#[ ABOUT ] Eli Stomweld
dragonsfell · 7 months
ages and lifespan.
YASSARRA // current age: 87 // yuan ti hatch from eggs and reach adulthood by age of 12 and can live upward to 120 years.
ELI STOMWELD // current age: 217 // Eli was once a half-elf, which matured the same as humans but had a life expectancy of upwards to 180 years. Aasimar can have a life expectancy, but Eli has been chosen by celestial beings to live indefinitely and even be reincarnated as he is if killed
CORA'KESH // current age: 39 // Kalashtar mature the same as humans and half elves with a life expectancy of 80 to 100 years, but some kalahstar have been known as long as 120.
SHADOWHEART // current age: 48 // Half elves mature at a similar rate as humans, but have a longer life expectancy of upwards to 180 years.
LAE'ZEL // current age: 24 // Githyanki hatch from eggs and reach adulthood by the age of 20, and have life expectancy of 150
WYLL RAVENGARD // current age: 25 // Humans have a life expectancy around 80 years
JAHEIRA // current age: 153 // Half elves have a life expectancy around 180 years
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dragonsfell · 7 months
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all shipping I do is preferred to have been plotted/discussed before hand and chemistry based, usually open discussion to after we write a little, some what pre-established friendly but only after we've already been writing/plotting together (hence why i tend not to reblog shippy memes or send any off the bat)
YASSARRA | Cis-woman, she/her | Lesbian | alloromantic | Non-shippable, her established canon will always be her npc wife I write who is Audrey (half sun elf bard); she is very in love with her wife and they have a grown son together
ELI STOMWELD | Trans man, he/they | bi/pan-sexual | alloromantic | Shippable, who doesn't want to kiss sad angel boys who will leave you cause divine duty
CORA'KESH | Nonbinary, fluid, they/them, occasional she/he | asexual | bi/pan alloromantic | Shippable, slow and sweet and soft
WYLL RAVENGARD | Cis-man, he/him | bi/pan-sexual | alloromantic | Shippable, i will give wyll more and better content than what he has :) more kisses for wyll please
SHADOWHEART | Cis-woman, she/her | bi/pan-sexual | grey/demi aromantic | Shippable, romantic interest is not something that comes to Shadowheart, act one she establishes she's adverse to long term romantic relationships / prefers sexual dalliances
LAE'ZEL | Cis-woman, she/her | bi/pan-sexual | grey/demi aromantic | Shippable, Lae'zel is very much "i'll fuck around a lot" but doesn't experience romantic attraction; doesn't mean she isn't very loyal to fault and can commit to one persson
JAHEIRA | Cis-woman, she/her | bi/pan-sexual | alloromantic | Non-shippable, for Jaheira, after Khalid's death; it took her awhile to move on, and she probably has had short termed dalliances; but a relationship, romance/love isn't something she seeks out or wants, nor will get into. she had one great love, and she'll always have had only the one husband.
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dragonsfell · 8 months
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ELI STOMWELD / Aasimar Monk of the Radiant Dragon / Featured in a completed Curse of Strahd / reached level 14 by end of CoS
Born to a family of half-wood elves in Waterdeep, whatever Eli had wanted in life was dashed out by the age of three when a DEVA visited the household. The deva had came from the Celestial Plane with orders from the god, Tyr, that Eli would be meant for great things. Touched to his forehead, the DEVA bestowed upon Eli great power. The child's eyes turned a glowing gold and his dark brown hair turned to pinks. As he grew, his ears changed from elven ears to feathered wings. By the age of 10, he was tasked with learning all that he could to become a great hero. People regarded him as one chosen by the gods. Eli hated this for his life had become anything but normal. Every day was learning what it meant to be good, and he was, and how to fight; being told he would be meant to be a hero.
Such a time would happen, when the Deva, who had always kept a watchful eye over Eli came to him. He told him that a great shadow was growing and should it would creep out of its dark places. This was how Eli had gotten to Barovia, on mission from his Deva, where he would make three others who had mysterious found themselves in Barovia. It was during a dire situation during the festival in Vallaki, when the party was losing, that another celestial gift bore upon Eli. A bright light flashed through the center of town square that stunned everyone in the vicinity. That bright light was Eli himself; glowing from within and out, as massive pink wings grew from him back (painfully) and he managed to sweep the party away while the Baroness was stunned.
With wings now permanently and already torn down by how depressing and in need of hope, Barovia was (it needed good people, a hero); he was only further torn by how much further down the chosen one path he was set upon. This only furthers his spiral when he starts to see in reflections of water, his Deva cloaked in shadow and chains and upon seeing this reflection, Eli would be met with the pleas of thousands begging for a chosen hero.
While all that they went through, his traveling companions grew stronger and changed, gave into some of the darker decisions to be made; their spirits were unbroken even after the first encounter with Strahd and his brides. Eli did not; because at every turn, destiny and purpose called him. It was Eli who ultimately dealt the final blow to Strahd, lifted the curse along with his companions. Eli was rewarded for this; his wounds and all scars he received are healed away, as if they never happened, and the next time that Eli would wound himself; his blood runs gold and his Deva comes to him, and tells him he has been further divined, bestowed the gift of immortality and chosen champion of gods; to fly to the darkest places forever and bring good and light.
It is not what Eli wanted; but now he is a wandering aasimar, trying to understand what will life be for him now; knowing he'll long out live everyone. that he must do good; not because he is good and choses, but because he was chosen. that was made celestial himself.
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dragonsfell · 7 months
my other dnd OCs / past PCs I plan to do a proper BG3 involvement, but in general
Yassarra -> act 3 findable only
Eli -> potentially act 2
Corakesh -> possibly act 1
CK is unique in that I am maintaining ebereon as planet (like toril) exists in the astral plane and mix in some spell jammer stuff, and the kalashtar are like the gith in the sense of coming from elsewhere, so she'd be a major foreigner to faerun and toril, and many things are not the same as eberron is steampunk-ish/industrial in setting
So like she'd know and be quite familiar with gith and lae'zel would probably recognize a kalashtar and think it quite odd for one to cross the astral sea considering their connections to dal quor and connection got quori which I think would be a very interesting experience for tadpole infected individuals to meet and be like why the fuck can I connect when there is no tadpole and that's just how psionic individuals, also individuals be so intertwine because the emperor would probably freak out cause dreams and sleep are different for kalashtar, and the idea of corakesh and kesh being able to interact with the tadpole people's dreams and.give you a heads up about the emperor could be fun canon divergence/au ideas to play with
Eli, my idea is that he may possibly know aylin, and be an ally of aylin's that she can like call forth cause aasimar knowing each other is fun to me
Yassarra pretty much only makes senses for her to be in act 3, in Baldur's Gate, due to her status as one of the seven merchant princes from Port Nyanzaru which marketplaces would put Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate (the whole of swords coast) to shame and her plot/story I have for her is that she's attempting to bring further order and good to her home. And was there on Harper business (she's a secret harper) but you know finds out about the doppelgangers and the idea of her and Jaheira knowing each other, and being the two mature women, who are all sass and secrets; but Yassarra would be able to lend aid and also have unique interactions due to her deity having interactions with dreams as well, being a literal serpent that feeds on fear and causes nightmares
Anyways, hello to the five of you that follow me, my hyperfixation on high fantasy and dnd/bg3 is real. Thank you for following, hope to write with you, and that my ocs interest you as much as my canons. I'm also all here for any of your plots and give your babes the mega power juice if you want.
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dragonsfell · 7 months
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Thinking about the sadness that is post CoS campaign Eli; like he goes home with the party (Katya [human sorcerer/died in campaign, mother to Charlize], Charlize [human bard], Princess Briar [human cleric], and Alana [air genasi ranger]) and where I have that set for him in terms of writing him as a character here is so sad, like okay in BG3 when he appears technically be higher level than Aylin but he'd be similar to the sense of like Aylin in power.
But like /the people he started adventuring with/ are gone. Dead. Sure he checks in eith their families, knows Briar and Charlize and Alana's grandchildren.
And that's just on being of an extended life span / immortal (killable) and so Eli coming across the tadpole party; and just seeing groups of unlikely people forging an alliance together and it'd get to him.
But the think like is Katya, Charlize, and Briar knew each other before Barovia adventure; and they had known Alana in passing. Eli was only connected via coming from Waterdeerp.
Eli still reads as young adult, even when in terms he's be closer to Jaheira and Halsin in terms of age; and that's simply how he copes with time is trying to remain unchanging.
Very unrelated note, is just yes, his wings and ears do flap, ruffle, and emote in reaction to his mood and feelings and he does not know hot hide it (motherfucker failing all his charisma checks when we were playing thus campaign cause the dm said that Eli controlling his ears/wings when emotions is either deception or perofmance check)
Anyways back to post. He does miss them, and every decade gets harder to visit their families but he will continue, attachment issues, cause they don't really know him. And he fears when the story comes from "my family knows eli" to "my family knows a deva"
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dragonsfell · 8 months
“ everyone wants to be heard and so few are listening.” - For Eli, Will or Jaheira? (From DnD-verse Harry)
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His ears, the first set of wings he bore, react to the soften voice of the companion he finds with him. In the span of long his life will be, for what can kill an immortal truly but only a god; he's fought against the path laid bare for him.
HE'S AN ANGEL NOW, a true being of light and his ears flap as the young half elven man makes an observation of the raised voices in the city square. An all too familiar sight to Eli, and the how the names of his companions past begin to escape him; he sees the unrest in people from city to city. People who need a hero, who look upon his feathery visage and beg the celestial in him to do something; save them or bless them.
Both set of wings start to fold to his form, humming at first in agreement. A grimness unbecoming of his soft form, of the gentleness that pink colors his form, slips from hi lips to mumble, ❝ Even GODS hardly listen ⸻ ❞ If the deva who divined him is to be believe, than he knows that Tyr had not been listening when he had begged to be normal again.
Eli seeks out adventurers, seeks out companions to make the spans of time less lonely; that's how he had come to meet Harry. Eli likes helping people, that's always been his person. ❝ They may not look like it, but my ears are listening. They always are. ❞ His winged ears give a little wiggle and a flap. A part of him will always fight against being chosen, but he can't turn away a troubled soul; haunted by the screams of a thousand begging souls when he looks puddles still. HE HAS TO HELP.
❝ Something troubling you or is the sound of civil unrest so deafening? ❞
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