localwebslingers · 1 year
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starter for @blindbastard
"I'm serious, you ever need some kind of help, find Matt. Just go to the office man, they'll definitely help you out and are the best out there for it, I promise."
....it took about three months for things to go from already pretty bad, to definitely bad, to Peter finally reaching the point of maybe needing help. To the point of actually calling the office number on the wearing out card still somehow in his wallet from back when all of this started, and making an appointment. Or, rather it took another two weeks to convince himself it was completely fine and set up an appointment to show up. In Hell's Kitchen...at his former lawyer's office.
That's totally fine, right?
Peter did not expect Peter 3 to actually know who Matt Murdock was, let alone to be dating back in his world. The sudden assurance of being able to get help was nice, but Peter didn't really think about it a lot at the time. Not with everything else happening. It was only when he was evicted and it was staying that way that Peter thought maybe he at least give it a try. The worse thing that could happen was they couldn't do anything for him and that was okay. He'd figure something out. Somehow.
That was how he got to his current spot of sitting in the office and trying not to fidget, at least passed his leg continually bouncing, as he waited for his turn. Trying not to feel weird about this, or panic. More than he already kind of was. This would be so much easier if people actually knew who he was, it was like introducing himself all over again and Peter had just barely started talking to MJ casually as a customer. How was he supposed to get legal advice? Where did he even start with what he was having trouble with?
"....hey Mr. Murdock, you don't remember me, but my sort-of-brother is dating you in another universe and said you can still help me out if I ever needed it...." he mumbled under his breath, letting his head fall back and hit the wall. Yeah, maybe don't say that. For all he knew that was the fast pass to getting committed...somewhere. And people still needed Spider-Man just, maybe not Peter Parker. Peter blew out a heavy sigh, it was just help with finding where he could stay...actually stay. It was fine, he didn't need to freak out.
"....." maybe he should just go anyways, they're probably really busy.
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[ inbox ] ⸻ @blindbastard ⸻ It might be my birthday, but you're the most important person in the room tonight. (for Karen <3)
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There's an incredibly important duty of hers to be done today. Of such utmost importance that she had been in the office early. First to get some work done and while Matt may not benefit from the decor she puts up, everyone else who came by would absolutely have to know there's a birthday boy to be celebrated. Foggy teases her for that, the reminder that the man in question is blind, as if they both didn't have faxes they were ignoring to put up some tinsel and add cheer to the occasionally glummy office.
It'll be special this year and every year after, but it's the first birthday that this duty falls on her shoulders not only as his friend or something complicated in between, but as his girlfriend. It's a lot of responsibilty, and she's happy to lead the charge in organizing the celebration. Matt Murdock's not wiggling his way out of a celebration, at his friends and loved ones getting to spoil him and there were plans for a little get together, a few drop bys, over a dinner (nothing fancy; its all of matt's comforts) and a few drinks.
There was no surprising Matt, but he still in good nature smiles when Foggy blows the kazoo and Karen ambushes with a party hat to wear, at least for one picture (okay, she snuck two more pictures for herself) before they got about their day in the office. What work they could get done gets tucked back into their desks, and moved onto the fun part. Dinner, drinks, a few of Matt's other friends invited to drop by and a corner booth of a bar taken over the Nelson & Murock crew.
Her arm had linked around his arm, gently guiding him along and her focus on what Foggy's saying. A joke, big arm gestures, and she's laughing over his story about college Matt and Foggy hijinks and memories. Eventually they moised into the bar and claim their corner, it's there that the tinsel banner she had tucked in purse gets pulled out. With Foggy's help, they stick the banner to the wall which Karen gives the barkeep an apologetic smile but continues to hang up the HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if only because it'd make it easiest for those invited to wish Matt well would find them.
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Keeping to her two glass limit, she's sipping on her second rose lemonade (choice of the night) while Jessica is razzing Matt. Her eyes scan over, noting the way that he seems to relax over the course of the conversation. It's nice to simply look at him without notice. After a few moments, lull hits in Matt's conversation and picks up among others and he finds his way over to her. The bar's not romantic, far from that. The music is not quite loud enough to really feel nor is the song really any kind of dance song.
However, a hand is offered out to her and she takes his, decides on the moment to get to her feet and sweep him away. Not far from the others, they only really had the space for this party in this corner booth. Conversations still well within Karen's earshot, but her focus is all on Matt now that she's got him to her again.
❝ Having a good time? ❞ She had asked, voice a little softer and looking up to his face, searching for the first signs that he's happy with all of this, with life and her, his birthday. ❝ I just wanted tonight to be something special, felt important to make sure it was, for your birthday. ❞
It might be my birthday, but you're the most important person in the room tonight.
Her heart skips an extra beat when he turns her words right around on her, her head shakes a small moment with her lips curling upward. Grip tightens, pulling him in and her head moving forward to connect with his shoulder. ❝ Hey ⸺ none of that. ❞
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nightmdic · 7 months
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She can still hear Clarie's voice in the back of her mind - the nurse she tended to work with during the day at the hospital, one of the very few other's beyond Bouncer who knew of the Clinic and her title there as Medic. Someone she started considering a friend who encouraged her to go on this blind date.
i know this really nice cafe, you two will love it! i'll set it up and everything -
& that's exactly what lead her here, sitting in a booth nearby the door as though simply anticipating for his arrival. Matt Murdock, Claire told her. The description seeming rather accurate when the small bell above the door rings and someone enter's in, polite smile rising on her face as she exits the booth momentarily.
"You're Matt, right? I'm Marie."
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benevolentgodloki · 9 months
"...promise you I am not associated with this Wilson Fisk," the new apparent client's voice trickles into range. "I recognise this is a rather absurd request, but if I wanted purely political spin I could do so myself. I've come to you for help, Mr Nelson. I heard you and your partner treat matters with integrity and you aren't afraid of high profile cases."
"High profile? I have no idea who you are! I mean, this is a - it's a - I don't think I've ever seen more physical cash in my life. Are you some new kinda British cartel? I don't know, sir, with all due respect, this looks like exactly the kind of thing we keep a distance from. I don't even know what you want."
"It's quite simple. I need a lawyer. I have done some regrettable things in this city and I'd like to work on making amends without getting into a legal tangle. I'd rather my people don't yet know I'm here, otherwise I would have sought out an embassy. I'm not even sure if there is an embassy for my kind yet."
"The British???"
"Heh. Perhaps I should enlighten you a little further, but I really should wait until your associate is here. Hello, Mr Murdock."
As the awaited man enters the office, the client presents to him the most innocent of smiles; a crisp black suit; equally black shoulder-length hair; bright eyes... all of which he presumes the new arrival has no means of perceiving. Nor does he expect anyone can hear the slower-paced Asgardian heart, beating steadily as he speaks with guile practised over a thousand years.
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"Shall I introduce myself?"
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crisispider · 3 months
♣ + spideydevil :)
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → @blindbastard + send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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✧˖° → WHO IS THE BETTER DANCER? Everyone knows Peter can't dance. It's just common knowledge, sure he will say that he can and he will give it his best WHITE GUY go of it but like at the end of the day if there is to be a better dancer it isn't Peter.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES THE OUTDOORS MORE AND WHO LIKES THE INDOORS MORE? See the thing is they are both new york boys, and like I would argue that they both like being outside in their city a fair and maybe equal amount, maybe Peter a little more than Matt if that's not exactly his full thing.
Now if we are talking full on camping/hiking/fishing/sports that sort of thing? See that's hard to say. Peter is very much a city boy he had no interest in any of that ans is very much an indoor boy.
✧˖° → WHO'S A CAT PERSON AND WHO'S A DOG PERSON? I feel like they are both definitely CAT BOYS, because like I mean... look at them. So clearly what I am hearing is that they need to adopt a kitten together.
✧˖° → WHO'S MORE SOCIAL? Mhmmm going off what I know of Matt (and I could be wrong so tell me if I am!) I would imagine that Peter is the more social one of the two of them. Peter loves making friends and is all about community when he isn't in a depression spiral.
✧˖° → WHO MAKES THE BED EVERY MORNING? Matt would have to do a whole lot of SWEET TALKING if he wants Peter to make any bed, he thinks it's the silliest thing in the world... buuuut sometimes you can convince him to do it.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE COLD AND WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE WARM? Peter struggles with temperature regulation to the point that it can even effect his mood, so he tries to keep it at a really comfortable temp a little chilly but not too chilly. He is occasionally a time to put up with Matt.
✧˖° → WHO TAKES LONGER GETTING READY? See the thing is they are both heroes and needing to be able to get in and out of costumes and lightening speed but Peter is also full of ADHD so when he isn't trying to race off to fight crime or avoid getting caught in his costume it takes him forever to get out the door and he is often late to pretty much everything even when it isn't because of superheroing.
Okay so here is the thing. Peter is just an all around movies person. He loves pretty much any genre of film too. He loves the adrenaline rush from a really good scary movie. (Or the giggle of all the outrageously bad ones.) He loves romances and comedies and dramas that make him cry. So it would all depend on if Matt happens to have a favorite genre that he prefers.
I mean... one of them kinda IS a bug. (yes we know that spiders are not bugs but shhhhhh) So I can't really imagine either one of them are the type to really scream about a bug in the house, and Peter tends to live a pretty big 'capture & release' policy for pretty much all living creatures.
See.. here is the thing, I would argue it's technically Matt, but only because Peter is a genius who literally builds his own web shooters and gear more often than he doesn't.
Have you met Peter B. Parker? Obviously it's him.
I would make an argument for either one of them, they both have a lot of unresolved trauma and need therapy. Nightmares happen. But I feel like they both have cute ways to help comfort the other when it happens.
Peter is the living embodiment of ADHD most days. It's obviously him, but it's never done on purpose, he is just... forgetful.
I would say... Matt? I don't know if I would say he LIKES it, but he is a lawyer and there is so much suit wearing happening on a daily basis, as to where Peter would like to actively avoid suits at all cost.
Matt. He does tie one every day after all, but Peter is desperately trying to learn to do it better so he can do it for Matt in the morning. ( I have a million and one headcanons about how helping your partner get dressed in the morning or for bed and having established domestic routines like that is just Peter's jam.)
It's both of them, because if Matt isn't involved the message is absolutely going to be the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Peter can't do anything at a CHILL level.
I would say... Peter. He is a hopeless romantic, and when he tries? Oooo that boy can be so smooth. (In an awkward dorky kind of way.) He loves, love. He loves being in love? and he loves Matt. This isin't to say he doesn't mess up, because we all know that he does. He misses important dates, and he is always late, but I think because both of them are superheros they would find this lovely little balance that could be so cute and sweet? Thing of the patrolling dates!
Peter. He has a lot nerdy shirts. Don't judge him.
Peter. Peter has such a fucking sweet tooth that sometimes you really should be treating him like a child.
It's hard to say, I wouldn't really classify either of them as really drinkers persay... but I do know that Peter is way more of a stoner and prefers a high to a drunk any day.
Again I say, have you met Peter Benjamin Parker? He finds ways to make jokes in literally EVERY situation. It's what he does.
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labwebs · 9 months
@blindbastard asked: "Can you hear me?" for mcu peter
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"Ow," was about all Peter could manage as the world slowly came back into focus from behind the lenses of his mask. Hissing in pain as he tried to sit up, he just about managed to get upright enough to sit with his back against a nearby wall but everything hurt. Cracked (if not broken) ribs, not able to flex his left hand quite right, and (he had to guess) a decent bump on the head. That was what he could tell right now, anyways.
"What-" he started, pausing to shift his weight just slightly so breathing didn't hurt quite so much. "What happened? I mean I remember a big explosion but um..." Resisting shaking his head lest the world start spinning again, he tried to think through the pain. "I don't- I can't- Is everyone else ok?"
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜
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Honestly, he hadn't thought he'd get to this point again. Happy-go-lucky Hawkeye didn't exactly have a love life go well and life be on the up-and-up. Second shots at love rarely went his way.
It had been a tough several months, especially after fleeing after everything had went down over his Ronin stunt. The slow crawl to repair things with Matthew, the apologies and patience. Forgiveness had finally happened, finally had been in reach. It came after a phone call that Matt had every right to ignore but he had been glad he hadn't. Clint, in the hosptial, after an accident in Ohio, drunk on his motorcycle. No one else had been hurt, he had simply been found crashed in a farmer's field, still hungover and taken in for his injuries.
That was when he had told himself he wasn't only cutting back, but quitting alcohol entirely. He had done that, it was a hard road and he had been so low, but with a few months finally sober and a few dates had with Matt? Life was getting good, he was finding his rhythm again. Finding Hawkeye and Clint again, and things with Matt? Falling back into place, resuming the pace they had before things got rough (clint's fault).
It's been a windy, long way to this. Today he had invited Matt to another formal and proper date. Dinner out. When they did eat out, Matt's been good about Clint's sobriety. He's pretty sure given how sensitive Matt's sense are, it's better for both of them (no more smelling like a bar after hours, no more tasting foul). Matt can have a drink as long as he freshens up (mints), drinks some water, doesn't kiss Clint until both are sure that he wouldn't be tasting the alcohol in his mouth.
Clint fights with himself over what he did to deserve this kind of patience, but he wasn't called Saint Matthew for nothing in his office. Something about his catholic faith, but maybe Clint was truly someone forgivable or that Matt did believe he could redeem himself, make amends. Believed him in (he hopes so, he needed that).
Dinner goes smooth, it's not a fancy place but it's affordable for Clint, and Matt's doesn't seem to mind. He laughs, he smiles, mostly he focuses on Matt's day first, small talk kind of things. Clint talks a bit about the things he is learning, the past few nights he has been at aa meetings and people he's meeting. Clint can't imagine for most couples it'd be the kind of stuff that'd make a date good, but Matt listens, and it's good for them. A nice date is had.
When dinner is finished, Clint asks if they'll go on a walk. He's got Matt on his arm the whole time, and conversation dies down at first until the other man points out that Clint's heart is racing. It was, it had been, as he let himself get lost in thought and the more things that he wanted to say, things to talk about.
It's racing for multiple reasons and one of them is honestly having Matt close. He's in love with the man, maybe more than he had been before, loving him better now too; and he never stopped having strong feelings. His heart beats fast because right now as they walk, as their arms are wrapped around the other, and Matt's leaning into him; he feels so happy.
That's what Matt is hearing among other thoughts making Clint this way. ❝ Well, you make it that way. ❞ He says simply, pausing in his steps to kiss Matt once against the cheek. They continue walking, but as Matt will hear, his heart still races. ❝ I should... I want to apologize to Foggy and Karen too... I- you and I didn't exactly get together at my best, and, I did take off on you; they were there, though, for you. ❞
Thank them and apologize for whatever state he left Matt in. That is part of his nerves tonight, he had been thinking about that since last night's meeting. A woman had been talking about how other people can be affected by the people you hurt. He realizes for him, that mean him hurting Matt, and how that affect Matt's best friends. That conversation, this decision, it was making him nervous and it's why he mentions it. For partly wanting Matt's thoughts on that, and it's Clint slowly crawling his way back into life as it had been before; but he's trying to be a better person.
❝ And I was thinking about getting back to... Hawkeye and heroics. ❞ That's a big thing, a lot of reasons to be nervous about. He had a lot of other superheroes to apologize to and the Avengers, if he ever had hopes of being considered for a team again.
Clint squeezes Matt's hand tight. And they've made it to the other man's place. They've been taking things slow, so he doesn't assume he was invited up even if in the past he would have. He goes to cup the other man's face, stroking his thumbs over his cheeks. ❝ I love you, that didn't change; that's definitely something to make my heart go pitter patter. ❞ Although maybe it had changed, but it was better. He meant it, he wasn't trying to run or escape.
❝ But uh, Matty, it's... you. ❞ making him nervous, heart race, but he hopes Matt hears the smile in his voice. He's the cause of his heart beating so fast right now in this moment as he leans forward to kiss him. Clint's learning a lot about being thankful, and he is thankful for Matt giving him another chance.
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1batch2batch · 2 months
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"Shit, beat up Billy. That's easy enough. Caress Karen, and revive Red. He needs it more often."
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inhcritance · 8 months
@blindbastard liked for a starter
"Mr. Murdock." Harry smiled, as the mutual acquaintance that had introduced them was immediately called to another conversation. Nothing too unusual, given how crowded the event was.
And Harry's was a charming enough smile, one he nevertheless didn't feel: what beat in his heart was far more caution and and curiosity.
"I've heard much about you." He added. "The press still likes talking about the Fisk cases."
Now, if only Harry's family fortune was any better than the Fisk empire had been, he might have genuinely admired the man. He did, anyway, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be as cautious as he was charming, playing the usual role of a harmless rich heir.
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localwebslingers · 3 months
♡ matt & tasm ofc
Matt was trying to ask Peter out first but he absolutely did not notice it right away. When it was actually asked, it was still Matt.
It was kind of mutual, Matt moved first but Peter met him for it.
Matt has a lot more pet names for Peter but they don't have many nicknames
They share the cooking when they actually cook and aren't so tired or battered that they can't be bothered with it. Matt tends to make breakfast but Peter usually makes dinner.
They both have different tastes in music, Peter tends to listen to his own privately though. It tends to be closer aligned with rock music with a few other genres mixed in and does not seem to be with Matt's tastes. He's perfectly happy letting Matt pick and he usually does.
They are constantly either nearly sleeping on top of each other or curled up together. There is no bed hogging.
Matt, and half the time he has to convince Peter to wake up too.
Matt in the mornings but Peter makes it a lot in the afternoons.
It depends, both have been the big and little spoon, and both are comfortable with that arrangement.
Both of their sleep schedules are in the trash and being taken to the locl landfill. One of the downsides to both being vigilantes, but at least they both know the other is probably awake to help with patchups after the fact.
They both reach for it a lot, but Matt also reaches for Peter's arm to be lead when they walk around outside. So by technicality, he reaches more.
Both of them. Foggy, Karen, and Aunt May all have had to watch them kiss and lean on each other on a regular basis.
Neither of them.
Matt does, Peter is more likely to be frustrated about something.
Matt did, and Peter will say yes every time he asks.
When Peter first took Matt up to the Empire State Building. All they did was sit there with a couple of snacks and be close together, but for that whole time, at least to Peter, it felt like everything quieted down and fell away for it to just be the two of them.
The guilt he made Matt feel long after Midland Circle by telling him exactly how bad it had been with him "dead" for over a year.
A little easier to have more time for each other. Not that they don't do everything they can to make time where they can, but not having to be interrupted by the Criminal of the Week or Fisk getting out of prison (AGAIN) would be nice.
Touch, patching each other up, making time, acts of service(especially bringing coffee/snacks to each other), and "they punched you I'm going to go ruin their week"
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wrathbit · 4 months
♡ :)
4.5 / 5 | ATTRACTION
3.5 / 5 | INTEREST
5 / 5 | LOYALTY
4.5 / 5 | TRUST
be advised, all categories are subject to change !
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nightmdic · 6 months
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I gotta ---- matt, bucky, loki
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"Oh gosh, I don't want to behead any of them."
a pause is stolen, brows furrowing in thought.
"I suppose if the third wasn't an option, i would just wed matt and bed the other two, but if so. . .wed bucky, bed matt, and behead loki - only because they've seemed to have returned from near death before, and with them being a godly being - i doubt i can just easily behead them."
@stclenrelic | @blindbastard | @sergeantbarnestm
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benevolentgodloki · 4 months
Flowers for you:💐once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
// I already did my 5 things so I'll just say thank youuuuu for naming me a favourite 🥺🥺🥺
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eideticspider · 9 months
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in matt's defense he doesn't watch ANY tv
“that’s not a dealbreaker matt—i promise”
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brooklynbred-a · 9 months
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"You know you can always call me ya know? I'll be there."
@blindbastard gets a one liner !
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localwebslingers · 1 month
♡ (for tasm ofc uwu)
●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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"As if my own husband is ever going to be getting anything other than the highest score across the board. I know that Matt's there for me, however I need him to be, and he knows I'm there for him the same way. Nothing is changing that, not what we do or who we go up against, or what happens in that time. There's a reason that I said yes, that I'm always going to say yes. Matt's everything to me, I love him more than I can say."
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