#[ A Rookie Kingsman: Takeshi ]
warsinmyhead · 2 years
takashi baked jimin a cake, from the looks of it, it was definitely homemade and left it on his desk before he went in hiding aka the gyms.
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The cake surprised him since he wasn't someone who made a big deal of his birthday at work. Hell, if anyone learned about his birthday, Jimin was curious to know how his colleague found out about it.
He studied the cake and shook his head, a smile forming across his face. The quartermaster exited his office and asked other personnel if they had seen Takeshi around.
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warsinmyhead · 2 years
ramble with takashi and jimin
x | meme status: accepting!
“Sir, did you know the quartermaster for Seoul was at the university I was at during initiation?” “Oh...oh yes Kumiho! He’s studying for his masters degree – eh sorry about that Kitsune, I probably forgot to mention that he wasn’t the target. But you figured it out eventually.”  Takeshi probably had a conversation with his quartermaster over the confusion after he was chosen to join the Tokyo branch of Kingsman. Albeit he left out the details of crawling under the table and being at eye level with the Seoul quartermaster’s lower half in a library. 
Similar to Briggs, Takeshi doesn’t get Jimin’s preferences when it comes to coffee and why he takes it black. How can someone stand a beverage that is so bitter? Eventually he concludes that one benefit about Jimin taking his coffee black is the fact that it is cheaper than the fancy drinks at coffee chains and often is considered an item that can be refilled for free or for a couple of cents. (Also less stressful to guess a fancy drink for the quartermaster and how much of each ingredient should go into it.)
“Why do you call him ‘Grandpa’?” Takeshi asked Amelie, AKA Agent Go.  “He’s not too hip on the trends and he doesn’t do a lot of stuff that’s normal for his age. I mean, the’s guy’s in his thirties and he acts more like he’s in his eighties, if you get me.” Nicknames aside, Takeshi understands Jimin not wanting to keep up with every trend. Plus clubbing is tiring and you can get unwarranted attention. Sometimes a hangover the day before a mission isn’t worth it.
Another time Takeshi did casually ask Amelie about Jimin and dating. He quickly had to clarify that he was just curious before she began to assume that he was an item with the quartermaster. (As he wasn’t as acquainted with Jimin at the time he inquired.) Amelie divulged that Jimin did cross paths with a former agent on loan to them, but due to age differences and the short term assignment for the agent, it never went very far beyond professional matters.  “You know, great question. I don’t think Grandpa’s taken. Maybe that’s what he needs – to get laid!” Amelie declares before taking a sip from her cup. “I dunno about Ji to be honest. I don’t think he’s not into girls but he kinda gives me vibes like maybe he’d see a guy too?”
Takeshi did get Jimin to take him around Korea once he was selected as the new agent for the Tokyo branch of Kingsman. Jimin took him to a couple of historical places like two of the well-known SK chicken places that claim to the be first that made the Korean fried chicken a thing so Takeshi could taste the difference and decide which was better for himself. Maybe he pointed out some of the entertainment buildings and warned the young man to be careful as the companies always had people out looking to scout new talent. 
Ironically one of the ladies working for an entertainment company tried to scout both young men during Takeshi’s visit. Jimin apologized to the woman and explained he was too old to become an idol and was going to his mandatory service soon. Takeshi explained he was simply visiting on vacation and could not commit to a big change at this time. 
“What do you mean you’re going for your service soon? Does that mean I won’t get to work with you for a while?” Takeshi asked in confusion.  “Actually no. It’s...hang on, let’s go back somewhere quiet so I can explain it,” Jimin sighed.  Jimin privately explains that Kingsmen in Seoul are permitted to treat their spy work as their mandatory service. They do tell friends and family they’re going to serve whatever faction of the armed forces of their choice and the company provides a cover for the friends and family members of the agent if they ask. In reality, the agents who need to do their service will temporarily move into the housing on site (if they choose an armed force profession instead of a conscripted officer) so it helps with the story. He will still work with Kingsman, but he will not been seen by outside friends and family until that time is up. (As he will be staying around his workplace more often to make them think he is away.)
At one point poor Takeshi was forced to handle a mission during a holiday, which meant missing time with friends and family. Jimin’s used to this happening, but he and some of the other agents try to cheer up Takeshi and make him feel better during the holiday. (Whether it’s getting a meal together or something as simple as a small toast of drinks of their choice back at headquarters.)
Dabs AKA Agent Oenun didn’t care for Takeshi after crashing into the Japanese agent in the hall. Takeshi did apologize, but due to the language barrier, Dabs misunderstood Takeshi and took a bit of a burn to him. He won’t be malicious toward Takeshi, but eventually Jimin does sit down Dabs to explain what happened. The youngest agent will apologize but he won’t get all buddy buddy with Takeshi. 
In one instance, Jimin had to jump in and help Takeshi and Amelie when the target’s personnel began to outnumber the pair in a mission. He was able to knock out a good number while the pair handled the rest. Granted, Jimin’s full outfit wasn’t bulletproof, and some of the items that weren’t got damaged in the fight. He suffered minor injuries and scrapes, but he was forced to shower and change at headquarters. Takeshi accidentally opened the curtain to Jimin’s stall when trying to find one for himself and might have seen the quartermaster full frontal. (RIP Takeshi’s eyes and brain processing the 7.5″ monster normally hiding in Jimin’s pants.) 
After that incident, Takeshi never speaks of it to anyone, not even Amelie. Albeit it has made him wonder how a not-so-tall guy like Jimin deals with the tuckjob every day. Maybe if Jimin saw it was Takeshi that pulled back the curtain, Takeshi would privately apologize for the mistake behind closed doors.
“By the way, Amelie is correct – I’m not seeing anyone, not that it’s her business,” Jimin once shared as he accepted Takeshi’s final report on a mission.  “What? Um...” “She’s not good at keeping her voice down – I did hear her talking to you,” Jimin sighed with a shrug. “I’d like it if you didn’t tell her this, but also I find that no one wants to deal with ahem, me as a whole, I guess you could say.”  “But you’re a good person Ji, I mean Kumiho,” Takeshi said.  “Ah that’s not what I meant, but I appreciate the kind words Kitsune.” 
“You know, if you two dated, it would be kind of funny in a good way, I mean, with the height difference, you know?” Amelie confessed. “Go, please stop pairing me off – Kitsune does not need to hear you pairing us off and making things uncomfortable,” Jimin warned her when she turned in her paperwork one night.  Unbeknownst to Jimin, Takeshi did overhear it and he was surprised to hear that his colleague thought of the two together. 
Amelie did see Takeshi when she left Jimin’s office after that exchange and explained herself to Takeshi.  “Listen Takeshi, if you don’t swing that way, I get it. But I don’t think Grandpa said no because he’s not interested. He’s just doubting himself.”
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warsinmyhead · 2 years
[Musing] Dance? Or Disaster
“Kumiho, thank you for agreeing to come in early,” Merlin said as he leaned back in his seat once the camera was in focus. He folded his hands on the long table in the conference room at the UK headquarters and peered at the camera showing him the conference room in the Seoul building. “Is Go on her way?”
Jimin’s eyes drifted to the door and sure enough, the blonde strode in with her usual piping hot cup of coffee in her left hand. She noticed Merlin on the screen and she greeted him politely before taking a seat at the conference table. 
“Sorry about that Kumiho and Merlin,” Amelie apologized. She raised her cup and explained that she did leave early, but didn’t account for the cafe near the shop to have some difficult tourist customers holding up the line. “I’ll maybe stick to the cafe by my place.”
“Ah we were just starting Go,” Merlin replied. He fixed his glasses and used the remote in his conference room to pull up the information on the international mission. “Now seeing as all of the branches are short-staffed due to V Day and some recent injuries, I’ve communicated with our partners in Japan to loan you one of their recent recruits to assist on this mission. He should be arriving shortly. Go, both you and Agent Kitsune will be paired up as dance partners for an international ballroom dance competition. Kumiho, you are to be their eyes and ears from a distance. The target in question is one of the judges – we believe she may be the victim of an assassination attempt.” 
Amelie tried to hide her wince behind her coffee cup and Kumiho forced himself to not laugh. The former was not a fan of any type of dancing and there was no way that she could learn the complicated routines in a couple of hours. Why was she chosen? Off the top of his head, Jimin recalled that Amelia from the German I.T. department had a better knowledge of ballroom dancing and he seemed to think that maybe Roxy had some experience too?
“I’m guessing there’s going to be some guides to help the pair pull off the illusion that they can dance?” Kumiho guessed. “We would have to be careful to avoid possible disqualification if the judges check.”
Merlin changed the screen to reflect a presentation of two different shoes – a man’s dance dress shoe and a lady’s dance heel. “I’ve programed the shoes with a few routines and they will sync up with the motions of the wearer. I’d advise Go and Kitsune to wear the shoes for at least an hour so they can properly sync to your movements.”
The pair snapped their attention to the door when they heard the male voice shout the warning in the hallway. Amelie strained her ears to figure out who the speaker was and Jimin excused himself to check what was going on.
“Excuse me, we’re in a briefing meeting,” Jimin stated as he looked out into the hall. He first spotted Da-bin, their newest agent, on the floor with his skateboard nearby. Then the quartermaster saw a familiar guy opposite Da-bin who was trying to resume a standing position as quickly as possible. 
Da-bin made a face and pointed to Takeshi in annoyance. “Kumiho, he ran into me while I was trying to get to the training center for warm-up exercises. I told him to watch out, but that didn’t work.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said,” Takeshi apologized as he tried to offer a hand to Da-bin. 
The younger agent rolled his eyes and dusted himself off, ignoring the older male’s help. He retrieved his skateboard and mumbled that he was going to train now. 
Jimin held the door open for Takeshi and gestured for him to enter the meeting room. “Merlin said you were on loan to us for a mission. Not sure how much info you got before you arrived.” 
“The basics I guess,” Takeshi shared. He greeted Merlin and took an empty seat opposite Amelie. 
“Good to see you Kitsune,” Merlin noted. “I’ll send over the rest of the mission information to Kumiho shortly. The competition is at 8 AM in Canada tomorrow morning, which means you need to get a move on now.” The UK quartermaster signed off and Jimin checked his tablet which flashed an alert saying that he received the mission from Merlin. 
“Takeshi, this is Amelie, otherwise known as Agent Go,” Jimin said as he introduced the pair. “Amelie, this is Agent Kitsune from our Japanese branch. I hope you two have brushed up on your acting skills, because this mission is going to require both of you to pretend that you’re long-time dance partners.” 
Amelie shook the other male’s hand and added that she was definitely going to rely on the shoes Merlin designed for both of them. “Guess I shouldn’t have turned my nose up at those dance lessons Umma wanted me to take,” she sighed. 
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