#[ 𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 . . . ] 💰 verse : titans rift.
bakshiis · 2 months
"as i got older i learned i'm a drinker. sometimes, a drink feels like family."
lyric starter ft. @oddsciences & bug like an angel by mitski.
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bakshiis · 1 month
🥚  to  egg  my  muse's  car. this but after they slept together LMLDSFJKSLDF
it's normal for me to kick someone out after sleeping with them. i have no interest in letting someone spend the night. this wasn't a relationship after all, it was a hook up. i had thought that nadine was fine with it, that everything was okay and i would be able to shower and go to sleep. but as i walk towards my closet to grab some clean pajama's, my eye catches the window that leads down towards my driveway. i pause for a moment and blink because there's no way i'm seeing this correctly. but sure enough, nadine is egging my fucking car.
"woah woah woah!" i'm not sure who i'm yelling at, there's no way they can hear me through this closed window. so i grab the undershirt i was wearing earlier, haphazardly tugging it on as i run out of my bedroom and down the stairs. i throw open my front door, running out into my driveway barefoot because i didn't have time to worry about that right now. they were throwing eggs at my tesla. "what the fuck are you doing!?" my voice cracks a little as i walk up to them, making a grab for the carton of eggs. did they bring those eggs with them? did they take them from my kitchen? "you're going to damage my car!"
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bakshiis · 2 months
we don't have to fight all the time. / david
i'm hunched over my desk, jaw clenched, squeezing my grip strengthener so hard that i think for a moment i might break it. today had been terrible to say the least. even if zack has been gone for hours now i steel feel like he's here, looming in a dark corner somewhere, spying on me and waiting for the right moment to strike. i was pissed and no one could seem to understand why. naturally, zack had been lovely, an absolute delight to have in the office. hell, he even got snoop dog to do a concert for the staff that they'd use in the game. he was important, and i was nothing.
i was trying desperately to get some work done now that zack was gone but i couldn't focus. david being in our shared office only made it worse. how could he have done this to me? betrayed me and colluded with my brother. i should have expected this, really, because of course this wouldn't end up working out for me. of course. zack had to ruin this as well. and yes, david and i weren't exactly official when it comes to the specifics of our relationship. just a little fling that could be so much more.
not anymore. not after today.
i had been short with david all day and it had only gotten worse since zack had left. instead of giving him proper answers i deflected his questions with bitter insults and sarcasm. it had gotten him to shut up at least, or so i thought. he was speaking again, saying that we don't have to fight all the time. now that's some comedy right there. i laugh, rolling my eyes as i slam my grip strengthener back onto my desk.
"no, we don't have to fight all the time. obviously." my fingers tap against the surface of my desk, eyes narrowing as i glare at david. if looks could kill, i'm sure this one would. david has seen me like this before, but not this bad. not this guarded. "you've got control over whether we fight all the time or not. you threw any chance of peaceful conversation away the second you let him walk through the front door." i can't even bring myself to say my brothers name, i feel like i might be sick if i do.
"you know what, david? go fuck yourself." i push myself up from my chair, moving towards the door of our office. i have to get out of here, i'm too upset. i can feel that tightness in the back of my throat, my eyes are burning. i'm too emotional. "i'm tired of talking to you, explaining myself to you. because i've learned even if i try, you won't listen."
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bakshiis · 2 months
"poppy! pop - tarts. how's it going?" i walk into her office, smile on my face, inviting myself in and taking a seat on one of the chairs. i don't let poppy answer my question, i silence her with a wave of my hand and continue speaking. "i really need to know where you are on the new avatar skins for battle royale. we need to get something to send over to montreal. so ... where are we with this project? you are working on this, right?"
starter call ft. @neveragcd ( poppy )
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bakshiis · 2 months
"have you ever thought about streaming for another company?" doesn't hurt to ask, after all. after loosing pootie shoe and then dana, we've needed to fill that hole. sure, there's plenty of people streaming mq casually, but having an exclusive streamer is beneficial. "have you ever played mythic quest before?"
starter call ft. @sondair ( sienna )
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bakshiis · 3 months
❛ think i like you. you remind me of something i'd see in the rogues' gallery. ❜
my brows raise at the comment, lips pursing together as i slowly nod my head. "thank you, i appreciate it." and i mean that. "i've been kind of going for a supervillain type of vibe. happy it plays that way." that's what it's all about, right? striking up a little bit of fear.
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bakshiis · 3 months
❝  Do not fuck with me. ❞ ( from ian mwah )
i don't even bother to hide the smirk on my face, giving a soft chuckle at ian's reaction. this was part of the reason why pushing his buttons was so fun, he always had a big reaction. brows raise and i raise my hands in faux surrender, palms facing him. "alright, alright. message recieved." words are teasing, belittling. i pause, head tilting to the side, eyes narrowing in his direction. i'm not done yet, i haven't had enough fun. "who knew you were so sensitive."
john mullaney prompts, @neveragcd, accepting!
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bakshiis · 1 month
why are you like this? were you not hugged as a child?
regardless of what people might say or think about me, i do not like getting angry. in a way, i'm ashamed of it. sharp words and low blows are something i resort to because i feel like it's what i need to do in the situation. i wasn't always like this. at one point in my life i was actually an awkward kid. a kid that wasn't ashamed to be a dork. a kid that actually showed a little bit of kindness. i wonder sometimes if basil remembers those times, remembers that version of me like i do. usually, i wonder about it in moments like these. where we're arguing about something so minuscule that both our ideas would make hardly a difference once the avatar skin dropped. it's no secret that i can sometimes be a little bit harsh in meetings. ever since basil had started working at mq, it had only gotten worse.
i don't remember exactly what i had said to make basil ask those questions. once the words had slipped out of his mouth my head went fuzzy. that anger i had grew then. how could he ask me such a thing? basil already knew the answer to his questions. my childhood is what brought me here, after all. the brad that i once was would have never made it far as i had, as far as zack did. i had become the person i had once hated in order to try and surpass him. i wonder if basil recognizes that, if that's why he had decided to make such a personal jab at me.
i'm silent for longer than i would like to me. it's like i'm stuck stiff sitting here, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists in my lap. i don't know what to say. there's this brief moment where i think about dropping the conversation all together, apologizing for everything that i had done to basil. how i had dropped of the face of the earth, cut all contact between the two of us. there's this guilt pooling in the bottom of my stomach and i feel sick. i don't like that feeling. so instead of focusing on it, i decide to do what has always propelled me further in the past.
i bite back.
"you know why i'm like this, basil." my tone is low, steady. for how angry i am my voice is shockingly calm. there's no use in shouting and throwing a fit. it's pathetic, weak. showing that your hurt will only lead to more hurt. instead i deliver my blows in a cool and calculated fashion. that hurts the other person more. and i want him to hurt, not me. "i wasn't hugged as a child. but you know that, don't you? in fact, you might know that better than anyone." after all, basil was one of the only people that dared to befriend me back then.
"y'know what, i've got a question of my own." my head tilts back, brow raising, smirk tugging at the corner of my lip. "why are you like this?" i pause then, moving to rest my elbows on the table, leaning further across the conference table. "were you not hugged as a child?" i pause, head tilting to the side. a small gasp passes my lips, like i've had a revelation. "wait ... i know the answer to that one! no, you weren't."
my face falls then, smirk disappearing from my face. "i know what you're doing. you're just as much of an actor as i am." i push arms off the table, leaning back in my chair as my arms rest on my chest, hands linking together. "we both are putting on this act to hide that part of ourselves. don't you dare try to bring up my past here. just because we were friends once upon a time doesn't make us friends now. you know nothing about me, not anymore. i've changed, rather you like it or not."
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bakshiis · 1 month
have you been flirting this whole time? / davi-
david rarely renders me speechless, but this is one of those moments. i had grabbed my drink, i was going to take a sip of it, but david's question made me freeze. have you been flirting this whole time? of course i had been flirting this whole time. well, not exactly the whole time i suppose. it had started about six months ago, when i had got up the courage to actually start flirting with david. when i had first started working at mythic quest i had developed a bit of a crush on the executive producer, why else would i have decided to share an office with him instead of getting my own? david was kind, patient, and it didn't help that i found him attractive. i'd hide my feelings with cold jabs and insults. eventually, the facade had gotten all too exhausting. it's honestly surprising to me that he hadn't picked up on it.
"of course i was david." i finally respond, taking a sip of my gin and tonic before placing it back down on the table. "could you honestly not tell?" i can't help but let out a small laugh, smile stretching across my face. david did this to me, made me smile and laugh. i had been nervous about this date, unsure of what exactly would come from it. i can feel those anxieties melting away as we have been talking. "i've been flirting with you for months, but i have had a little crush on you since my first day at mq." back when i wasn't even the head of monetization. not exactly great, to pine for your boss. sure, david is still my boss but ... it seems a bit different now. "it would't have been wise for me to flirt with you when i was just some grunt. and besides, you were still married."
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bakshiis · 2 months
YOINK ( from ian >:) )
i knew that ian was petty and immature. it would be difficult to work at mythic quest and not come to that conclusion. ian and i had this understanding that no matter what we said to each other during the work day there was still some level of respect ... or so i thought. i had been working late on a few reports i had to turn into montreal to ensure that battle royal was a success. working late had never really bothered me. after all, what else would i be doing with my evening? nothing of importance.
i had emerged from the monetization office a few moments ago to stretch my legs and refresh my cup of coffee. as i enter the kitchenette i notice that ian's office light is still on. pathetic, i bet he's still fussing over his failed expansion. i bring my focus back in, inserting a k cup into the coffee maker and wait for it to finish brewing. and within a blink of an eye my legs are leaving the fucking ground.
"what the fuck!?" the question slips past my lips followed by a yelp as i find myself in ian's arms. and he's running off with me. what an absolute piece of shit. my hand raises and curls into a fist, slamming down on ian's arms. "what the hell is wrong with you!? how old are you, twelve!? put me down ian!" again, i knew ian could be immature but this pathetic display was not something i had expected from him. what the fuck was he trying to do here, show me that he's strong? asshole.
send “YOINK” to pick up my muse and run away with them, @neveragcd, accepting!
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bakshiis · 2 months
[ELEVATOR]: sender and receiver are making out in an elevator / so-
this wasn't exactly the most rational thing for me to do. david and i weren't being very secretive about our relationship, but we were keeping it private at work. the last thing we need is for everyone to be in our fucking business about it. we're usually good at sticking to the keeping it casual guise at work, but today ... well. david had made that very difficult for me.
it really was the meeting that we had with poppy and ian. per usual, ian and poppy were at each others throats. i had tried my best to keep the meeting on track but it was no use. then, they had started picking on david. i had opened my mouth to quip back because it really did piss me off sometimes, how much they insulted the guy. but david had beat me to the punch. he had actually stood up for himself, shouted back at them, silenced them in one fell swoop and it was the hottest thing i had ever seen.
which is why the second the meeting was over, and the second we were in the elevator to go take our lunch break, my hands and lips were on david. this was reckless, that's for sure, because who knows when this elevator door would open, but i couldn't help myself. my lips pull apart from david's and i move to kiss down his jaw, down his neck. "you were so hot today, in the meeting." i mumble against his skin, giving a soft nip to his neck. "you really gave it to them, i'm so proud of you." because i am. david deserves to stand up for himself. "really unfair though, making me sit through that. look at what you've done to me, davey."
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bakshiis · 2 months
"was it… okay?" / david,,,,,is too anxious for thi-
i should have expected david to ask something like that, but i wasn't really expecting david to still be here in the morning. it's not that i didn't want him here, really. i'm just used to showing someone out almost immediately after we fuck. i don't do intimacy, do breakfast the morning after, that absolutely ridiculous pillow talk. the idea of doing all of that with david doesn't sound terrible, obviously, that's why he's still in my bed.
"okay?" i pause for a moment, humming softly before shifting onto my side, rolling over so i can get a better look at him. "no." i say dryly, raising my hand and resting it gently on david's forearm. i pause for a moment, smirk tugging at the corner of my lips as i rub circles with my thumb against his arm. "it was better than okay, pretty great actually." it had been, it had been really great. best sex i have had in a while. not really sure if that has to do with the act itself or the fact that it's david. "how about you? any feedback on last night?"
morning after prompts, @eclipsemuses, accepting!
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bakshiis · 3 months
"Brad. Hey, Brad." David furrowed his eyebrows, leaning over the conference table to meet Brad's eyes. "What's goin' on with you, man? You've been out of it all day. I really need ya with me before this presentation to Montreal, it's not like Ian's gonna come through for me, I need you." His eyes flicker down, before raising back up, meeting his eyes once more. "Hey-are you listening? What's got you all dazed?"
i think this might be the worst day of my life. i should have just called in today, i should have stayed home to lay in bed with my shame instead of carrying it to work. another downside about being at work is david. the stupid fucking sex dream, the one that i teased poppy about when she confessed having one about ian. this is some sick twisted revenge from the universe. i've been trying to avoid david all day, but it's impossible to do when we have a call with jacques and jean-luc. i'm sitting across the table from david, legs crossed, hand resting on my knee as my thumb anxiously drums against my leg. i can't look at him, because every time i do i'm reminded of the stupid fucking dream. or i notice how his eyes crinkle when he smiles or how blue his eyes are or -
fuck, he's talking to me.
my head tilts up, eyes meeting his as i draw in a deep breath to hold it together. as soon as the words i need you leave his mouth i feel my face flush, warmth in my cheeks only growing as he looks me up and down. "yes, david. i'm listening." words are short, there's a bite to my tone. this time it's not from anger, but from anxiety and distraction. all i can think of is his hands on my hips and his lips on my neck ... goddammit. "i'm ... i'm fine, not dazed. everything is a - okay." my hands lift and i rest my arms on the table, fingers linking together. i flash david the best smile i can muster right now. "just ... didn't sleep the best last night. but i promise i'm with you. i -" words get caught in my mouth and i clear my throat. "- i've got your back."
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bakshiis · 3 months
"i'm a bitch, i'm a boss."
lyric starter ft. @hidefire & boss bitch by doja cat.
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bakshiis · 3 months
❛  i’m so furious at you for making me feel this way.  ❜
brows knit together, head tilting to the side as i glance at him. "sorry, i'm not making you feel anything." i state firmly, arms moving to cross over my chest. my eyes catch his, narrowing. i'm not sure if i even believe that statement. i spend so much time and effort trying to control others actions with my words. "it's not like i have mind control powers or anything." i take a step forward, chin tilting up. "and how, exactly, am i making you feel?"
lyrics for unconventional ship dynamics, @beginagaiin, accepting!
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bakshiis · 3 months
tags no 2.
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