water,'' you told him. You took a few sips from the cocktail, the fruity sweetness feeling like a reward after a sucky day like this. ''Well, I'm your man,'' he grinned, ''I grew up here! You should come with me for a tour through this town.''
You had a weird feeling about Seonghwa. Nothing bad, but there was a tingle you couldn't recognize. You smiled and nodded, agreeing with his offer. Lola told you to get out of your comfort zone, be it with friends, lovers or even complimenting a stranger. Why not go around the city with a guy you just met. What could possibly go wrong?
The answer is: absolutely nothing. You found Seonghwa to be a delight to be around. He told you everything about the city and showed you beautiful places to take pictures and you snapped some shots with your camera so you'd remember what it looked like. It could come in handy for later.
You had spend the entire day with him and when you laid in bed at night you couldn't get it out of your head, although you weren't sure why. Suddenly your phone beeped and you checked your message.
Seonghwa: Hey, I had a great time today :) Hope to see you again soon!!
You smiled widely, feeling happy and grateful that he enjoyed it too. Tears welled up in your eyes and you held your phone close to your chest as you took a deep breath. Someone liked you and wanted to hang out with you. You made a new friend. It was hard to see the positive things sometimes but Lola taught you to look at your goals and progress. You met someone new, you made a friend, and that is a good thing.
The next morning you were back in the park that Seonghwa took you to yesterday. You put on a flowery dress to fit into the scene because you were planning to shoot a few self-portraits too, because no matter how much you hated them you really were in need of recent pictures of yourself for your website, socials and artistic portfolio.
You were busy cleaning your lens when you suddenly felt something soft hit your ankle. ''Huh?'' You looked down and saw the fluffiest dog you had seen in your life, picking up the orange ball that had rolled your way. ''Peaches, baby, come here, let's not bother strangers. Peaaaches, listen to mama!'' The dog, assumably called Peaches barked and ran back to the woman running your way.
She seemed to be around your age and her dark curls bounced up and down as she ran downhill. ''Good boy,'' she chanted as Peaches gave her the ball he carried in his mouth. ''Sorry about him, he gets a little excited sometimes,'' the lady excused herself. ''Oh that's okay! I was only cleaning my lens, I wasn't taking a picture,'' you said with a smile.
''Ooh, that's a cool camera, you're a photographer?'' ''I am, have been for two years,'' you nodded. You hesitated a little but decided to ask anyways. ''I'm Juliette Taylor but most people call me Julie, could I maybe take a few pics of you and your dog? You two look so cute together!'' The woman seemed pleasantly surprised. ''Oh my gosh, thank you! I made an effort for my outfit today,'' she grinned, ''I'm going on a coffeedate with friends later. But yeah, sure! You can take pictures of us! I'm Mona by the way.''
Mona shook your hand and discussed the type of vibe you wanted to create in your pictures. You smiled as you watched her play with Peaches. The pictures turned out really well and you promised to send them to Mona when you edited them. She was about to take off again but she suddenly stopped in her tracks.
You looked up and nodded, ''Yes?'' ''Would you like to come with me? You just told me you're new and all that and maybe it would be nice to meet some people from around here... It's just gonna be me and two other friends and I'm sure they'd love to meet you. Wanna tag along?'' ''N-Now..?'' You felt anxiety rise up but you remembered Lola's words. You had to get out of your comfort zone sometimes, you had to go out to start over.
''Yeah... Yeah I'd like that,'' you said. You packed your stuff back into your bag and walked with Mona. ''What's your story, Julie?'' Mona asked. You sighed and grinned a bit. ''It's a long story and a dramatic one. So the short version is I just moved here with my younger sister to start a new life.'' Mona nodded and smiled. ''Well a new life means a lot of new opportunities, right? Sounds like fun, starting over.'' You just smiled, knowing she meant well but there was nothing fun about starting over for you. But it was necessary.
Soon enough you reached the coffeeshop where Mona's friends were seated. The blonde girl waved you over, ''Mona, we're seated over here!'' ''Hi girls, I hope you don't mind but I just met a new friend! This is Julie, she is new in town so I figured I'd bring her! Julie, this is Mimi and that is Priya!''
You greeted the two other girls and sat next to Mona, across from Priya. ''Nice to meet you,'' she said kindly. Her style was classy but cool and she seemed like a real business lady. Her big brown eyes looked kind, wise and reassuring and you immediately felt comfortable at the table. Mimi, the blonde, was excited and bubbly, almost immediately asking all about your life.
Without any problem they adopted you into their little friendgroup - of course including Peaches too. You learned that the three of them grew up in the area and they went to school together. You loved how their different cultures brought them closer, they seemed to be so involved with and curious about one another and they listened carefully to your every word.
'''So, Julie, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?'' Mimi asked, looking at you intently as she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows. You smiled softly and shook your head. ''I don't have a relationship but...'' ''Ooh, there's a but!'' Priya pointed out. ''Buuut... I did meet someone this week, this guy, his name is Seonghwa and we met in a bar and we hung out a whole day... We're not dating but I cannot say I... would not date him...?''
''Ooh, is he cute? Hot? Handsome? Tall?'' Mona asked. ''Oh he is all those things. But I doubt he'd like me romantically. Although...'' ''Ooh, there is an although!'' Priya pointed out yet again, making the other girls laugh. ''Althouuughhh... He did make a few sexy jokes because I was drinking a sex on the beach and I nearly dropped it all over his pants.'' ''Well, considering he is a guy and you're pretty hot, I am sure he's down for it, why not go for it?'' Mona asked. ''Nooo,'' you said, shaking your head. ''Oh come on, Julie~ You should totally try it, why not go for it?''
''Hi Julie, this is Seonghwa!'' ''Oh, hi there, how have you been?'' Wow, could you be any less enthusiastic? ''I've been good! So uhm, I was wondering if you're free tomorrow.'' ''Tomorrow? Yeah, I'm free, why?'' You could feel your heart beating loudly in your throat. ''Because I'd like to spend time with you, ofcourse. Any way, see you at three in the park?'' ''Yes, see you at thre-'' Beep. Beep. Beep.
Seonghwa must have been in a rush because he hung up the phone quickly. He also had sounded shaky and nervous, you noticed now. You wondered why, but tried to shake off the thought. You decided not to tell Lola about this one because she might get too excited over it and you didn't know if this was a romantic thing or not.
You did send a message to your new friend. They already put you in their little groupchat yesterday and they were talking all the time. You were happy to have found them because they were so great, supportive and fun to talk with. They immediately texted back about how excited they were for you.
The next day you had spent the entire day picking the perfect outfit, eventually deciding on a white summer dress and cute sneakers to go with it. When you arrived at the park you could already see him from afar sitting on a plaid, dressed in a blue button up shirt and white jeans. His smile was bright and his eyes twinkled again, this time in the sunlight. You waved and walked up to him.
''Hi, Seonghwa,'' you smiled as you sat beside him. '''Hey there, beautiful.'' He made you blush already, not even a minute in. Maybe this was a date after all? ''I don't know if you're on a diet or have allergies so I made a bunch of stuff so you'd have something to eat and drink,'' he said, showing off all the food and drinks he brought along, including vegetarian, vegan and even glutenfree snacks. You felt a stinging pain in your chest when you watched him talk about the food. You didn't know people could be so thoughtful and kind, you barely knew him and he was already going all out for you. You didn't deserve that, you thought.
The entire afternoon you ate, drank and talked, about your job, your sister and you also learned he's a primary school teacher at the school close to your house. He spoke passionately about his work and his friends. You sighed a little, feeling so small suddenly. It wasn't that he was doing or saying anything wrong. He was being amazing. But he reminded you that he's everything you're not.
He is bubbly while you get sad often. He is full of passion while you lost yours. His face contains beauty you never knew before. He was everything you wanted to be. It made you choke up a little, so you chose to only smile and nodd until you felt the heartache die down again.
''You're distracted,'' he notices. ''Right sorry,'' you nodded and apologized. ''It's okay, focus on me,'' he says, gently taking your hand. You looked him deep in his eyes and felt something spark inside your body. Seonghwa pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours. Your body tensed up. Everything was moving so fast, so fast because you weren't sure why he was kissing you. Why was he kissing you? You met a few days ago and now he's kissing you? So many worries and thoughts flooded your brain but when Seonghwa deepened the kiss and held you close to his chest every single thought seemed to disappear.
You went blank and could only focus of the sensation of Seonghwa's lips and the tingling feeling inside your abdomen. When he ended the kiss he smiled widely and he held you as he kept talking to you for the rest of the afternoon. It was definitely a date.
''Lola, Lola please listen to me, he kissed me. He kissed me! He barely knows me. He doesn't know I am fucked up yet! I'm a mess and I'm a sad little bitch and he doesn't know it yet. Shouldn't he deserve to know that? What the hell do I do now?''
You were panicking, yelling into the speaker of your phone while your sister tried to shush you and calm you down. ''Okay, he kissed you and it felt good, tell me again why that is a big problem?'' ''Because good things are never good Lola! Everyone hurt me, everyone left me behind. I was so, so sure I was having a good relationship last year too but then he cheated on me with my best friend so what do I fucking know? And dad left, and mom's in rehab and you are like the only person I have left to keep me sane but I am damaged, Lola, I'm a mess!''
''Jeez, Julie. Calm your tits. If only you went to get help for your mental health like I told you to you wouldn't freak out so much. Just because you were hurt earlier doesn't mean Seonghwa will hurt you. And the kiss was good, right? You felt good? You felt sparkles? Well, give it a try then!''
''But... But what if I mess it up again?'' ''Darling, you were never the one messing stuff up. Everything happened to you. But do not let it hold you back any longer. Seize this opportunity, Julie, seize it. Go for it. Go out there. Make mistakes, because that's part of life but don't let the good moments in life scare you anymore. Dare to love. Dare to fall in love. It will be good to you, I promise. Maybe he is not the one, sure, but give it a shot. Give him a chance to be your romeo. Because Juliette does not need him, but she has a hell of a lot more fun with him.''
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crisispider · 1 year
[text: Peter] Fe2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2?
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[ 📱✧˖° → It's hot when you say OBJECTION !!! ]
[ Sent - 6:43 PM ] » OH MY GOD !!!! YOU DIDN'T! [ Sent - 6:43 PM ] » But like yeah! I can be there in like an hour? [ Sent - 6:44 PM ] » Do you want me to bring dinner? I'm thinking italian? Love me a GOOD SAUSAGE.
[ Sent - 6:45 PM ] » Or maybe chinese? Idk [ Sent - 6:45 PM ] » What are you feeling?
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